.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. Heat ---- General Guidelines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section contains general Heat Orchestration Template guidelines. YAML Format ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-95303 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** be defined using valid YAML. YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages. See http://www.yaml.org/. Heat Orchestration Template Format ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As stated above, Heat Orchestration templates must be defined in YAML. YAML rules include: - Tabs are not allowed, use spaces ONLY - You must indent your properties and lists with 1 or more spaces - All Resource IDs and resource property parameters are case-sensitive. (e.g., "ThIs", is not the same as "thiS") Heat Orchestration Template Structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heat Orchestration template structure follows the following format, as defined by OpenStack at https://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/hot_spec.html .. code-block:: yaml heat_template_version: description: # a description of the template parameter_groups: # a declaration of input parameter groups and order parameters: # declaration of input parameters resources: # declaration of template resources outputs: # declaration of output parameters conditions: # declaration of conditions heat_template_version +++++++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-27078 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration template **MUST** contain the section "heat_template_version:". The section "heat_template_version:" must be set to a date that is supported by the OpenStack environment. description +++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-39402 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** contain the section "description:". parameter_groups ++++++++++++++++ A VNF Heat Orchestration template may contain the section "parameter_groups:". parameters ++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-35414 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF Heat Orchestration's template **MUST** contain the section "parameters:". .. code-block:: yaml parameters: : type: label: description: default: hidden: constraints: immutable: This section allows for specifying input parameters that have to be provided when instantiating the template. Each parameter is specified in a separate nested block with the name of the parameters defined in the first line and additional attributes (e.g., type, label) defined as nested elements. .. req:: :id: R-90279 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration template's parameter **MUST** be used in a resource with the exception of the parameters for the OS::Nova::Server resource property availability_zone. .. req:: :id: R-91273 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY NOT A VNF Heat Orchestration's template's parameter for the OS::Nova::Server resource property availability_zone **MAY NOT** be used in any OS::Nova::Resource. That is, the parameter associated with the property 'availability_zone' maybe declared but not used in a resource. ____________ The name of the parameter. .. req:: :id: R-25877 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter name (i.e., ) **MUST** contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores ('_'). type ____ .. req:: :id: R-36772 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter **MUST** include the attribute "type:". .. req:: :id: R-11441 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter type **MUST** be one of the following values: "string", "number", "json", "comma_delimited_list" or "boolean". label _____ .. req:: :id: R-32094 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template parameter declaration **MAY** contain the attribute "label:". description ___________ .. req:: :id: R-44001 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template parameter declaration **MUST** contain the attribute "description". Note that the parameter attribute "description:" is an OpenStack optional attribute that provides a description of the parameter. ONAP implementation requires this attribute. default _______ .. req:: :id: R-90526 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF Heat Orchestration Template parameter declaration **MUST** not contain the default attribute. .. req:: :id: R-26124 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST If a VNF Heat Orchestration Template parameter requires a default value, it **MUST** be enumerated in the environment file. Note that the parameter attribute "default:" is an OpenStack optional attribute that declares the default value of the parameter. ONAP implementation prohibits the use of this attribute. hidden ______ .. req:: :id: R-32557 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template parameter declaration **MAY** contain the attribute "hidden:". The parameter attribute "hidden:" is an OpenStack optional attribute that defines whether the parameters should be hidden when a user requests information about a stack created from the template. This attribute can be used to hide passwords specified as parameters. constraints ___________ The parameter attribute "constraints:" is an OpenStack optional attribute that defines a list of constraints to apply to the parameter. .. req:: :id: R-88863 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter defined as type "number" **MUST** have a parameter constraint of "range" or "allowed_values" defined. .. req:: :id: R-40518 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter defined as type "string" **MAY** have a parameter constraint defined. .. req:: :id: R-96227 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter defined as type "json" **MAY** have a parameter constraint defined. .. req:: :id: R-79817 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter defined as type "comma_delimited_list" **MAY** have a parameter constraint defined. .. req:: :id: R-06613 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter defined as type "boolean" **MAY** have a parameter constraint defined. .. req:: :id: R-00011 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Nested YAML files parameter's **MUST NOT** have a parameter constraint defined. The constraints block of a parameter definition defines additional validation constraints that apply to the value of the parameter. The parameter values provided in the VNF Heat Orchestration Template are validated against the constraints at instantiation time. The stack creation fails if the parameter value doesn't comply to the constraints. The constraints are defined as a list with the following syntax .. code-block:: yaml constraints: : description: .. **** Provides the type of constraint to apply. The list of OpenStack supported constraints can be found at https://docs.openstack.org/heat/latest/template_guide/hot_spec.html . **** provides the actual constraint. The syntax and constraint is dependent of the used. **description** is an optional attribute that provides a description of the constraint. The text is presented to the user when the value the user defines violates the constraint. If omitted, a default validation message is presented to the user. Below is a brief overview of the "range" and "allowed values" constraints. For complete details on constraints, see https://docs.openstack.org/heat/latest/template_guide/hot_spec.html#parameter-constraints **range** range: The range constraint applies to parameters of type: number. It defines a lower and upper limit for the numeric value of the parameter. The syntax of the range constraint is .. code-block:: yaml range: { min: , max: } .. It is possible to define a range constraint with only a lower limit or an upper limit. **allowed_values** allowed_values: The allowed_values constraint applies to parameters of type \"string\" or type \"number\". It specifies a set of possible values for a parameter. At deployment time, the user-provided value for the respective parameter must match one of the elements of the list. The syntax of the allowed_values constraint is .. code-block:: yaml allowed_values: [ , , ... ] Alternatively, the following YAML list notation can be used allowed_values: - - - ... . . immutable _________ .. req:: :id: R-22589 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template parameter declaration **MAY** contain the attribute "immutable:". The parameter attribute \"immutable:\" is an OpenStack optional attribute that defines whether the parameter is updatable. A Heat Orchestration Template stack update fails if immutable is set to true and the parameter value is changed. This attribute \"immutable:\" defaults to false. resources +++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-23664 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration template **MUST** contain the section "resources:". .. req:: :id: R-90152 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's "resources:" section **MUST** contain the declaration of at least one resource. .. req:: :id: R-40551 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Nested YAML files **MAY** contain the section "resources:". Each resource is defined as a separate block in the resources section with the following syntax. .. code-block:: yaml resources: : type: properties: : metadata: depends_on: update_policy: deletion_policy: external_id: condition: resource ID ___________ .. req:: :id: R-75141 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource name (i.e., ) **MUST** only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores ('_'). .. req:: :id: R-16447 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's **MUST** be unique across all Heat Orchestration Templates and all HEAT Orchestration Template Nested YAML files that are used to create the VNF. Note that a VNF can be composed of one or more Heat Orchestration Templates. Note that OpenStack requires the to be unique to the Heat Orchestration Template and not unique across all Heat Orchestration Templates the compose the VNF. type ____ The resource attribute \"type:\" is an OpenStack required attribute that defines the resource type, such as OS::Nova::Server or OS::Neutron::Port. The resource attribute \"type:\" may specify a VNF HEAT Orchestration Template Nested YAML file. .. req:: :id: R-53952 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource **MUST NOT** reference a HTTP-based resource definitions. .. req:: :id: R-71699 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource **MUST NOT** reference a HTTP-based Nested YAML file. properties __________ The resource attribute \"properties:\" is an OpenStack optional attribute that provides a list of resource-specific properties. The property value can be provided in place, or via a function (e.g., `Intrinsic functions `__). .. req:: :id: R-10834 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF Heat Orchestration Template resource attribute "property:" uses a nested "get_param", one level of nesting is supported and the nested "get_param" **MUST** reference an index. metadata ________ The resource attribute \"metadata:\" is an OpenStack optional attribute. .. req:: :id: R-97199 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server resource **MUST** contain the attribute "metadata". Section 5.4 contains the OS::Nova::Server mandatory and optional metadata. depends_on __________ The resource attribute \"depends_on:\" is an OpenStack optional attribute. See `OpenStack documentation `__ for additional details. .. req:: :id: R-46968 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource **MAY** declare the attribute "depends_on:". update_policy _____________ .. req:: :id: R-63137 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource **MAY** declare the attribute "update_policy:". deletion_policy _______________ .. req:: :id: R-43740 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource **MAY** declare the attribute "deletion_policy:". If specified, the \"deletion_policy:\" attribute for resources allows values 'Delete', 'Retain', and 'Snapshot'. Starting with heat_template_version 2016-10-14, lowercase equivalents are also allowed. The default policy is to delete the physical resource when deleting a resource from the stack. external_id ___________ .. req:: :id: R-78569 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resouce **MAY** declare the attribute "external_id:". This attribute allows for specifying the resource_id for an existing external (to the stack) resource. External resources cannot depend on other resources, but we allow other resources to depend on external resource. This attribute is optional. Note: when this is specified, properties will not be used for building the resource and the resource is not managed by Heat. This is not possible to update that attribute. Also, resource won't be deleted by heat when stack is deleted. condition _________ The resource attribute \"condition:\" is an OpenStack optional attribute. Support for the resource condition attribute was added in the Newton release of OpenStack. outputs +++++++ .. req:: :id: R-36982 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration template **MAY** contain the "outputs:" section. This section allows for specifying output parameters available to users once the template has been instantiated. If the section is specified, it will need to adhere to specific requirements. See `Output Parameters`_ and `ONAP Output Parameter Names`_ for additional details. Environment File Format ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The environment file is a yaml text file. (https://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/environment.html) .. req:: :id: R-86285 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** have a corresponding environment file, even if no parameters are required to be enumerated. The use of an environment file in OpenStack is optional. In ONAP, it is mandatory. .. req:: :id: R-03324 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** contain the "parameters" section in the environment file. .. req:: :id: R-68198 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration template's Environment File's "parameters:" section **MAY** enumerate parameters. ONAP implementation requires the parameters section in the environmental file to be declared. The parameters section contains a list of key/value pairs. .. req:: :id: R-59930 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration template's Environment File's **MAY** contain the "parameter_defaults:" section. The "parameter_defaults:" section contains default parameters that are passed to all template resources. .. req:: :id: R-46096 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration template's Environment File's **MAY** contain the "encrypted_parameters:" section. The "encrypted_parameters:" section contains a list of encrypted parameters. .. req:: :id: R-24893 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration template's Environment File's **MAY** contain the "event_sinks:" section. The "event_sinks:" section contains the list of endpoints that would receive stack events. .. req:: :id: R-42685 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration template's Environment File's **MAY** contain the "parameter_merge_strategies:" section. The "parameter_merge_strategies:" section provides the merge strategies for merging parameters and parameter defaults from the environment file. .. req:: :id: R-67231 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration template's Environment File's **MUST NOT** contain the "resource_registry:" section. ONAP implementation does not support the Environment File resource_registry section. The resource_registry section allows for the definition of custom resources. SDC Treatment of Environment Files ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Parameter values enumerated in the environment file are used by SDC as the default value. However, the SDC user may use the SDC GUI to overwrite the default values in the environment file. SDC generates a new environment file for distribution to MSO based on the uploaded environment file and the user provided GUI updates. The user uploaded environment file is discarded when the new file is created. ONAP has requirements for what parameters must be enumerated in the environment file and what parameter must not be enumerated in the environment file. See `Output Parameters`_ and `ONAP Resource ID and Parameter Naming Convention`_ for more details. ONAP Heat Orchestration Templates: Overview ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ONAP supports a modular Heat Orchestration Template design pattern, referred to as *VNF Modularity.* ONAP VNF Modularity Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-69663 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF **MAY** be composed from one or more Heat Orchestration Templates, each of which represents a subset of the overall VNF. The Heat Orchestration Templates can be thought of a components or modules of the VNF and are referred to as "\ *VNF Modules*\ ". During orchestration, these modules are deployed incrementally to create the complete VNF. .. req:: :id: R-33132 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MAY** be * a Base Module Heat Orchestration Template (also referred to as a Base Module) * an Incremental Module Heat Orchestration Template (referred to as an Incremental Module) * a Cinder Volume Module Heat Orchestration Template (referred to as Cinder Volume Module). .. req:: :id: R-37028 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF **MUST** be composed of one "base" module. .. req:: :id: R-13196 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF **MAY** be composed of zero to many Incremental Modules. .. req:: :id: R-20974 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF **MUST** deploy the base module first, prior to the incremental modules. .. req:: :id: R-28980 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's incremental module **MAY** be used for initial VNF deployment only. .. req:: :id: R-86926 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's incremental module **MAY** be used for scale out only. A VNF's Incremental Module that is used for scale out is deployed sometime after initial VNF deployment to add capacity. .. req:: :id: R-91497 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's incremental module **MAY** be used for both deployment and scale out. .. req:: :id: R-68122 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's incremental module **MAY** be deployed more than once, either during initial VNF deployment and/or scale out. .. req:: :id: R-46119 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Heat::CinderVolume **MAY** be defined in a Base Module. .. req:: :id: R-90748 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Heat::CinderVolume **MAY** be defined in an Incremental Module. .. req:: :id: R-03251 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Heat::CinderVolume **MAY** be defined in a Cinder Volume Module. ONAP also supports the concept of an optional, independently deployed Cinder volume via a separate Heat Orchestration Templates, referred to as a Cinder Volume Module. This allows the volume to persist after a Virtual Machine (VM) (i.e., OS::Nova::Server) is deleted, allowing the volume to be reused on another instance (e.g., during a failover activity). .. req:: :id: R-11200 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF **MUST** keep the scope of a Cinder volume module, when it exists, to be 1:1 with the VNF Base Module or Incremental Module. It is strongly recommended that Cinder Volumes be created in a Cinder Volume Module. .. req:: :id: R-38474 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for a Base Module. .. req:: :id: R-81725 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for an Incremental Module. .. req:: :id: R-53433 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for a Cinder Volume Module. These concepts will be described in more detail throughout the document. This overview is provided to set the stage and help clarify the concepts that will be introduced. Nested Heat Orchestration Templates Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP supports nested Heat Orchestration Templates per OpenStack specifications. .. req:: :id: R-36582 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Base Module **MAY** utilize nested heat. .. req:: :id: R-56721 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Incremental Module **MAY** utilize nested heat. .. req:: :id: R-30395 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Cinder Volume Module **MAY** utilize nested heat. Nested templates may be suitable for larger VNFs that contain many repeated instances of the same VM type(s). A common usage pattern is to create a nested template for each VM type along with its supporting resources. The Heat Orchestration Template may then reference these nested templates either statically (by repeated definition) or dynamically (via OS::Heat::ResourceGroup). See `Nested Heat Templates`_ for additional details. ONAP Heat Orchestration Template Filenames ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to enable ONAP to understand the relationship between Heat files, the following Heat file naming convention must be utilized. In the examples below, represents any alphanumeric string that must not contain any special characters and must not contain the word "base". .. req:: :id: R-87485 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's file extension **MUST** be in the lower case format '.yaml' or '.yml'. .. req:: :id: R-56438 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Nested YAML file extension **MUST** be in the lower case format '.yaml' or '.yml'. .. req:: :id: R-74304 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment file extension **MUST** be in the lower case format '.env'. .. req:: :id: R-99646 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's YAML files (i.e, Heat Orchestration Template files and Nested files) **MUST** have a unique name in the scope of the VNF. Base Modules ++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-81339 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module file name **MUST** include 'base' in the filename and **MUST** match one of the following four formats: * 'base_.y[a]ml' * '_base.y[a]ml' * 'base.y[a]ml' * '_base_'.y[a]ml where 'base' is case insensitive and where '' **MUST** contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores '_' and **MUST NOT** contain the case insensitive word 'base'. .. req:: :id: R-91342 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module's Environment File **MUST** be named identical to the VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module with '.y[a]ml' replaced with '.env'. Incremental Modules +++++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-87247 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Incremental Module file name **MUST** contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores '_' and **MUST NOT** contain the case insensitive word 'base'. .. req:: :id: R-94509 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Incremental Module's Environment File **MUST** be named identical to the VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Incremental Module with '.y[a]ml' replaced with '.env'. To clearly identify the incremental module, it is recommended to use the following naming options for modules: - module_.y[a]ml - _module.y[a]ml - module.y[a]ml - _module_.y[a]ml Cinder Volume Modules +++++++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-82732 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module **MUST** be named identical to the base or incremental module it is supporting with '_volume appended' .. req:: :id: R-31141 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module's Environment File **MUST** be named identical to the VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module with .y[a]ml replaced with '.env'. Nested Heat file ++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-76057 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Nested YAML file name **MUST** contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores '_' and **MUST NOT** contain the case insensitive word 'base'. .. req:: :id: R-70276 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF HEAT's Orchestration Nested Template's YAML file name **MUST NOT** be in the format '{vm-type}.y[a]ml' where '{vm-type}' is defined in the Heat Orchestration Template. Examples include - .y[a]ml - nest_.y[a]ml - _nest.y[a]ml - nest.y[a]ml - _nest_.y[a]ml VNF Heat Orchestration Template's Nested YAML file does not have a corresponding environment files, per OpenStack specifications. Output Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The output parameters are parameters defined in the output section of a Heat Orchestration Template. The ONAP output parameters are subdivided into three categories: 1. ONAP Base Module Output Parameters 2. ONAP Volume Module Output Parameters 3. ONAP Predefined Output Parameters. ONAP Base Module Output Parameters ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ONAP Base Module Output Parameters are declared in the 'outputs:'' section of the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module. A Base Module Output Parameter is available as an input parameter (i.e., declared in the 'parameters:'' section) to all Incremental Modules in the VNF. A Base Module Output Parameter may be used as an input parameter in any incremental module in the VNF. Note that the parameter is not available to other VNFs. .. req:: :id: R-52753 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module's output parameter's name and type **MUST** match the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's incremental Module's name and type unless the output parameter is of type 'comma_delimited_list', then the corresponding input parameter **MUST** be declared as type 'json'. If the Output parameter has a comma_delimited_list value (e.g., a collection of UUIDs from a Resource Group), then the corresponding input parameter must be declared as type json and not a comma_delimited_list, which is actually a string value with embedded commas. .. req:: :id: R-22608 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module's output parameter is declared as an input parameter in an Incremental Module, the parameter attribute 'constraints:' **MUST NOT** be declared. Additional details on ONAP Base Module Output Parameters are provided in `ONAP Output Parameter Names`_ and ONAP VNF Modularity. ONAP Volume Module Output Parameters ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-89913 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module Output Parameter(s) **MUST** include the UUID(s) of the Cinder Volumes created in template, while other Output Parameters **MAY** be included. A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module Output Parameter(s) are only available for the module (base or incremental) that the volume template is associated with. .. req:: :id: R-07443 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates' Cinder Volume Module Output Parameter's name and type **MUST** match the input parameter name and type in the corresponding Base Module or Incremental Module unless the Output Parameter is of the type 'comma\_delimited\_list', then the corresponding input parameter **MUST** be declared as type 'json'. If the Output parameter has a comma_delimited_list value (e.g., a collection of UUIDs from a Resource Group), then the corresponding input parameter must be declared as type json and not a comma\_delimited\_list, which is actually a string value with embedded commas. .. req:: :id: R-20547 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT When an ONAP Volume Module Output Parameter is declared as an input parameter in a base or an incremental module Heat Orchestration Template, parameter constraints **MUST NOT** be declared. Additional details on ONAP Base Module Output Parameters are provided in `ONAP Output Parameter Names`_ and `Cinder Volumes`_. ONAP Predefined Output Parameters +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ONAP will look for a small set of pre-defined Heat output parameters to capture resource attributes for inventory in ONAP. These output parameters are optional and currently only two parameters are supported. These output parameters are optional and are specified in `OAM Management IP Addresses`_. Support of heat stack update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP does not support the use of heat stack-update command for scaling (growth/de-growth). .. req:: :id: R-39349 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST NOT** be designed to utilize the OpenStack 'heat stack-update' command for scaling (growth/de-growth). .. req:: :id: R-43413 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF **MUST** utilize a modular Heat Orchestration Template design to support scaling (growth/de-growth). Scope of a Heat Orchestration Template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-59482 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MUST NOT** be VNF instance specific or Cloud site specific. ONAP provides the instance specific parameter values to the Heat Orchestration Template at orchestration time. .. req:: :id: R-01896 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter values that are constant across all deployments **MUST** be declared in a Heat Orchestration Template Environment File. Networking ^^^^^^^^^^ ONAP defines two types of networks: External Networks and Internal Networks. External Networks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP defines an external network in relation to the VNF and not with regard to the Network Cloud site. External networks may also be referred to as "inter-VNF" networks. An external network must connect VMs in a VNF to VMs in another VNF or an external gateway or external router. An External Network may be a Neutron Network or a Contrail Network. .. req:: :id: R-16968 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates **MUST NOT** include heat resources to create external networks. External networks must be orchestrated separately, independent of the VNF. This allows the network to be shared by multiple VNFs and managed independently of VNFs. .. req:: :id: R-00606 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF **MAY** be connected to zero, one or more than one external networks. .. req:: :id: R-57424 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's port connected to an external network **MUST** use the port for the purpose of reaching VMs in another VNF and/or an external gateway and/or external router. A VNF's port connected to an external network **MAY** use the port for the purpose of reaching VMs in the same VNF. .. req:: :id: R-29865 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF connects to an external network, a network role, referred to as the '{network-role}' **MUST** be assigned to the external network for use in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template. .. req:: :id: R-69014 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF connects to an external network, a network role, referred to as the '{network-role}' **MUST** be assigned to the external network for use in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template. .. req:: :id: R-05201 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF connects to two or more external networks, each external network **MUST** be assigned a unique '{network-role}' in the context of the VNF for use in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template. .. req:: :id: R-83015 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's '{network-role}' assigned to an external network **MUST** be different than the '{network-role}' assigned to the VNF's internal networks, if internal networks exist. .. req:: :id: R-99794 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found An external network **MUST** have one subnet. An external network **MAY** have more than one subnet. Note that this document refers to **'{network-role}'** which in reality is the **'{network-role-tag}'**. The value of the '{network-role}' / '{network-role-tag}' is determined by the designer of the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template and there is no requirement for '{network-role}' / '{network-role-tag}' uniqueness across Heat Orchestration Templates for different VNFs. When an external network is created by ONAP, the network is assigned a '{network-role}'. The '{network-role}' of the network is not required to match the '{network-role}' of the VNF Heat Orchestration Template. For example, the VNF Heat Orchestration Template can assign a '{network-role}' of 'oam' to a network which attaches to an external network with a '{network-role}' of 'oam_protected_1' . When the Heat Orchestration Template is on-boarded into ONAP * each '{network-role}' value in the Heat Orchestration Template is mapped to the '{network-role-tag}' in the ONAP data structure. * each OS::Neutron::Port is associated with the external network it is connecting to, thus creating the VNF Heat Orchestration Template '{network-role}' / '{network-role-tag}' to external network '{network-role}' mapping. ONAP enforces a naming convention for parameters associated with external networks. `ONAP Resource ID and Parameter Naming Convention`_ provides additional details. Internal Networks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP defines an internal network in relation to the VNF and not with regard to the Network Cloud site. Internal networks may also be referred to as "intra-VNF" networks or "private" networks. An internal network only connects VMs in a single VNF; it must not connect to other VNFs or an external gateway or router .. req:: :id: R-87096 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF **MAY** contain zero, one or more than one internal networks. .. req:: :id: R-35666 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST If a VNF has an internal network, the VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** include the heat resources to create the internal network. .. req:: :id: R-86972 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD A VNF **SHOULD** create the internal network in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template Base Module. An Internal Network may be created using Neutron Heat Resources and/or Contrail Heat Resources. .. req:: :id: R-52425 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's port connected to an internal network **MUST** connect the port to VMs in the same VNF. .. req:: :id: R-46461 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's port connected to an internal network **MUST NOT** connect the port to VMs in another VNF and/or an external gateway and/or external router. .. req:: :id: R-68936 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF creates an internal network, a network role, referred to as the '{network-role}' **MUST** be assigned to the internal network for use in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template. .. req:: :id: R-32025 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF creates two or more internal networks, each internal network **MUST** be assigned a unique '{network-role}' in the context of the VNF for use in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template. .. req:: :id: R-69874 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's '{network-role}' assigned to an internal network **MUST** be different than the '{network-role}' assigned to the VNF's external networks. .. req:: :id: R-16241 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's internal network **MUST** have one subnet. A VNF's internal network **MAY** have more than one subnet. .. req:: :id: R-34726 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST If a VNF's port is connected to an internal network and the port is created in the same Heat Orchestration Template as the internal network, then the port resource **MUST** use a 'get_resource' to obtain the network UUID. .. req:: :id: R-22688 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST If a VNF's port is connected to an internal network and the port is created in an Incremental Module and the internal network is created in the Base Module then the UUID of the internal network **MUST** be exposed as a parameter in the 'outputs:' section of the Base Module and the port resource **MUST** use a 'get_param' to obtain the network UUID. ONAP does not programmatically enforce a naming convention for parameters for internal network. However, a naming convention is provided that must be followed. `ONAP Resource ID and Parameter Naming Convention`_ provides additional details. ONAP Resource ID and Parameter Naming Convention ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section provides the ONAP naming requirements for 1. Resource IDs 2. Resource Property Parameters {vm-type} ~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-01455 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template creates a Virtual Machine (i.e., 'OS::Nova::Server'), each 'class' of VMs **MUST** be assigned a VNF unique '{vm-type}'; where 'class' defines VMs that **MUST** have the following identical characteristics: 1.) OS::Nova::Server property flavor value 2.) OS::Nova::Server property image value 3.) Cinder Volume attachments - Each VM in the 'class' **MUST** have the identical Cinder Volume configuration 4.) Network attachments and IP address requirements - Each VM in the 'class' **MUST** have the the identical number of ports connecting to the identical networks and requiring the identical IP address configuration. .. req:: :id: R-82481 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource property parameter that is associated with a unique Virtual Machine type **MUST** include '{vm-type}' as part of the parameter name with two exceptions: 1.) The Resource OS::Nova::Server property availability_zone parameter **MUST NOT** be prefixed with a common '{vm-type} identifier, 2.) The Resource OS::Nova::Server eight mandatory and optional metadata parameters (vnf_name, vnf_id, vf_module_id, vf_module_name, vm_role, vf_module_index, environment_context, workload_context) **MUST NOT** be prefixed with a common '{vm-type}' identifier. .. req:: :id: R-66729 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource that is associated with a unique Virtual Machine type **MUST** include '{vm-type}' as part of the resource ID. .. req:: :id: R-98407 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's '{vm-type}' **MUST** contain only alphanumeric characters and/or underscores '_' and **MUST NOT** contain any of the following strings: '_int' or 'int\_' or '\_int\_'. .. req:: :id: R-48067 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's {vm-type} **MUST NOT** be a substring of {network-role}. It may cause the VNF Validation Program validation-scripts project to produce erroneous error messages. .. req:: :id: R-32394 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's use of '{vm-type}' in all Resource property parameter names **MUST** be the same case. .. req:: :id: R-46839 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's use of '{vm-type}' in all Resource IDs **MUST** be the same case. .. req:: :id: R-36687 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's '{vm-type}' case in Resource property parameter names **SHOULD** match the case of '{vm-type}' in Resource IDs and vice versa. {network-role} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The assignment of a {network-role} is discussed in `Networking`_. .. req:: :id: R-21330 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource property parameter that is associated with external network **MUST** include the '{network-role}' as part of the parameter name. .. req:: :id: R-11168 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource ID that is associated with an external network **MUST** include the '{network-role}' as part of the resource ID. .. req:: :id: R-84322 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource property parameter that is associated with an internal network **MUST** include 'int\_{network-role}' as part of the parameter name, where 'int\_' is a hard coded string. .. req:: :id: R-96983 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource ID that is associated with an internal network **MUST** include 'int\_{network-role}' as part of the Resource ID, where 'int\_' is a hard coded string. .. req:: :id: R-26506 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's '{network-role}' **MUST** contain only alphanumeric characters and/or underscores '_' and **MUST NOT** contain any of the following strings: '_int' or 'int\_' or '\_int\_'. .. req:: :id: R-00977 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's '{network-role}' **MUST NOT** be a substring of '{vm-type}'. For example, if a VNF has a '{vm-type}' of 'oam' and a '{network-role}' of 'oam\_protected' would be a violation of the requirement. .. req:: :id: R-58424 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's use of '{network-role}' in all Resource property parameter names **MUST** be the same case. .. req:: :id: R-21511 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's use of '{network-role}' in all Resource IDs **MUST** be the same case. .. req:: :id: R-86588 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's '{network-role}' case in Resource property parameter names **SHOULD** match the case of '{network-role}' in Resource IDs and vice versa. Resource IDs ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requirement R-75141 states a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource name (i.e., ) MUST only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores ('_').* Requirement R-16447 states a VNF's MUST be unique across all Heat Orchestration Templates and all HEAT Orchestration Template Nested YAML files that are used to create the VNF. As stated previously, OpenStack requires the to be unique to the Heat Orchestration Template and not unique across all Heat Orchestration Templates the compose the VNF. Heat Orchestration Template resources are described in `resources`_ .. req:: :id: R-54517 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource is associated with a single '{vm-type}', the Resource ID **MUST** contain the '{vm-type}'. .. req:: :id: R-96482 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource is associated with a single external network, the Resource ID **MUST** contain the text '{network-role}'. .. req:: :id: R-98138 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource is associated with a single internal network, the Resource ID **MUST** contain the text 'int\_{network-role}'. .. req:: :id: R-82115 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource is associated with a single '{vm-type}' and a single external network, the Resource ID text **MUST** contain both the '{vm-type}' and the '{network-role}' - the '{vm-type}' **MUST** appear before the '{network-role}' and **MUST** be separated by an underscore '_' - e.g.,'{vm-type}\_{network-role}', '{vm-type}\_{index}\_{network-role}' - note that an '{index}' value **MAY** separate the '{vm-type}' and the '{network-role}' and when this occurs underscores **MUST** separate the three values. .. req:: :id: R-82551 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource is associated with a single '{vm-type}' and a single internal network, the Resource ID **MUST** contain both the '{vm-type}' and the 'int\_{network-role}' and - the '{vm-type}' **MUST** appear before the 'int\_{network-role}' and **MUST** be separated by an underscore '_' - e.g.,'{vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}', '{vm-type}_{index}\_int\_{network-role}' - note that an '{index}' value **MAY** separate the '{vm-type}' and the 'int\_{network-role}' and when this occurs underscores **MUST** separate the three values. .. req:: :id: R-67793 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource is associated with more than one '{vm-type}' and/or more than one internal and/or external network, the Resource ID **MUST NOT** contain the '{vm-type}' and/or '{network-role}'/'int\_{network-role}'. It also should contain the term 'shared' and/or contain text that identifies the VNF .. req:: :id: R-27970 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource is associated with more than one '{vm-type}' and/or more than one internal and/or external network, the Resource ID **MAY** contain the term 'shared' and/or **MAY** contain text that identifies the VNF. .. req:: :id: R-11690 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource ID contains an {index} value (e.g. multiple VMs of same {vm-type}), the '{index}' **MUST** start at zero and increment by one. OpenStack Heat Resources Resource ID Naming Convention ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Some OpenStack Heat Resources Resource IDs have mandatory or suggested naming conventions. They are provided in the following sections. OS::Cinder::Volume __________________ .. req:: :id: R-87004 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Cinder::Volume Resource ID **SHOULD** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_volume_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {index} starts at zero and increments by one OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment ____________________________ .. req:: :id: R-86497 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment Resource ID **SHOULD** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_volume_attachment_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {index} starts at zero and increments by one OS::Heat::CloudConfig _____________________ .. req:: :id: R-04747 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Heat::CloudConfig' Resource ID **MUST** contain the '{vm-type}'. .. req:: :id: R-20319 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Heat::CloudConfig' Resource ID **MAY** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_RCC where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * 'RCC' signifies that it is the Resource Cloud Config OS::Heat::MultipartMime _______________________ .. req:: :id: R-30804 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Heat::MultipartMime' Resource ID **MUST** contain the '{vm-type}'. .. req:: :id: R-18202 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Heat::MultipartMime' Resource ID **MAY** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_RMM where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * 'RMM' signifies that it is the Resource Multipart Mime OS::Heat::ResourceGroup _______________________ There is only a mandatory naming convention for a 'OS::Heat::ResourceGroup' that is is creating sub-interfaces. .. req:: :id: R-64197 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Heat::ResourceGroup Resource ID that creates sub-interfaces **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_subint_{network-role}_port_{port-index}_subinterfaces where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the networks that the sub-interfaces attach to * {port-index} is the instance of the the port on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig ________________________ .. req:: :id: R-08975 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig' Resource ID **MUST** contain the '{vm-type}'. .. req:: :id: R-03656 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig' Resource ID **MAY** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_RSC where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * 'RSC' signifies that it is the Resource Software Config OS::Neutron::Net ________________ .. req:: :id: R-25720 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::Net Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * int_{network-role}_network VNF Heat Orchestration Templates can only create internal networks. There is no {index} after {network-role} because {network-role} **MUST** be unique in the scope of the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template. OS::Neutron::Port _________________ .. req:: :id: R-20453 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::Port that is attaching to an external network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_{network-role}_port_{port-index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port is attached to * {port-index} is the instance of the the port on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} .. req:: :id: R-26351 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::Port that is attaching to an internal network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_int_{network-role}_port_{port-index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port is attached to * {port-index} is the instance of the the port on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} .. req:: :id: R-27469 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::Port that is creating a *Reserve Port* with an IPv4 address Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * reserve_port_{vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_ip_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port is attached to * {index} is the instance of the IPv4 *Reserve Port* for the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} .. req:: :id: R-68520 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::Port that is creating a *Reserve Port* with an IPv6 address Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * reserve_port_{vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port is attached to * {index} is the instance of the IPv6 *Reserve Port* for the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup __________________________ .. req:: :id: R-08775 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup that is applicable to one {vm-type} and more than one network (internal and/or external) Resource ID **SHOULD** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_security_group where * {vm-type} is the vm-type .. req:: :id: R-03595 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup that is applicable to more than one {vm-type} and one external network Resource ID **SHOULD** use the naming convention * {network-role}_security_group where * {network-role} is the network-role .. req:: :id: R-73213 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup that is applicable to more than one {vm-type} and one internal network Resource ID **SHOULD** use the naming convention * int_{network-role}_security_group where * {network-role} is the network-role .. req:: :id: R-17334 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup that is applicable to one {vm-type} and one external network Resource ID **SHOULD** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{network-role}_security_group where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {network-role} is the network-role .. req:: :id: R-14198 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup that is applicable to one {vm-type} and one internal network Resource ID **SHOULD** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_security_group where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {network-role} is the network-role .. req:: :id: R-30005 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup that is applicable to more than one {vm-type} and more than one network (internal and/or external) Resource ID **MAY** use the naming convention * shared_security_group or * {vnf-type}_security_group where * {vnf-type} describes the VNF OS::Neutron::Subnet ___________________ .. req:: :id: R-59434 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Neutron::Subnet Resource ID **SHOULD** use the naming convention * int_{network-role}_subnet_{index} where * {network-role} is the network-role * {index} is the {index} of the subnet of the network OS::Nova::Keypair _________________ .. req:: :id: R-24997 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Nova::Keypair applies to one {vm-type} Resource ID **SHOULD** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_keypair_{index} where * {network-role} is the network-role * {index} is the {index} of the keypair .. req:: :id: R-65516 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Nova::Keypair applies to all Virtual Machines in the the VNF, the Resource ID **SHOULD** use the naming convention * {vnf-type}_keypair where * {vnf-type} describes the VNF OS::Nova::Server ________________ .. req:: :id: R-29751 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Nova::Server Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_server_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {index} is the index OS::Nova::ServerGroup _____________________ .. req:: :id: R-15189 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Nova::ServerGroup Resource ID **MAY** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_RSG or * {vm-type}_Server_Grp or * {vm-type}_ServerGroup or * {vm-type}_servergroup Contrail Heat Resources Resource ID Naming Convention +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Some Contrail Heat Resources Resource IDs have mandatory or suggested naming conventions. They are provided in the following sections. OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp __________________________ .. req:: :id: R-53310 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp' that is configuring an IPv4 Address on a port attached to an external network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_{network-role}_vmi_{vmi_index}_IP_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port is attached to * {vmi_index} is the instance of the the virtual machine interface (e.g., port) on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} * 'IP' signifies that an IPv4 address is being configured * {index} is the index of the IPv4 address .. req:: :id: R-46128 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp' that is configuring an IPv6 Address on a port attached to an external network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_{network-role}_vmi_{vmi_index}_v6_IP_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port is attached to * {vmi_index} is the instance of the the virtual machine interface (e.g., port) on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} * 'v6_IP' signifies that an IPv6 address is being configured * {index} is the index of the IPv6 address .. req:: :id: R-62187 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp' that is configuring an IPv4 Address on a port attached to an internal network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_int_{network-role}_vmi_{vmi_index}_IP_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port is attached to * {vmi_index} is the instance of the the virtual machine interface (e.g., port) on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} * 'IP' signifies that an IPv4 address is being configured * {index} is the index of the IPv4 address .. req:: :id: R-87563 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp' that is configuring an IPv6 Address on a port attached to an internal network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_int_{network-role}_vmi_{vmi_index}_v6_IP_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port is attached to * {vmi_index} is the instance of the the virtual machine interface (e.g., port) on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} * 'v6_IP' signifies that an IPv6 address is being configured * {index} is the index of the IPv6 address .. req:: :id: R-20947 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp' that is configuring an IPv4 Address on a sub-interface port attached to a sub-interface network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_subint_{network-role}_vmi_{vmi_index}_IP_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port is attached to * {vmi_index} is the instance of the the virtual machine interface (e.g., port) on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} * 'IP' signifies that an IPv4 address is being configured * {index} is the index of the IPv4 address .. req:: :id: R-88540 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp' that is configuring an IPv6 Address on a sub-interface port attached to a sub-interface network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_subint_{network-role}_vmi_{vmi_index}_v6_IP_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port is attached to * {vmi_index} is the instance of the the virtual machine interface (e.g., port) on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} * 'v6_IP' signifies that an IPv6 address is being configured * {index} is the index of the IPv6 address OS::ContrailV2::InterfaceRouteTable ___________________________________ .. req:: :id: R-81214 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::InterfaceRouteTable' Resource ID **MUST** contain the '{network-role}'. .. req:: :id: R-28189 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::InterfaceRouteTable' Resource ID **MAY** use the naming convention * {network-role}_RIRT where * {network-role} is the network-role * 'RIRT' signifies that it is the Resource Interface Route Table OS::ContrailV2::NetworkIpam ___________________________ .. req:: :id: R-30753 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::NetworkIpam' Resource ID **MUST** contain the '{network-role}'. .. req:: :id: R-81979 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::NetworkIpam' Resource ID **MAY** use the naming convention * {network-role}_RNI where * {network-role} is the network-role * 'RNI' signifies that it is the Resource Network IPAM OS::ContrailV2::PortTuple _________________________ .. req:: :id: R-20065 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::PortTuple' Resource ID **MUST** contain the '{vm-type}'. .. req:: :id: R-84457 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::PortTuple' Resource ID **MAY** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_RPT where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * 'RPT' signifies that it is the Resource Port Tuple OS::ContrailV2::ServiceHealthCheck __________________________________ .. req:: :id: R-76014 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::ServiceHealthCheck' Resource ID **MUST** contain the '{vm-type}'. .. req:: :id: R-65618 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::ServiceHealthCheck' Resource ID **MAY** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_RSHC_{LEFT|RIGHT} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * 'RSHC' signifies that it is the Resource Service Health Check * 'LEFT' is used if the Service Health Check is on the left interface * 'RIGHT' is used if the Service Health Check is on the right interface OS::ContrailV2::ServiceTemplate _______________________________ .. req:: :id: R-16437 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::ServiceTemplate' Resource ID **MUST** contain the '{vm-type}'. .. req:: :id: R-14447 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::ContrailV2::ServiceTemplate' Resource ID **MAY** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_RST_{index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * 'RST' signifies that it is the Resource Service Template * '{index}' is is the index OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface _______________________________________ .. req:: :id: R-96253 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface that is attaching to an external network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_{network-role}_vmi_{vmi_index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port (i.e. virtual machine interface) is attached to * {vmi_index} is the instance of the the vmi on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} .. req:: :id: R-50468 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface that is attaching to an internal network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_int_{network-role}_vmi_{vmi_index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port (i.e. virtual machine interface) is attached to * {vmi_index} is the instance of the the vmi on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} .. req:: :id: R-54458 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface that is attaching to a sub-interface network Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * {vm-type}_{vm-type_index}_subint_{network-role}_vmi_{vmi_index} where * {vm-type} is the vm-type * {vm-type_index} is the instance of the {vm-type} * {network-role} is the network-role of the network that the port (i.e. virtual machine interface) is attached to * {vmi_index} is the instance of the the vmi on the vm-type attached to the network of {network-role} OS::ContrailV2::VirtualNetwork ______________________________ .. req:: :id: R-99110 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::ContrailV2::VirtualNetwork Resource ID **MUST** use the naming convention * 'int_{network-role}_network' or * 'int_{network-role}_RVN' where RVN represents Resource Virtual Network VNF Heat Orchestration Templates can only create internal networks. There is no {index} after {network-role} because {network-role} **MUST** be unique in the scope of the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template. Note that the first option is preferred. Resource: OS::Nova::Server - Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The resource OS::Nova::Server manages the running virtual machine (VM) instance within an OpenStack cloud. (See https://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html#OS::Nova::Server.) The following four properties of the OS::Nova::Server must follow the ONAP parameter naming convention. The four properties are: 1. image 2. flavor 3. name 4. availability\_zone Requirement R-01455 defines how the '{vm-type}' is defined. Requirement R-82481 defines how the '{vm-type}' is used. The table below provides a summary. The sections that follow provides the detailed requirements. .. csv-table:: **Table 4 OS::Nova::Server Resource Property Parameter Naming Convention** :header: Property Name,Parameter Type,Parameter Name,Parameter Value Provided to Heat :align: center :widths: auto OS::Nova::Server, image, string, {vm-type}\_image\_name, Environment File OS::Nova::Server, flavor, string, {vm-type}\_flavor\_name, Environment File OS::Nova::Server, name, string, {vm-type}\_name\_{index}, ONAP OS::Nova::Server, name, CDL, {vm-type}\_names, ONAP OS::Nova::Server, availability\_zone, string, availability\_zone\_{index}, ONAP Property: image +++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-71152 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'image' parameter **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-58670 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'image' parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention '{vm-type}_image_name'. .. req:: :id: R-91125 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'image' parameter **MUST** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File and a value **MUST** be assigned. .. req:: :id: R-57282 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST Each VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's '{vm-type}' **MUST** have a unique parameter name for the 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'image' even if more than one {vm-type} shares the same image. *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_image_name: type: string description: {vm-type} server image Property: flavor ++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-50436 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'flavor' parameter **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-45188 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'flavor' parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention '{vm-type}_flavor_name'. .. req:: :id: R-69431 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'flavor' parameter **MUST** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File and a value **MUST** be assigned. .. req:: :id: R-40499 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST Each VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's '{vm-type}' **MUST** have a unique parameter name for the 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'flavor' even if more than one {vm-type} shares the same flavor. *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_flavor_name: type: string description: {vm-type} flavor Property: Name ++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-51430 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'name' parameter **MUST** be declared as either type 'string' or type 'comma\_delimited\_list". .. req:: :id: R-54171 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'name' parameter is defined as a 'string', the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention '{vm-type}\_name\_{index}', where {index} is a numeric value that starts at zero and increments by one. .. req:: :id: R-40899 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'name' parameter is defined as a 'string', a parameter **MUST** be declared for each 'OS::Nova::Server' resource associated with the '{vm-type}'. .. req:: :id: R-87817 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'name' parameter is defined as a 'comma_delimited_list', the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention '{vm-type}_names'. .. req:: :id: R-85800 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'name' parameter is defined as a 'comma_delimited_list', a parameter **MUST** be delcared once for all 'OS::Nova::Server' resources associated with the '{vm-type}'. .. req:: :id: R-22838 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'name' parameter **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's contains more than three OS::Nova::Server resources of a given {vm-type}, the comma\_delimited\_list form of the parameter name (i.e., '{vm-type}\_names') should be used to minimize the number of unique parameters defined in the template. *Example: Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_names: type: comma_delimited_list description: VM Names for {vm-type} VMs {vm-type}_name_{index}: type: string description: VM Name for {vm-type} VM {index} *Example: comma\_delimited\_list* In this example, the {vm-type} has been defined as "lb" for load balancer. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: lb_names: type: comma_delimited_list description: VM Names for lb VMs resources: lb_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: [lb_names, 0] } ... lb_server_1: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: [lb_names, 1] } ... *Example: fixed-index* In this example, the {vm-type} has been defined as "lb" for load balancer. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: lb_name_0: type: string description: VM Name for lb VM 0 lb_name_1: type: string description: VM Name for lb VM 1 resources: lb_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: lb_name_0 } ... lb_server_1: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: lb_name_1 } ... Contrail Issue with Values for OS::Nova::Server Property Name _____________________________________________________________ .. req:: :id: R-44271 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'name' parameter value **SHOULD NOT** contain special characters since the Contrail GUI has a limitation displaying special characters. However, if special characters must be used, the only special characters supported are: --- \" ! $ ' (\ \ ) = ~ ^ | @ ` { } [ ] > , . _ Property: availability\_zone ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-98450 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'availability\_zone' parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention 'availability\_zone\_{index}' where the '{index}' **MUST** start at zero and increment by one. .. req:: :id: R-23311 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'availability_zone' parameter **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. The parameter must not be declared as type 'comma\_delimited\_list', ONAP does not support it. .. req:: :id: R-59568 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'availability_zone' parameter **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. Example Parameter Definition .. code-block:: yaml parameters: availability_zone_{index}: type: string description: availability zone {index} name Requirement R-90279 states that a VNF Heat Orchestration's template's parameter MUST be used in a resource with the exception of the parameters for the OS::Nova::Server resource property availability_zone. .. req:: :id: R-01359 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchstration Template that contains an 'OS::Nova:Server' Resource **MAY** define a parameter for the property 'availability_zone' that is not utilized in any 'OS::Nova::Server' resources in the Heat Orchestration Template. Example +++++++ The example below depicts part of a Heat Orchestration Template that uses the four OS::Nova::Server properties discussed in this section. In the Heat Orchestration Template below, four Virtual Machines (OS::Nova::Server) are created: two dns servers with {vm-type} set to "dns" and two oam servers with {vm-type} set to "oam". Note that the parameter associated with the property name is a comma_delimited_list for dns and a string for oam. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: dns_image_name: type: string description: dns server image dns_flavor_name: type: string description: dns server flavor dns_names: type: comma_delimited_list description: dns server names oam_image_name: type: string description: oam server image oam_flavor_name: type: string description: oam server flavor oam_name_0: type: string description: oam server name 0 oam_name_1: type: string description: oam server name 1 availability_zone_0: type: string description: availability zone ID or Name availability_zone_1: type: string description: availability zone ID or Name resources: dns_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: [ dns_names, 0 ] } image: { get_param: dns_image_name } flavor: { get_param: dns_flavor_name } availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_0 } . . . dns_server_1: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: [ dns_names, 1 ] } image: { get_param: dns_image_name } flavor: { get_param: dns_flavor_name } availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_1 } . . . oam_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: oam_name_0 } image: { get_param: oam_image_name } flavor: { get_param: oam_flavor_name } availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_0 } . . . oam_server_1: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: oam_name_1 } image: { get_param: oam_image_name } flavor: { get_param: oam_flavor_name } availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_1 } . . . Boot Options ++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-99798 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Virtual Machine (i.e., OS::Nova::Server Resource) **MAY** boot from an image or **MAY** boot from a Cinder Volume. .. req:: :id: R-83706 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Virtual Machine (i.e., 'OS::Nova::Server' Resource) boots from an image, the 'OS::Nova::Server' resource property 'image' **MUST** be used. The requirements associated with the 'image' property are detailed in `Property: image`_ .. req:: :id: R-69588 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Virtual Machine (i.e., 'OS::Nova::Server' Resource) boots from Cinder Volume, the 'OS::Nova::Server' resource property 'block_device_mapping' or 'block_device_mapping_v2' **MUST** be used. There are currently no heat guidelines associated with these two properties: 'block_device_mapping' and 'block_device_mapping_v2'. Resource: OS::Nova::Server – Metadata Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The OS::Nova::Server Resource property metadata is an optional OpenStack property. The table below summarizes the mandatory and optional metadata supported by ONAP. The sections that follow provides the requirements associated with each metadata parameter. .. csv-table:: **Table 5 OS::Nova::Server Mandatory and Optional Metadata** :header: Metadata Parameter Name, Parameter Type, Required, Parameter Value Provided to Heat :align: center :widths: auto vnf_id, string, **MUST**, ONAP vf_module_id, string, **MUST**, ONAP vnf_name, string, **MUST**, ONAP vf_module_name, string, **SHOULD**, ONAP vm_role, string, **MAY**, YAML or Environment File vf_module_index, string, **MAY**, ONAP workload_context, string, **SHOULD**, ONAP environment_context, string, **SHOULD**, ONAP vnf\_id +++++++ The OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf_id' is an ONAP generated UUID that identifies the VNF. The value is provided by ONAP to the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template at orchestration time. .. req:: :id: R-37437 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource **MUST** contain the metadata map value parameter 'vnf_id'. .. req:: :id: R-07507 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf_id' **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-55218 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf_id' **MUST NOT** have parameter contraints defined. .. req:: :id: R-20856 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf_id' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's environment file. .. req:: :id: R-44491 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf_id' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vnf_id' **MUST NOT** change. *Example 'vnf_id' Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: vnf_id: type: string description: Unique ID for this VNF instance vf\_module\_id ++++++++++++++ The OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_id' is an ONAP generated UUID that identifies the VF Module (e.g., Heat Orchestration Template). The value is provided by ONAP to the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template at orchestration time. .. req:: :id: R-71493 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource **MUST** contain the metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_id'. .. req:: :id: R-82134 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_id' **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-98374 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_id' **MUST NOT** have parameter contraints defined. .. req:: :id: R-72871 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_id' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's environment file. .. req:: :id: R-86237 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf_module_id' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vf\_module\_id' **MUST NOT** change. *Example 'vf\_module\_id' Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: vnf_module_id: type: string description: Unique ID for this VNF module instance vnf\_name +++++++++ The OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf_name' is the ONAP generated alphanumeric name of the deployed VNF instance. The value is provided by ONAP to the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template at orchestration time. The parameter must be declared as type: string .. req:: :id: R-72483 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource **MUST** contain the metadata map value parameter 'vnf_name'. .. req:: :id: R-62428 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf_name' **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-44318 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf\_name' **MUST NOT** have parameter contraints defined. .. req:: :id: R-36542 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf\_name' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's environment file. .. req:: :id: R-16576 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf_name' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vnf_name' **MUST NOT** change. *Example 'vnf\_name' Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: vnf_name: type: string description: Unique name for this VNF instance vf\_module\_name ++++++++++++++++ The OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf_module_name' is the deployment name of the heat stack created (e.g., ) from the VNF's Heat Orchestration template in the command 'Heat stack-create' (e.g., 'Heat stack-create [-f ] [-e ] '). The 'vf_module_name' (e.g., is specified as part of the orchestration process. .. req:: :id: R-68023 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource **SHOULD** contain the metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_name'. .. req:: :id: R-39067 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_name' **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-15480 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_name' **MUST NOT** have parameter contraints defined. .. req:: :id: R-80374 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_name' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's environment file. .. req:: :id: R-49177 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_name' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vf\_module\_name' **MUST NOT** change. *Example 'vf_module_name' Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: vf_module_name: type: string description: Unique name for this VNF Module instance vm\_role ++++++++ The OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vm-role' is a metadata tag that describes the role of the Virtual Machine. The 'vm\_role' is stored in ONAP's A&AI module and is available for use by other ONAP components and/or north bound systems. .. req:: :id: R-85328 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource **MAY** contain the metadata map value parameter 'vm_role'. .. req:: :id: R-95430 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vm_role' **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-67597 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vm_role' **MUST NOT** have parameter contraints defined. .. req:: :id: R-46823 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf_name' **MUST** be either - enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's environment file. - hard coded in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Resource metadata property. Defining the 'vm_role' as the '{vm-type}' is a recommended convention .. req:: :id: R-86476 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vm_role' value **MUST** only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores '_'. .. req:: :id: R-70757 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vm_role' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vm_role' **MUST NOT** change. *Example 'vm\_role' Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: vm_role: type: string description: Unique role for this VM *Example: 'vm-role' Definition: Hard Coded in OS::Nova::Resource metadata property* .. code-block:: yaml resources: dns_server_0 type: OS::Nova::Server properties: . . . . metadata: vm_role: dns *Example 'vm-role' Definition: Defined in Environment file and retrieved via 'get_param'* .. code-block:: yaml resources: dns_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: . . . . metadata: vm_role: { get_param: vm_role } Example vnf_id, vf_module_id, vnf_name, vf_module_name, vm_role +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The example below depicts part of a Heat Orchestration Template that uses the five of the OS::Nova::Server metadata parameter discussed in this section. The {vm-type} has been defined as lb for load balancer. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: lb_name_0 type: string description: VM Name for lb VM 0 vnf_name: type: string description: Unique name for this VNF instance vnf_id: type: string description: Unique ID for this VNF instance vf_module_name: type: string description: Unique name for this VNF Module instance vf_module_id: type: string description: Unique ID for this VNF Module instance vm_role: type: string description: Unique role for this VM resources: lb_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: lb_name_0 } ... metadata: vnf_name: { get_param: vnf_name } vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_name: { get_param: vf_module_name } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } vm_role: lb vf\_module\_index +++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-50816 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource **MAY** contain the metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_index'. .. req:: :id: R-54340 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_index' **MUST** be declared as type: 'number'. .. req:: :id: R-09811 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_index' **MUST NOT** have parameter contraints defined. .. req:: :id: R-37039 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_index' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's environment file. .. req:: :id: R-22441 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_index' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vf\_module\_index' **MUST NOT** change. .. req:: :id: R-55306 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_index' **MUST NOT** be used in a VNF's Volume Template; it is not supported. The vf\_module_index parameter indicates which instance of the module is being deployed into the VNF. This parameter may be used in cases where multiple instances of the same incremental module may be instantiated for scaling purposes. The index can be used in the Heat Orchestration Template for indexing into a pseudo-constant array parameter when unique values are required for each module instance, e.g., for fixed private IP addresses on VM types. The vf\_module\_index will start at 0 for the first instance of a module type. Subsequent instances of the same module type will receive the lowest unused index. This means that indexes will be reused if a module is deleted and re-added. As an example, if three copies of a module are deployed with vf\_module\_index values of 0, 1, and 2 then subsequently the second one is deleted (index 1), and then re-added, index 1 will be reused. *Example* In this example, the {vm-type} has been defined as oam\_vm to represent an OAM VM. An incremental heat module is used to deploy the OAM VM. The OAM VM attaches to an internal control network which has a {network-role} of ctrl. A maximum of four OAM VMs can be deployed. The environment file contains the four IP addresses that each successive OAM VM will be assigned. The vf\_module\_index is used as the index to determine the IP assignment. Environment File .. code-block:: yaml parameters: oam_vm_int_ctrl_ips:,,, YAML File .. code-block:: yaml parameters: vf_module_index: type: number description: Unique index for this VNF Module instance oam_vm_name_0: type: string description: VM Name for lb VM 0 int_ctrl_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for the internal control network oam_vm_int_ctrl_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IP assignments for oam VMs on the internal control network resources: oam_vm_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: oam_vm_name_0 } networks: - port: { get_resource: oam_vm_0_int_ctrl_port_0 } . . . metadata: vf_module_index: { get_param: vf_module_index } oam_vm_0_int_ctrl_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: int_ctrl_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [ oam_vm_int_ctrl_ips, { get_param, vf_module_index]}}}] workload\_context ++++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-47061 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource **SHOULD** contain the metadata map value parameter 'workload_context'. .. req:: :id: R-74978 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'workload_context' **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-34055 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'workload_context' **MUST NOT** have parameter contraints defined. .. req:: :id: R-02691 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'workload_context' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's environment file. .. req:: :id: R-75202 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'workload_context' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'workload_context' **MUST NOT** change. The 'workload\_context' parameter value will be chosen by the Service Model Distribution context client in VID and will be supplied to the Heat Orchestration Template by ONAP at orchestration time. *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: workload_context: type: string description: Workload Context for this VNF instance *Example OS::Nova::Server with metadata* .. code-block:: yaml resources: . . . {vm-type}_server_{index}: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: flavor: image: ... metadata: vnf_name: { get_param: vnf_name } vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_name: { get_param: vf_module_name } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } workload_context: {get_param: workload_context} environment\_context ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-88536 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource **SHOULD** contain the metadata map value parameter 'environment_context'. .. req:: :id: R-20308 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'environment_context' **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-56183 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'environment_context' **MUST NOT** have parameter contraints defined. .. req:: :id: R-13194 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'environment_context' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's environment file. .. req:: :id: R-62954 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'environment_context' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'environment_context' **MUST NOT** change. The 'environment\_context' parameter value will be defined by the service designer as part of the service model during the SDC on-boarding process and will be supplied to the Heat Orchestration Template by ONAP at orchestration time. *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: environment_context: type: string description: Environment Context for this VNF instance *Example OS::Nova::Server with metadata* .. code-block:: yaml resources: . . . {vm-type}_server_{index}: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: flavor: image: ... metadata: vnf_name: { get_param: vnf_name } vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_name: { get_param: vf_module_name } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } workload_context: {get_param: workload_context} environment_context: {get_param: environment_context } Resource: OS::Neutron::Port - Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The resource OS::Neutron::Port is for managing Neutron ports (See https://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html#OS::Neutron::Port.) Introduction ++++++++++++ Four properties of the resource OS::Neutron::Port that must follow the ONAP parameter naming convention. The four properties are: 1. network 2. fixed_ips, ip_address 3. fixed_ips, subnet_id or fixed_ips, subnet * Note that in many examples in this document fixed_ips, subnet_id is used. 4. allowed_address_pairs, ip_address Below is a generic example. Note that for some parameters comma_delimited_list are supported in addition to String. .. code-block:: yaml resources: ... : type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: allowed_address_pairs: [{"ip_address": String, "mac_address": String}, {"ip_address": String, "mac_address": String}, ...] fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": String, "subnet_id": String, "subnet": String}, {"ip_address": String, "subnet_id": String, "subnet": String}, ...] network: String The values associated with these properties may reference an external network or internal network. External networks and internal networks are defined in `Networking`_. When the OS::Neutron::Port is attaching to an external network, all property values are parameters that are retrieved via the intrinsic function 'get_param'. When the OS::Neutron::Port is attaching to an internal network, a property value maybe retrieved via the intrinsic function 'get_param', 'get_resource', or 'get_attr'. This will be described in the forth coming sections. Items to Note _____________ .. req:: :id: R-93272 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF **MAY** have one or more ports connected to a unique external network. All VNF ports connected to the unique external network **MUST** have Cloud Assigned IP Addresses or **MUST** have ONAP SDN-C assigned IP addresses. .. req:: :id: R-13841 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF **MAY** have one or more ports connected to a unique internal network. All VNF ports connected to the unique internal network **MUST** have Cloud Assigned IP Addresses or **MUST** have statically assigned IP addresses. .. req:: :id: R-07577 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If the VNF's ports connected to a unique network (internal or external) and the port's IP addresses are Cloud Assigned IP Addresses, all the IPv4 Addresses **MUST** be from the same subnet and all the IPv6 Addresses **MUST** be from the same subnet. .. req:: :id: R-45602 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF's Port is attached to a network (internal or external) and the port's IP addresses are Cloud Assigned by OpenStack's DHCP Service, the 'OS::Neutron::Port' Resource's * property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' **MUST NOT** be used * property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id' **MAY** be used .. req:: :id: R-63956 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If the VNF's ports connected to a unique external network and the port's IP addresses are ONAP SDN-C assigned IP Addresses, the IPv4 Addresses **MAY** be from different subnets and the IPv6 Addresses **MAY** be from different subnets. .. req:: :id: R-48880 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF's Port is attached to an external network and the port's IP addresses are assigned by ONAP's SDN-Controller, the 'OS::Neutron::Port' Resource's * property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' **MUST** be used * property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id' **MUST NOT** be used .. req:: :id: R-18001 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If the VNF's ports connected to a unique internal network and the port's IP addresses are statically assigned IP Addresses, the IPv4 Addresses **MAY** be from different subnets and the IPv6 Addresses **MAY** be from different subnets. .. req:: :id: R-70964 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF's Port is attached to an internal network and the port's IP addresses are statically assigned by the VNF's Heat Orchestration\ Template (i.e., enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's environment file), the 'OS::Neutron::Port' Resource's * property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' **MUST** be used * property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id' **MUST NOT** be used Property: network +++++++++++++++++ The Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'network' determines what network the port is attached to. .. req:: :id: R-18008 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'network' parameter **MUST** be declared as type: 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-62983 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an external network, the 'network' parameter name **MUST** - follow the naming convention '{network-role}_net_id' if the Neutron network UUID value is used to reference the network - follow the naming convention '{network-role}_net_name' if the OpenStack network name is used to reference the network. where '{network-role}' is the network-role of the external network and a 'get_param' **MUST** be used as the intrinsic function. .. req:: :id: R-86182 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an internal network, and the internal network is created in a different Heat Orchestration Template than the 'OS::Neutron::Port', the 'network' parameter name **MUST** - follow the naming convention 'int\_{network-role}_net_id' if the Neutron network UUID value is used to reference the network - follow the naming convention 'int\_{network-role}_net_name' if the OpenStack network name in is used to reference the network. where '{network-role}' is the network-role of the internal network and a 'get_param' **MUST** be used as the intrinsic function. In Requirement R-86182, the internal network is created in the VNF's Base Module (Heat Orchestration Template) and the parameter name is declared in the Base Module's outputs' section. The output parameter name will be declared as a parameter in the 'parameters' section of the incremental module. .. req:: :id: R-93177 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an internal network, and the internal network is created in the same Heat Orchestration Template than the 'OS::Neutron::Port', the 'network' parameter name **MUST** obtain the UUID of the internal network by using the intrinsic function 'get_resource' or 'get_attr' and referencing the Resource ID of the internal network. .. req:: :id: R-29872 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'network' parameter **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. The parameter values for external networks are provided by ONAP to the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template at orchestration time. The parameter values for internal networks created in the VNF's Base Module Heat Orchestration Template are provided to the VNF's Incremental Module Heat Orchestration Template at orchestration time. *Example Parameter Definition of External Networks* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {network-role}_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for the external {network-role} network {network-role}_net_name: type: string description: Neutron name for the external {network-role} network *Example Parameter Definition of Internal Networks in an Incremental Module* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: int_{network-role}_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for the internal int_{network-role} network int_{network-role}_net_name: type: string description: Neutron name for the internal int_{network-role} network Property: fixed_ips, Map Property: ip_address +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' is used to assign one IPv4 or IPv6 addresses to port. One 'OS::Neutron::Port' resource may assign one or more IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses. .. req:: :id: R-34037 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter **MUST** be declared as either type 'string' or type 'comma_delimited_list'. .. req:: :id: R-40971 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an external network, and an IPv4 address is assigned using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' and the parameter type is defined as a string, the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention - '{vm-type}_{network-role}\_ip\_{index}' where - '{vm-type}' is the {vm-type} associated with the OS::Nova::Server - '{network-role}' is the {network-role} of the external network - the value for {index} must start at zero (0) and increment by one .. req:: :id: R-39841 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter '{vm-type}_{network-role}\_ip\_{index}' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. ONAP's SDN-Controller assigns the IP Address and ONAP provides the value at orchestration to the Heat Orchestration Template. *Example External Network IPv4 Address string Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_{network-role}_ip_{index}: type: string description: Fixed IPv4 assignment for {vm-type} VM {index} on the{network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-04697 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an external network, and an IPv4 address is assigned using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' and the parameter type is defined as a comma_delimited_list, the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{vm-type}_{network-role}_ips', where * '{vm-type}' is the {vm-type} associated with the OS::Nova::Server * '{network-role}' is the {network-role} of the external network .. req:: :id: R-98905 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter '{vm-type}_{network-role}_ips' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. ONAP's SDN-Controller assigns the IP Address and ONAP provides the value at orchestration to the Heat Orchestration Template. *Example External Network IPv4 Address comma_delimited_list Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_{network-role}_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IPv4 assignments for {vm-type} VMs on the {network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-71577 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an external network, and an IPv6 address is assigned using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' and the parameter type is defined as a string, the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{vm-type}_{network-role}\_v6\_ip\_{index}' where * '{vm-type}' is the {vm-type} associated with the OS::Nova::Server * '{network-role}' is the {network-role} of the external network * the value for {index} must start at zero (0) and increment by one .. req:: :id: R-87123 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter '{vm-type}_{network-role}\_v6\_ip\_{index}' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. ONAP's SDN-Controller assigns the IP Address and ONAP provides the value at orchestration to the Heat Orchestration Template. *Example External Network IPv6 Address string Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ip_{index}: type: string description: Fixed IPv6 assignment for {vm-type} VM {index} on the {network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-23503 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an external network, and an IPv6 address is assigned using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' and the parameter type is defined as a comma_delimited_list, the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ips' where * '{vm-type}' is the {vm-type} associated with the OS::Nova::Server * '{network-role}' is the {network-role} of the external network .. req:: :id: R-93030 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter '{vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ips' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. ONAP's SDN-Controller assigns the IP Address and ONAP provides the value at orchestration to the Heat Orchestration Template. *Example External Network IPv6 Address comma_delimited_list Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IPv6 assignments for {vm-type} VMs on the {network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-78380 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an internal network, and an IPv4 address is assigned using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' and the parameter type is defined as a string, the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_ip\_{index}' where * '{vm-type}' is the {vm-type} associated with the OS::Nova::Server * '{network-role}' is the {network-role} of the internal network * the value for {index} must start at zero (0) and increment by one .. req:: :id: R-28795 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter '{vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_ip\_{index}' **MUST** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. The IP address is local to the VNF's internal network and is (re)used in every VNF spin up, thus the constant value is declared in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. *Example Internal Network IPv4 Address string Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_ip_{index}: type: string description: Fixed IPv4 assignment for {vm-type} VM {index} on the int_{network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-85235 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an internal network, and an IPv4 address is assigned using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' and the parameter type is defined as a comma_delimited_list, the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}_ips' where * '{vm-type}' is the {vm-type} associated with the OS::Nova::Server * '{network-role}' is the {network-role} of the internal network .. req:: :id: R-90206 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter '{vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}_int_ips' **MUST** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. The IP address is local to the VNF's internal network and is (re)used in every VNF spin up, thus the constant value is declared in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IPv4 assignments for {vm-type} VMs on the int_{network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-27818 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an internal network, and an IPv6 address is assigned using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' and the parameter type is defined as a string, the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_v6\_ip\_{index}' where * '{vm-type}' is the {vm-type} associated with the OS::Nova::Server * '{network-role}' is the {network-role} of the internal network * the value for {index} must start at zero (0) and increment by one .. req:: :id: R-97201 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter '{vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_v6\_ip\_{index}' **MUST** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. The IP address is local to the VNF's internal network and is (re)used in every VNF spin up, thus the constant value is declared in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. *Example Internal Network IPv6 Address string Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_v6_ip_{index}: type: string description: Fixed IPv6 assignment for {vm-type} VM {index} on the int_{network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-29765 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an internal network, and an IPv6 address is assigned using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' and the parameter type is defined as a comma_delimited_list, the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}_v6_ips' where * '{vm-type}' is the {vm-type} associated with the OS::Nova::Server * '{network-role}' is the {network-role} of the internal network *Example Internal Network IPv6 Address comma_delimited_list Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_v6_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IPv6 assignments for {vm-type} VMs on the int_{network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-98569 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter '{vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}_v6_ips' **MUST** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. The IP address is local to the VNF's internal network and is (re)used in every VNF spin up, thus the constant value is declared in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. .. req:: :id: R-62590 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter associated with an external network, i.e., - {vm-type}_{network-role}\_ip\_{index} - {vm-type}_{network-role}\_ip\_v6\_{index} - {vm-type}_{network-role}_ips - {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ips **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. ONAP provides the IP address assignments at orchestration time. .. req:: :id: R-93496 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter associated with an internal network, i.e., - {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_ip\_{index} - {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_ip\_v6\_{index} - {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}_ips - {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}_v6_ips **MUST** be enumerated in the Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File and IP addresses **MUST** be assigned. Summary Table _____________ .. csv-table:: **Table # OS::Neutron::Port Property fixed_ips map property ip_address Parameter Naming Convention** :header: Resource,Property,Map Property,Network Type,IP Address,Parameter Type,Parameter Name, Environment File :align: center :widths: auto OS::Neutron::Port, fixed_ips, ip_address, external, IPv4, string, {vm-type}\_{network-role}\_ip\_{index}, NO OS::Neutron::Port, fixed_ips, ip_address, external, IPv4, comma\_delimited\_list, {vm-type}\_{network-role}\_ips, NO OS::Neutron::Port, fixed_ips, ip_address, external, IPv6, string, {vm-type}\_{network-role}\_v6\_ip\_{index}, NO OS::Neutron::Port, fixed_ips, ip_address, external, IPv6, comma\_delimited\_list, {vm-type}\_{network-role}\_v6\_ips, NO OS::Neutron::Port, fixed_ips, ip_address, internal, IPv4, string, {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_ip\_{index}, YES OS::Neutron::Port, fixed_ips, ip_address, internal, IPv4, comma\_delimited\_list, {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_ips, YES OS::Neutron::Port, fixed_ips, ip_address, internal, IPv6, string, {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_v6\_ip\_{index}, YES OS::Neutron::Port, fixed_ips, ip_address, internal, IPv6, comma\_delimited\_list, {vm-type}\_int\_{network-role}\_v6\_ips, YES Examples ________ *Example: comma_delimited_list parameters for IPv4 and IPv6 Address Assignments to an external network* In this example, the '{network-role}' has been defined as 'oam' to represent an oam network and the '{vm-type}' has been defined as 'db' for database. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: oam_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for a oam network db_oam_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IPv4 assignments for db VMs on the oam network db_oam_v6_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IPv6 assignments for db VMs on the oam network resources: db_0_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [ db_oam_ips, 0 ]}}, { "ip_address": {get_param: [ db_oam_v6_ips, 0 ]}}] db_1_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: - "ip_address": {get_param: [ db_oam_ips, 1 ]} - "ip_address": {get_param: [ db_oam_v6_ips, 1 ]} *Example: string parameters for IPv4 and IPv6 Address Assignments to an external network* In this example, the '{network-role}' has been defined as 'oam' to represent an oam network and the '{vm-type}' has been defined as 'db' for database. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: oam_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for an OAM network db_oam_ip_0: type: string description: Fixed IPv4 assignment for db VM 0 on the OAM network db_oam_ip_1: type: string description: Fixed IPv4 assignment for db VM 1 on the OAM network db_oam_v6_ip_0: type: string description: Fixed IPv6 assignment for db VM 0 on the OAM network db_oam_v6_ip_1: type: string description: Fixed IPv6 assignment for db VM 1 on the OAM network resources: db_0_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: db_oam_ip_0}}, { "ip_address": {get_param: db_oam_v6_ip_0 ]}}] db_1_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: - "ip_address": {get_param: db_oam_ip_1}}] - "ip_address": {get_param: db_oam_v6_ip_1}}] *Example: comma_delimited_list parameters for IPv4 and IPv6 Address Assignments to an internal network* In this example, the '{network-role}' has been defined as 'ctrl' to represent an ctrl network internal to the vnf. The '{vm-type}' has been defined as 'db' for database. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: int_ctrl_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for the ctrl internal network db_int_ctrl_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IPv4 assignments for db VMs on the ctrl internal network db_int_ctrl_v6_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IPv6 assignments for db VMs on the ctrl internal network resources: db_0_int_ctrl_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: int_ctrl_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [ db_int_ctrl_ips, 0 ]}}, { "ip_address": {get_param: [ db_int_ctrl_v6_ips, 0 ]}}] db_1_int_ctrl_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: int_ctrl_net_id } fixed_ips: - "ip_address": {get_param: [ db_int_ctrl_ips, 1 ]} - "ip_address": {get_param: [ db_int_ctrl_v6_ips, 1 ]} *Example: string parameters for IPv4 and IPv6 Address Assignments to an internal network* In this example, the int\_{network-role} has been defined as int_ctrl to represent a control network internal to the vnf. The {vm-type} has been defined as db for database. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: int_ctrl_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for an OAM internal network db_int_ctrl_ip_0: type: string description: Fixed IPv4 assignment for db VM on the oam_int network db_int_ctrl_ip_1: type: string description: Fixed IPv4 assignment for db VM 1 on the oam_int network db_int_ctrl_v6_ip_0: type: string description: Fixed IPv6 assignment for db VM 0 on the oam_int network db_int_ctrl_v6_ip_1: type: string description: Fixed IPv6 assignment for db VM 1 on the oam_int network resources: db_0_int_ctrl_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: int_oam_int_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: db_oam_int_ip_0}}, { "ip_address": {get_param: db_oam_int_v6_ip_0 ]}}] db_1_int_ctrl_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: int_oam_int_net_id } fixed_ips: - "ip_address": {get_param: db_oam_int_ip_1}}] - "ip_address": {get_param: db_oam_int_v6_ip_1}}] Property: fixed\_ips, Map Property: subnet\_id ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id' is used when a port is requesting an IP assignment via OpenStack's DHCP Service (i.e., Cloud Assigned). The IP address assignment will be made from the specified subnet. Specifying the subnet is not required; it is optional. If the network (external or internal) that the port is attaching to only contains one subnet, specifying the subnet is superfluous. The IP address will be assigned from the one existing subnet. If the network (external or internal) that the port is attaching to contains two or more subnets, specifying the subnet in the 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id' determines which subnet the IP address will be assigned from. If the network (external or internal) that the port is attaching to contains two or more subnets, and the subnet is not is not specified, OpenStack will randomly(?) determine which subnet the IP address will be assigned from. The property fixed_ips is used to assign IPs to a port. The Map Property subnet_id specifies the subnet the IP is assigned from. .. req:: :id: R-38236 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id' parameter **MUST** be declared type 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-62802 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an external network, and an IPv4 address is being Cloud Assigned by OpenStack's DHCP Service and the external network IPv4 subnet is to be specified using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id', the parameter **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{network-role}_subnet_id' where * '{network-role}' is the network role of the network. .. req:: :id: R-83677 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property subnet'/'subnet_id' parameter '{network-role}_subnet_id' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. ONAP's SDN-Controller provides the network's subnet's UUID value at orchestration to the Heat Orchestration Template. *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {network-role}_subnet_id: type: string description: Neutron IPv4 subnet UUID for the {network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-15287 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an external network, and an IPv6 address is being Cloud Assigned by OpenStack's DHCP Service and the external network IPv6 subnet is to be specified using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id', the parameter **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{network-role}_subnet_v6_id' where * '{network-role}' is the network role of the network. .. req:: :id: R-80829 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property subnet'/'subnet_id' parameter '{network-role}_subnet_v6_id' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. ONAP's SDN-Controller provides the network's subnet's UUID value at orchestration to the Heat Orchestration Template. *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {network-role}_v6_subnet_id: type: string description: Neutron IPv6 subnet UUID for the {network-role} network *Example: One Cloud Assigned IPv4 Address (DHCP) assigned to a network that has two or more IPv4 subnets* In this example, the '{network-role}' has been defined as 'oam' to represent an oam network and the '{vm-type}' has been defined as 'lb' for load balancer. The Cloud Assigned IP Address uses the OpenStack DHCP service to assign IP addresses. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: oam_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for the oam network oam_subnet_id: type: string description: Neutron IPv4 subnet UUID for the oam network resources: lb_0_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port parameters: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: - subnet_id: { get_param: oam_subnet_id } *Example: One Cloud Assigned IPv4 address and one Cloud Assigned IPv6 address assigned to a network that has at least one IPv4 subnet and one IPv6 subnet* In this example, the '{network-role}' has been defined as 'oam' to represent an oam network and the '{vm-type}' has been defined as 'lb' for load balancer. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: oam_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for the oam network oam_subnet_id: type: string description: Neutron IPv4 subnet UUID for the oam network oam_v6_subnet_id: type: string description: Neutron IPv6 subnet UUID for the oam network resources: lb_0_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: - subnet_id: { get_param: oam_subnet_id } - subnet_id: { get_param: oam_v6_subnet_id } .. req:: :id: R-84123 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When - the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' in an Incremental Module is attaching to an internal network that is created in the Base Module, AND - an IPv4 address is being Cloud Assigned by OpenStack's DHCP Service AND - the internal network IPv4 subnet is to be specified using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id', the parameter **MUST** follow the naming convention * 'int\_{network-role}_subnet_id' where * '{network-role}' is the network role of the internal network - Note that the parameter **MUST** be defined as an 'output' parameter in the base module. .. req:: :id: R-69634 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property subnet'/'subnet_id' parameter 'int\_{network-role}_subnet_id' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. The assumption is that internal networks are created in the base module. The Neutron subnet network ID will be passed as an output parameter (e.g., ONAP Base Module Output Parameter) to the incremental modules. In the incremental modules, the output parameter name will be defined as input parameter. *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: int_{network-role}_subnet_id: type: string description: Neutron IPv4 subnet UUID for the int_{network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-76160 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When - the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' in an Incremental Module is attaching to an internal network that is created in the Base Module, AND - an IPv6 address is being Cloud Assigned by OpenStack's DHCP Service AND - the internal network IPv6 subnet is to be specified using the property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id', the parameter **MUST** follow the naming convention * 'int\_{network-role}_v6_subnet_id' where * '{network-role}' is the network role of the internal network - Note that the parameter **MUST** be defined as an 'output' parameter in the base module. .. req:: :id: R-22288 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id' parameter 'int\_{network-role}_v6_subnet_id' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: int_{network-role}_v6_subnet_id: type: string description: Neutron subnet UUID for the int_{network-role} network Property: allowed\_address\_pairs, Map Property: ip\_address +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The property 'allowed_address_pairs' in the resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' allows the user to specify a mac_address and/or ip_address that will pass through a port regardless of subnet. This enables the use of protocols, such as VRRP, which allow for a Virtual IP (VIP) address to be shared among two or more ports, with one designated as the master and the others as backups. In case the master fails, the Virtual IP address is mapped to a backup's IP address and the backup becomes the master. Note that the management of the VIP IP addresses (i.e. transferring ownership between active and standby VMs) is the responsibility of the VNF application. .. req:: :id: R-62300 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST If a VNF has two or more ports that require a Virtual IP Address (VIP), a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'allowed_address_pairs' map property 'ip_address' parameter **MUST** be used. The 'allowed_address_pairs' is an optional property. It is not required. ONAP automation supports the assignment of VIP addresses for external networks. ONAP support the assignment of one IPv4 VIP address and/or one IPv6 VIP address to a set of ports associated with a '{vm-type}' and '{network-role}'. If a VNF requires more than one IPv4 VIP address and/or more than one IPv6 VIP address to a set of ports associated with a '{vm-type}' and '{network-role}', there are "manual" work-around procedures that can be utilized. VIP Assignment, External Networks, Supported by Automation __________________________________________________________ .. req:: :id: R-91810 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF requires ONAP to assign a Virtual IP (VIP) Address to ports connected an external network, the port **MUST NOT** have more than one IPv4 VIP address. .. req:: :id: R-41956 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF requires ONAP to assign a Virtual IP (VIP) Address to ports connected an external network, the port **MUST NOT** have more than one IPv6 VIP address. .. req:: :id: R-10754 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF has two or more ports that attach to an external network that require a Virtual IP Address (VIP), and the VNF requires ONAP automation to assign the IP address, all the Virtual Machines using the VIP address **MUST** be instantiated in the same Base Module Heat Orchestration Template or in the same Incremental Module Heat Orchestration Template. .. req:: :id: R-98748 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'allowed_address_pairs' map property 'ip_address' parameter **MUST** be declared as type 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-41492 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an external network, and an IPv4 Virtual IP (VIP) address is assigned via ONAP automation using the property 'allowed_address_pairs' map property 'ip_address' and the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_ip' where * '{vm-type}' is the {vm-type} associated with the OS::Nova::Server * '{network-role}' is the {network-role} of the external network And the parameter **MUST** be declared as type 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-83412 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'allowed_address_pairs' map property 'ip_address' parameter '{vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_ip' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_ip: type: string description: IPv4 VIP for {vm-type} VMs on the {network-role} network .. req:: :id: R-35735 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found When the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' is attaching to an external network, and an IPv6 Virtual IP (VIP) address is assigned via ONAP automation using the property 'allowed_address_pairs' map property 'ip_address', the parameter name **MUST** follow the naming convention * '{vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_floating_ip' where * '{vm-type}' is the {vm-type} associated with the OS::Nova::Server * '{network-role}' is the {network-role} of the external network And the parameter **MUST** be declared as type 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-83418 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found The VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'allowed_address_pairs' map property 'ip_address' parameter '{vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip: type: string description: VIP for {vm-type} VMs on the {network-role} network Note that these parameters are **not** intended to represent an OpenStack "Floating IP", for which OpenStack manages a pool of public IP addresses that are mapped to specific VM ports. In that case, the individual VMs are not even aware of the public IPs, and all assignment of public IPs to VMs is via OpenStack commands. ONAP does not support Neutron-style Floating IPs. That is, ONAP does not support the resources 'OS::Neutron::FloatingIP' and 'OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation'. .. req:: :id: R-05257 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's **MUST NOT** contain the Resource 'OS::Neutron::FloatingIP'. .. req:: :id: R-76449 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's **MUST NOT** contain the Resource 'OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation'. The Floating IP functions as a NAT. They are allocated within Openstack, and always "terminate" within the Openstack infrastructure. When Openstack receives packets on a Floating IP, the packets will be forwarded to the Port that has been mapped to the Floating IP, using the private address of the port. The VM never sees or knows about the Openstack Floating IP. The process to use is: - User allocates a floating IP from the Openstack pool. - User 'attaches' that floating IP to one of the VM ports. If there is a high-availability VNF that wants to "float" the IP to a different VM, it requires a Neutron command to request Openstack to 'attach' the floating IP to a different VM port. The pool of such addresses is managed by Openstack infrastructure. Users cannot create new ones, they can only choose from those in the pool. The pool is typically global (i.e. any user/tenant can grab them). Allowed address pairs are for more typical Linux-level "virtual IPs". They are additional IP addresses that are advertised by some port on the VM, in addition to the primary private IP address. Typically in a high-availability VNF, an additional IP is assigned and will float between VMs (e.g., via some health-check app that will plumb the IP on one or other VM). In order for this to work, the actual packets must be addressed to that IP address (and the allowed_ip_address list will let it pass through to the VM). This generally requires provider network access (i.e. direct access to a data center network for the VMs), such that these IPs can pass through all of the virtual routers. Contrail also provides the enhanced networking that allows routing of such additional IPs. Floating IPs are not used in ONAP due to the NAT-ting nature of the IPs, the inability to reserve such IPs for specific use, the need to manage them via Openstack commands (i.e. a HA VNF would require direct access to Openstack to 'float' such an IP from one VM to another). *Example:* In this example, the {network-role} has been defined as oam to represent an oam network and the {vm-type} has been defined as db for database. .. code-block:: yaml parameters: oam_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for the oam network db_oam_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IPs for db VMs on the oam network db_oam_floating_ip: type: string description: VIP IP for db VMs on the oam network resources: db_0_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [db_oam_ips,0] }}] allowed_address_pairs: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: db_oam_floating_ip}}] db_1_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [db_oam_ips,1] }}] allowed_address_pairs: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: db_oam_floating_ip}}] VIP Assignment, External Networks, Additional Options _____________________________________________________ The parameter {'vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_ip' allows for only one allowed address pair IPv4 address per '{vm-type}' and '{network-role}' combination. The parameter '{vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip' allows for only one allowed address pair IPv6 address per '{vm-type}' and '{network-role}' combination. If there is a need for multiple allowed address pair IPs for a given {vm-type} and {network-role} combination within a VNF, there are two options. **Option One** If there is a need for multiple allowed address pair IPs for a given '{vm-type}' and '{network-role}' combination within a VNF, then the parameter names defined for the Property 'fixed_ips' Map Property 'ip_address' should be used or the Property 'allowed_address_pairs' Map Property 'ip_address'. The parameter names are provided in the table below. .. csv-table:: **Table 5 OS::Neutron::Port Property allowed_address_pairs map property ip_address Parameter Naming Convention** :header: IP Address,Parameter Type,Parameter Name :align: center :widths: auto IPv4, string, {vm-type}_{network-role}_ip_{index} IPv4, comma_delimited_list, {vm-type}_{network-role}_ips IPv6, string, {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ip_{index} IPv6, comma_delimited_list, {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ips The examples below illustrate this concept. *Example: A VNF has four load balancers. Each pair has a unique VIP.* In this example, there are two administrative VM pairs. Each pair has one VIP. The {network-role} has been defined as oam to represent an oam network and the {vm-type} has been defined as admin for an administrative VM. Pair 1: Resources admin_0_port_0 and admin_1_port_0 share a unique VIP, [admin_oam_ips,2] Pair 2: Resources admin_2_port_0 and admin_3_port_0 share a unique VIP, [admin_oam_ips,5] .. code-block:: yaml parameters: oam_net_id: type: string description: Neutron UUID for the oam network admin_oam_ips: type: comma_delimited_list description: Fixed IP assignments for admin VMs on the oam network resources: admin_0_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [admin_oam_ips,0] }}] allowed_address_pairs: [{ "ip_address": {get_param: [admin_oam_ips,2] }}] admin_1_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [admin_oam_ips,1] }}] allowed_address_pairs: [{ "ip_address": {get_param: [admin_oam_ips,2] }}] admin_2_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [admin_oam_ips,3] }}] allowed_address_pairs: [{ "ip_address": {get_param: [admin_oam_ips,5] }}] admin_3_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [admin_oam_ips,4] }}] allowed_address_pairs: [{ "ip_address": {get_param: [admin_oam_ips,5] }}] *Example: A VNF has two load balancers. The pair of load balancers share two VIPs.* In this example, there is one load balancer pairs. The pair has two VIPs. The {network-role} has been defined as oam to represent an oam network and the {vm-type} has been defined as lb for a load balancer VM. .. code-block:: yaml resources: lb_0_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [lb_oam_ips,0] }}] allowed_address_pairs: [{ "ip_address": {get_param: [lb_oam_ips,2] }, {get_param: [lb_oam_ips,3] }}] lb_1_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: [lb_oam_ips,1] }}] allowed_address_pairs: [{ "ip_address": {get_param: [lb_oam_ips,2] }, {get_param: [lb_oam_ips,3] }}] As a general rule, provide the fixed IPs for the VMs indexed first in the CDL and then the VIPs as shown in the examples above. **Option Two** If there is a need for multiple allowed address pair IPs for a given '{vm-type}' and '{network-role}' combination within a VNF, then the parameter names defined for the table below can be used. **Resource OS::Neutron::Port** Table 6: Multiple allowed_address_pairs Option 2A .. csv-table:: **Table 6 OS::Neutron::Port Property allowed_address_pairs map property ip_address Parameter Naming Convention** :header: IP Address,Parameter Type,Parameter Name :align: center :widths: auto IPv4, string, {vm-type}_{network-role}_vip_{index} IPv4, comma_delimited_list, {vm-type}_{network-role}_vips IPv6, string, {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_vip_{index} IPv6, comma_delimited_list, {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_vips If there is a need for multiple allowed address pair IPs for a given '{vm-type}' and '{network-role}' combination within a VNF and the need to differentiate the VIPs for different traffic types (e.g., 911 VIP, fail-over VIP), then the parameter names defined for the table below can be used. **Resource OS::Neutron::Port** Table 7: Multiple allowed_address_pairs Option 2B .. csv-table:: **Table 7 OS::Neutron::Port Property allowed_address_pairs map property ip_address Parameter Naming Convention** :header: IP Address,Parameter Type,Parameter Name :align: center :widths: auto IPv4, string, {vm-type}_{network-role}_{vip_type}_vip IPv4, comma_delimited_list, {vm-type}_{network-role}_{vip_type}_vips IPv6, string, {vm-type}_{network-role}_{vip_type}_v6_vip IPv6, comma_delimited_list, {vm-type}_{network-role}_{vip_type}_v6_vips Internal Networks _________________ ONAP defines an internal network in relation to the VNF and not with regard to the Network Cloud site. Internal networks may also be referred to as "intra-VNF" networks or "private" networks. An internal network only connects VMs in a single VNF. It must not connect to other VNFs or an external (to the cloud) gateway or an external (to the cloud) router. ONAP internal networks should be created in the base module. As previously mentioned, ports that connect to an internal network are assigned IP addresses via one of two methods * Method 1: Cloud assigned by OpenStack's DHCP Service * Method 2: Statically assigned. That is, predetermined by the VNF designer and are specified in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File If Cloud assigned IP addressing is being used, output statements are created in the base module. If static assigned IP addressing is being used, the IP addresses are defined in the environment file. * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_floating_ip * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_vip_{index} * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_vips * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_v6_vip_{index} * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_v6_vips * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_{vip_type}_vip * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_{vip_type}_vips * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_{vip_type}_v6_vip * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_{vip_type}_v6_vips *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_floating_ip: type: string description: VIP for {vm-type} VMs on the int_{network-role} network {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip: type: string description: VIP for {vm-type} VMs on the int_{network-role} network allowed_address_pair IP Addresses Required in more than one module __________________________________________________________________ If the IP address {vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_ip and/or {vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip must be used in more than module in the VNF, the parameter values must be defined as output values in the base module with output names: {vm-type}_{network-role}_shared_vip or {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_shared_vip .. code-block:: yaml outputs: {vm-type}_{network-role}_shared_vip: description: value: { get_param: {vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_ip } {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_shared_vip: description: value: { get_param: {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_floating_ip } The output parameters must be defined as input parameter in the incremental modules that require the IP addresses. When defining the allowed_address_pairs: in the OS::Neutron::Port, it should be as follows: .. code-block:: yaml allowed_address_pairs: [ { "ip_address": {get_param: {vm-type}_{network-role}_shared_vip }}, { "ip_address": {get_param: {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_shared_vip }}] Reserve Port Concept ____________________ A "Reserve Port" is an OS::Neutron::Port that fixed_ips, ip_address property is assigned one or more IP addresses that are used as Virtual IP (VIP) Addresses (i.e., allowed_address_pairs) on other ports. A "Reserve Port" is never attached to a Virtual Machine (OS::Nova::Server). The reserve port ensures that the intended allowed_address_pair IP address is not inadvertently assigned as a fixed_ips to a OS::Neutron::Port that is attached OS::Nova::Server and thus causing routing issues. A VNF may have one or more "Reserve Ports". A reserve port maybe created in the base module or an incremental module. If created in the base module, parameters may be defined in the outputs: section of the base template so the IP Address assigned to the reserve port maybe assigned to the allowed_address_pair property of an OS::Neutron::Port in one or more incremental modules. The parameter name of the IP address used in the "Reserve Port" depends on the allowed_address_pair "option" utilized by the VNF. When creating a Reserve Port, if only one allowed_address_pair is configured on a port, then the parameter name depends upon the IP addresses type (IPv4 or IPv6) and network type (internal or external). The valid parameter names are: * {vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_ip * {vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_floating_ip * {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip When creating a Reserve Port, if more than one (e.g., multiple) allowed_address_pair is configured on a port, then the parameter name depends upon the IP addresses type (IPv4 or IPv6) and network type (internal or external) and the option being used. The valid parameter names are: * {vm-type}_{network-role}_ip_{index} * {vm-type}_{network-role}_ips * {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ip_{index} * {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ips * {vm-type}_{network-role}_vip_{index} * {vm-type}_{network-role}_vips * {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_vip_{index} * {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_vips * {vm-type}_{network-role}_{vip-type}_vip * {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_{vip-type}_vip * {vm-type}_{network-role}_{vip-type}_vips * {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_{vip-type}_vips *Example IPv4 Reserve Port Definition: one allowed_address_pair configured on a port* .. code-block:: yaml Reserve_Port_{vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_ip_{index}: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: {network-role}_net_id } fixed_ips: - ip_address : { get_param: {vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_ip } *Example IPv6 Reserve Port Definition: one allowed_address_pair configured on a port* .. code-block:: yaml Reserve_Port_{vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip_{index}: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: {network-role}_net_id } fixed_ips: - ip_address : { get_param: {vm-type}_{network-role}_floating_v6_ip } Resource Property "name" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The parameter naming convention of the property name for the resource OS::Nova::Server has been defined in `Resource: OS::Nova::Server – Metadata Parameters`_. This section provides the requirements how the property name for non OS::Nova::Server resources must be defined when the property is used. Not all resources require the property name (e.g., it is optional) and some resources do not support the property. .. req:: :id: R-85734 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template contains the property 'name' for a non 'OS::Nova::Server' resource, the intrinsic function 'str_replace' **MUST** be used in conjunction with the ONAP supplied metadata parameter 'vnf_name' to generate a unique value. This prevents the enumeration of a unique value for the property name in a per instance environment file. .. req:: :id: R-99812 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A value for VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's property 'name' for a non 'OS::Nova::Server' resource **MUST NOT** be declared in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. In most cases the use of the metadata value 'vnf_name' is required to create a unique property name. If this will not provide a unique value, additional options include: - Using the Heat Orchestration Template pseudo parameter 'OS::stack_name' in the str_replace construct - Resources created in a nested heat file invoked by an 'OS::Heat::ResourceGroup' can use the 'index' to construct a unique name .. req:: :id: R-32408 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template property 'name' for a non 'OS::Nova::Server' resource uses the intrinsic function 'str_replace' in conjunction with the ONAP supplied metadata parameter 'vnf_name' and does not create a unique value, additional data **MUST** be used in the 'str_replace' to create a unique value, such as 'OS::stack_name' and/or the 'OS::Heat::ResourceGroup' 'index'. *Example: Property 'name' for resource 'OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup'* .. code-block:: yaml resources: DNS_SECURITY_GROUP: type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup properties: description: vDNS security group name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_sec_grp_DNS params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} rules: [. . . . .] *Example: Property 'name' for resource 'OS::Cinder::Volume'* .. code-block:: yaml resources: dns_volume_0: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: description: Cinder Volume name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_STACK_NAME_dns_volume params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} STACK_NAME: { get_param: 'OS::stack_name' } . . . . *Example: Property 'name' for resource 'OS::Cinder::Volume' invoked by a 'OS::Heat::ResourceGroup'* .. code-block:: yaml resources: dns_volume_0: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: description: Cinder Volume name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_STACK_NAME_dns_volume_INDEX params: VNF_NAME: { get_param: vnf_name } STACK_NAME: { get_param: 'OS::stack_name' } INDEX: { get_param: index } . . . . Contrail Issue with Values for the Property Name ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-84517 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found The Contrail GUI has a limitation displaying special characters. The issue is documented in https://bugs.launchpad.net/juniperopenstack/+bug/1590710. It is recommended that special **SHOULD** characters be avoided. However, if special characters must be used, note that for the following resources: * Virtual Machine * Virtual Network * Port * Security Group * Policies * IPAM Creation the only special characters supported are - \" ! $\ \ ' ( ) = ~ ^ | @ ` { } [ ] > , . _" ONAP Output Parameter Names ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP defines three types of Output Parameters as detailed in `Output Parameters`_. ONAP Base Module Output Parameters: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ONAP Base Module Output Parameters do not have an explicit naming convention. .. req:: :id: R-97726 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Base Module Output Parameter names **MUST** contain {vm-type} and/or {network-role} when appropriate. ONAP Volume Template Output Parameters: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-88524 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Volume Template Output Parameter names **MUST** contain {vm-type} when appropriate. Predefined Output Parameters ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ONAP currently defines one predefined output parameter the OAM Management IP Addresses. OAM Management IP Addresses ___________________________ A VNF may have a management interface for application controllers to interact with and configure the VNF. Typically, this will be via a specific VM that performs a VNF administration function. The IP address of this interface must be captured and inventoried by ONAP. The IP address might be a VIP if the VNF contains an HA pair of management VMs, or may be a single IP address assigned to one VM. .. req:: :id: R-47874 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF **MAY** have * Only an IPv4 OAM Management IP Address * Only an IPv6 OAM Management IP Address * Both a IPv4 and IPv6 OAM Management IP Addresses .. req:: :id: R-18683 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF has one IPv4 OAM Management IP Address and the IP Address needs to be inventoried in ONAP's A&AI database, an output parameter **MUST** be declared in only one of the VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates and the parameter **MUST** be named 'oam_management_v4_address'. .. req:: :id: R-94669 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF has one IPv6 OAM Management IP Address and the IP Address needs to be inventoried in ONAP's AAI database, an output parameter **MUST** be declared in only one of the VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates and the parameter **MUST** be named 'oam_management_v6_address'. The OAM Management IP Address maybe assigned either via * ONAP SDN-C * DHCP .. req:: :id: R-56287 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If the VNF's OAM Management IP Address is assigned by ONAP SDN-C and assigned in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's via a heat resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_adress' parameter (e.g., '{vm-type}_{network-role}_ip_{index}', '{vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ip_{index}') and the OAM IP Address is required to be inventoried in ONAP AAI, then the parameter **MUST** be echoed in an output statement. .. code-block:: yaml outputs: oam_management_v4_address: value: {get_param: {vm-type}_{network-role}_ip_{index} } oam_management_v6_address: value: {get_param: {vm-type}_{network-role}_v6_ip_{index} } *Example: ONAP SDN-C Assigned IP Address echoed as oam_management_v4_address* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: admin_oam_ip_0: type: string description: Fixed IPv4 assignment for admin VM 0 on the OAM network . . . resources: admin_0_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_admin_oam_port_0 params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [{ "ip_address": { get_param: admin_oam_ip_0 }}] security_groups: [{ get_param: security_group }] admin_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: admin_names } image: { get_param: admin_image_name } flavor: { get_param: admin_flavor_name } availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_0 } networks: - port: { get_resource: admin_0_oam_net_port_0 } metadata: vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } vnf_name: {get_param: vnf_name } outputs: oam_management_v4_address: value: {get_param: admin_oam_ip_0 } .. req:: :id: R-48987 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If the VNF's OAM Management IP Address is Cloud assigned and and the OAM IP Address is required to be inventoried in ONAP AAI, then the parameter **MUST** be obtained by the resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' attribute 'ip_address'. .. code-block:: yaml outputs: oam_management_v4_address: value: {get_attr: [ {OS::Neutron Port Resource ID}, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address] } *Example: Cloud Assigned IP Address output as oam_management_v4_address* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: . . . resources: admin_0_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_admin_oam_0_port params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} network: { get_param: oam_net_id } security_groups: [{ get_param: security_group }] admin_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: admin_name_0 } image: { get_param: admin_image_name } flavor: { get_param: admin_flavor_name } availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_0 } networks: - port: { get_resource: admin_0_oam_port_0 } metadata: vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } vnf_name: {get_param: vnf_name } outputs: oam_management_v4_address: value: {get_attr: [admin_0_oam_port_0, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address] } Contrail Resource Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP requires the parameter names of certain Contrail Resources to follow specific naming conventions. This section provides these requirements. Contrail Network Parameters +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Contrail based resources may require references to a Contrail network using the network FQDN. External Networks _________________ .. req:: :id: R-02164 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found When a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Contrail resource has a property that references an external network that requires the network's Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), the property parameter * **MUST** follow the format '{network-role}_net_fqdn' * **MUST** be declared as type 'string' * **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the NF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File .. req:: :id: R-73228 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter '{network-role}_net_fqdn' **MUST** be declared as type 'string'. .. req:: :id: R-92193 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's parameter '{network-role}_net_fqdn' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. *Example: Parameter declaration* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {network-role}_net_fqdn: type: string description: Contrail FQDN for the {network-role} network *Example: Contrail Resource OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface Reference to a Network FQDN.* In this example, the {network-role} has been defined as oam to represent an oam network and the {vm-type} has been defined as fw for firewall. The Contrail resource OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface property virtual_network_refs references a contrail network FQDN. .. code-block:: yaml fw_0_oam_vmi_0: type: OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface properties: name: str_replace: template: VM_NAME_virtual_machine_interface_1 params: VM_NAME: { get_param: fw_name_0 } virtual_machine_interface_properties: virtual_machine_interface_properties_service_interface_type: { get_param: oam_protected_interface_type } virtual_network_refs: - get_param: oam_net_fqdn security_group_refs: - get_param: fw_sec_grp_id Interface Route Table Prefixes for Contrail InterfaceRoute Table ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. req:: :id: R-28222 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template 'OS::ContrailV2::InterfaceRouteTable' resource 'interface_route_table_routes' property 'interface_route_table_routes_route' map property parameter name **MUST** follow the format * {vm-type}_{network-role}_route_prefixes .. req:: :id: R-19756 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template 'OS::ContrailV2::InterfaceRouteTable' resource 'interface_route_table_routes' property 'interface_route_table_routes_route' map property parameter '{vm-type}_{network-role}_route_prefixes' **MUST** be defined as type 'json'. .. req:: :id: R-76682 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT :test: no test found :test_case: no test found :test_file: no test found If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template 'OS::ContrailV2::InterfaceRouteTable' resource 'interface_route_table_routes' property 'interface_route_table_routes_route' map property parameter '{vm-type}_{network-role}_route_prefixes' **MUST NOT** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File. The parameter '{vm-type}_{network-role}_route_prefixes' supports IP addresses in the format: 1. Host IP Address (e.g., 2. CIDR Notation format (e.g., *Example Parameter Definition* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: {vm-type}_{network-role}_route_prefixes: type: json description: JSON list of Contrail Interface Route Table route prefixes *Example:* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: vnf_name: type: string description: Unique name for this VF instance fw_oam_route_prefixes: type: json description: prefix for the ServiceInstance InterfaceRouteTable int_fw_dns_trusted_interface_type: type: string description: service_interface_type for ServiceInstance resources: : type: OS::ContrailV2::InterfaceRouteTable depends_on: [resource name of OS::ContrailV2::ServiceInstance] properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_interface_route_table params: VNF_NAME: { get_param: vnf_name } interface_route_table_routes: interface_route_table_routes_route: { get_param: fw_oam_route_prefixes } service_instance_refs: - get_resource: service_instance_refs_data: - service_instance_refs_data_interface_type: { get_param: oam_interface_type } Resource OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Contrail resource OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp has two properties that parameters **MUST** follow an explicit naming convention. The properties are 'instance_ip_address' and 'subnet_uuid'. *Example OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp Resource* .. code-block:: yaml : type: OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp properties: name: { get_param: name } fq_name: { get_param: fq_name } display_name: { get_param: display_name } secondary_ip_tracking_ip: { secondary_ip_tracking_ip_ip_prefix: { get_param: secondary_ip_tracking_ip_ip_prefix }, secondary_ip_tracking_ip_ip_prefix_len: { get_param: secondary_ip_tracking_ip_ip_prefix_len }, } instance_ip_address: { get_param: instance_ip_address } instance_ip_mode: { get_param: instance_ip_mode } subnet_uuid: { get_param: subnet_uuid } instance_ip_family: { get_param: instance_ip_family } annotations: { annotations_key_value_pair: [{ annotations_key_value_pair_key: { get_param: annotations_key_value_pair_key }, annotations_key_value_pair_value: { get_param: annotations_key_value_pair_value }, }], } instance_ip_local_ip: { get_param: instance_ip_local_ip } instance_ip_secondary: { get_param: instance_ip_secondary } physical_router_refs: [{ get_param: physical_router_refs }] virtual_machine_interface_refs: [{ get_param: virtual_machine_interface_refs }] virtual_network_refs: [{ get_param: virtual_network_refs }] Resource OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp Property instance_ip_address ________________________________________________________________ A VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates resource 'OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp' property 'instance_ip_address' parameter **MUST** follow the same requirements that apply to the resource 'OS::Neutron' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'ip_address' parameter. *Example: Contrail Resource OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp, Property instance_ip_address* The property instance_ip_address uses the same parameter naming convention as the property fixed_ips and Map Property ip_address in OS::Neutron::Port. The resource is assigning an ONAP SDN-C Assigned IP Address. The {network-role} has been defined as oam_protected to represent an oam protected network and the {vm-type} has been defined as fw for firewall. .. code-block:: yaml fw_0_oam_protected_vmi_0_IP_0: type: OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp depends_on: - fw_0_oam_protected_vmi_0 properties: virtual_machine_interface_refs: - get_resource: fw_0_oam_protected_vmi_0 virtual_network_refs: - get_param: oam_protected_net_fqdn instance_ip_address: { get_param: [fw_oam_protected_ips, get_param: index ] } Resource OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp Property subnet_uuid ________________________________________________________________ A VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates resource 'OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp' property 'subnet_uuid' parameter **MUST** follow the same requirements that apply to the resource 'OS::Neutron' property 'fixed_ips' map property 'subnet'/'subnet_id' parameter. *Example: Contrail Resource OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp, Property subnet_uuid* The property instance_ip_address uses the same parameter naming convention as the property fixed_ips and Map Property subnet_id in OS::Neutron::Port. The resource is assigning a Cloud Assigned IP Address. The {network-role} has been defined as "oam_protected" to represent an oam protected network and the {vm-type} has been defined as "fw" for firewall. .. code-block:: yaml fw_0_oam_protected_vmi_0_IP_0: type: OS::ContrailV2::InstanceIp depends_on: - fw_0_oam_protected_vmi_0 properties: virtual_machine_interface_refs: - get_resource: fw_0_oam_protected_vmi_0 virtual_network_refs: - get_param: oam_protected_net_fqdn subnet_uuid: { get_param: oam_protected_subnet_id } OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface Property virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates resource 'OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface' map property, virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs, virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair, virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_ip, virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_ip_ip_prefix parameter **MUST** follow the same requirements that apply to the resource 'OS::Neutron::Port' property 'allowed_address_pairs', map property 'ip_address' parameter. *Example OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface* .. code-block:: yaml : type: OS::ContrailV2::VirtualMachineInterface properties: name: { get_param: name } fq_name: { get_param: fq_name } ecmp_hashing_include_fields: { ecmp_hashing_include_fields_hashing_configured: { get_param: ecmp_hashing_include_fields_hashing_configured }, ecmp_hashing_include_fields_source_ip: { get_param: ecmp_hashing_include_fields_source_ip }, ecmp_hashing_include_fields_destination_ip: { get_param: ecmp_hashing_include_fields_destination_ip }, ecmp_hashing_include_fields_ip_protocol: { get_param: ecmp_hashing_include_fields_ip_protocol }, ecmp_hashing_include_fields_source_port: { get_param: ecmp_hashing_include_fields_source_port }, ecmp_hashing_include_fields_destination_port: { get_param: ecmp_hashing_include_fields_destination_port }, } virtual_machine_interface_host_routes: { virtual_machine_interface_host_routes_route: [{ virtual_machine_interface_host_routes_route_prefix: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_host_routes_route_prefix }, virtual_machine_interface_host_routes_route_next_hop: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_host_routes_route_next_hop }, virtual_machine_interface_host_routes_route_next_hop_type: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_host_routes_route_next_hop_type }, virtual_machine_interface_host_routes_route_community_attributes: { virtual_machine_interface_host_routes_route_community_attributes_community_attribute: [{ get_param: virtual_machine_interface_host_routes_route_community_attributes_community_attribute }], }, }], } virtual_machine_interface_mac_addresses: { virtual_machine_interface_mac_addresses_mac_address: [{ get_param: virtual_machine_interface_mac_addresses_mac_address }], } virtual_machine_interface_dhcp_option_list: { virtual_machine_interface_dhcp_option_list_dhcp_option: [{ virtual_machine_interface_dhcp_option_list_dhcp_option_dhcp_option_name: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_dhcp_option_list_dhcp_option_dhcp_option_name }, virtual_machine_interface_dhcp_option_list_dhcp_option_dhcp_option_value: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_dhcp_option_list_dhcp_option_dhcp_option_value }, virtual_machine_interface_dhcp_option_list_dhcp_option_dhcp_option_value_bytes: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_dhcp_option_list_dhcp_option_dhcp_option_value_bytes }, }], } virtual_machine_interface_bindings: { virtual_machine_interface_bindings_key_value_pair: [{ virtual_machine_interface_bindings_key_value_pair_key: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_bindings_key_value_pair_key }, virtual_machine_interface_bindings_key_value_pair_value: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_bindings_key_value_pair_value }, }], } virtual_machine_interface_disable_policy: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_disable_policy } virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs: { virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair: [{ virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_ip: { virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_ip_ip_prefix: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_ip_ip_prefix }, virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_ip_ip_prefix_len: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_ip_ip_prefix_len }, }, virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_mac: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_mac }, virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_address_mode: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_allowed_address_pairs_allowed_address_pair_address_mode }, }], } annotations: { annotations_key_value_pair: [{ annotations_key_value_pair_key: { get_param: annotations_key_value_pair_key }, annotations_key_value_pair_value: { get_param: annotations_key_value_pair_value }, }], } virtual_machine_interface_fat_flow_protocols: { virtual_machine_interface_fat_flow_protocols_fat_flow_protocol: [{ virtual_machine_interface_fat_flow_protocols_fat_flow_protocol_protocol: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_fat_flow_protocols_fat_flow_protocol_protocol }, virtual_machine_interface_fat_flow_protocols_fat_flow_protocol_port: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_fat_flow_protocols_fat_flow_protocol_port }, }], } virtual_machine_interface_device_owner: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_device_owner } port_security_enabled: { get_param: port_security_enabled } virtual_machine_interface_properties: { virtual_machine_interface_properties_service_interface_type: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_service_interface_type }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror: { virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_traffic_direction: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_traffic_direction }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to: { virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_analyzer_name: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_analyzer_name }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_encapsulation: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_encapsulation }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_analyzer_ip_address: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_analyzer_ip_address }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_analyzer_mac_address: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_analyzer_mac_address }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_routing_instance: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_routing_instance }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_udp_port: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_udp_port }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_juniper_header: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_juniper_header }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_nh_mode: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_nh_mode }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_static_nh_header: { virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_static_nh_header_vtep_dst_ip_address: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_static_nh_header_vtep_dst_ip_address }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_static_nh_header_vtep_dst_mac_address: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_static_nh_header_vtep_dst_mac_address }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_static_nh_header_vni: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_interface_mirror_mirror_to_static_nh_header_vni }, }, }, }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_local_preference: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_local_preference }, virtual_machine_interface_properties_sub_interface_vlan_tag: { get_param: virtual_machine_interface_properties_sub_interface_vlan_tag }, } display_name: { get_param: display_name } service_health_check_refs: [{ get_param: service_health_check_refs }] routing_instance_refs: [{ get_param: routing_instance_refs }] routing_instance_refs_data: [{ routing_instance_refs_data_direction: { get_param: routing_instance_refs_data_direction }, routing_instance_refs_data_vlan_tag: { get_param: routing_instance_refs_data_vlan_tag }, routing_instance_refs_data_src_mac: { get_param: routing_instance_refs_data_src_mac }, routing_instance_refs_data_dst_mac: { get_param: routing_instance_refs_data_dst_mac }, routing_instance_refs_data_mpls_label: { get_param: routing_instance_refs_data_mpls_label }, routing_instance_refs_data_service_chain_address: { get_param: routing_instance_refs_data_service_chain_address }, routing_instance_refs_data_ipv6_service_chain_address: { get_param: routing_instance_refs_data_ipv6_service_chain_address }, routing_instance_refs_data_protocol: { get_param: routing_instance_refs_data_protocol }, }] security_group_refs: [{ get_param: security_group_refs }] physical_interface_refs: [{ get_param: physical_interface_refs }] port_tuple_refs: [{ get_param: port_tuple_refs }] interface_route_table_refs: [{ get_param: interface_route_table_refs }] virtual_machine_interface_refs: [{ get_param: virtual_machine_interface_refs }] virtual_network_refs: [{ get_param: virtual_network_refs }] virtual_machine_refs: [{ get_param: virtual_machine_refs }] qos_config_refs: [{ get_param: qos_config_refs }] virtual_machine: { get_param: virtual_machine } project: { get_param: project } Suggested Naming Convention for Common Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many VNFs use the parameters in the table below are used in user_data. The table below provides a suggested naming convention for these common parameters. Netmask +++++++ .. csv-table:: **Table 8: Suggested Naming Convention for Common Parameters: Netmask** :header: Parameter Name,Parameter Type,Notes :align: center :widths: auto {network-role}_subnet__netmask, string, int__subnet__netmask, string, {network-role}_v6_subnet__netmask , string, int_{network-role}_v6_subnet__netmask, string, CIDR ++++ .. csv-table:: **Table 9: Suggested Naming Convention for Common Parameters: CIDR** :header: Parameter Name,Parameter Type,Notes :align: center :widths: auto _subnet__cidr, string, int__subnet__cidr, string, _v6_subnet__cidr, string, int__v6_subnet__cidr, string, Default Gateway +++++++++++++++ .. csv-table:: **Table 10: Suggested Naming Convention for Common Parameters: Default Gateway** :header: Parameter Name,Parameter Type,Notes :align: center :widths: auto {network-role}_subnet__default_gateway, string, {network-role}_v6_subnet__default_gateway, string, DCAE Collector IP Address +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. csv-table:: **Table 11: Suggested Naming Convention for Common Parameters: DCAE Collector Address** :header: Parameter Name,Parameter Type,Notes :align: center :widths: auto dcae_collector_ip_, string, dcae_collector_v6_ip_, string, NTP Server IP Address +++++++++++++++++++++ .. csv-table:: **Table 12: Suggested Naming Convention for Common Parameters: NTP Server IP Address** :header: Parameter Name,Parameter Type,Notes :align: center :widths: auto ntp_ip_, string, ntp_v6_ip_, string, DNS ++++++++ .. csv-table:: **Table 13: Suggested Naming Convention for Common Parameters: DCAE Collector Address** :header: Parameter Name,Parameter Type,Notes :align: center :widths: auto dns_{network-role}_ip_, string, dns_{network-role}_v6_ip_, string, Security Group ++++++++++++++ .. csv-table:: **Table 14: Suggested Naming Convention for Common Parameters: Security Group** :header: Parameter Name,Parameter Type,Notes :align: center :widths: auto {vm-type}_security_group, string, Security Group applicable to one {vm-type} and more than one network (internal and/or external) {network-role}_security_group, string, Security Group applicable to more than one {vm-type} and one external network int_{network-role}_security_group, string, Security Group applicable to more than one {vm-type} and one internal network {vm-type}_{network-role}_security_group, string, Security Group applicable to one {vm-type} and one external network {vm-type}_int_{network-role}_security_group, string, Security Group applicable to one {vm-type} and one internal network shared_security_group, string, Security Group applicable to more than one {vm-type} and more than one network (internal and/or external) ONAP VNF Modularity ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ONAP supports a modular Heat Orchestration Template design pattern, referred to as *VNF Modularity.* With this approach, a single VNF **MAY** be composed from one or more Heat Orchestration Templates, each of which represents a subset of the overall VNF. These component parts are referred to as *VNF Modules*. During orchestration, these modules are deployed incrementally to create the complete VNF. As stated in R-33132, a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MAY** be 1.) Base Module Heat Orchestration Template (also referred to as a Base Module), 2.) Incremental Module Heat Orchestration Template (referred to as an Incremental Module), or 3.) a Cinder Volume Module Heat Orchestration Template (referred to as Cinder Volume Module). As stated in R-20974, at orchestration time, the VNF's Base Module **MUST** be deployed first, prior to any incremental modules. As stated in R-28980, R-86926, and R-91497, a VNF's incremental module **MAY** be used for * initial VNF deployment only * scale out only * both deployment and scale out As stated in R-68122, a VNF's incremental module **MAY** be deployed more than once, either during initial VNF deployment and/or scale out As stated in R-37028 and R-13196, a VNF **MUST** be composed of one Base Module and *MAY** be composed of zero to many Incremental Modules. ONAP also supports the concept of an optional, independently deployed Cinder volume via a separate Heat Orchestration Templates, referred to as a Cinder Volume Module. This allows the volume to persist after a VM (i.e., OS::Nova::Server) is deleted, allowing the volume to be reused on another instance (e.g., during a fail over activity). The scope of a Cinder volume module, when it exists, must be 1:1 with a Base module or Incremental Module. A VNF module (base, incremental, cinder) **MAY** support nested templates. A shared Heat Resource is a resource that **MAY** be used by other Heat Resources either in the Base Module or an Incremental Module. .. req:: :id: R-61001 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A shared Heat Orchestration Template resource must be defined in the base module. A shared resource is a resource that that will be referenced by another resource that is defined in the Base Module and/or one or more incremental modules. When the shared resource needs to be referenced by a resource in an incremental module, the UUID of the shared resource **MUST** be exposed by declaring an ONAP Base Module Output Parameter. When the shared resource needs to be referenced by a resource in an incremental module, the UUID of the shared resource must be exposed by declaring an ONAP Base Module Output Parameter. An example of a shared resource is the resource OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup. Security groups are sets of IP filter rules that are applied to a VNF’s networking. The resource OS::Neutron::Port has a property security_groups which provides the security groups associated with port. The value of parameter(s) associated with this property must be the UUIDs of the resource(s) OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup. *Note:* A Cinder volume is not considered a shared resource. A volume template must correspond 1:1 with a base template or add-on module template. Suggested Patterns for Modular VNFs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are numerous variations of VNF modularity. Below are two suggested usage patterns. **Option 1: Incremental Modules per VNFC type** a. Base module contains only the shared resources. b. Group all VMs (e.g., VNFCs) of a given type (i.e. {vm-type}) into its own incremental module. That is, the VNF has an incremental module for each {vm-type}. c. For a given {vm-type} incremental module, the VNF may have i. One incremental module used for both initial turn up and re-used for scaling. This approach is used when the number of VMs instantiated will be the same for initial deployment and scaling. ii. Two incremental modules, where one is used for initial turn up and one is used for scaling. This approach is used when the number of VMs instantiated will be different for initial deployment and scaling. **Option 2: Base VNF with Incremental Growth Modules** a. Base module contains a complete initial VNF instance b. Incremental modules for incremental scaling units i. May contain VMs of multiple types in logical scaling combinations ii. May be separated by VM type for multi-dimensional scaling With no growth units, Option 2 is equivalent to the "One Heat Template per VNF" model. Note that modularization of VNFs is not required. A single Heat Orchestration Template (a base module) may still define a complete VNF, which might be appropriate for smaller VNFs that do not have any scaling options. Modularity Rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are some rules to follow when building modular VNF templates: 1. All VNFs must have one Base VNF Module (template) that must be the first one deployed. The base template: a. Must include all shared resources (e.g., private networks, server groups, security groups) b. Must expose all shared resources (by UUID) as "outputs" in its associated Heat template (i.e., ONAP Base Module Output Parameters) c. May include initial set of VMs d. May be operational as a stand-alone "minimum" configuration of the VNF 2. VNFs may have one or more incremental modules which: a. Defines additional resources that can be added to an existing VNF b. Must be complete Heat templates i. i.e. not snippets to be incorporated into some larger template c. Should define logical growth-units or sub-components of an overall VNF d. On creation, receives appropriate Base Module outputs as parameters i. Provides access to all shared resources (by UUID) ii. *VNFs may have one or more incremental modules which must not be dependent on other Add-On VNF Modules* e. Multiple instances of an incremental Module may be added to the same VNF (e.g., incrementally grow a VNF by a fixed "add-on" growth units) 3. Each VNF Module (base or incremental) may have (optional) an associated Cinder Volume Module (see Cinder Volumes) a. Volume modules must correspond 1:1 with a base module or incremental module b. A Cinder volume may be embedded within the base module or incremental module if persistence is not required 4. Shared resource UUIDs are passed between the base module and incremental modules via Heat Outputs Parameters (i.e., Base Module Output Parameters) a. The output parameter name in the base must match the parameter name in the add-on module VNF Modularity Examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Example: Base Module creates SecurityGroup* A VNF has a base module, named base.yaml, that defines a OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup. The security group will be referenced by an OS::Neutron::Port resource in an incremental module, named INCREMENTAL_MODULE.yaml. The base module defines a parameter in the outputs:section named dns_sec_grp_id. dns_sec_grp_id is defined as a parameter in the incremental module. ONAP captures the UUID value of dns_sec_grp_id from the base module output statement and provides the value to the incremental module. Note that the example below is not a complete Heat Orchestration Template. The {network-role} has been defined as oam to represent an oam network and the {vm-type} has been defined as dns. base_MODULE.yaml .. code-block:: yaml parameters: . . . resources: DNS_SECURITY_GROUP: type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup properties: description: vDNS security group name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_sec_grp_DNS params: VMF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} rules: [. . . . . ] . . . outputs: dns_sec_grp_id: description: UUID of DNS Resource SecurityGroup value: { get_resource: DNS_SECURITY_GROUP } INCREMENTAL_MODULE.yaml .. code-block:: yaml parameters: dns_sec_grp_id: type: string description: security group UUID . . . resources: dns_0_oam_0_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_dns_oam_port params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} network: { get_param: oam_net_name } fixed_ips: [{ "ip_address": { get_param: dns_oam_ip_0 }}] security_groups: [{ get_param: dns_sec_grp_id }] *Examples: Base Module creates an internal network* A VNF has a base module, named base_module.yaml, that creates an internal network. An incremental module, named incremental_module.yaml, will create a VM that will connect to the internal network. The base module defines a parameter in the out section named int_oam_net_id. int_oam_net_id is defined as a parameter in the incremental module. ONAP captures the UUID value of int_oam_net_id from the base module output statement and provides the value to the incremental module. Note that the example below is not a complete Heat Orchestration Template. The {network-role} has been defined as oam to represent an oam network and the {vm-type} has been defined as lb for load balancer. base.yaml .. code-block:: yaml heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 resources: int_oam_network: type: OS::Neutron::Network properties: name: {… } . . . outputs: int_oam_net_id: value: {get_resource: int_oam_network } incremental.yaml .. code-block:: yaml heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 parameters: int_oam_net_id: type: string description: ID of shared private network from Base template lb_name_0: type: string description: name for the add-on VM instance resources: lb_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: {get_param: lb_name_0} networks: - port: { get_resource: get_resource: lb_0_int_oam_port_0 } . . . lb_0_int_oam_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: int_oam_net_id } ... Cinder Volumes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Cinder Volumes are created with the heat resource OS::Cinder::Volume. As stated in R-46119, R-90748, R-03251, a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource OS::Heat::CinderVolume **MAY** be defined in a Base Module, Incremental Module, or Cinder Volume Module. ONAP supports the independent deployment of a Cinder volume via separate Heat Orchestration Templates, the Cinder Volume module. This allows the volume to persist after VNF deletion so that they can be reused on another instance (e.g., during a failover activity). A Base Module or Incremental Module may have a corresponding volume module. Use of separate volume modules is optional. A Cinder volume may be embedded within the Base Module or Incremental Module if persistence is not required. If a VNF Base Module or Incremental Module has an independent volume module, the scope of volume templates must be 1:1 with Base module or Incremental module. A single volume module must create only the volumes required by a single Incremental module or Base module. .. req:: :id: R-47788 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** have a 1:1 scope of a cinder volume module, when it exists, with the Base Module or Incremental Module. As stated in R-11200, a VNF's Cinder Volume Module, when it exists, **MUST** be 1:1 with a Base module or Incremental module. That is, A single volume module must create only the volumes required by a single Incremental module or Base module. As stated in R-30395, a VNF's Cinder Volume Module **MAY** utilize nested heat. As stated in R-89913, a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Cinder Volume Module Output Parameter(s) **MUST** include the UUID(s) of the Cinder Volumes created in template, while others **MAY** be included. As stated in R-07443, a VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates' Cinder Volume Module Output Parameter's name and type **MUST** match the input parameter name and type in the corresponding Base Module or Incremental Module unless the Output Parameter is of the type 'comma_delimited_list', then the corresponding input parameter **MUST** be declared as type 'json'. A single volume module must create only the volumes required by a single Incremental module or Base module. The following rules apply to independent volume Heat templates: .. req:: :id: R-79531 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** define "outputs" in the volume template for each Cinder volume resource universally unique identifier (UUID) (i.e. ONAP Volume Template Output Parameters). - The VNF Incremental Module or Base Module must define input parameters that match each Volume output parameter (i.e., ONAP Volume Template Output Parameters). - ONAP will supply the volume template outputs automatically to the bases/incremental template input parameters. - Volume modules may utilize nested Heat templates. Optional Property availability_zone ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. req:: :id: R-25190 :target: VNF :keyword: SHOULD NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Resource 'OS::Cinder::Volume' **SHOULD NOT** declare the property 'availability_zone'. If the property is used, the value **MUST** be enumerated in the environment file and must be set to nova', which is the default. There are no requirements on the parameter naming convention with the exception that the naming convention **MUST NOT** be the same as the 'OS::Nova::Server' property 'availability_zone' (i.e., 'availability_zone_{index}'). Optional Property volume_type ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OpenStack supports multiple volume types. If the OS::Cinder::Volume optional property volume_type is not specified, the OpenStack default volume type is used. If a specific volume type is required, the property is used and the value **MUST** be enumerated in the environment file. There are no requirements on the parameter naming convention Cinder Volume Examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Examples: Volume Template* A VNF has a Cinder volume module, named incremental\_volume.yaml, that creates an independent Cinder volume for a VM in the module incremental.yaml. The incremental\_volume.yaml defines a parameter in the output section, lb\_volume\_id\_0 which is the UUID of the cinder volume. lb\_volume\_id\_0 is defined as a parameter in incremental.yaml. ONAP captures the UUID value of lb\_volume\_id\_0 from the volume module output statement and provides the value to the incremental module. Note that the example below is not a complete Heat Orchestration Template. The {vm-type} has been defined as "lb" for load balancer incremental\_volume.yaml .. code-block:: yaml parameters: vnf_name: type: string lb_volume_size_0: type: number ... resources: dns_volume_0: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_volume_0 params: VNF_NAME: { get_param: vnf_name } size: {get_param: dns_volume_size_0} ... outputs: lb_volume_id_0: value: {get_resource: dns_volume_0} ... incremental.yaml .. code-block:: yaml parameters: lb_name_0: type: string lb_volume_id_0: type: string ... resources: lb_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: {get_param: dns_name_0} networks: ... lb_0_volume_attach: type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment properties: instance_uuid: { get_resource: lb_0 } volume_id: { get_param: lb_volume_id_0 } ONAP Support of Environment Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The use of an environment file in OpenStack is optional. In ONAP, it is mandatory. A Heat Orchestration Template uploaded to ONAP must have a corresponding environment file, even if no parameters are required to be enumerated. (Note that ONAP does not programmatically enforce the use of an environment file.) .. req:: :id: R-67205 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for a Base Module. .. req:: :id: R-35727 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for an Incremental module. .. req:: :id: R-22656 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** have a corresponding environment file for a Cinder Volume Module. A nested heat template must not have an environment file; OpenStack does not support it. The environment file must contain parameter values for the ONAP Orchestration Constants and VNF Orchestration Constants. These parameters are identical across all instances of a VNF type, and expected to change infrequently. The ONAP Orchestration Constants are associated with OS::Nova::Server image and flavor properties (See `Property: image`_ and `Property: flavor`_). Examples of VNF Orchestration Constants are the networking parameters associated with an internal network (e.g., private IP ranges) and Cinder volume sizes. The environment file must not contain parameter values for parameters that are instance specific (ONAP Orchestration Parameters, VNF Orchestration Parameters). These parameters are supplied to the Heat by ONAP at orchestration time. SDC Treatment of Environment Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parameter values enumerated in the environment file are used by SDC as the default value. However, the SDC user may use the SDC GUI to overwrite the default values in the environment file. SDC generates a new environment file for distribution to SO based on the uploaded environment file and the user provided GUI updates. The user uploaded environment file is discarded when the new file is created. Note that if the user did not change any values via GUI updates, the SDC generated environment file will contain the same values as the uploaded file. Use of Environment Files when using OpenStack "heat stack-create" CLI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When ONAP is instantiating the Heat Orchestration Template, certain parameter must not be enumerated in the environment file. This document provides the details of what parameters should not be enumerated. If the Heat Orchestration Template is to be instantiated from the OpenStack Command Line Interface (CLI) using the command "heat stack-create", all parameters must be enumerated in the environment file. Heat Template Constructs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nested Heat Templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP supports nested Heat templates per the OpenStack specifications. Nested templates may be suitable for larger VNFs that contain many repeated instances of the same VM type(s). A common usage pattern is to create a nested template for each {vm-type} along with its supporting resources. The VNF module may then reference these component templates either statically by repeated definition or dynamically by using the resource OS::Heat::ResourceGroup. Nested Heat Template Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP supports nested Heat Orchestration Templates. A Base Module, Incremental Module, and Cinder Volume Module may use nested heat. .. req:: :id: R-00228 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MAY** reference the nested heat statically by repeated definition. .. req:: :id: R-01101 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MAY** reference the nested heat dynamically using the resource 'OS::Heat::ResourceGroup'. .. req:: :id: R-60011 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** have no more than two levels of nesting. .. req:: :id: R-70112 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** reference a Nested YAML file by name. The use of 'resource_registry' in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates Environment File **MUST NOT** be used. Two levels of nesting is defined as follows: A base module, incremental module, or cinder volume module references a nested heat file either statically or by using the resource 'OS::Heat::ResourceGroup'. This file is the first level of nesting. If first level file then references a nested file, that file is the second level of nesting. .. req:: :id: R-89868 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST The VNF Heat Orchestration Template **MUST** have unique file names within the scope of the VNF for a nested heat yaml file. .. req:: :id: R-52530 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Nested YAML file **MUST** be in the same directory hierarchy as the VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates. .. req:: :id: R-90022 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Nested YAML file **MAY** be invoked more than once by a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template. .. req:: :id: R-04344 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Nested YAML file **MAY** be invoked by more than one of a VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates (when the VNF is composed of two or more Heat Orchestration Templates). .. req:: :id: R-11041 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST All parameters defined in a VNFs Nested YAML file **MUST** be passed in as properties of the resource calling the nested yaml file. Note that: - As stated in requirement R-00011, a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Nested YAML file's parameter's **MUST NOT** have a parameter constraint defined. - As stated in Requirement R-44491, if a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf\_id' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vnf\_id' **MUST NOT** change. - As stated in Requirement R-86237, if a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_id' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vf\_module\_id' **MUST NOT** change. - As stated in Requirement R-16576, if a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vnf\_name' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vnf\_name' **MUST NOT** change. - As stated in Requirement R-49177, if a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_name' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vf\_module\_name' **MUST NOT** change. - As stated in Requirement R-70757, if a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vm\_role' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vm\_role' **MUST NOT** change. - As stated in Requirement R-22441, if a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'vf\_module\_index' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'vf\_module\_index' **MUST NOT** change. - As stated in Requirement R-75202, if a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'workload\_context' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'workload\_context' **MUST NOT** change. - As stated in Requirement R-62954, if a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's OS::Nova::Server Resource metadata map value parameter 'environment\_context' is passed into a Nested YAML file, the parameter name 'environment\_context' **MUST NOT** change. - With nested templates, outputs are required to expose any resource properties of the child templates to the parent template. Those would not explicitly be declared as parameters but simply referenced as get\_attribute targets against the "parent" resource. - A parameter declared in the outputs: section of a nested template can be accessed from the parent template as an attribute (i.e., via get\_attr) of the "pseudo resource" whose type is in the nested template. In the case of a OS::Heat::ResourceGroup, an output will be an attribute of the OS::Heat::ResourceGroup itself, and will be an array from the perspective of the parent template. Nested Heat Template Example: Static ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ incremental.yaml .. code-block:: yaml Resources: dns_server_0: type: nested.yaml properties: dns_image_name: { get_param: dns_image_name } dns_flavor_name: { get_param: dns_flavor_name } availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_0 } security_group: { get_param: DNS_shared_sec_grp_id } oam_net_id: { get_param: oam_protected_net_id } dns_oam_ip: { get_param: dns_oam_ip_0 } dns_name: { get_param: dns_name_0 } vnf_name: { get_param: vnf_name } vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: {get_param: vf_module_id} dns_server_1: type: nested.yaml properties: dns_image_name: { get_param: dns_image_name } dns_flavor_name: { get_param: dns_flavor_name } availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone_1 } security_group: { get_param: DNS_shared_sec_grp_id } oam_net_id: { get_param: oam_protected_net_id } dns_oam_ip: { get_param: dns_oam_ip_1 } dns_name: { get_param: dns_name_1 } vnf_name: { get_param: vnf_name } vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: {get_param: vf_module_id} nested.yaml .. code-block:: yaml dns_oam_0_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_dns_oam_port params: VNF_NAME: {get_param: vnf_name} network: { get_param: oam_net_id } fixed_ips: [{ "ip_address": { get_param: dns_oam_ip }}] security_groups: [{ get_param: security_group }] dns_servers: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: dns_names } image: { get_param: dns_image_name } flavor: { get_param: dns_flavor_name } availability_zone: { get_param: availability_zone } networks: - port: { get_resource: dns_oam_0_port } metadata: vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } vnf_name {get_param: vnf_name } Use of Heat ResourceGroup +++++++++++++++++++++++++ The OS::Heat::ResourceGroup is a useful Heat element for creating multiple instances of a given resource or collection of resources. Typically, it is used with a nested Heat template, to create, for example, a set of identical OS::Nova::Server resources plus their related OS::Neutron::Port resources via a single resource in a master template. OS::Heat::ResourceGroup may be used to simplify the structure of a Heat template that creates multiple instances of the same VM type. However, there are important caveats to be aware of: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup does not deal with structured parameters (comma-delimited-list and json) as one might typically expect. In particular, when using a list-based parameter, where each list element corresponds to one instance of the ResourceGroup, it is not possible to use the intrinsic "loop variable" %index% in the OS::Heat::ResourceGroup definition. For instance, the following is **not** valid Heat for OS::Heat::ResourceGroup: .. code-block:: yaml type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup resource_def: type: my_nested_vm_template.yaml properties: name: {get_param: [vm_name_list, %index%]} Although this appears to use the nth entry of the vm_name_list list for the nth element of the OS::Heat::ResourceGroup, it will in fact result in a Heat exception. When parameters are provided as a list (one for each element of a OS::Heat::ResourceGroup), you must pass the complete parameter to the nested template along with the current index as separate parameters. Below is an example of an **acceptable** Heat Syntax for a ResourceGroup: .. code-block:: yaml type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup resource_def: type: my_nested_vm_template.yaml properties: names: {get_param: vm_name_list} index: %index% You can then reference within the nested template as: { get\_param: [names, {get\_param: index} ] } OS::Heat::ResourceGroup Property count ________________________________________ .. req:: :id: R-50011 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's 'OS::Heat::ResourceGroup' property 'count' **MUST** be enumerated in the VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's Environment File and **MUST** be assigned a value. This is required for ONAP to build the TOSCA model for the VNF. .. code-block:: yaml type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: { get_param: count } index_var: index resource_def: type: my_nested_vm_template.yaml properties: names: {get_param: vm_name_list} index: index Availability Zone and ResourceGroups ____________________________________ The resource OS::Heat::ResourceGroup and the property availability\_zone has been an "issue" with a few VNFs since ONAP only supports availability\_zone as a string parameter and not a comma\_delimited\_list. This makes it difficult to use a OS::Heat::ResourceGroup to create Virtual Machines in more than one availability zone. There are numerous solutions to this issue. Below are two suggested usage patterns. **Option 1:** create a CDL in the OS::Heat::ResourceGroup. In the resource type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup, create a comma\_delimited\_list availability\_zones by using the intrinsic function list\_join. .. code-block:: yaml : type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: { get_param: node_count } index_var: index resource_def: type: nested.yaml properties: index: index avaialability_zones: { list_join: [',', [ { get_param: availability_zone_0 }, { get_param: availability_zone_1 } ] ] } In the nested heat .. code-block:: yaml parameters: avaialability_zones: type: comma_delimited_list description: resources: servers: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: { get_param: [ dns_names, get_param: index ] } image: { get_param: dns_image_name } flavor: { get_param: dns_flavor_name } availability_zone: { get_param: [ avaialability_zones, get_param: index ] } **Option 2:** Create a CDL by passing the availability zone parameter into a nested heat template. An example is provided below. base.yaml .. code-block:: yaml availability_zone_list: type: az_list_generate.yaml properties: availability_zone_0: { get_param: availability_zone_0 } availability_zone_1: { get_param: availability_zone_1 } create_virtual_machines: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: { get_param: count } index_var: $INDEX resource_def: type: nest_file.yaml properties: index: $INDEX availability_zone_0 : { get_attr: [availability_zone_list, general_zones ] } . . . az_list_generate.yaml .. code-block:: yaml parameters: availability_zone_0: type: string description: availability zone 0 availability_zone_1: type: string description: availability zone 1 outputs: general_zones: value: [ { get_param: availability_zone_0 }, { get_param: availability_zone_1 }, { get_param: availability_zone_0 }, { get_param: availability_zone_1 }, { get_param: availability_zone_0 }, { get_param: availability_zone_1 }, ] Nested Heat Template Example: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup _________________________________________________________ In this example, ocgapp\_volume.yml creates volumes using a OS::Heat::ResourceGroup that uses nested heat by calling ocgapp_nested_volume.yml. ocgapp\_volume.yml has an outputs: parameter ocgapp\_volume\_ids which is declared a input parameter of type: json in ocgapp\_volume.yml. This is an example of requirement R-07443, where a VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates' Cinder Volume Module Output Parameter's name and type **MUST** match the input parameter name and type in the corresponding Base Module or Incremental Module unless the Output Parameter is of the type 'comma\_delimited\_list', then the corresponding input parameter **MUST** be declared as type 'json'. ocgapp\_volume.yml .. code-block:: yaml heat_template_version: 2014-10-16 description: Template for the volumes parameters: vnf_name: type: string label: OCG VNF Name description: OCG VNF Name ocgapp_volume_size_0: type: number label: Cinder volume 1 size description: the size of the Cinder volume constraints: - range: { min: 100, max: 400 } ocgapp_volume_type_0: type: string label: app vm 1 volume type description: the name of the target volume backend for the first OCG APP volume_count: type: number label: volume count description: number of volumes needed resources: ocgapp_volume_resource_group: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: {get_param: volume_count} index_var: index resource_def: type: ocgapp_nested_volume.yml properties: index: index size: {get_param: ocgapp_volume_size_0} volume_type: {get_param: ocgapp_volume_type_0} vnf_name: {get_param: vnf_name} outputs: ocgapp_volume_ids: description: ocgapp volume ids value: {get_attr: [ocgapp_volume_resource_group, ocgapp_volume_id_0]} ocgapp_nested_volume.yml .. code-block:: yaml heat_template_version: 2014-10-16 description: nested heat parameters: index: type: number label: Volume Index description: number of volumes to spin up size: type: number label: Volume Size description: size of the cinder volumes volume_type: type: string label: Volume Type description: type of cinder volumes vnf_name: type: string label: VNF Name description: vnf name resources: ocgapp_volume_0: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: size: {get_param: size} volume_type: {get_param: volume_type} name: str_replace: template: VF_NAME_STACK_NAME_INDEX params: VF_NAME: { get_param: vnf_name } STACK_NAME: { get_param: 'OS::stack_name' } INDEX: {get_param: index} outputs: ocgapp_volume_id_0: description: the ocgapp volume uuid value: {get_resource: ocgapp_volume_0} The heat template below is a partial heat template, ocgapp.yml .. code-block:: yaml heat_template_version: 2014-10-16 #file version 1.0 description: OCG Apps template parameters: ocgapp_volume_ids: type: json description: Unique IDs for volumes resources: ocgapp_server_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: . . . . ocgapp_server_1: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: . . . . ocgapp_volume_attachment_0: type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment properties: volume_id: {get_param: [ocgapp_volume_ids, 0]} instance_uuid: {get_resource: ocgapp_server_0} ocgapp_volume_attachment_1: type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment properties: volume_id: {get_param: [ocgapp_volume_ids, 1]} instance_uuid: {get_resource: ocgapp_server_1} External References ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heat templates *should not* reference any HTTP-based resource definitions, any HTTP-based nested configurations, or any HTTP-based environment files. - During orchestration, ONAP *should not* retrieve any such resources from external/untrusted/unknown sources. - VNF images should not contain such references in user-data or other configuration/operational scripts that are specified via Heat or encoded into the VNF image itself. *Note:* HTTP-based references are acceptable if the HTTP-based reference is accessing information with the VM private/internal network. Note that Namespaces in XML (defined at http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-xml-names-20091208/) are allowed if the Heat Orchestration Template is describing and storing software configuration information. An XML namespace is identified by a URI reference. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters which identifies an Internet Resource. The most common URI is the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) which identifies an Internet domain address. Another, not so common type of URI is the Universal Resource Name (URN). The namespace URI is not used by XML the parser to look up information. The purpose of using an URI is to give the namespace a unique name. Heat Files Support (get\_file) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heat Templates may contain the inclusion of text files into Heat templates via the Heat get\_file directive. This may be used, for example, to define a common "user-data" script, or to inject files into a VM on startup via the "personality" property. Support for Heat Files is subject to the following limitations: .. req:: :id: R-76718 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST If a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template uses the intrinsic function 'get\_file', the 'get\_file' target **MUST** be referenced in the Heat Orchestration Template by file name. The 'get\_file' target files are on-boarded to SDC in the same package that contains the VNF's complete Heat Orchestration Template. .. req:: :id: R-41888 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST NOT A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template intrinsic function 'get\_file' **MUST NOT** utilize URL-based file retrieval. .. req:: :id: R-62177 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST When using the intrinsic function get_file, the included files **MUST** have unique file names within the scope of the VNF. .. req:: :id: R-87848 :target: VNF :keyword: MUST A VNF's Heat Orchestration Template's 'get\_file' target files **MUST** be in the same directory hierarchy as the VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates. ONAP does not support a hierarchical structure. A VNF's YAML files must be in a single, flat directory. .. req:: :id: R-05050 :target: VNF :keyword: MAY A VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates intrinsic function 'get\_file' **MAY** be used: * more than once in a VNF's Heat Orchestration Template * in two or more of a VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates * in a VNF's Heat Orchestration Templates nested YAML file Key Pairs ~~~~~~~~~ When Nova Servers are created via Heat templates, they may be passed a "keypair" which provides an ssh key to the 'root' login on the newly created VM. This is often done so that an initial root key/password does not need to be hard-coded into the image. Key pairs are unusual in OpenStack, because they are the one resource that is owned by an OpenStack User as opposed to being owned by an OpenStack Tenant. As a result, they are usable only by the User that created the keypair. This causes a problem when a Heat template attempts to reference a keypair by name, because it assumes that the keypair was previously created by a specific ONAP user ID. When a keypair is assigned to a server, the SSH public-key is provisioned on the VMs at instantiation time. They keypair itself is not referenced further by the VM (i.e. if the keypair is updated with a new public key, it would only apply to subsequent VMs created with that keypair). Due to this behavior, the recommended usage of keypairs is in a more generic manner which does not require the pre-requisite creation of a keypair. The Heat should be structured in such a way as to: - Pass a public key as a parameter value instead of a keypair name - Create a new keypair within The VNF Heat Orchestration Template (in the base module) based on an existing public key for use within that VNF By following this approach, the end result is the same as pre-creating the keypair using the public key – i.e., that public key will be provisioned in the new VM. However, this recommended approach also makes sure that a known public key is supplied (instead of having OpenStack generate a public/private pair to be saved and tracked outside of ONAP). It also removes any access/ownership issues over the created keypair. The public keys may be enumerated as a VNF Orchestration Constant in the environment file (since it is public, it is not a secret key), or passed at run-time as instance-specific parameters. ONAP will never automatically assign a public/private key pair. *Example (create keypair with an existing ssh public-key for {vm-type} of lb (for load balancer)):* .. code-block:: yaml parameters: vnf_name: type: string lb_ssh_public_key: type: string resources: my_keypair: type: OS::Nova::Keypair properties: name: str_replace: template: VNF_NAME_key_pair params: VNF_NAME: { get_param: vnf_name } public_key: {get_param: lb_ssh_public_key} save_private_key: false Security Groups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OpenStack allows a tenant to create Security groups and define rules within the security groups. Security groups, with their rules, may either be created in the Heat Orchestration Template or they can be pre-created in OpenStack and referenced within the Heat template via parameter(s). There can be a different approach for security groups assigned to ports on internal (intra-VNF) networks or external networks (inter-VNF). Furthermore, there can be a common security group across all VMs for a specific network or it can vary by VM (i.e., {vm-type}) and network type (i.e., {network-role}). Anti-Affinity and Affinity Rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anti-affinity or affinity rules are supported using normal OpenStack OS::Nova::ServerGroup resources. Separate ServerGroups are typically created for each VM type to prevent them from residing on the same host, but they can be applied to multiple VM types to extend the affinity/anti-affinity across related VM types as well. *Example:* In this example, the {network-role} has been defined as oam to represent an oam network and the {vm-type} have been defined as lb for load balancer and db for database. .. code-block:: yaml resources: db_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: params: $vnf_name: {get_param: vnf_name} template: $vnf_name-server_group1 policies: - anti-affinity lb_server_group: type: OS::Nova::ServerGroup properties: name: str_replace: params: $vnf_name: {get_param: vnf_name} template: $vnf_name-server_group2 policies: - affinity db_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: ... scheduler_hints: group: {get_resource: db_server_group} db_1: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: ... scheduler_hints: group: {get_resource: db_server_group} lb_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: ... scheduler_hints: group: {get_resource: lb_server_group}  Resource Data Synchronization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For cases where synchronization is required in the orchestration of Heat resources, two approaches are recommended: - Standard Heat depends\_on property for resources - Assures that one resource completes before the dependent resource is orchestrated. - Definition of completeness to OpenStack may not be sufficient (e.g., a VM is considered complete by OpenStack when it is ready to be booted, not when the application is up and running). - Use of Heat Notifications - Create OS::Heat::WaitCondition and OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle resources. - Pre-requisite resources issue *wc\_notify* commands in user\_data. - Dependent resource define depends\_on in the OS::Heat::WaitCondition resource. *Example: "depends\_on" case* In this example, the {network-role} has been defined as oam to represent an oam network and the {vm-type} has been defined as oam to represent an oam server. .. code-block:: yaml resources: oam_server_01: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: {get_param: [oam_ names, 0]} image: {get_param: oam_image_name} flavor: {get_param: oam_flavor_name} availability_zone: {get_param: availability_zone_0} networks: - port: {get_resource: oam01_port_0} - port: {get_resource: oam01_port_1} user_data: scheduler_hints: {group: {get_resource: oam_servergroup}} user_data_format: RAW oam_01_port_0: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: {get_resource: oam_net_name} fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: [oam_oam_net_ips, 1]}}] security_groups: [{get_resource: oam_security_group}] oam_01_port_1: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: {get_param: oam_net_name} fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: [oam_oam_net_ips, 2]}}] security_groups: [{get_resource: oam_security_group}] oam_01_vol_attachment: type: OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment depends_on: oam_server_01 properties: volume_id: {get_param: oam_vol_1} mountpoint: /dev/vdb instance_uuid: {get_resource: oam_server_01} High Availability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VNF/VM parameters may include availability zone IDs for VNFs that require high availability. The Heat must comply with the following requirements to specific availability zone IDs: - The Heat template should spread Nova resources across the availability zones as desired Post Orchestration & VNF Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Heat templates should contain a minimum amount of post-orchestration configuration data. For instance, *do not* embed complex user-data scripts in the template with large numbers of configuration parameters to the Heat template. - VNFs may provide configuration APIs for use after VNF creation. Such APIs will be invoked via application and/or SDN controllers. *Note:* It is important to follow this convention to the extent possible even in the short-term as of the long-term direction.