import {Injectable} from "@angular/core"; import {NgRedux} from "@angular-redux/store"; import {AppState} from "../../../../shared/store/reducers"; import {DragAndDropModel} from "./dragAndDrop.model"; import {FeatureFlagsService, Features} from "../../../../shared/services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service"; import * as _ from 'lodash'; @Injectable() export class DragAndDropService { constructor(private store: NgRedux){} isAllow(): boolean { return FeatureFlagsService.getFlagState(Features.FLAG_1911_INSTANTIATION_ORDER_IN_ASYNC_ALACARTE,; } /******************************************************************** * manage drawing-board drag and drop operation * @param nodes - array with elements data. * @param tree - tree instance * @param node - element information * @param from - element from information * @param to - element to information ************************************************************/ drag(store, instanceId : string , nodes, {from, to}) :void{ if (!store.getState().global.flags["FLAG_1911_INSTANTIATION_ORDER_IN_ASYNC_ALACARTE"]) return; let firstLevelNames : DragAndDropModel[] = [ new DragAndDropModel('VF',true), new DragAndDropModel('VL',true), new DragAndDropModel('VFmodule',false) ]; const fromObject = _.find(firstLevelNames, ['type',]); const toObject = _.find(firstLevelNames, ['type',]); /*********************************************************************************************** if the type are the same and there in same level + same parent -> then change element position ***********************************************************************************************/ if(fromObject.isFirstLevel === toObject.isFirstLevel){ // moving element in the same level and in the first level if(fromObject.isFirstLevel){ this.array_move(nodes, from.index , to.parent.index, instanceId); } else if(fromObject.isFirstLevel === toObject.isFirstLevel){ /* check if they have the same parent */ if( ==={ let vfModules = nodes.find((parents)=> { return parents.trackById ===; }).children; this.array_move(vfModules, from.index , to.parent.index, instanceId,; } } } } /******************************************************************** * move element inside array with elements position * @param arr - array with elements data. * @param originalPosition - element original position * @param destPosition - element dest position * @param destPinstanceIdosition - instance id ******************************************************************/ array_move(arr, originalPosition, destPosition, instanceId : string, parentStoreKey?) { if (destPosition >= arr.length) { let k = destPosition - arr.length + 1; while (k--) { arr.push(undefined); } } arr.splice(destPosition, 0, arr.splice(originalPosition, 1)[0]); arr.forEach((item, index) => { if(item.position !== index){ item.position = index; item.updatePoistionFunction(this, item, instanceId, parentStoreKey); } }); }; }