.. Modifications Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. .. Licensed under the Creative Commons License, Attribution 4.0 Intl. (the "License"); you may not use this documentation except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. VNF or PNF CSAR Package ------------------------ CSAR Overview ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TOSCA YAML CSAR file is an archive file using the ZIP file format whose structure complies with the TOSCA Simple Profile YAML v1.2 Specification. The CSAR file may have one of the two following structures: - CSAR containing a TOSCA-Metadata directory, which includes the TOSCA.meta metadata file providing an entry information for processing a CSAR file. - CSAR containing a single yaml (.yml or .yaml) file at the root of the archive. The yaml file is a TOSCA definition template that contains a metadata section with template_name and template_version metadata. This file is the CSAR Entry-Definitions file. VNF or PNF Package Structure and Format ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. req:: :id: R-51347 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: casablanca :updated: frankfurt The VNF or PNF CSAR package **MUST** be arranged as a CSAR archive as specified in TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML 1.2. .. req:: :id: R-87234 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: casablanca :updated: frankfurt The VNF or PNF CSAR package provided by a VNF or PNF vendor **MUST** be with TOSCA-Metadata directory (CSAR Option 1) as specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL004. **Note:** SDC supports only the CSAR Option 1 in Dublin. The Option 2 will be considered in future ONAP releases. .. req:: :id: R-506221 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: dublin :updated: frankfurt The VNF or PNF CSAR file **MUST** be a zip file with .csar extension. VNF or PNF Package Contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. req:: :id: R-10087 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: casablanca :updated: dublin The VNF or PNF CSAR package **MUST** include all artifacts required by ETSI GS NFV-SOL004 including Manifest file, VNFD or PNFD (or Main TOSCA/YAML based Service Template) and other optional artifacts. .. req:: :id: R-01123 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: casablanca :updated: frankfurt The VNF or PNF CSAR package Manifest file **MUST** contain: VNF or PNF package meta-data, a list of all artifacts (both internal and external) entry's including their respected URI's, as specified in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 004 .. req:: :id: R-21322 :target: VNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: casablanca :updated: frankfurt The VNF provider **MUST** provide their testing scripts to support testing as specified in ETSI NFV-SOL004 - Testing directory in CSAR .. req:: :id: R-40820 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: casablanca :updated: frankfurt The VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE **MUST** enumerate all of the open source licenses their VNF(s) incorporate. CSAR License directory as per ETSI SOL004. for example ROOT\\Licenses\\ **License_term.txt** .. req:: :id: R-293901 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: dublin The VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE with TOSCA-Metadata **MUST** include following additional keywords pointing to TOSCA files: - ETSI-Entry-Manifest - ETSI-Entry-Change-Log Note: For a CSAR containing a TOSCA-Metadata directory, which includes the TOSCA.meta metadata file. The TOSCA.meta metadata file includes block_0 with the Entry-Definitions keyword pointing to a TOSCA definitions YAML file used as entry for parsing the contents of the overall CSAR archive. .. req:: :id: R-146092 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: dublin :updated: frankfurt If one or more non-MANO artifact(s) is included in the VNF or PNF CSAR package, the Manifest file in this CSAR package **MUST** contain one or more of the following ONAP non-MANO artifact set identifier(s): - onap_ves_events: contains VES registration files - onap_pm_dictionary: contains the PM dictionary files - onap_yang_modules: contains Yang module files for configurations - onap_ansible_playbooks: contains any ansible_playbooks - onap_pnf_sw_information: contains the PNF software information file - onap_others: contains any other non_MANO artifacts, e.g. informational documents *NOTE: According to ETSI SOL004 v.2.6.1, every non-MANO artifact set shall be identified by a non-MANO artifact set identifier which shall be registered in the ETSI registry. Approved ONAP non-MANO artifact set identifiers are documented in the following page* https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/ONAP+Non-MANO+Artifacts+Set+Identifiers .. req:: :id: R-221914 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: frankfurt The VNF or PNF CSAR package **MUST** contain a human-readable change log text file. The Change Log file keeps a history describing any changes in the VNF or PNF package. The Change Log file is kept up to date continuously from the creation of the CSAR package. .. req:: :id: R-57019 :target: PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: dublin :updated: frankfurt The PNF CSAR PACKAGE Manifest file **MUST** start with the PNF package metadata in the form of a name-value pairs. Each pair shall appear on a different line. The name is specified as following: - pnfd_provider - pnfd_name - pnfd_release_date_time - pnfd_archive_version .. req:: :id: R-795126 :target: VNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: dublin :updated: frankfurt The VNF CSAR package Manifest file **MUST** start with the VNF package metadata in the form of a name-value pairs. Each pair shall appear on a different line. The name is specified as following: - vnf_provider_id - vnf_product_name - vnf_release_date_time - vnf_package_version .. req:: :id: R-972082 :target: PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: frankfurt If the Manifest file in the PNF CSAR package includes "onap_pnf_sw_information" as a non-MANO artifact set identifiers, then the PNF software information file is included in the package and it **MUST** be compliant to: - The file extension which contains the PNF software version must be .yaml - The PNF software version information must be specified as following: pnf_software_information: - pnf_software_version: "" VNF or PNF Package Authenticity and Integrity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VNF or PNF CSAR package shall support a method for authenticity and integrity assurance. According to ETSI SOL004 the onboarding package shall be secured. ETSI SOL004 provides two options: Option 1 - One Digest for each components of the VNF or PNF package. The table of hashes is included in the manifest file, which is signed with the VNF or PNF provider private key. A signing certificate including the provider’s public key shall be included in the package. Option 2 - The complete CSAR file shall be digitally signed with the provider private key. The provider delivers one zip file consisting of the CSAR file, a signature file and a certificate file that includes the VNF provider public key. *Dublin release note* - VNFSDK pre-onboarding validation procedure: - Option 1: specified in ETSI SOL004 is supported. - Option 2: Will be supported in the future releases. - SDC onboarding procedure: - Option 1: Will be supported in the future releases. - Option 2: specified in ETSI SOL004 is supported. .. req:: :id: R-787965 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: dublin If the VNF or PNF CSAR Package utilizes Option 2 for package security, then the complete CSAR file **MUST** be digitally signed with the VNF or PNF provider private key. The VNF or PNF provider delivers one zip file consisting of the CSAR file, a signature file and a certificate file that includes the VNF or PNF provider public key. The certificate may also be included in the signature container, if the signature format allows that. The VNF or PNF provider creates a zip file consisting of the CSAR file with .csar extension, signature and certificate files. The signature and certificate files must be siblings of the CSAR file with extensions .cms and .cert respectively. .. req:: :id: R-130206 :target: VNF or PNF CSAR PACKAGE :keyword: MUST :introduced: dublin :updated: el alto If the VNF or PNF CSAR Package utilizes Option 1 for package security, then the complete CSAR file **MUST** contain a Digest (a.k.a. hash) for each of the components of the VNF or PNF package. The table of hashes is included in the package manifest file, which is signed with the VNF or PNF provider private key. In addition, the VNF or PNF provider MUST include a signing certificate that includes the VNF or PNF provider public key, following a TOSCA pre-defined naming convention and located either at the root of the archive or in a predefined location specified by the TOSCA.meta file with the corresponding entry named "ETSI-Entry-Certificate". VNF Package ONAP Extensions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. TOSCA data type extension tosca.datatypes.nfv.injectFile is used for vCPE use case. 2. ONAP extensions for VNF package that is currently proposed for Dublin release is VES extension described below.