require('./new-change-management.controller'); const jestMock = require('jest-mock'); describe('Testing workFlows from SO', () => { let $notNeeded; let $controller; let $changeManagementService; beforeEach( angular.mock.module('app') ); beforeEach(inject(function (_$controller_) { $notNeeded = jestMock.fn(); // mock ChangeManagementService $changeManagementService = jestMock.fn(); $changeManagementService.getAllSDCServices = jestMock.fn(() => Promise.resolve([])); // mock q $q = jestMock.fn(); $defer = jestMock.fn(); $q.defer = jestMock.fn(() => $defer); $defer.promise = Promise.resolve({}); // mock AaiService $aaiService = jestMock.fn(); $aaiService.getLoggedInUserID = jestMock.fn(); $aaiService.getSubscribers = jestMock.fn(); $controller = _$controller_('newChangeManagementModalController', { $uibModalInstance: $notNeeded, $uibModal: $notNeeded, $q: $q, AaiService: $aaiService, changeManagementService: $changeManagementService, Upload: $notNeeded, $log: $notNeeded, _: $notNeeded, COMPONENT: $notNeeded, VIDCONFIGURATION: $notNeeded, DataService: $notNeeded, featureFlags: $notNeeded, $scope: $notNeeded, }); })); test('Verify load workflows from SO will call getSOWorkflow and return only names of workflows', () => { // given $controller.changeManagement.vnfNames = [{name: 'test1'}, {name: "test2"}]; let getSOWorkflowsPromiseStub = Promise.resolve({"data": [{"id": "1", "name": "workflow 1"}, {"id": "2", "name": "workflow 2"}]}); $changeManagementService.getSOWorkflows = () => getSOWorkflowsPromiseStub; $controller.workflows = []; // when return $controller.loadRemoteWorkFlows() .then(() => { remoteWorkflows = $ => expect(remoteWorkflows).toContain('workflow 1'); expect(remoteWorkflows).toContain('workflow 2'); } ); }); test('Verify load workflows will call load from SO and join workflow lists', () => { // given let getWorkflowsStub = Promise.resolve({"data": {"workflows": ["workflow 0"]}}); let getSOWorkflowsPromiseStub = Promise.resolve({"data": [{"id": "1", "name": "workflow 1"}, {"id": "2", "name": "workflow 2"}]}); $controller.changeManagement.vnfNames = [{name: 'test1'}, {name: "test2"}]; $changeManagementService.getWorkflows = () => getWorkflowsStub; $changeManagementService.getSOWorkflows = () => getSOWorkflowsPromiseStub; // when return $controller.loadWorkFlows().then(() => { expect($controller.workflows).toContain('workflow 0'); expect($controller.workflows).toContain('workflow 1'); expect($controller.workflows).toContain('workflow 2'); }); }); test('Verify broken SO workflows wont change content of local workflows', () => { // given let getWorkflowsStub = Promise.resolve({"data": {"workflows": ["workflow 0"]}}); let getSOWorkflowsPromiseStub = Promise.reject(new Error("Broken SO workflows service.")); $controller.changeManagement.vnfNames = "any"; $changeManagementService.getWorkflows = () => getWorkflowsStub; $changeManagementService.getSOWorkflows = () => getSOWorkflowsPromiseStub; // when $controller.loadWorkFlows() .then(() => { expect($controller.workflows).toEqual(['workflow 0']); }); }); });