package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; public abstract class ToscaDataDefinition { protected Map toscaPresentation; public ToscaDataDefinition(){ toscaPresentation = new HashMap(); } @JsonCreator public ToscaDataDefinition(Map art){ toscaPresentation = art; } @JsonValue public Object getToscaPresentationValue(JsonPresentationFields name) { if (toscaPresentation != null && toscaPresentation.containsKey(name.getPresentation())) { return toscaPresentation.get(name.getPresentation()); } return null; } public void setToscaPresentationValue(JsonPresentationFields name, Object value) { if (toscaPresentation == null && value !=null) { toscaPresentation = new HashMap(); } toscaPresentation.put(name.getPresentation(), value); } public void setOwnerIdIfEmpty(String ownerId){ if ( getOwnerId() == null ){ setOwnerId(ownerId); } } public void setOwnerId(String ownerId){ setToscaPresentationValue(JsonPresentationFields.OWNER_ID, ownerId); } public String getOwnerId(){ return (String) getToscaPresentationValue(JsonPresentationFields.OWNER_ID); } //default merge function for merging data maps - implement where needed and use mergeDataMaps method where applicable instead of map1.putAll(map2) public T mergeFunction(T other, boolean allowDefaultValueOverride){ other.setOwnerId(getOwnerId()); return other; } public static Either, String> mergeDataMaps(Map map1, Map map2){ return mergeDataMaps(map1, map2, false); } //return Either.right(item key) if an illegal merge was attempted (overriding data type is forbidden) public static Either, String> mergeDataMaps(Map map1, Map map2, boolean allowDefaultValueOverride){ for(Entry entry : map2.entrySet()){ map1.merge(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), (item1, item2) -> item1.mergeFunction(item2, allowDefaultValueOverride)); //validate merge success if(!map1.containsKey(entry.getKey())) return Either.right(entry.getKey()); } return Either.left(map1); } public static Map listToMapByName(List dataList) { return null == dataList? new HashMap<>() : .collect(Collectors.toMap(p -> (String)p.getToscaPresentationValue(JsonPresentationFields.NAME), p -> p)); } }