.. Modifications Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. .. Licensed under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Monitoring & Management ----------------------- This section addresses data collection and event processing functionality that is directly dependent on the interfaces provided by the VNFs' APIs. These can be in the form of asynchronous interfaces for event, fault notifications, and autonomous data streams. They can also be synchronous interfaces for on-demand requests to retrieve various performance, usage, and other event information. The target direction for VNF interfaces is to employ APIs that are implemented utilizing standardized messaging and modeling protocols over standardized transports. Migrating to a virtualized environment presents a tremendous opportunity to eliminate the need for proprietary interfaces for VNF provider equipment while removing the traditional boundaries between Network Management Systems and Element Management Systems. Additionally, VNFs provide the ability to instrument the networking applications by creating event records to test and monitor end-to-end data flow through the network, similar to what physical or virtual probes provide without the need to insert probes at various points in the network. The VNF providers must be able to provide the aforementioned set of required data directly to the ONAP collection layer using standardized interfaces. Data Model for Event Records ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section describes the data model for the collection of telemetry data from VNFs by Service Providers (SPs) to manage VNF health and runtime lifecycle. This data model is referred to as the VNF Event Streaming (VES) specifications. While this document is focused on specifying some of the records from the ONAP perspective, there may be other external bodies using the same framework to specify additional records. For example, OPNFV has a VES project that is looking to specify records for OpenStack's internal telemetry to manage Application (VNFs), physical and virtual infrastructure (compute, storage, network devices), and virtual infrastructure managers (cloud controllers, SDN controllers). Note that any configurable parameters for these data records (e.g., frequency, granularity, policy-based configuration) will be managed using the “Configuration” framework described in the prior sections of this document. The Data Model consists of: - Common Header Record: This data structure precedes each of the Technology Independent and Technology Specific records sections of the data model. - Technology Independent Records: This version of the document specifies the model for Fault, Heartbeat, State Change, Syslog, Threshold Crossing Alerts, and VNF Scaling* (short for measurementForVfScalingFields – actual name used in JSON specification) records. In the future, these may be extended to support other types of technology independent records. Each of these records allows additional fields (name/ value pairs) for extensibility. The VNF provider can use these VNF Provider-specific additional fields to provide additional information that may be relevant to the managing systems. - Technology Specific Records: This version of the document specifies the model for Mobile Flow records, Signaling and Voice Quality records. In the future, these may be extended to support other types of records (e.g. Network Fabric, Security records, etc.). Each of these records allows additional fields (name/value pairs) for extensibility. The VNF providers can use these VNF-specific additional fields to provide additional information that may be relevant to the managing systems. A placeholder for additional technology specific areas of interest to be defined in the future documents has been depicted. |image0| Figure 1. Data Model for Event Records Event Records - Data Structure Description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The data structure for event records consists of: - a Common Event Header block; - zero or more technology independent domain blocks; and - e.g., Fault domain, State Change domain, Syslog domain, etc. - zero or more technology specific domain blocks. - e.g., Mobile Flow domain, Signaling domain, Voice Quality domain, etc. Common Event Header ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The common header that precedes any of the domain-specific records contains information identifying the type of record to follow, information about the sender and other identifying characteristics related to timestamp, sequence number, etc. Technology Independent Records – Fault Fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Fault Record, describing a condition in the Fault domain, contains information about the fault such as the entity under fault, the severity, resulting status, etc. Technology Independent Records – Heartbeat Fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Heartbeat Record provides an optional structure for communicating information about heartbeat or watchdog signaling events. It can contain information about service intervals, status information etc. as required by the heartbeat implementation. Note: Heartbeat records would only have the Common Event Header block. An optional heartbeat domain is available if required by the heartbeat implementation. Technology Independent Records – State Change Fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The State Change Record provides a structure for communicating information about data flow through the VNF. It can contain information about state change related to physical device that is reported by VNF. As an example, when cards or port name of the entity that has changed state. Technology Independent Records – Syslog Fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Syslog Record provides a structure for communicating any type of information that may be logged by the VNF. It can contain information about system internal events, status, errors, etc. Technology Independent Records – Threshold Crossing Alert Fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) Record provides a structure for communicating information about threshold crossing alerts. It can contain alert definitions and types, actions, events, timestamps and physical or logical details. Technology Independent Records - VNF Scaling Fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The VNF Scaling\* (short for measurementForVfScalingFields – actual name used in JSON specification) Record contains information about VNF and VNF resource structure and its condition to help in the management of the resources for purposes of elastic scaling. Technology Independent Records – otherFields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The otherFields Record defines fields for events belonging to the otherFields domain of the Technology Independent domain enumeration. This record provides a mechanism to convey a complex set of fields (possibly nested or opaque) and is purely intended to address miscellaneous needs such as addressing time-to-market considerations or other proof-of-concept evaluations. Hence, use of this record type is discouraged and should be minimized. Technology Specific Records – Mobile Flow Fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Mobile Flow Record provides a structure for communicating information about data flow through the VNF. It can contain information about connectivity and data flows between serving elements for mobile service, such as between LTE reference points, etc. Technology Specific Records – Signaling Fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Signaling Record provides a structure for communicating information about signaling messages, parameters and signaling state. It can contain information about data flows for signaling and controlling multimedia communication sessions such as voice and video calls. Technology Specific Records – Voice Quality Fields ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Voice Quality Record provides a structure for communicating information about voice quality statistics including media connection information, such as transmitted octet and packet counts, packet loss, packet delay variation, round-trip delay, QoS parameters and codec selection. Technology Specific Records – Future Domains ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The futureDomains Record is a placeholder for additional technology specific areas of interest that will be defined and described in the future documents. Data Structure Specification of the Event Record ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For additional information on the event record formats of the data structures mentioned above, please refer to `VES Event Listener `__. Transports and Protocols Supporting Resource Interfaces ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Delivery of data from VNFs to ONAP must use the common transport mechanisms and protocols for all VNFs as defined in this document. Transport mechanisms and protocols have been selected to enable both high volume and moderate volume datasets, as well as asynchronous and synchronous communications over secure connections. The specified encoding provides self-documenting content, so data fields can be changed as needs evolve, while minimizing changes to data delivery. The term 'Event Record' is used throughout this document to represent various forms of telemetry or instrumentation made available by the VNF including, faults, status events, various other types of VNF measurements and logs. Headers received by themselves must be used as heartbeat indicators. Common structures and delivery protocols for other types of data will be given in future versions of this document as we get more insight into data volumes and required processing. In the following sections, we provide options for encoding, serialization and data delivery. Agreements between Service Providers and VNF providers shall determine which encoding, serialization and delivery method to use for particular data sets. The selected methods must be agreed to prior to the on-boarding of the VNF into ONAP design studio. VNF Telemetry using VES/JSON Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The preferred model for data delivery from a VNF to ONAP DCAE is the JSON driven model as depicted in Figure 2. |image1| Figure 2. VES/JSON Driven Model VNF providers will provide a YAML artifact to the Service Provider that describes: * standard VES/JSON model information elements (key/values) that the VNF provides * any additional non-standard (custom) VES/JSON model information elements (key/values) that the VNF provides Using the semantics and syntax supported by YAML, VNF providers will indicate specific conditions that may arise, and recommend actions that should be taken at specific thresholds, or if specific conditions repeat within a specified time interval. Based on the VNF provider's recommendations, the Service Provider may create additional YAML artifacts (using ONAP design Studio), which finalizes Service Provider engineering rules for the processing of the VNF events. The Service Provider may alter the threshold levels recommended by the VNF providor, and may modify and more clearly specify actions that should be taken when specified conditions arise. The Service Provider-created version of the YAML artifact will be distributed to ONAP applications by the Design framework. VNF Telemetry using YANG Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition to the JSON driven model described above, a YANG driven model can also be supported, as depicted in Figure 3. |image2| Figure 3. YANG Driven Model VNF providers will provide to the Service Provider the following YANG model artifacts: * common IETF YANG modules that support the VNF * native (VNF provider-supplied) YANG modules that support the VNF * open (OpenConfig) YANG modules and the following configuration-related information, including: * telemetry configuration and operational state data; such as: * sensor paths * subscription bindings * path destinations * delivery frequency * transport mechanisms * data encodings * a YAML artifact that provides all necessary mapping relationships between YANG model data types to VES/JSON information elements * YANG helper or decoder functions that automate the conversion between YANG model data types to VES/JSON information elements * OPTIONAL: YANG Telemetry modules in JSON format per RFC 7951 Using the semantics and syntax supported by YANG, VNF providers will indicate specific conditions that may arise, and recommend actions that should be taken at specific thresholds, or if specific conditions repeat within a specified time interval. Based on the VNF provider's recommendations, the Service Provider may create additional YAML artifacts (using ONAP design Studio), which finalizes Service Provider engineering rules for the processing of the VNF events. The Service Provider may alter the threshold levels recommended by the VNF provider, and may modify and more clearly specify actions that should be taken when specified conditions arise. The Service Provided-created version of the YAML will be distributed to ONAP applications by the Design framework. Note: While supporting the YANG model described above, we are still leveraging the VES JSON based model in DCAE. The purpose of the diagram above is to illustrate the concept only and not to imply a specific implementation. VNF Telemetry using Google Protocol Buffers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition to the data delivery models described above, support for delivery of VNF telemetry using Google Protocol Buffers (GPB) can also be supported, as depicted in Figure 4. VNF providers will provide to the Service Provider the additional following artifacts to support the delivery of VNF telemetry to DCAE via the open-source gRPC mechanism using Google's Protocol Buffers: * the YANG model artifacts described in support of the "VNF Telemetry using YANG Model" * valid definition file(s) for all GPB / KV-GPB encoded messages * valid definition file(s) for all gRPC services * gRPC method parameters and return types specified as Protocol Buffers messages |image3| Figure 4. Protocol Buffers Driven Model Note: if Google Protocol Buffers are employed for delivery of VNF telemetry, Key-Value Google Protocol Buffers (KV-GPB) is the preferred serialization method. Details of specifications and versioning corresponding to a release can be found at: `VES Event Listener `__. Note: While supporting the VNF telemetry delivery approach described above, we are still leveraging the VES JSON based model in DCAE. The purpose of the diagram above is to illustrate the concept only and not to imply a specific implementation. Monitoring & Management Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VNF telemetry via standardized interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-51910 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** provide all telemetry (e.g., fault event records, syslog records, performance records etc.) to ONAP using the model, format and mechanisms described in this section. Encoding and Serialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Content delivered from VNFs to ONAP is to be encoded and serialized using JSON: JSON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-19624 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** encode and serialize content delivered to ONAP using JSON (RFC 7159) plain text format. High-volume data is to be encoded and serialized using `Avro `_, where the Avro [#7.4.1]_ data format are described using JSON. Note: - JSON plain text format is preferred for moderate volume data sets (option 1), as JSON has the advantage of having well-understood simple processing and being human-readable without additional decoding. Examples of moderate volume data sets include the fault alarms and performance alerts, heartbeat messages, measurements used for xNF scaling and syslogs. - Binary format using Avro is preferred for high volume data sets (option 2) such as mobility flow measurements and other high-volume streaming events (such as mobility signaling events or SIP signaling) or bulk data, as this will significantly reduce the volume of data to be transmitted. As of the date of this document, all events are reported using plain text JSON and REST. - Avro content is self-documented, using a JSON schema. The JSON schema is delivered along with the data content (http://avro.apache.org/docs/current/ ). This means the presence and position of data fields can be recognized automatically, as well as the data format, definition and other attributes. Avro content can be serialized as JSON tagged text or as binary. In binary format, the JSON schema is included as a separate data block, so the content is not tagged, further compressing the volume. For streaming data, Avro will read the schema when the stream is established and apply the schema to the received content. In addition to the preferred method (JSON), content can be delivered from xNFs to ONAP can be encoded and serialized using Google Protocol Buffers (GPB). KV-GPB/GPB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Telemetry data delivered using Google Protocol Buffers v3 (proto3) can be serialized in one of the following methods: * Key-value Google Protocol Buffers (KV-GPB) is also known as self-describing GPB: * keys are strings that correspond to the path of the system resources for the VNF being monitored. * values correspond to integers or strings that identify the operational state of the VNF resource, such a statistics counters and the state of a VNF resource. * VNF providers must supply valid KV-GPB definition file(s) to allow for the decoding of all KV-GPB encoded telemetry messages. * Native Google Protocol Buffers (GPB) is also known as compact GPB: * keys are represented as integers pointing to the system resources for the VNF being monitored. * values correspond to integers or strings that identify the operational state of the VNF resource, such a statistics counters and the state of a VNF resource. * Google Protocol Buffers (GPB) requires metadata in the form of .proto files. VNF providers must supply the necessary GPB .proto files such that GPB telemetry messages can be encoded and decoded. * In the future, we may consider support for other types of encoding & serialization methods based on industry demand. Reporting Frequency ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-98191 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** vary the frequency that asynchronous data is delivered based on the content and how data may be aggregated or grouped together. Note: - For example, alarms and alerts are expected to be delivered as soon as they appear. In contrast, other content, such as performance measurements, KPIs or reported network signaling may have various ways of packaging and delivering content. Some content should be streamed immediately; or content may be monitored over a time interval, then packaged as collection of records and delivered as block; or data may be collected until a package of a certain size has been collected; or content may be summarized statistically over a time interval, or computed as a KPI, with the summary or KPI being delivered. - We expect the reporting frequency to be configurable depending on the virtual network functions needs for management. For example, Service Provider may choose to vary the frequency of collection between normal and trouble-shooting scenarios. - Decisions about the frequency of data reporting will affect the size of delivered data sets, recommended delivery method, and how the data will be interpreted by ONAP. These considerations should not affect deserialization and decoding of the data, which will be guided by the accompanying JSON schema or GPB definition files. Addressing and Delivery Protocol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP destinations can be addressed by URLs for RESTful data PUT. Future data sets may also be addressed by host name and port number for TCP streaming, or by host name and landing zone directory for SFTP transfer of bulk files. .. req:: :id: R-88482 :target: XNF :keyword: SHOULD The xNF **SHOULD** use REST using HTTPS delivery of plain text JSON for moderate sized asynchronous data sets, and for high volume data sets when feasible. .. req:: :id: R-84879 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** have the capability of maintaining a primary and backup DNS name (URL) for connecting to ONAP collectors, with the ability to switch between addresses based on conditions defined by policy such as time-outs, and buffering to store messages until they can be delivered. At its discretion, the service provider may choose to populate only one collector address for a xNF. In this case, the network will promptly resolve connectivity problems caused by a collector or network failure transparently to the xNF. .. req:: :id: R-81777 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** be configured with initial address(es) to use at deployment time. Subsequently, address(es) may be changed through ONAP-defined policies delivered from ONAP to the xNF using PUTs to a RESTful API, in the same manner that other controls over data reporting will be controlled by policy. .. req:: :id: R-08312 :target: XNF :keyword: MAY The xNF **MAY** use another option which is expected to include REST delivery of binary encoded data sets. .. req:: :id: R-79412 :target: XNF :keyword: MAY The xNF **MAY** use another option which is expected to include TCP for high volume streaming asynchronous data sets and for other high volume data sets. TCP delivery can be used for either JSON or binary encoded data sets. .. req:: :id: R-01033 :target: XNF :keyword: MAY The xNF **MAY** use another option which is expected to include SFTP for asynchronous bulk files, such as bulk files that contain large volumes of data collected over a long time interval or data collected across many xNFs. (Preferred is to reorganize the data into more frequent or more focused data sets, and deliver these by REST or TCP as appropriate.) .. req:: :id: R-63229 :target: XNF :keyword: MAY The xNF **MAY** use another option which is expected to include REST for synchronous data, using RESTCONF (e.g., for xNF state polling). .. req:: :id: R-03070 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST**, by ONAP Policy, provide the ONAP addresses as data destinations for each xNF, and may be changed by Policy while the xNF is in operation. We expect the xNF to be capable of redirecting traffic to changed destinations with no loss of data, for example from one REST URL to another, or from one TCP host and port to another. Asynchronous and Synchronous Data Delivery ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-06924 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** deliver asynchronous data as data becomes available, or according to the configured frequency. .. req:: :id: R-73285 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** must encode, address and deliver the data as described in the previous paragraphs. .. req:: :id: R-42140 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** respond to data requests from ONAP as soon as those requests are received, as a synchronous response. .. req:: :id: R-34660 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** use the RESTCONF/NETCONF framework used by the ONAP configuration subsystem for synchronous communication. .. req:: :id: R-86586 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** use the YANG configuration models and RESTCONF [RFC8040] (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8040). .. req:: :id: R-11240 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** respond with content encoded in JSON, as described in the RESTCONF specification. This way the encoding of a synchronous communication will be consistent with Avro. .. req:: :id: R-70266 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** respond to an ONAP request to deliver the current data for any of the record types defined in `Event Records - Data Structure Description`_ by returning the requested record, populated with the current field values. (Currently the defined record types include fault fields, mobile flow fields, measurements for xNF scaling fields, and syslog fields. Other record types will be added in the future as they become standardized and are made available.) .. req:: :id: R-46290 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** respond to an ONAP request to deliver granular data on device or subsystem status or performance, referencing the YANG configuration model for the xNF by returning the requested data elements. .. req:: :id: R-43327 :target: XNF :keyword: SHOULD The xNF **SHOULD** use `Modeling JSON text with YANG `_, If YANG models need to be translated to and from JSON{RFC7951]. YANG configuration and content can be represented via JSON, consistent with Avro, as described in "Encoding and Serialization" section. Security ~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-42366 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** support secure connections and transports such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol [`RFC5246 `_] and should adhere to the best current practices outlined in `RFC7525 `_. .. req:: :id: R-44290 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** control access to ONAP and to xNFs, and creation of connections, through secure credentials, log-on and exchange mechanisms. .. req:: :id: R-47597 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** carry data in motion only over secure connections. .. req:: :id: R-68165 :target: XNF :keyword: MUST The xNF **MUST** encrypt any content containing Sensitive Personal Information (SPI) or certain proprietary data, in addition to applying the regular procedures for securing access and delivery. .. [#7.4.1] This option is not currently supported in ONAP and it is currently under consideration. .. |image0| image:: ../Data_Model_For_Event_Records.png :width: 7in :height: 8in .. |image1| image:: ../VES_JSON_Driven_Model.png :width: 5in :height: 3in .. |image2| image:: ../YANG_Driven_Model.png :width: 5in :height: 3in .. |image3| image:: ../Protocol_Buffers_Driven_Model.png :width: 4.74in :height: 3.3in