<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd"> <suite verbose="1" name="VID API Tests" annotations="JDK"> <listeners> <listener class-name="vid.automation.test.infra.FeatureTogglingTestngTransformer" /> </listeners> <test name="test"> <groups> <run> <!-- These tests require the settings in asdc.properties to be like asdc.client.type=LOCAL so cannot run on pipeline--> <exclude name="worksOnlyWithLocalASDC"/> <!-- these tests call to MaintenanceController which is restricted to localhost, so it can not run on jenkins pipeline --> <exclude name="worksOnlyWithLocalhostVID"/> <!-- tests and features that are still under development but are pushed to develop --> <exclude name="underDevelopment"/> </run> </groups> <packages> <package name="org.onap.vid.*"/> </packages> </test> </suite>