package; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.service.DataAccessService; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.util.SystemProperties; import org.onap.vid.config.DataSourceConfig; import org.onap.vid.config.JobAdapterConfig; import org.onap.vid.exceptions.GenericUncheckedException; import org.onap.vid.exceptions.OperationNotAllowedException; import org.onap.vid.job.Job; import org.onap.vid.job.JobAdapter; import org.onap.vid.job.JobType; import org.onap.vid.job.JobsBrokerService; import org.onap.vid.job.command.JobCommandFactoryTest; import org.onap.vid.job.impl.JobDaoImpl; import org.onap.vid.job.impl.JobsBrokerServiceInDatabaseImpl; import org.onap.vid.utils.DaoUtils; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.testng.AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import; import; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo; import static; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.both; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder; import static org.onap.vid.job.Job.JobStatus.*; import static org.onap.vid.utils.Streams.not; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; @ContextConfiguration(classes = {DataSourceConfig.class, SystemProperties.class, JobAdapterConfig.class}) public class JobsBrokerServiceTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(JobsBrokerServiceTest.class); private static final int JOBS_COUNT = 127; private static final boolean DELETED = true; private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(90); private final Set threadsIds = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(); private final long FEW = 500; private final String JOBS_SHOULD_MATCH = "the jobs that added and those that pulled must be the same"; private final String JOBS_PEEKED_SHOULD_MATCH = "the jobs that added and those that peeked must be the same"; private static final String DELETE_SERVICE_INFO_STATUS_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "Service status does not allow deletion from the queue"; private static final String DELETE_SERVICE_NOT_EXIST_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE = "Service does not exist"; private JobsBrokerService broker; @Inject JobAdapter jobAdapter; @Inject private DataAccessService dataAccessService; @Inject private SessionFactory sessionFactory; /* - pulling jobs is limited to inserted ones - putting back allows getting the job again - multi threads safety - any added job should be visible with view - edges: - pulling with empty repo should return empty optional - pulling more than expected should return empty optional - putting one, over-pulling from a different thread - take before inserting, then insert while waiting */ private class NoJobException extends RuntimeException { } private Future newJobAsync(JobsBrokerService b) { return newJobAsync(b, createMockJob("user id")); } private Future newJobAsync(JobsBrokerService b, Job.JobStatus status) { return newJobAsync(b, createMockJob("user id", status)); } private Job createMockJob(String userId) { return jobAdapter.createServiceInstantiationJob( JobType.NoOp, new JobCommandFactoryTest.MockedRequest(42,"nothing") , UUID.randomUUID(), userId, "optimisticUniqueServiceInstanceName", RandomUtils.nextInt()); } private Job createMockJob(String userId, Job.JobStatus jobStatus) { Job job = createMockJob(userId); job.setStatus(jobStatus); return job; } private Future newJobAsync(JobsBrokerService b, Job job) { final Future jobFuture = executor.submit(() -> { accountThreadId(); b.add(job); return job; }); return jobFuture; } private void pushBackJobAsync(JobsBrokerService b, Job job) { executor.submit(() -> { accountThreadId(); b.pushBack(job); return job; }); } private Future> pullJobAsync(JobsBrokerService broker) { final Future> job = executor.submit(() -> { accountThreadId(); // Pull only pending jobs, as H2 database does not support our SQL for in-progress jobs return broker.pull(Job.JobStatus.PENDING, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); }); return job; } private Job waitForFutureOptionalJob(Future> retrievedOptionalJobFuture) { try { return retrievedOptionalJobFuture.get(FEW, MILLISECONDS).orElseThrow(NoJobException::new); } catch (TimeoutException | InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private Job waitForFutureJob(Future retrievedJobFuture) { try { return retrievedJobFuture.get(FEW, MILLISECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException | InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private List putAndGetALotOfJobs(JobsBrokerService broker) { final List originalJobs = putALotOfJobs(broker); final List retrievedJobs = getAlotOfJobs(broker); assertThat(JOBS_SHOULD_MATCH, retrievedJobs, containsInAnyOrder(originalJobs.toArray())); return retrievedJobs; } private List putALotOfJobs(JobsBrokerService broker) { int n = JOBS_COUNT; return IntStream.range(0, n) .mapToObj(i -> newJobAsync(broker)) .map(this::waitForFutureJob) .collect(toList()); } private List getAlotOfJobs(JobsBrokerService broker) { int n = JOBS_COUNT; return IntStream.range(0, n) .mapToObj(i -> pullJobAsync(broker)) .map(this::waitForFutureOptionalJob) .collect(toList()); } private void pushBackJobs(List jobs, JobsBrokerService broker) { jobs.forEach(job -> pushBackJobAsync(broker, job)); } private void accountThreadId() { threadsIds.add(Thread.currentThread().getId()); } @AfterMethod public void threadsCounter() {"participating threads count: " + threadsIds.size()); threadsIds.clear(); } @BeforeMethod public void initializeBroker() { broker = new JobsBrokerServiceInDatabaseImpl(dataAccessService, sessionFactory, 200, 0); ((JobsBrokerServiceInDatabaseImpl) broker).deleteAll(); } @Test(enabled = false) public void givenSingleJob_getIt_verifySameJob() { final Job originalJob = waitForFutureJob(newJobAsync(broker)); final Job retrievedJob = waitForFutureOptionalJob(pullJobAsync(broker)); assertThat(JOBS_SHOULD_MATCH, retrievedJob, is(originalJob)); } @Test(enabled = false) public void givenManyJobs_getJobsAndPushThemBack_alwaysSeeAllOfThemWithPeek() throws InterruptedException { final List originalJobs = putALotOfJobs(broker); MILLISECONDS.sleep(FEW); assertThat(JOBS_PEEKED_SHOULD_MATCH, broker.peek(), containsInAnyOrder(originalJobs.toArray())); final Job retrievedJob = waitForFutureOptionalJob(pullJobAsync(broker)); MILLISECONDS.sleep(FEW); assertThat(JOBS_PEEKED_SHOULD_MATCH, broker.peek(), containsInAnyOrder(originalJobs.toArray())); pushBackJobAsync(broker, retrievedJob); MILLISECONDS.sleep(FEW); assertThat(JOBS_PEEKED_SHOULD_MATCH, broker.peek(), containsInAnyOrder(originalJobs.toArray())); } @Test(enabled = false) public void givenManyJobs_getThemAll_verifySameJobs() { putAndGetALotOfJobs(broker); } @Test(enabled = false) public void givenManyJobs_getThemAllThenPushBackandGet_verifySameJobs() { final List retrievedJobs1 = putAndGetALotOfJobs(broker); pushBackJobs(retrievedJobs1, broker); final List retrievedJobs2 = getAlotOfJobs(broker); assertThat(JOBS_SHOULD_MATCH, retrievedJobs2, containsInAnyOrder(retrievedJobs1.toArray())); } private static Date toDate(LocalDateTime localDateTime) { return Date.from(localDateTime.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant()); } private void setModifiedDateToJob(UUID jobUuid, Date date) { DomainVo job = dataAccessService.getDomainObject(JobDaoImpl.class, jobUuid, DaoUtils.getPropsMap()); job.setModified(date); DaoUtils.tryWithSessionAndTransaction(sessionFactory, session -> { session.saveOrUpdate(job); return 1; }); } public static JobDaoImpl createNewJob(Integer indexInBulk, UUID templateId, String userId, Job.JobStatus status, String takenBy, LocalDateTime date) { return createNewJob(indexInBulk, templateId, userId, status, takenBy, date, false); } public static JobDaoImpl createNewJob(Integer indexInBulk, UUID templateId, String userId, Job.JobStatus status, String takenBy, LocalDateTime date, boolean deleted){ JobDaoImpl job = new JobDaoImpl(); job.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID()); job.setTypeAndData(JobType.NoOp, ImmutableMap.of("x", RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(15))); job.setIndexInBulk(indexInBulk); job.setTemplateId(templateId); job.setType(JobType.NoOp); job.setStatus(status); job.setTakenBy(takenBy); job.setCreated(toDate(date)); job.setModified(toDate(date)); job.setUserId(userId); if (deleted) { job.setDeletedAt(new Date()); } return job; } @DataProvider public static Object[][] jobs(Method test) { LocalDateTime oldestDate =; UUID sameTemplate = UUID.randomUUID(); return new Object[][]{ {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, null,, () -> createNewJob(44, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, null,, 4, 0, PENDING, "Broker should pull the first pending job by oldest date then by job index" }, { ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", COMPLETED,null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING,null, oldestDate, DELETED), () -> createNewJob(12, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", FAILED,null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(13, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS,null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(14, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", STOPPED,null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING,null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING,null,, 6, 5, PENDING, "Broker should pull the only pending - first pending job by oldest job - ignore deleted,completed, failed, in-progress and stopped statuses" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, null,, 2, -1, PENDING, "Broker should not pull any job when it exceeded mso limit with count (in-progress) statuses" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, null,, 2, -1, PENDING, "Broker should not pull any job when it exceeded mso limit with count(in-progress or pending && taken) statuses" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, null,, () -> createNewJob(12, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate) ), 3, 2, PENDING, "Broker should pull first job when it doesn't exceeded mso limit with count(in-progress or pending && taken) statuses" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, sameTemplate, "userId", PENDING, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, sameTemplate, "userId", PENDING, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, sameTemplate, "userId", PENDING, null,, 3, -1, PENDING, "Broker should not pull any job when there is another job from this template that was taken" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, sameTemplate, "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, sameTemplate, "userId", PENDING, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, sameTemplate, "userId", PENDING, null,, 3, -1, PENDING, "Broker should not pull any job when there is another job from this template that in progress" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, sameTemplate, "userId", FAILED, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, sameTemplate, "userId", STOPPED, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, sameTemplate, "userId", PENDING, null,, 3, -1, PENDING, "Broker should not pull any job when there is another job from this template that was failed" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, sameTemplate, "userId", FAILED, null, oldestDate, DELETED), () -> createNewJob(22, sameTemplate, "userId", STOPPED,null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, sameTemplate, "userId", PENDING,null,, 3, 2, PENDING, "Broker should pull pending job when there is another job from this template that was deleted, although failed" }, { ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userA", IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userA", PENDING, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userB", PENDING, null,, 3, 2, PENDING, "Broker should prioritize jobs of user that has no in-progress jobs" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userA", PENDING, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userA", PENDING, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userB", PENDING, null,, 3, 2, PENDING, "Broker should prioritize jobs of user that has no taken jobs" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userA", IN_PROGRESS, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userA", PENDING, null,, () -> createNewJob(31, UUID.randomUUID(), "userB", IN_PROGRESS, null,, () -> createNewJob(32, UUID.randomUUID(), "userB", IN_PROGRESS, null,, () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userB", PENDING, null, oldestDate)), 5, 4, PENDING, "Broker should take oldest job when there is one in-progress job to each user" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), PENDING, null,, 2, -1, PENDING, "Broker should not pull any job when it exceeded mso limit with count(in-progress or pending && taken) statuses" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null,, () -> createNewJob(44, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null,, 20, 1, IN_PROGRESS, "Broker with in progress topic should pull the first in progress and not taken job by oldest date" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", COMPLETED, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(12, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", FAILED, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(13, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(14, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", STOPPED, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(15, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", CREATING, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate, DELETED), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null,, () -> createNewJob(16, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate) ), 20, 6, IN_PROGRESS, "Broker with in progress topic should pull only in-progress jobs - first in-progress job by oldest date - ignore all other statuses" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", COMPLETED, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(12, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", FAILED, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(13, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(14, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", STOPPED, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(15, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", CREATING, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate, DELETED), () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate), () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS, null,, () -> createNewJob(16, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null, oldestDate) ), 20, 6, RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS, "Broker with RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS topic should pull only RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS jobs - first RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS job by oldest date - ignore all other statuses" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null,, () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null,, () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", IN_PROGRESS, null,, 20, -1, IN_PROGRESS, "Broker with in progress topic should not pull any job if its modified date is smaller than now-interval (20 seconds)" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS, null,, () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS, null,, () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS, null,, 20, -1, RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS, "Broker with RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS topic should not pull any job if its modified date is smaller than now-interval (20 seconds)" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(11, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", PENDING, null,, () -> createNewJob(22, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", CREATING, null,, () -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", CREATING, null,, 1, 2, CREATING, "Broker with creating topic should pull oldest creating job and ignore mso limit" }, {ImmutableList.of( (Jobber)() -> createNewJob(33, UUID.randomUUID(), "userId", CREATING, null,, 1, 0, CREATING, "Broker with CREATING topic should pull CREATING job that was just modified" } }; } public interface Jobber { // Will defer to test's "real-time" JobDaoImpl toJob(); } @Test(enabled = false, dataProvider = "jobs") public void givenSomeJobs_pullNextJob_returnNextOrNothingAsExpected(List jobbers, int msoLimit, int expectedIndexSelected, Job.JobStatus topic, String assertionReason) { JobsBrokerServiceInDatabaseImpl broker = new JobsBrokerServiceInDatabaseImpl(dataAccessService, sessionFactory, msoLimit, 20); final List jobs =; for (JobDaoImpl job : jobs) { Date modifiedDate = job.getModified(); broker.add(job); setModifiedDateToJob(job.getUuid(), modifiedDate); } Optional nextJob = broker.pull(topic, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); boolean shouldAnyBeSelected = expectedIndexSelected >= 0; String pulledJobDesc = -> ". pulled job: " + job.toString()).orElse(". no job pulled"); Assert.assertEquals(nextJob.isPresent(), shouldAnyBeSelected, assertionReason+pulledJobDesc); if (shouldAnyBeSelected) { Assert.assertEquals(jobs.get(expectedIndexSelected), nextJob.get(), assertionReason); } } @DataProvider public Object[][] topics() { return .filter(not(t -> ImmutableList.of(PENDING, IN_PROGRESS, CREATING, RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS).contains(t))) .map(v -> new Object[]{v}).collect(toList()).toArray(new Object[][]{}); } @Test(enabled = false, dataProvider = "topics", expectedExceptions = GenericUncheckedException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "Unsupported topic.*") public void pullUnexpectedTopic_exceptionIsThrown(Job.JobStatus topic) { broker.pull(topic, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } @Test(enabled = false, expectedExceptions = NoJobException.class) public void givenNonPendingJobs_getJobAsPendingTopic_verifyNothingRetrieved() { Stream.of(Job.JobStatus.values()) .filter(not(s -> s.equals(PENDING))) .map(s -> createMockJob("some user id", s)) .map(job -> newJobAsync(broker, job)) .map(this::waitForFutureJob) .collect(toList()); waitForFutureOptionalJob(pullJobAsync(broker)); } @Test(enabled = false) public void givenPendingAndNonPendingJobs_getJobAsPendingTopic_verifyAJobRetrieved() { newJobAsync(broker); // this negated the expected result of the call below givenNonPendingJobs_getJobAsPendingTopic_verifyNothingRetrieved(); } @Test(enabled = false, expectedExceptions = NoJobException.class) public void givenManyJobs_pullThemAllAndAskOneMore_verifyFinallyNothingRetrieved() { putAndGetALotOfJobs(broker); waitForFutureOptionalJob(pullJobAsync(broker)); } @Test(enabled = false, expectedExceptions = NoJobException.class) public void givenNoJob_requestJob_verifyNothingRetrieved() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { final Future> futureOptionalJob = pullJobAsync(broker); assertThat("job should not be waiting yet", futureOptionalJob.get(FEW, MILLISECONDS).isPresent(), is(false)); waitForFutureOptionalJob(futureOptionalJob); } @Test(enabled = false, expectedExceptions = IllegalStateException.class) public void givenSinglePulledJob_pushBackDifferentJob_verifyPushingRejected() { waitForFutureJob(newJobAsync(broker)); waitForFutureJob(newJobAsync(broker)); waitForFutureOptionalJob(pullJobAsync(broker)); Job myJob = createMockJob("user id"); myJob.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID()); broker.pushBack(myJob); //Should fail } @Test(enabled = false) public void givenSingleJob_pushBackModifiedJob_verifyPulledIsVeryVeryTheSame() { final ImmutableMap randomDataForMostRecentJobType = ImmutableMap.of("42", 42, "complex", ImmutableList.of("a", "b", "c")); waitForFutureJob(newJobAsync(broker)); final Job job = waitForFutureOptionalJob(pullJobAsync(broker)); job.setStatus(Job.JobStatus.PENDING); job.setTypeAndData(JobType.NoOp, ImmutableMap.of("good", "morning")); job.setTypeAndData(JobType.HttpCall, ImmutableMap.of()); job.setTypeAndData(JobType.MacroServiceInstantiation, randomDataForMostRecentJobType); broker.pushBack(job); final Job retrievedJob = waitForFutureOptionalJob(pullJobAsync(broker)); assertThat(JOBS_SHOULD_MATCH, retrievedJob, is(job)); assertThat(JOBS_SHOULD_MATCH, retrievedJob.getData(), both(equalTo(job.getData())).and(equalTo(randomDataForMostRecentJobType))); assertThat(JOBS_SHOULD_MATCH, jobDataReflected(retrievedJob), is(jobDataReflected(job))); } private static String jobDataReflected(Job job) { return new ReflectionToStringBuilder(job, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE) .setExcludeFieldNames("created", "modified", "takenBy") .toString(); } @Test(enabled = false, expectedExceptions = IllegalStateException.class) public void givenSingleJob_pushBackTwice_verifyPushingRejected() { waitForFutureJob(newJobAsync(broker)); final Job job = waitForFutureOptionalJob(pullJobAsync(broker)); broker.pushBack(job); broker.pushBack(job); //Should fail } @Test(enabled = false) public void addJob_PeekItById_verifySameJobWasPeeked() { String userId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Job myJob = createMockJob(userId); UUID uuid = broker.add(myJob); Job peekedJob = broker.peek(uuid); assertEquals("added testId is not the same as peeked TestsId", userId, peekedJob.getSharedData().getUserId()); } @Test(enabled = false, dataProvider = "jobStatusesForSuccessDelete", expectedExceptions = NoJobException.class) public void givenOneJob_deleteIt_canPeekOnItButCantPull(Job.JobStatus status) { final Job job = waitForFutureJob(newJobAsync(broker, status)); broker.delete(job.getUuid()); assertNotNull(((JobDaoImpl) broker.peek(job.getUuid())).getDeletedAt(), "job should be deleted"); waitForFutureOptionalJob(pullJobAsync(broker)); } @DataProvider public static Object[][] jobStatusesForSuccessDelete() { return new Object[][]{ {PENDING}, {STOPPED} }; } @Test(enabled = false, dataProvider = "jobStatusesForFailedDelete", expectedExceptions = OperationNotAllowedException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp=DELETE_SERVICE_INFO_STATUS_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE ) public void deleteJob_notAllowedStatus_exceptionIsThrown(Job.JobStatus status, boolean taken) { final Job job = waitForFutureJob(newJobAsync(broker, createMockJob("some user id", status))); if (taken) { waitForFutureOptionalJob(pullJobAsync(broker)); } broker.delete(job.getUuid()); } @DataProvider public static Object[][] jobStatusesForFailedDelete() { return new Object[][]{ {PENDING, true}, {IN_PROGRESS, false}, {COMPLETED, false}, {PAUSE, false}, {FAILED, false}, }; } @Test(enabled = false, expectedExceptions = OperationNotAllowedException.class, expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = DELETE_SERVICE_NOT_EXIST_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE) public void deleteJob_notExist_exceptionIsThrown() { waitForFutureJob(newJobAsync(broker, createMockJob("some user id", PENDING))); broker.delete(new UUID(111, 111)); } }