/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * VID * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ "use strict"; var StatusService = function($log, AaiService, DataService, ComponentService, COMPONENT, FIELD, PARAMETER, UtilityService) { var _this = this; var getAsyncOperationList = function() { return [ getTargetProvStatus ]; }; var getSummaryList = function() { switch (_this.componentId) { case COMPONENT.NETWORK: case COMPONENT.SERVICE: case COMPONENT.VNF: case COMPONENT.VF_MODULE: case COMPONENT.VOLUME_GROUP: return [ { name : FIELD.NAME.SUBSCRIBER_NAME, value : DataService.getSubscriberName() }, { name : FIELD.NAME.SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID, value : DataService.getServiceInstanceId() }, { name : FIELD.NAME.SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID, value : DataService.getServiceInstanceName() }, { name : FIELD.NAME.SERVICE_TYPE, value : DataService.getServiceType() } ]; } }; var getVNFStatusList = function() { var inventoryItem = DataService.getInventoryItem(); var newProvStatus = DataService.getUpdatedVNFProvStatus(); if ( UtilityService.hasContents(newProvStatus) ) { } else { newProvStatus = inventoryItem['prov-status']; } return [ { name : FIELD.NAME.VNF_VNF_ID, value : inventoryItem['vnf-id'] }, { name : FIELD.NAME.VNF_VNF_Name, value : inventoryItem['vnf-name'] }, { name : FIELD.NAME.VNF_VNF_Type, value : inventoryItem['vnf-type'] }, { name : FIELD.NAME.VNF_Service_ID, value : inventoryItem['service-id'] }, { name : FIELD.NAME.VNF_ORCHESTRATION_STATUS, value :inventoryItem['orchestration-status'] }, { name : FIELD.NAME.VNF_In_Maint, value :inventoryItem['in-maint'] }, { name : FIELD.NAME.VNF_Operational_Status, value :inventoryItem['operational-state'] }, { name : FIELD.NAME.VNF_Current_Prov_Status, value : newProvStatus } ]; }; var internalGetParametersHandler = function() { if (angular.isFunction(_this.getParametersHandler)) { if (_this.componentId == COMPONENT.SERVICE) _this.getParametersHandler({ summaryList : getSummaryList(), userProvidedList : getUserProvidedList() }, true); else _this.getParametersHandler({ summaryList : getSummaryList(), userProvidedList : getUserProvidedList() }, false); } }; var getTargetProvStatus = function() { AaiService.getProvOptionsFromSystemProp(function(response) { DataService.setSystemPropProvStatus(response); UtilityService.startNextAsyncOperation(); }); }; var getUserProvidedList = function() { var parameterList = []; parameterList = parameterList.concat([ getTargetProvParameter()]); return parameterList; }; var getTargetProvParameter = function() { var provStatus = DataService.getSystemPropProvStatus(); var parameter = FIELD.PARAMETER.VNF_TARGET_PROVSTATUS; var provArray = provStatus.data.split(","); parameter.optionList = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < provArray.length; i++) { parameter.optionList.push({ id : i+1, name : provArray[i] }); } return parameter; }; var getTargetProvParameterText = function(index) { var provStatus = DataService.getSystemPropProvStatus(); var parameter = FIELD.PARAMETER.VNF_TARGET_PROVSTATUS; var provArray = provStatus.data.split(","); return provArray[index-1]; }; var getTargetProvParameters = function() { var provStatus = DataService.getSystemPropProvStatus(); }; var updateUserParameterList = function(updatedId, parameterListControl) { console.log ("updateUserParameterList() updatedId=" + updatedId); if (updatedId === FIELD.ID.VNF_TARGETPROVSTATUS) { var list = parameterListControl.getList(updatedId); } }; return { initializeComponent : function(componentId) { _this.componentId = ComponentService.initialize(componentId); }, setHttpErrorHandler : function(httpErrorHandler) { _this.httpErrorHandler = httpErrorHandler; }, getComponentDisplayName : ComponentService.getComponentDisplayName, getSummaryList : getSummaryList, getVNFStatusList : getVNFStatusList, getParameters : function(getParametersHandler) { _this.getParametersHandler = getParametersHandler; UtilityService.setHttpErrorHandler(_this.httpErrorHandler); UtilityService.startAsyncOperations(getAsyncOperationList(), internalGetParametersHandler); }, updateUserParameterList : updateUserParameterList, getTargetProvParameterText : getTargetProvParameterText } } appDS2.factory("StatusService", [ "$log", "AaiService", "DataService", "ComponentService", "COMPONENT", "FIELD", "PARAMETER", "UtilityService", StatusService ]);