import {Injectable} from "@angular/core"; import {NgRedux} from "@angular-redux/store"; import {AppState} from "../../../../../../../shared/store/reducers"; import {AaiService} from "../../../../../../../shared/services/aaiService/aai.service"; import { updateGenericModalCriteria, updateGenericModalhelper } from "../../../../../../../shared/storeUtil/utils/global/global.actions"; import {ElementsTableService} from "../../../../../../../shared/components/searchMembersModal/members-table/elements-table.service"; import { ICriteria, ISearchField, ITableContent, ModalInformation } from "../../../../../../../shared/components/searchMembersModal/members-table/element-table-row.model"; import {Observable, of} from "rxjs"; import * as _ from "lodash"; import {CustomTableColumnDefinition} from "../../../../../../../shared/components/searchMembersModal/members-table/elements-table.component"; import {NetworkModalRow} from "./network.step.model"; @Injectable() export class NetworkStepService { constructor(private _store: NgRedux, private _aaiService: AaiService) {} uniqObjectField: string = "instanceId"; type: string = "Network"; getNetworkStep = (serviceInstance, serviceModelId, ...otherSteps): ModalInformation => { return { type: this.type, serviceModelId: serviceModelId, title: 'Associate network to VRF Entry', description: 'Select a network to associate to the VRF Entry', noElementsMsg: 'No network were found.', maxSelectRow: 1, uniqObjectField: this.uniqObjectField, backAction: (searchElementsModalComponent) => { searchElementsModalComponent.closeDialog(); }, topButton: { text: 'Next', action: (searchElementsModalComponent) => { let tmpMembers = searchElementsModalComponent._membersTableService.allElementsStatusMap; let vpnStep = otherSteps[0]; for (let key in tmpMembers) { if (tmpMembers[key].isSelected) { this._store.dispatch(updateGenericModalhelper(`selected${this.type}`, tmpMembers[key], this.uniqObjectField)); } }{ modalInformation: vpnStep.getVpnStep(serviceInstance, searchElementsModalComponent.modalInformation.serviceModelId, ...otherSteps), selectedRowsIds: [] }) } }, searchButton: { text: 'Search', action: (searchElementsModalComponent) => { this.getNetworks(serviceInstance).subscribe((networks) => { const currentRole = searchElementsModalComponent.modalInformation.criteria.find((criteria: ICriteria) => { criteria.label === 'Roles'; }); networks.filter((network) => { if (_.isNil(currentRole)) return network; return network.role === currentRole.currentValue; })); }); } }, getElements: (...args) => this.getNetworks(serviceInstance), criteria: this.getNetworkStepCriteria(serviceInstance), searchFields: this.getsNetworkStepSearchFields(serviceInstance), tableHeaders: this.getNetworkStepHeaders(), tableContent: this.getNetworkTableContent() }; }; getNetworks = (serviceInstance): Observable => { let cloudRegion = serviceInstance.lcpCloudRegionId; let tenantId = serviceInstance.tenantName; return this._aaiService.retrieveActiveNetwork(cloudRegion, tenantId).map((networks: NetworkModalRow[]) => { this.generateRolesOptions(networks); return this.sortElementsResultByField(networks, this.uniqObjectField); }); }; getNetworkStepCriteria(serviceInstance): ICriteria[] { return [{ label: "Roles", defaultValue: "", type: 'DROPDOWN', onInit: (): Observable => of(this._store.getState().global.genericModalCriteria.roles), onChange: (that, selectedOption): void => { that.currentValue = selectedOption; }, dataTestId: 'roles-criteria', isRequired: false }] } getsNetworkStepSearchFields = (serviceInstance): ISearchField[] => { return [ { title: 'Region', dataTestId: 'Region', value: serviceInstance["lcpCloudRegionId"], type: "LABEL" }, { title: 'Tenant', dataTestId: 'Tenant', value: serviceInstance["tenantName"], type: "LABEL" }, { title: 'Orch. status', dataTestId: 'Orch_status', value: "Active", type: "LABEL" }, { title: 'Related to', dataTestId: 'Related_to', value: "VPN binding", type: "LABEL" } ] }; generateRolesOptions = (networks): void => { let roles: string[] = (_.uniq(_.flatten(, 'role').filter((role) => !_.isNil(role))))).sort(); const SELECTED_AN_OPTION: string = "-- select an option --"; const NOT_ASSIGNED: string = "Not assigned"; roles = _.remove([SELECTED_AN_OPTION, this.shouldAddNotAssigned(networks) ? NOT_ASSIGNED : null, ...roles], null); this._store.dispatch(updateGenericModalCriteria("roles", roles)); }; getNetworkStepHeaders = (): CustomTableColumnDefinition[] => { return [ {displayName: `Name`, key: ['instanceName']}, {displayName: `Type`, key: ['instanceType']}, {displayName: `Role`, key: ['role']}, {displayName: 'Orch. Status', key: ['orchStatus']}, {displayName: 'Physical name', key: ['physicalName']}, {displayName: 'Instance ID', key: ['instanceId']}, {displayName: 'Model UUID', key: ['modelInfo', 'modelVersionId']}, {displayName: 'Service name', key: ['serviceName']}, {displayName: 'Service UUID', key: ['serviceUUID']}, {displayName: 'Tenant', key: ['tenantName']}, {displayName: 'Region', key: ['lcpCloudRegionId']} ]; }; getNetworkTableContent = (): ITableContent[] => { return [ { id: 'instanceName', contents: [{ id: ['name'], value: ["instanceName"] }] }, { id: 'instanceType', contents: [{ id: ['type'], value: ['instanceType'] }] }, { id: 'role', contents: [{ id: ['role'], value: ['role'] }] }, { id: 'network-orch-status', contents: [{ id: ['orchStatus'], value: ['orchStatus'] }] }, { id: 'network-physical-name', contents: [{ id: ['physicalName'], value: ['physicalName'] }] }, { id: 'network-instance-id', contents: [{ id: ['instanceID'], value: ['instanceId'] }] }, { id: 'network-model-uuid', contents: [{ id: ['modelUUID'], value: ['modelInfo', 'modelVersionId'] }] }, { id: 'network-serviceName', contents: [{ id: ['serviceName'], value: ['serviceName'] }] }, { id: 'network-service-id', contents: [{ id: ['serviceUUID'], value: ['serviceUUID'] }] }, { id: 'network-tenantName', contents: [{ id: ['tenant'], value: ['tenantName'] }] }, { id: 'network-region', contents: [{ id: ['region'], value: ['lcpCloudRegionId'] }] } ]; }; sortElementsResultByField = (elements, fieldName): any[] => { return _.sortBy(elements, o => o[fieldName]); }; shouldAddNotAssigned = (networks): boolean => { return _.values(networks).some(network => _.isNil(network.role) || network.role === ""); }; }