.. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. .. _ONAP Heat Orchestration Templates Overview: ONAP Heat Orchestration Templates Overview ----------------------------------------------- ONAP supports a modular Heat Orchestration Template design pattern, referred to as *VNF Modularity.* .. _heat_onap_vnf_modularity_overview: ONAP VNF Modularity Overview ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. req:: :id: R-69663 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF **MAY** be composed from one or more Heat Orchestration Templates, each of which represents a subset of the overall VNF. The Heat Orchestration Templates can be thought of a components or modules of the VNF and are referred to as *VNF Modules*. During orchestration, these modules are deployed incrementally to create the complete VNF. .. req:: :id: R-33132 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :updated: casablanca A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MAY** be 1.) Base Module Heat Orchestration Template (also referred to as a Base Module), 2.) Incremental Module Heat Orchestration Template (referred to as an Incremental Module), or 3.) a Cinder Volume Module Heat Orchestration Template (referred to as Cinder Volume Module). .. req:: :id: R-37028 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :updated: casablanca :validation_mode: static A VNF **MUST** be composed of one Base Module .. req:: :id: R-13196 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF **MAY** be composed of zero to many Incremental Modules. .. req:: :id: R-28980 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's incremental module **MAY** be used for initial VNF deployment only. .. req:: :id: R-86926 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's incremental module **MAY** be used for scale out only. A VNF's Incremental Module that is used for scale out is deployed sometime after initial VNF deployment to add capacity. .. req:: :id: R-91497 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's incremental module **MAY** be used for both deployment and scale out. .. req:: :id: R-68122 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's incremental module **MAY** be deployed more than once, either during initial VNF deployment and/or scale out. .. req:: :id: R-46119 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource ``OS::Heat::CinderVolume`` **MAY** be defined in a Base Module. .. req:: :id: R-90748 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource ``OS::Heat::CinderVolume`` **MAY** be defined in an Incremental Module. .. req:: :id: R-03251 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource ``OS::Heat::CinderVolume`` **MAY** be defined in a Cinder Volume Module. ONAP also supports the concept of an optional, independently deployed Cinder volume via a separate Heat Orchestration Templates, referred to as a Cinder Volume Module. This allows the volume to persist after a Virtual Machine (VM) (i.e., OS::Nova::Server) is deleted, allowing the volume to be reused on another instance (e.g., during a fail over activity). .. req:: :id: R-11200 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca A VNF's Cinder Volume Module, when it exists, **MUST** be 1:1 with a Base module or Incremental module. It is strongly recommended that Cinder Volumes be created in a Cinder Volume Module. .. req:: :id: R-38474 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca A VNF's Base Module **MUST** have a corresponding Environment File. .. req:: :id: R-81725 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca A VNF's Incremental Module **MUST** have a corresponding Environment File .. req:: :id: R-53433 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca A VNF's Cinder Volume Module **MUST** have a corresponding environment file These concepts will be described in more detail throughout the document. This overview is provided to set the stage and help clarify the concepts that will be introduced. Nested Heat Orchestration Templates Overview ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ONAP supports nested Heat Orchestration Templates per OpenStack specifications. .. req:: :id: R-36582 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Base Module **MAY** utilize nested heat. .. req:: :id: R-56721 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Incremental Module **MAY** utilize nested heat. .. req:: :id: R-30395 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Cinder Volume Module **MAY** utilize nested heat. Nested templates may be suitable for larger VNFs that contain many repeated instances of the same VM type(s). A common usage pattern is to create a nested template for each VM type along with its supporting resources. The Heat Orchestration Template may then reference these nested templates either statically (by repeated definition) or dynamically (via OS::Heat::ResourceGroup). See :ref:`Nested Heat Templates` for additional details. ONAP Heat Orchestration Template Filenames ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order to enable ONAP to understand the relationship between Heat files, the following Heat file naming convention must be utilized. In the examples below, represents any alphanumeric string that must not contain any special characters and must not contain the word "base". .. req:: :id: R-87485 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's file extension **MUST** be in the lower case format ``.yaml`` or ``.yml``. .. req:: :id: R-56438 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Nested YAML file extension **MUST** be in the lower case format ``.yaml`` or ``.yml``. .. req:: :id: R-74304 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment file extension **MUST** be in the lower case format ``.env``. .. req:: :id: R-99646 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static A VNF's YAML files (i.e, Heat Orchestration Template files and Nested files) **MUST** have a unique name in the scope of the VNF. Base Modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-81339 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module file name **MUST** include case insensitive 'base' in the filename and **MUST** match one of the following four formats: 1.) ``base_.y[a]ml`` 2.) ``_base.y[a]ml`` 3.) ``base.y[a]ml`` 4.) ``_base_``.y[a]ml where ```` **MUST** contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores '_' and **MUST NOT** contain the case insensitive word ``base``. .. req:: :id: R-91342 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module's Environment File **MUST** be named identical to the VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module with ``.y[a]ml`` replaced with ``.env``. Incremental Modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-87247 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Incremental Module file name **MUST** contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores '_' and **MUST NOT** contain the case insensitive word ``base``. .. req:: :id: R-94509 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Incremental Module's Environment File **MUST** be named identical to the VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Incremental Module with ``.y[a]ml`` replaced with ``.env``. To clearly identify the incremental module, it is recommended to use the following naming options for modules: - ``module_.y[a]ml`` - ``_module.y[a]ml`` - ``module.y[a]ml`` - ``_module_.y[a]ml`` Cinder Volume Modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-82732 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module **MUST** be named identical to the base or incremental module it is supporting with ``_volume`` appended. .. req:: :id: R-589037 :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :introduced: dublin A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module resources section **MUST** only be defined using one of the following: * one of more ``OS::Cinder::Volume`` resources * one or more ``OS::Heat::ResourceGroup`` resources that call a nested YAML file that contains only ``OS::Cinder::Volume`` resources * a resource that calls a nested YAML file (static nesting) that contains only ``OS::Cinder::Volume`` resources .. req:: :id: R-31141 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module's Environment File **MUST** be named identical to the VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module with ``.y[a]ml`` replaced with ``.env``. Nested Heat file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-76057 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Nested YAML file name **MUST** contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores '_' and **MUST NOT** contain the case insensitive word ``base``. .. req:: :id: R-70276 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :validation_mode: static A VNF HEAT's Orchestration Nested Template's YAML file name **MUST NOT** be in the format ``{vm-type}.y[a]ml`` where ``{vm-type}`` is defined in the Heat Orchestration Template. Examples include - ``.y[a]ml`` - ``nest_.y[a]ml`` - ``_nest.y[a]ml`` - ``nest.y[a]ml`` - ``_nest_.y[a]ml`` VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Nested YAML file does not have a corresponding environment files, per OpenStack specifications. .. _Output Parameters: Output Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The output parameters are parameters defined in the output section of a Heat Orchestration Template. The ONAP output parameters are subdivided into three categories: 1. ONAP Base Module Output Parameters 2. ONAP Volume Module Output Parameters 3. ONAP Predefined Output Parameters. ONAP Base Module Output Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP Base Module Output Parameters are declared in the ``outputs:`` section of the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module. A Base Module Output Parameter is available as an input parameter (i.e., declared in the ``parameters:`` section) to all Incremental Modules in the VNF. A Base Module Output Parameter may be used as an input parameter in any incremental module in the VNF. Note that the parameter is not available to other VNFs. .. req:: :id: R-52753 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module's output parameter's name and type **MUST** match the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's incremental Module's name and type. .. req:: :id: R-22608 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD NOT :validation_mode: static When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module's output parameter is declared as an input parameter in an Incremental Module, the parameter attribute ``constraints:`` **SHOULD NOT** be declared. Additional details on ONAP Base Module Output Parameters are provided in :ref:`ONAP Output Parameter Names` and ONAP VNF Modularity. ONAP Volume Module Output Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-89913 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module Output Parameter(s) **MUST** include the UUID(s) of the Cinder Volumes created in template. A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module Output Parameter(s) are only available for the module (base or incremental) that the volume template is associated with. .. req:: :id: R-07443 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static :updated: casablanca A VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates' Cinder Volume Module Output Parameter's name and type **MUST** match the input parameter name and type in the corresponding Base Module or Incremental Module. .. req:: :id: R-20547 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD NOT :validation_mode: static When an ONAP Volume Module Output Parameter is declared as an input parameter in a base or an incremental module Heat Orchestration Template, parameter constraints **SHOULD NOT** be declared. Additional details on ONAP Base Module Output Parameters are provided in :ref:`ONAP Output Parameter Names` and :ref:`ONAP Heat Cinder Volumes`. ONAP Predefined Output Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP will look for a small set of pre-defined Heat output parameters to capture resource attributes for inventory in ONAP. These output parameters are optional and currently only two parameters are supported. These output parameters are optional and are specified in :ref:`OAM Management IP Addresses`. Support of heat stack update ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ONAP does not support the use of heat stack-update command for scaling (growth/de-growth). .. req:: :id: R-39349 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :validation_mode: static A VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST NOT** be designed to utilize the OpenStack ``heat stack-update`` command for scaling (growth/de-growth). .. req:: :id: R-43413 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: none A VNF **MUST** utilize a modular Heat Orchestration Template design to support scaling (growth/de-growth). It is important to note that ONAP only supports heat stack-update for image upgrades. Scope of a Heat Orchestration Template ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. req:: :id: R-59482 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :validation_mode: none A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MUST NOT** be VNF instance specific or cloud site specific. ONAP provides the instance specific parameter values to the Heat Orchestration Template at orchestration time. .. req:: :id: R-01896 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter values that are constant across all deployments **MUST** be declared in a Heat Orchestration Template Environment File. ONAP VNF On-Boarding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. req:: :id: R-511776 :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template is ready to be on-boarded to ONAP, all files composing the VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** be placed in a flat (i.e., non-hierarchical) directory and archived using ZIP. The resulting ZIP file is uploaded into ONAP. The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's ZIP file must include the base module YAML file (R-37028) and corresponding environment file (R-38474). The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's ZIP file **MAY** include * One or more incremental module YAML files (R-13196) and corresponding environment files (R-81725). * One or more volume module YAML files (R-03251) and corresponding environment files (R-53433). * One or more nested YAML files (R-36582, R-56721, R-30395). * One or more files that are retrieved via the intrinsic function ``get_file``. The ``get_file`` function returns the content of a file into a Heat Orchestration Template. It is generally used as a file inclusion mechanism for files containing scripts or configuration files. (See Section 9.3) .. req:: :id: R-348813 :keyword: MUST :validation_mode: static The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's ZIP file **MUST NOT** include a binary image file.