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VNF Design

Services are composed of VNFs and common components and are designed to
be agnostic of the location to leverage capacity where it exists in the
Network Cloud. VNFs can be instantiated in any location that meets the
performance and latency requirements of the service.

A key design principle for virtualizing services is decomposition of
network functions using NFV concepts into granular VNFs. This enables
instantiating and customizing only essential functions as needed for the
service, thereby making service delivery more nimble. It provides
flexibility of sizing and scaling and also provides flexibility with
packaging and deploying VNFs as needed for the service. It enables
grouping functions in a common cloud data center to minimize
inter-component latency. The VNFs should be designed with a goal of
being modular and reusable to enable using best-in-breed vendors.

Section 4.1 VNF Design in *VNF Guidelines* describes
the overall guidelines for designing VNFs from VNF Components (VNFCs).
Below are more detailed requirements for composing VNFs.

VNF Design Requirements

.. req::
    :id: R-58421
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: SHOULD

    The VNF **SHOULD** be decomposed into granular re-usable VNFCs.

.. req::
    :id: R-82223
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNF **MUST** be decomposed if the functions have
    significantly different scaling characteristics (e.g., signaling
    versus media functions, control versus data plane functions).

.. req::
    :id: R-16496
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNF **MUST** enable instantiating only the functionality that
    is needed for the decomposed VNF (e.g., if transcoding is not needed it
    should not be instantiated).

.. req::
    :id: R-02360
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNFC **MUST** be designed as a standalone, executable process.

.. req::
    :id: R-34484
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: SHOULD

    The VNF **SHOULD** create a single component VNF for VNFCs
    that can be used by other VNFs.

.. req::
    :id: R-23035
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNF **MUST** be designed to scale horizontally (more
    instances of a VNF or VNFC) and not vertically (moving the existing
    instances to larger VMs or increasing the resources within a VM)
    to achieve effective utilization of cloud resources.

.. req::
    :id: R-30650
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNF **MUST** utilize cloud provided infrastructure and
    VNFs (e.g., virtualized Local Load Balancer) as part of the VNF so
    that the cloud can manage and provide a consistent service resiliency
    and methods across all VNF's.

.. req::
    :id: R-12709
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: SHOULD

    The VNFC **SHOULD** be independently deployed, configured,
    upgraded, scaled, monitored, and administered by ONAP.

.. req::
    :id: R-37692
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNFC **MUST** provide API versioning to allow for
    independent upgrades of VNFC.

.. req::
    :id: R-86585
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: SHOULD

    The VNFC **SHOULD** minimize the use of state within
    a VNFC to facilitate the movement of traffic from one instance
    to another.

.. req::
    :id: R-65134
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: SHOULD

    The VNF **SHOULD** maintain state in a geographically
    redundant datastore that may, in fact, be its own VNFC.

.. req::
    :id: R-75850
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: SHOULD

    The VNF **SHOULD** decouple persistent data from the VNFC
    and keep it in its own datastore that can be reached by all instances
    of the VNFC requiring the data.

.. req::
    :id: R-88199
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNF **MUST** utilize a persistent datastore service that
    can meet the data performance/latency requirements. (For example:
    Datastore service could be a VNFC in VNF or a DBaaS in the Cloud
    execution environment)

.. req::
    :id: R-99656
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNF **MUST** NOT terminate stable sessions if a VNFC
    instance fails.

.. req::
    :id: R-84473
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNF **MUST** enable DPDK in the guest OS for VNF's requiring
    high packets/sec performance. High packet throughput is defined as greater
    than 500K packets/sec.

.. req::
    :id: R-54430
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNF **MUST** use the NCSP's supported library and compute
    flavor that supports DPDK to optimize network efficiency if using DPDK. [#4.1.1]_

.. req::
    :id: R-18864
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST NOT

    The VNF **MUST NOT** use technologies that bypass virtualization
    layers (such as SR-IOV) unless approved by the NCSP (e.g., if necessary
    to meet functional or performance requirements).

.. req::
    :id: R-64768
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST

    The VNF **MUST** limit the size of application data packets
    to no larger than 9000 bytes for SDN network-based tunneling when
    guest data packets are transported between tunnel endpoints that
    support guest logical networks.

.. req::
    :id: R-74481
    :target: VNF
    :keyword: MUST NOT

    The VNF **MUST NOT** require the use of a dynamic routing
    protocol unless necessary to meet functional requirements.

.. [#4.1.1]
   Refer to NCSP’s Network Cloud specification