import {getTestBed, TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing'; import {HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController} from '@angular/common/http/testing'; import {NgRedux} from "@angular-redux/store"; import {DragAndDropService} from "./dragAndDrop.service"; import {AppState} from "../../../../shared/store/reducers"; class MockAppStore<T> { dispatch() { } getState() { return { global: { flags: { "FLAG_1911_INSTANTIATION_ORDER_IN_ASYNC_ALACARTE": true } }, service: { serviceInstance: { "serviceInstanceId": { vnfs: { "vnfStoreKey": { isMissingData: true, vfModules: { "vfModulesName": { "vfModulesName": { isMissingData: true } } } }, "vnfStoreKey1": { isMissingData: false, vfModules: { "vfModulesName": { "vfModulesName": { isMissingData: false } } } } } } } } } } } describe('Drag and drop service', () => { let injector; let service: DragAndDropService; let httpMock: HttpTestingController; let store: NgRedux<AppState>; let nodes; beforeAll(done => (async () => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [HttpClientTestingModule], providers: [ DragAndDropService, {provide: NgRedux, useClass: MockAppStore}] }); await TestBed.compileComponents(); injector = getTestBed(); service = injector.get(DragAndDropService); httpMock = injector.get(HttpTestingController); store = injector.get(NgRedux); })().then(done).catch(; beforeEach(() => { nodes = [ { "trackById": "ckfqe3sb3y8", "componentInfoType": "VNF", "parentType": "", "type": "VF", "typeName": "VNF", "instanceName": "2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE", "id": "04686zg11ur2", "children": [ { "id": "1150884479608", "action": "Create", "instanceName": "puwesovabe", "name": "puwesovabe", "type": "VFmodule", "trackById": "d5if1906rqa", "parentType": "VNF", "position": 1, "componentInfoType": "VFModule", "errors": {}, "updatePoistionFunction": () => { }, }, { "id": "4637423092446", "action": "Create", "instanceName": "bnmgtrx", "name": "bnmgtrx", "type": "VFmodule", "trackById": "9ei9adlh27e", "parentType": "VNF", "position": 2, "componentInfoType": "VFModule", "updatePoistionFunction": () => { } } ], "errors": {}, } ]; }) test('drag should execute array_move when the nodes parent are same', () => { let from = { id: "04686zg11ur2", index: 0, data: { instanceName: 'puwesovabe', }, parent: { data: { type: 'VF', index: 0, trackById: 'ckfqe3sb3y8', vnfStoreKey: '2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0', } } }; let to = { parent: { id: "4637423092446", index: 1, data: { instanceName: 'bnmgtrx', }, parent: { data: { type: 'VF', trackById: 'ckfqe3sb3y8', vnfStoreKey: '2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0', } } } }; jest.spyOn(service, 'array_move'); service.drop(store, "serviceInstanceId", nodes, {from, to}); expect(service.array_move).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test('drag shouldnt execute array_move when the nodes parent are different', () => { let from = { id: 1150884479608, index: 0, data: { instanceName: '2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE', }, parent: {} }; let to = { parent: { id: 4637423092446, index: 1, data: { instanceName: 'bnmgtrx', }, parent: { data: { type: 'VF', trackById: '1111', vnfStoreKey: '2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0', } } } }; jest.spyOn(service, 'array_move'); service.drop(store, "serviceInstanceId", nodes, {from, to}); jest.clearAllMocks(); expect(service.array_move).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test('drop should change nodes index and position', () => { let arr: Array<any> = service.array_move(nodes[0].children, 0, 1, "serviceInstanceId", '') expect(arr[0]).toMatchObject({instanceName: "bnmgtrx", position: 1}); expect(arr[1]).toMatchObject({instanceName: "puwesovabe", position: 2}); }); });