/** * FileName att-style-guide * Version 2.17.0 * Build number 5c64ecd381d5984c483cdfaa078a1890 * Date 11/23/2015 */ (function(angular, window){ angular.module("att.abs", ["att.abs.tpls", "att.abs.utilities","att.abs.position","att.abs.transition","att.abs.accordion","att.abs.alert","att.abs.boardStrip","att.abs.breadCrumbs","att.abs.buttons","att.abs.checkbox","att.abs.colorselector","att.abs.datepicker","att.abs.devNotes","att.abs.dividerLines","att.abs.dragdrop","att.abs.drawer","att.abs.message","att.abs.formField","att.abs.hourpicker","att.abs.iconButtons","att.abs.links","att.abs.loading","att.abs.modal","att.abs.pagination","att.abs.paneSelector","att.abs.tooltip","att.abs.popOvers","att.abs.profileCard","att.abs.progressBars","att.abs.radio","att.abs.scrollbar","att.abs.search","att.abs.select","att.abs.slider","att.abs.splitButtonDropdown","att.abs.splitIconButton","att.abs.stepSlider","att.abs.steptracker","att.abs.table","att.abs.tableMessages","att.abs.tabs","att.abs.tagBadges","att.abs.textOverflow","att.abs.toggle","att.abs.treeview","att.abs.typeAhead","att.abs.verticalSteptracker","att.abs.videoControls"]); angular.module("att.abs.tpls", ["app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/accordion/accordion.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/accordion/accordion_alt.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/accordion/attAccord.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/accordion/attAccordBody.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/accordion/attAccordHeader.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/alert/alert.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/boardStrip/attAddBoard.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/boardStrip/attBoard.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/boardStrip/attBoardStrip.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/buttons/buttonDropdown.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/colorselector/colorselector.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/dateFilter.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/dateFilterList.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/datepicker.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/datepickerPopup.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/dividerLines/dividerLines.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/dragdrop/fileUpload.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/formField/attFormFieldValidationAlert.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/formField/attFormFieldValidationAlertPrv.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/formField/creditCardImage.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/formField/cvcSecurityImg.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/hourpicker/hourpicker.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/links/readMore.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/loading/loading.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/modal/backdrop.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/modal/tabbedItem.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/modal/tabbedOverlayItem.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/modal/window.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/pagination/pagination.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/paneSelector/innerPane.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/paneSelector/paneGroup.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/paneSelector/sidePane.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tooltip/tooltip-popup.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/popOvers/popOvers.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/profileCard/addUser.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/profileCard/profileCard.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/progressBars/progressBars.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/scrollbar/scrollbar.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/search/search.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/select/select.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/select/textDropdown.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/slider/maxContent.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/slider/minContent.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/slider/slider.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/splitButtonDropdown/splitButtonDropdown.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/splitButtonDropdown/splitButtonDropdownItem.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/splitIconButton/splitIcon.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/splitIconButton/splitIconButton.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/splitIconButton/splitIconButtonGroup.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/stepSlider/attStepSlider.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/steptracker/step-tracker.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/steptracker/step.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/steptracker/timeline.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/steptracker/timelineBar.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/steptracker/timelineDot.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/table/attTable.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/table/attTableBody.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/table/attTableHeader.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tableMessages/attTableMessage.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tableMessages/attUserMessage.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/floatingTabs.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/genericTabs.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/menuTab.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/parentmenuTab.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/simplifiedTabs.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/submenuTab.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tagBadges/tagBadges.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/toggle/demoToggle.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/typeAhead/typeAhead.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/verticalSteptracker/vertical-step-tracker.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/videoControls/photoControls.html","app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/videoControls/videoControls.html"]); angular.module('att.abs.utilities', []) .filter('unsafe',[ '$sce', function ($sce) { return function(val){ return $sce.trustAsHtml(val); }; }]) .filter('highlight', function () { function escapeRegexp(queryToEscape) { return queryToEscape.replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, '\\$1'); } return function (matchItem, query, className) { return query && matchItem ? matchItem.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegexp(query), 'gi'), '$&') : matchItem; }; }) .filter('attLimitTo', function() { return function(actualArray, _limit, _begin) { var finalArray = []; var limit = _limit; var begin = _begin; if(isNaN(begin)) { begin = 0; } if(actualArray && !isNaN(limit)) { finalArray = actualArray.slice(begin, begin+limit); } else { finalArray = actualArray; } return finalArray; }; }) .filter('startsWith', function() { if (typeof String.prototype.startsWith !== 'function') { // see below for better implementation! String.prototype.startsWith = function (str){ return this.indexOf(str) === 0; }; } return function(items, searchString) { if (searchString === undefined || searchString === "") { return items; } var filtered = []; angular.forEach(items, function(item) { if (item.title.toLowerCase().startsWith(searchString.toLowerCase())) { filtered.push(item); } }); return filtered; }; }) .directive('attInputDeny', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var regexExpression = null; attr.$observe('attInputDeny', function (value) { if (value) { regexExpression = new RegExp(value, 'g'); } }); elem.bind('input', function () { var inputString = ctrl.$viewValue && ctrl.$viewValue.replace(regexExpression, ''); if (inputString !== ctrl.$viewValue) { ctrl.$setViewValue(inputString); ctrl.$render(); scope.$apply(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('attAccessibilityClick', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem, attr) { var keyCode = []; attr.$observe('attAccessibilityClick', function (value) { if (value) { keyCode = value.split(','); } }); elem.bind('keydown', function (ev) { var keyCodeCondition = function(){ var flag = false; if(!(ev.keyCode)){ if(ev.which){ ev.keyCode = ev.which; } else if(ev.charCode){ ev.keyCode = ev.charCode; } } if((ev.keyCode && keyCode.indexOf(ev.keyCode.toString()) > -1)){ flag = true; } return flag; }; if(keyCode.length > 0 && keyCodeCondition()) { elem[0].click(); ev.preventDefault(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('attElementFocus', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, elem, attr) { scope.$watch(attr.attElementFocus, function (value) { if (value) { elem[0].focus(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('focusOn', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { var checkDirectivePrerequisites = function (attrs) { if (!attrs.focusOn && attrs.focusOn !== '') { throw 'FocusOnCondition missing attribute to evaluate'; } }; return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { checkDirectivePrerequisites(attrs); scope.$watch(attrs.focusOn, function (currentValue) { if(currentValue) { $timeout(function () { element[0].focus(); }); } }); } }; } ]) .constant('whenScrollEndsConstants', { 'threshold': 100, 'width': 0, 'height': 0 }) .directive('whenScrollEnds', function(whenScrollEndsConstants, $log) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { /** * Exposed Attributes: * threshold - integer - number of pixels before scrollbar hits end that callback is called * width - integer - override for element's width (px) * height - integer - override for element's height (px) * axis - string - x/y for scroll bar axis */ var threshold = parseInt(attrs.threshold, 10) || whenScrollEndsConstants.threshold; if (!attrs.axis || attrs.axis === '') { $log.warn('axis attribute must be defined for whenScrollEnds.'); return; } if (attrs.axis === 'x') { visibleWidth = parseInt(attrs.width, 10) || whenScrollEndsConstants.width; if (element.css('width')) { visibleWidth = element.css('width').split('px')[0]; } element[0].addEventListener('scroll', function() { var scrollableWidth = element.prop('scrollWidth'); if (scrollableWidth === undefined) { scrollableWidth = 1; } var hiddenContentWidth = scrollableWidth - visibleWidth; if (hiddenContentWidth - element[0].scrollLeft <= threshold) { /* Scroll almost at bottom, load more rows */ scope.$apply(attrs.whenScrollEnds); } }); } else if (attrs.axis === 'y') { visibleHeight = parseInt(attrs.height, 10) || whenScrollEndsConstants.height; if (element.css('width')) { visibleHeight = element.css('height').split('px')[0]; } element[0].addEventListener('scroll', function() { var scrollableHeight = element.prop('scrollHeight'); if (scrollableHeight === undefined) { scrollableHeight = 1; } var hiddenContentHeight = scrollableHeight - visibleHeight; if (hiddenContentHeight - element[0].scrollTop <= threshold) { /* Scroll almost at bottom, load more rows */ scope.$apply(attrs.whenScrollEnds); } }); } } }; }) .directive("validImei", function(){ return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, ele, attrs, ctrl) { ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function(value) { if(value){ scope.valid = false; if (!isNaN(value) && value.length === 15) { var sumImeiVal = 0; var posIMEI = []; for (var imeiIndex=0; imeiIndex<15; imeiIndex++) { posIMEI[imeiIndex] = parseInt(value.substring(imeiIndex,imeiIndex + 1),10); if (imeiIndex % 2 !== 0) { posIMEI[imeiIndex] = parseInt((posIMEI[imeiIndex] * 2),10); } if (posIMEI[imeiIndex] > 9) { posIMEI[imeiIndex] = parseInt((posIMEI[imeiIndex] % 10),10) + parseInt((posIMEI[imeiIndex] / 10),10); } sumImeiVal=sumImeiVal+parseInt((posIMEI[imeiIndex]),10); } if((sumImeiVal % 10) === 0) { scope.valid = true; } else { scope.valid = false; } } else { scope.valid = false; } ctrl.$setValidity('invalidImei', scope.valid); } return scope.valid ? value : undefined; }); } }; }) .directive("togglePassword", function(){ return{ restrict:'A', transclude:false, link: function(scope, element, attr, ctrl) { element.bind("click", function() { var ipwd = attr.togglePassword; element[0].innerHTML = element[0].innerHTML === "Show" ? "Hide" : "Show"; var e = angular.element(document.querySelector('#' + ipwd))[0].type; angular.element(document.querySelector('#' + ipwd))[0].type = e === "password"? "text" : "password"; }); } }; }) .factory('events', function(){ var _stopPropagation = function(evt){ if(evt.stopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); } else { evt.returnValue = false; } }; var _preventDefault = function(evt) { if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault(); } else { evt.returnValue = false; } } return { stopPropagation: _stopPropagation, preventDefault: _preventDefault }; }) .factory('$documentBind', ['$document', '$timeout', function ($document, $timeout) { var _click = function (flag, callbackFunc, scope) { scope.$watch(flag, function (val) { $timeout(function () { if (val) { $document.bind('click', callbackFunc); } else { $document.unbind('click', callbackFunc); } }); }); }; var _event = function (event, flag, callbackFunc, scope, timeoutFlag, timeoutValue) { if (timeoutFlag) { if (!(timeoutValue)) { timeoutValue = 0; } scope.$watch(flag, function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { $timeout(function () { if (newVal) { $document.bind(event, callbackFunc); } else { $document.unbind(event, callbackFunc); } }, timeoutValue); } }); } else { scope.$watch(flag, function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { if (newVal) { $document.bind(event, callbackFunc); } else { $document.unbind(event, callbackFunc); } } }); } }; return { click: _click, event: _event }; }]) .factory('DOMHelper', function() { function isTabable(node) { var element = angular.element(node); var hasTabindex = (parseInt(element.attr('tabindex'), 10) >= 0) ? true : false; var tagName = element[0].tagName.toUpperCase(); if (hasTabindex || tagName === 'A' || tagName === 'INPUT' || tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { return !(element[0].disabled || element[0].readOnly); } return false; } function isValidChild(child) { return child.nodeType == 1 && child.nodeName != 'SCRIPT' && child.nodeName != 'STYLE'; } function traverse(obj) { var obj = obj || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; if (isValidChild(obj) && isTabable(obj)) { return obj; } if (obj.hasChildNodes()) { var child = obj.firstChild; while(child) { var res = traverse(child); if(res){ return res; } else{ child = child.nextSibling; } } } else{ return undefined; } } var _firstTabableElement = function(el) { /* This will return the first tabable element from the parent el */ var elem = el; if (el.hasOwnProperty('length')) { elem = el[0]; } return traverse(elem); }; return { firstTabableElement: _firstTabableElement }; }) .factory('keymap', function(){ return { KEY:{ TAB: 9, ENTER: 13, ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40, SHIFT: 16, CTRL: 17, ALT: 18, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, HOME: 36, END: 35, BACKSPACE: 8, DELETE: 46, COMMAND: 91 }, MAP: { 91 : "COMMAND", 8 : "BACKSPACE" , 9 : "TAB" , 13 : "ENTER" , 16 : "SHIFT" , 17 : "CTRL" , 18 : "ALT" , 19 : "PAUSEBREAK" , 20 : "CAPSLOCK" , 27 : "ESC" , 32 : "SPACE" , 33 : "PAGE_UP", 34 : "PAGE_DOWN" , 35 : "END" , 36 : "HOME" , 37 : "LEFT" , 38 : "UP" , 39 : "RIGHT" , 40 : "DOWN" , 43 : "+" , 44 : "PRINTSCREEN" , 45 : "INSERT" , 46 : "DELETE", 48 : "0" , 49 : "1" , 50 : "2" , 51 : "3" , 52 : "4" , 53 : "5" , 54 : "6" , 55 : "7" , 56 : "8" , 57 : "9" , 59 : ";", 61 : "=" , 65 : "A" , 66 : "B" , 67 : "C" , 68 : "D" , 69 : "E" , 70 : "F" , 71 : "G" , 72 : "H" , 73 : "I" , 74 : "J" , 75 : "K" , 76 : "L", 77 : "M" , 78 : "N" , 79 : "O" , 80 : "P" , 81 : "Q" , 82 : "R" , 83 : "S" , 84 : "T" , 85 : "U" , 86 : "V" , 87 : "W" , 88 : "X" , 89 : "Y" , 90 : "Z", 96 : "0" , 97 : "1" , 98 : "2" , 99 : "3" , 100 : "4" , 101 : "5" , 102 : "6" , 103 : "7" , 104 : "8" , 105 : "9", 106 : "*" , 107 : "+" , 109 : "-" , 110 : "." , 111 : "/", 112 : "F1" , 113 : "F2" , 114 : "F3" , 115 : "F4" , 116 : "F5" , 117 : "F6" , 118 : "F7" , 119 : "F8" , 120 : "F9" , 121 : "F10" , 122 : "F11" , 123 : "F12", 144 : "NUMLOCK" , 145 : "SCROLLLOCK" , 186 : ";" , 187 : "=" , 188 : "," , 189 : "-" , 190 : "." , 191 : "/" , 192 : "`" , 219 : "[" , 220 : "\\" , 221 : "]" , 222 : "'" }, isControl: function (e) { var k = e.keyCode; switch (k) { case this.KEY.COMMAND: case this.KEY.SHIFT: case this.KEY.CTRL: case this.KEY.ALT: return true; default:; } if (e.metaKey) { return true; } return false; }, isFunctionKey: function (k) { k = k.keyCode ? k.keyCode : k; return k >= 112 && k <= 123; }, isVerticalMovement: function (k){ return ~[this.KEY.UP, this.KEY.DOWN].indexOf(k); }, isHorizontalMovement: function (k){ return ~[this.KEY.LEFT, this.KEY.RIGHT, this.KEY.BACKSPACE, this.KEY.DELETE].indexOf(k); }, isAllowedKey: function (k){ return (~[this.KEY.SPACE, this.KEY.ESC, this.KEY.ENTER].indexOf(k)) || this.isHorizontalMovement(k) || this.isVerticalMovement(k); } }; }) .factory('keyMapAc', function(){ return { keys:{ "32":" ", "33":"!", "34":"\"", "35":"#", "36":"$", "37":"%", "38":"&", "39":"'" , "40":"(", "41":")", "42":"*", "43":"+", "44":",", "45":"-", "46":".", "47":"\/", "58":":" , "59":";", "60":"<", "61":"=", "62":">", "63":"?", "64":"@", "91":"[", "92":"\\", "93":"]" , "94":"^", "95":"_", "96":"`", "123":"{", "124":"|", "125":"}", "126":"~" }, keyRange:{"startNum":"48","endNum":"57","startSmallLetters":"97","endSmallLetters":"122" ,"startCapitalLetters":"65","endCapitalLetters":"90"}, allowedKeys:{TAB:8, BACKSPACE:9, DELETE:16} }; }) .factory('$attElementDetach', function () { var _detach = function (element) { if (element && element.parentNode) { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } }; return _detach; }) .factory('$ieVersion', function () { var ie = null; var loadIEVersion = function () { var isIE10 = (eval("/*@cc_on!@*/false") && document.documentMode === 10); if (isIE10) { return 10; } var v = 3, div = document.createElement('div'), all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); do { div.innerHTML = ''; } while (all[0]); return v > 4 ? v : undefined; }; return function () { if (ie===null) { ie = loadIEVersion(); } return ie; }; }); (function () { String.prototype.toSnakeCase = function () { return this.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function ($1) { return "-" + $1.toLowerCase(); }); }; var concat = function (character, times) { character = character || ''; times = (!isNaN(times) && times) || 0; var finalChar = ''; for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) { finalChar += character; } return finalChar; }; // direction: true for left and false for right var pad = function (actualString, width, character, direction) { actualString = actualString || ''; width = (!isNaN(width) && width) || 0; character = character || ''; if (width > actualString.length) { if (direction) { return concat(character, (width - actualString.length)) + actualString; } else { return actualString + concat(character, (width - actualString.length)); } } return actualString; }; String.prototype.lPad = function (width, character) { return pad(this, width, character, true); }; String.prototype.rPad = function (width, character) { return pad(this, width, character, false); }; if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function (val) { for (var index = 0; index < this.length; index++) { if (this[index] === val) { return index; } } return -1; }; } })(); angular.module('att.abs.position', []) .factory('$position', ['$document', '$window', function ($document, $window) { function getStyle(el, cssprop) { if (el.currentStyle) { //IE return el.currentStyle[cssprop]; } else if ($window.getComputedStyle) { return $window.getComputedStyle(el)[cssprop]; } // finally try and get inline style return el.style[cssprop]; } /** * Checks if a given element is statically positioned * @param element - raw DOM element */ function isStaticPositioned(element) { return (getStyle(element, "position") || 'static') === 'static'; } /** * returns the closest, non-statically positioned parentOffset of a given element * @param element */ var parentOffsetEl = function (element) { var docDomEl = $document[0]; var offsetParent = element.offsetParent || docDomEl; while (offsetParent && offsetParent !== docDomEl && isStaticPositioned(offsetParent)) { offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent; } return offsetParent || docDomEl; }; return { /** * Provides read-only equivalent of jQuery's position function: * http://api.jquery.com/position/ */ position: function (element) { var elBCR = this.offset(element); var offsetParentBCR = { top: 0, left: 0 }; var offsetParentEl = parentOffsetEl(element[0]); if (offsetParentEl !== $document[0]) { offsetParentBCR = this.offset(angular.element(offsetParentEl)); offsetParentBCR.top += offsetParentEl.clientTop - offsetParentEl.scrollTop; offsetParentBCR.left += offsetParentEl.clientLeft - offsetParentEl.scrollLeft; } return { width: element.prop('offsetWidth'), height: element.prop('offsetHeight'), top: elBCR.top - offsetParentBCR.top, left: elBCR.left - offsetParentBCR.left }; }, /** * Provides read-only equivalent of jQuery's offset function: * http://api.jquery.com/offset/ */ offset: function (element) { var boundingClientRect = element[0].getBoundingClientRect(); return { width: element.prop('offsetWidth'), height: element.prop('offsetHeight'), top: boundingClientRect.top + ($window.pageYOffset || $document[0].body.scrollTop || $document[0].documentElement.scrollTop), left: boundingClientRect.left + ($window.pageXOffset || $document[0].body.scrollLeft || $document[0].documentElement.scrollLeft) }; } }; }]) .factory('$isElement', [function () { var isElement = function (currentElem, targetElem, alternateElem) { if (currentElem[0] === targetElem[0]) { return true; } else if (currentElem[0] === alternateElem[0]) { return false; } else { return isElement((currentElem.parent()[0] && currentElem.parent()) || targetElem, targetElem, alternateElem); } }; return isElement; }]) .directive('attPosition', ['$position', function ($position) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, elem, attr) { scope.$watchCollection(function () { return $position.position(elem); }, function (value) { scope[attr.attPosition] = value; }); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.transition', []) .factory('$transition', ['$q', '$timeout', '$rootScope', function($q, $timeout, $rootScope) { var $transition = function(element, trigger, options) { options = options || {}; var deferred = $q.defer(); var endEventName = $transition[options.animation ? "animationEndEventName" : "transitionEndEventName"]; var transitionEndHandler = function() { $rootScope.$apply(function() { element.unbind(endEventName, transitionEndHandler); deferred.resolve(element); }); }; if (endEventName) { element.bind(endEventName, transitionEndHandler); } // Wrap in a timeout to allow the browser time to update the DOM before the transition is to occur $timeout(function() { if ( angular.isString(trigger) ) { element.addClass(trigger); } else if ( angular.isFunction(trigger) ) { trigger(element); } else if ( angular.isObject(trigger) ) { element.css(trigger); } //If browser does not support transitions, instantly resolve if ( !endEventName ) { deferred.resolve(element); } }, 100); // Add our custom cancel function to the promise that is returned // We can call this if we are about to run a new transition, which we know will prevent this transition from ending, // i.e. it will therefore never raise a transitionEnd event for that transition deferred.promise.cancel = function() { if ( endEventName ) { element.unbind(endEventName, transitionEndHandler); } deferred.reject('Transition cancelled'); }; return deferred.promise; }; // Work out the name of the transitionEnd event var transElement = document.createElement('trans'); var transitionEndEventNames = { 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition': 'transitionend', 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd', 'transition': 'transitionend' }; var animationEndEventNames = { 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitAnimationEnd', 'MozTransition': 'animationend', 'OTransition': 'oAnimationEnd', 'transition': 'animationend' }; function findEndEventName(endEventNames) { for (var name in endEventNames){ if (transElement.style[name] !== undefined) { return endEventNames[name]; } } } $transition.transitionEndEventName = findEndEventName(transitionEndEventNames); $transition.animationEndEventName = findEndEventName(animationEndEventNames); return $transition; }]) .factory('$scrollTo', ['$window', function($window) { var $scrollTo = function(offsetLeft, offsetTop, duration) { TweenMax.to($window, duration || 1, {scrollTo: {y: offsetTop, x: offsetLeft}, ease: Power4.easeOut}); }; return $scrollTo; }]) .factory('animation', function(){ return TweenMax; }) .factory('$progressBar', function(){ //Provides a function to pass in code for closure purposes var loadingAnimationCreator = function(onUpdateCallback){ //Use closure to setup some resuable code var loadingAnimation = function(callback, duration){ TweenMax.to({}, duration, { onUpdateParams: ["{self}"], onUpdate: onUpdateCallback, onComplete: callback }); }; //Returns a function that takes a callback function and a duration for the animation return (function(){ return loadingAnimation; })(); }; return loadingAnimationCreator; }) .factory('$height', function(){ var heightAnimation = function(element,duration,height,alpha){ TweenMax.to(element, duration, {height:height, autoAlpha:alpha}, 0); }; return heightAnimation; }); angular.module('att.abs.accordion', ['att.abs.utilities', 'att.abs.position', 'att.abs.transition']) .constant('accordionConfig', { closeOthers: false }).controller('AccordionController', ['$scope', '$attrs', 'accordionConfig', '$log', function ($scope, $attrs, accordionConfig, $log) { // This array keeps track of the accordion groups this.groups = []; this.index = -1; // Keep reference to user's scope to properly assign `is-open` this.scope = $scope; $scope.forceExpand = false; // Ensure that all the groups in this accordion are closed, unless close-others explicitly says not to this.closeOthers = function (openGroup) { var closeOthers = angular.isDefined($attrs.closeOthers) ? $scope.$eval($attrs.closeOthers) : accordionConfig.closeOthers; if (closeOthers && !$scope.forceExpand) { angular.forEach(this.groups, function (group) { if (group !== openGroup) { group.isOpen = false; } }); } if (this.groups.indexOf(openGroup) === (this.groups.length - 1) && $scope.forceExpand) { $scope.forceExpand = false; } }; this.expandAll = function () { $scope.forceExpand = true; angular.forEach(this.groups, function (group) { group.isOpen = true; }); }; this.collapseAll = function () { angular.forEach(this.groups, function (group) { group.isOpen = false; }); }; /**function focus @param focusGroup */ this.focus = function (focusGroup) { var self = this; angular.forEach(this.groups, function (group, index) { if (group !== focusGroup) { group.focused = false; } else { self.index = index; group.focused = true; } }); }; /** @param blurGroup*/ this.blur = function (blurGroup) { blurGroup.focused = false; this.index = -1; $log.log("accordion.blur()", blurGroup); }; /** @param group - the group in current focus @param down - cycling down */ this.cycle = function (group, down, noRecycle) { if (!down) { if (this.index <= 0 && !noRecycle) { this.index = this.groups.length - 1; } else { this.index--; } } else { if (this.index === (this.groups.length - 1)) { if (noRecycle) { this.index = 0; group.focused = false; $scope.$apply(); return; } else { this.index = 0; } } else { this.index++; } } group.focused = false; this.groups[this.index].setFocus = true; this.groups[this.index].focused = true; $scope.$apply(); }; // This is called from the accordion-group directive to add itself to the accordion this.addGroup = function (groupScope) { var that = this; groupScope.index = this.groups.length; groupScope.focused = false; this.groups.push(groupScope); if(this.groups.length > 0){ this.index = 0; } groupScope.$on('$destroy', function () { that.removeGroup(groupScope); }); }; // This is called from the accordion-group directive when to remove itself this.removeGroup = function (group) { var index = this.groups.indexOf(group); if (index !== -1) { this.groups.splice(this.groups.indexOf(group), 1); } }; }]) //The accordion directive simply sets up the directive controller and adds an accordion CSS class to itself element. .directive('accordion', function () { return { restrict: 'EA', controller: 'AccordionController', transclude: true, replace: false, scope: { cClass: '@css', expandAll: "=?", collapseAll: "=?" }, template: '
', link: function (scope, elem, attribute, ctrl) { scope.$watch("expandAll", function (value) { if (value) { ctrl.expandAll(); scope.expandAll = false; } }); scope.$watch("collapseAll", function (value) { if (value) { ctrl.collapseAll(); scope.collapseAll = false; } }); } }; }) //The accordion-group directive indicates a block of html that will expand and collapse in an accordion .directive('accordionGroup', [ function () { return { // We need this directive to be inside an accordion require: ['^accordion', 'accordionGroup'], restrict: 'EA', // It transcludes the contents of the directive into the template transclude: true, // The element containing the directive will be replaced with the template replace: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/accordion/accordion.html', scope: { // Create an isolated scope and interpolate the heading attribute onto this scope heading: '@', isOpen: '=?' }, controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.showicon = true; this.setHeading = function (element) { this.heading = element; $scope.showicon = false; }; this.isIsOpen = function () { return $scope.isOpen; }; }], link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var accordionCtrl = ctrl[0]; var accordionGroupCtrl = ctrl[1]; var keys = {tab: 9, enter: 13, esc: 27, space: 32, pageup: 33, pagedown: 34, end: 35, home: 36, left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40}; //not a fix var tab = element.children().eq(0); var parentHyperLink=attrs.parentLink; scope.setFocus = false; scope.childLength = attrs.childLength; scope.headingIconClass = attrs.imageSource; var handleKeydown = function (ev) { var boolFlag = true; switch (ev.keyCode) { case keys.enter: ev.preventDefault(); scope.toggle(); scope.$apply(); break; case keys.up: case keys.left: ev.preventDefault(); accordionCtrl.cycle(scope, false); break; case keys.down: case keys.right: ev.preventDefault(); accordionCtrl.cycle(scope, true); break; default: boolFlag = false; break; } ev.stopPropagation(); return boolFlag; }; if (angular.isUndefined(scope.isOpen)) { scope.isOpen = false; } tab.bind("keydown", handleKeydown); accordionCtrl.addGroup(scope); if (scope.index === 0) { scope.focused = true; } accordionGroupCtrl.toggle = scope.toggle = function () { /* if the menu item has children, toggle/expand child menu of this item */ if (scope.childLength>0) { scope.isOpen = !scope.isOpen; accordionCtrl.focus(scope); return scope.isOpen; } /* if the menu item does not have children, redirect to parent action URL*/ else { window.location.href = parentHyperLink; } }; scope.$watch('isOpen', function (value) { if (value) { accordionCtrl.closeOthers(scope); } }); scope.$watch("focused", function (value) { if (!!value) { tab.attr("tabindex", "0"); if(scope.setFocus){ tab[0].focus(); } } else{ scope.setFocus = false; tab.attr("tabindex", "-1"); } }); } }; }]) //Use accordion-heading below an accordion-group to provide a heading containing HTML // //Heading containing HTML - // .directive('accordionToggle', function () { return{ restrict: 'EA', require: '^accordionGroup', scope: { expandIcon: '@', collapseIcon: '@' }, link: function (scope, element, attr, accordionCtrl) { var setIcon = function (isOpen) { if (scope.expandIcon && scope.collapseIcon) { if (isOpen) { element.removeClass(scope.expandIcon); element.addClass(scope.collapseIcon); } else { element.removeClass(scope.collapseIcon); element.addClass(scope.expandIcon); } } }; element.bind('click', function () { accordionCtrl.toggle(); scope.$apply(); }); scope.$watch(function () { return accordionCtrl.isIsOpen(); }, function (value) { setIcon(value); }); } }; }).directive('accordionHeading', function () { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, template: '', require: '^accordionGroup', compile: function (element, attr, transclude) { var link = function (scope, element, attr, accordionGroupCtrl) { // Pass the heading to the accordion-group controller // so that it can be transcluded into the right place in the template // [The second parameter to transclude causes the elements to be cloned so that they work in ng-repeat] transclude(scope, function (clone) { element.append(clone); accordionGroupCtrl.setHeading(element); }); }; return link; } }; }) // Use in the accordion-group template to indicate where you want the heading to be transcluded // You must provide the property on the accordion-group controller that will hold the transcluded element .directive('accordionTransclude', function () { return { require: '^accordionGroup', link: function (scope, element, attr, controller) { scope.$watch(function () { return controller[attr.accordionTransclude]; }, function (heading) { if (heading) { element.find("span").eq(0).prepend(heading); } }); } }; }) .directive('attGoTop', ['$scrollTo', function ($scrollTo) { return { restrict: 'A', transclude: false, link: function (scope, elem, attrs) { elem.bind('click', function () { $scrollTo(0, attrs["attGoTop"]); }); } }; }]) .directive('attGoTo', ['$anchorScroll', '$location', function ($anchorScroll, $location) { return { restrict: 'A', transclude: false, link: function (scope, elem, attrs) { elem.bind('click', function () { var newHash = attrs["attGoTo"]; if ($location.hash() !== newHash) { $location.hash(attrs["attGoTo"]); } else { $anchorScroll(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('freeStanding', function () { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, scope: true, template: "
\n" + "
\n" + "\n" + "
", compile: function (element, attr, transclude) { var link = function (scope, elem, attrs) { scope.content = ""; transclude(scope, function (clone) { elem.find("span").append(clone); }); scope.showAccordion = false; scope.btnText = scope.showAccordion ? attrs.hideMsg : attrs.showMsg; scope.fsToggle = function () { scope.showAccordion = !scope.showAccordion; scope.btnText = scope.showAccordion ? attrs.hideMsg : attrs.showMsg; }; }; return link; } }; }).directive('expanders', function () { return{ restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, template: "
", controller: ['$scope', function ($scope){ var bodyScope = null; this.setScope = function (scope) { bodyScope = scope; }; this.toggle = function () { $scope.isOpen = bodyScope.isOpen = !bodyScope.isOpen; return bodyScope.isOpen; }; }], link: function (scope) { scope.isOpen = false; } }; }).directive('expanderHeading', function () { return{ require: "^expanders", restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: true, template: "
" }; }).directive('expanderBody', function () { return{ restrict: 'EA', require: "^expanders", replace: true, transclude: true, scope: {}, template: "
", link: function (scope, elem, attr, myCtrl) { scope.isOpen = false; myCtrl.setScope(scope); } }; }).directive('expanderToggle', function () { return{ restrict: 'EA', require: "^expanders", scope: { expandIcon: '@', collapseIcon: '@' }, link: function (scope, element, attr, myCtrl) { var isOpen = false; var setIcon = function () { if (scope.expandIcon && scope.collapseIcon) { if (isOpen) { element.removeClass(scope.expandIcon); element.addClass(scope.collapseIcon); } else { element.removeClass(scope.collapseIcon); element.addClass(scope.expandIcon); } } }; element.bind("keydown", function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { scope.toggleit(); } }); element.bind('click', function () { scope.toggleit(); }); scope.toggleit = function () { isOpen = myCtrl.toggle(); setIcon(); scope.$apply(); }; setIcon(); } }; }).directive('collapse', ['$transition', function ($transition) { // CSS transitions don't work with height: auto, so we have to manually change the height to a // specific value and then once the animation completes, we can reset the height to auto. // Unfortunately if you do this while the CSS transitions are specified (i.e. in the CSS class // "collapse") then you trigger a change to height 0 in between. // The fix is to remove the "collapse" CSS class while changing the height back to auto - phew! var props = { open: { marginTop: null, marginBottom: null, paddingTop: null, paddingBottom: null, display: 'block' }, closed: { marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0, paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, display: 'none' } }; var fixUpHeight = function (scope, element, height) { // We remove the collapse CSS class to prevent a transition when we change to height: auto element.removeClass('collapse'); element.css({height: height}); //adjusting for any margin or padding if (height === 0) { element.css(props.closed); } else { element.css(props.open); } // It appears that reading offsetWidth makes the browser realise that we have changed the // height already :-/ element.addClass('collapse'); }; return { link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var isCollapsed; var initialAnimSkip = true; scope.$watch(function () { return element[0].scrollHeight; }, function () { //The listener is called when scrollHeight changes //It actually does on 2 scenarios: // 1. Parent is set to display none // 2. angular bindings inside are resolved //When we have a change of scrollHeight we are setting again the correct height if the group is opened if (element[0].scrollHeight !== 0 && !isCollapsed) { if (initialAnimSkip) { fixUpHeight(scope, element, element[0].scrollHeight + 'px'); } else { fixUpHeight(scope, element, 'auto'); } } }); var currentTransition; var doTransition = function (change) { if (currentTransition) { currentTransition.cancel(); } currentTransition = $transition(element, change); currentTransition.then( function () { currentTransition = undefined; }, function () { currentTransition = undefined; } ); return currentTransition; }; var expand = function () { scope.postTransition = true; if (initialAnimSkip) { initialAnimSkip = false; if (!isCollapsed) { fixUpHeight(scope, element, 'auto'); } } else { doTransition(angular.extend({height: element[0].scrollHeight + 'px'}, props.open)) .then(function () { // This check ensures that we don't accidentally update the height if the user has closed // the group while the animation was still running if (!isCollapsed) { fixUpHeight(scope, element, 'auto'); } }); } isCollapsed = false; }; var collapse = function () { isCollapsed = true; if (initialAnimSkip) { initialAnimSkip = false; fixUpHeight(scope, element, 0); } else { fixUpHeight(scope, element, element[0].scrollHeight + 'px'); doTransition(angular.extend({height: 0}, props.closed)).then(function () { scope.postTransition = false; }); } }; scope.$watch(attrs.collapse, function (value) { if (value) { collapse(); } else { expand(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('attAccord', function () { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, scope: {}, controller: 'AttAccordCtrl', templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/accordion/attAccordHeader.html' }; }) .controller('AttAccordCtrl', [function () { this.type = 'attAccord'; this.headerCtrl; this.bodyCtrl; var isOpen = true; this.toggleBody = function () { if (isOpen) { this.expandBody(); } else { this.collapseBody(); } isOpen = !isOpen; }; this.expandBody = function () { this.bodyCtrl.expand(); }; this.collapseBody = function () { this.bodyCtrl.collapse(); }; }]) .controller('AttAccordHeaderCtrl', [function () { this.type = 'header'; }]) .directive('attAccordHeader', ['keymap', 'events', function (keymap, events) { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, require: ['^attAccord', 'attAccordHeader'], controller: 'AttAccordHeaderCtrl', templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/accordion/attAccordHeader.html', link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrls) { var attAccordCtrl = ctrls[0]; var attAccordHeaderCtrl = ctrls[1]; attAccordCtrl.headerCtrl = attAccordHeaderCtrl; var tab = element.children().eq(0); scope.clickFunc = function () { attAccordCtrl.toggleBody(); }; var handleKeydown = function (ev) { var boolFlag = true; switch (ev.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.ENTER: ev.preventDefault(); scope.clickFunc(); scope.$apply(); break; default: boolFlag = false; break; } ev.stopPropagation(); return boolFlag; }; if (angular.isUndefined(scope.isOpen)) { scope.isOpen = false; } tab.bind("keydown", handleKeydown); } }; }]) .controller('AttAccordBodyCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { this.type = 'body'; this.expand = function () { $scope.expand(); }; this.collapse = function () { $scope.collapse(); }; }]) .directive('attAccordBody', ['$timeout', '$height', function ($timeout, $height) { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, require: ['^attAccord', 'attAccordBody'], controller: 'AttAccordBodyCtrl', templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/accordion/attAccordBody.html', link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrls) { var attAccordCtrl = ctrls[0]; var attAccordBodyCtrl = ctrls[1]; attAccordCtrl.bodyCtrl = attAccordBodyCtrl; var originalHeight; $timeout(function () { originalHeight = element[0].offsetHeight; $height(element, 0, 0, 0); }); scope.expand = function () { $height(element, 0.05, originalHeight, 1); }; scope.collapse = function () { $height(element, 0.25, 0, 0); }; } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.alert', []) .directive('attAlert', [function() { return { restrict:'EA', replace : true, transclude : true, scope: { alertType : "@type", showTop : "@topPos", showAlert : "=" }, templateUrl : 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/alert/alert.html', link: function(scope) { if(scope.showTop === 'true'){ scope.cssStyle = {'top':'50px'}; } else{ scope.cssStyle = {'top':'0px'}; } scope.close = function(){ scope.showAlert = false; }; } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.boardStrip', ['att.abs.utilities']) .constant('BoardStripConfig', { 'maxVisibleBoards': 4, 'boardsToScroll': 1, /* These parameters are non-configurable and remain unaltered, until there is a change in corresponding SCSS */ 'boardLength': 140, 'boardMargin': 15 }) .directive('attBoard', [function() { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, transclude: true, require: '^attBoardStrip', scope : { boardIndex : '=', boardLabel : '=' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/boardStrip/attBoard.html', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls) { var parentCtrl = ctrls; scope.getCurrentIndex = function() { return parentCtrl.getCurrentIndex(); }; scope.selectBoard = function(boardIndex) { if (!isNaN(boardIndex)) { parentCtrl.setCurrentIndex(boardIndex); } }; scope.isInView = function(boardIndex) { return parentCtrl.isInView(boardIndex); }; } }; }]) .directive('attBoardStrip', ['BoardStripConfig', '$timeout', '$ieVersion', function(BoardStripConfig, $timeout, $ieVersion) { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { currentIndex: '=selectedIndex', boardsMasterArray : '=', onAddBoard : '&?' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/boardStrip/attBoardStrip.html', controller: function($scope) { if(!angular.isDefined($scope.boardsMasterArray)){ $scope.boardsMasterArray = []; } this.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards = function() { if (this.maxVisibleIndex >= $scope.boardsMasterArray.length) { this.maxVisibleIndex = $scope.boardsMasterArray.length - 1; } if (this.maxVisibleIndex < 0) { this.maxVisibleIndex = 0; } }; this.resetBoardStrip = function(){ $scope.currentIndex = 0; this.maxVisibleIndex = BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards-1; this.minVisibleIndex = 0; this.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards(); }; if ($scope.currentIndex > 0) { var index = $scope.currentIndex; this.resetBoardStrip(); if (index > $scope.boardsMasterArray.length) { $scope.currentIndex = $scope.boardsMasterArray.length-1; } else { $scope.currentIndex = index; } } else { this.resetBoardStrip(); } this.getCurrentIndex = function() { return $scope.currentIndex; }; this.setCurrentIndex = function(indx) { $scope.currentIndex = indx; }; this.isInView = function(index) { return (index <= this.maxVisibleIndex && index >= this.minVisibleIndex); }; this.getBoardsMasterArrayLength = function() { return $scope.boardsMasterArray.length; }; }, link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var ieVersion = $ieVersion(); var oldTimeout; var animationTimeout = 1000; if(ieVersion && ieVersion < 10) { animationTimeout = 0; } var getBoardViewportWidth = function (numberOfVisibleBoards) { return numberOfVisibleBoards * (BoardStripConfig.boardLength + BoardStripConfig.boardMargin); }; if(element[0].querySelector(".board-viewport")) { angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".board-viewport")).css({"width": getBoardViewportWidth(BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards) + "px"}); } var getBoardstripContainerWidth = function (totalNumberOfBoards) { return totalNumberOfBoards * (BoardStripConfig.boardLength + BoardStripConfig.boardMargin); }; if(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")) { angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({"width": getBoardstripContainerWidth(ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength()) + "px"}); angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({"left": "0px"}); } var calculateAndGetBoardstripContainerAdjustment = function () { var calculatedAdjustmentValue; if(ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength() <= BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards) { calculatedAdjustmentValue = 0; } else{ calculatedAdjustmentValue = (ctrl.minVisibleIndex * (BoardStripConfig.boardLength + BoardStripConfig.boardMargin))* -1; } return calculatedAdjustmentValue; }; var updateBoardsTabIndex = function(boardArray, minViewIndex, maxViewIndex) { for (var i = 0; i < boardArray.length; i++) { angular.element(boardArray[i]).attr('tabindex', '-1'); } for (var i = minViewIndex; i <= maxViewIndex; i++) { angular.element(boardArray[i]).attr('tabindex', '0'); } }; scope.$watchCollection('boardsMasterArray', function(newVal, oldVal){ if(newVal !== oldVal){ /* When a board is removed */ if(newVal.length < oldVal.length){ ctrl.resetBoardStrip(); $timeout(function(){ var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[att-board]'); if(currentBoardArray.length !== 0) { var oldContainerAdjustment = angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container"))[0].style.left; var containerAdjustment = calculateAndGetBoardstripContainerAdjustment(); if(oldContainerAdjustment !== containerAdjustment+'px') { angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({"left": containerAdjustment + "px"}); $timeout.cancel(oldTimeout); oldTimeout = $timeout(function(){ currentBoardArray[0].focus(); }, animationTimeout); } else{ currentBoardArray[0].focus(); } } else{ element[0].querySelector('div.boardstrip-item--add').focus(); } angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({"width": getBoardstripContainerWidth(ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength()) + "px"}); }); } /* When a board is added */ else { ctrl.maxVisibleIndex = ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength()-1; ctrl.minVisibleIndex = Math.max(ctrl.maxVisibleIndex - BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards + 1, 0); ctrl.setCurrentIndex(ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); $timeout(function(){ angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({"width": getBoardstripContainerWidth(ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength()) + "px"}); var oldContainerAdjustment = angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container"))[0].style.left; var containerAdjustment = calculateAndGetBoardstripContainerAdjustment(); var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[att-board]'); if(oldContainerAdjustment !== containerAdjustment+'px') { angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({"left": containerAdjustment + "px"}); $timeout.cancel(oldTimeout); oldTimeout = $timeout(function(){ currentBoardArray[currentBoardArray.length-1].focus(); }, animationTimeout); } else{ currentBoardArray[currentBoardArray.length-1].focus(); } /* Update tabindecies to ensure keyboard navigation behaves correctly */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); }); } } }); scope.nextBoard = function() { ctrl.maxVisibleIndex += BoardStripConfig.boardsToScroll; ctrl.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards(); ctrl.minVisibleIndex = ctrl.maxVisibleIndex - (BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards-1); $timeout.cancel(oldTimeout); angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({"left": calculateAndGetBoardstripContainerAdjustment() + "px"}); $timeout(function(){ var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[att-board]'); /* Remove tabindex from non-visible boards */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); if (!(scope.isNextBoard())) { try { currentBoardArray[currentBoardArray.length-1].focus(); } catch(e) {} } }, animationTimeout); }; scope.prevBoard = function() { ctrl.minVisibleIndex -= BoardStripConfig.boardsToScroll; if (ctrl.minVisibleIndex < 0) { ctrl.minVisibleIndex = 0; } ctrl.maxVisibleIndex = ctrl.minVisibleIndex + BoardStripConfig.maxVisibleBoards-1; ctrl.rectifyMaxVisibleBoards(); $timeout.cancel(oldTimeout); angular.element(element[0].querySelector(".boardstrip-container")).css({"left": calculateAndGetBoardstripContainerAdjustment() + "px"}); $timeout(function(){ var currentBoardArray = element[0].querySelectorAll('[att-board]'); /* Remove tabindex from non-visible boards */ updateBoardsTabIndex(currentBoardArray, ctrl.minVisibleIndex, ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); if (ctrl.minVisibleIndex === 0) { try { element[0].querySelector('div.boardstrip-item--add').focus(); } catch (e) {} /* IE8 may throw exception */ } }); }; scope.isPrevBoard = function() { return (ctrl.minVisibleIndex > 0); }; scope.isNextBoard = function() { return (ctrl.getBoardsMasterArrayLength()-1 > ctrl.maxVisibleIndex); }; } }; }]) .directive('attAddBoard', ['BoardStripConfig', '$parse', '$timeout', function(BoardStripConfig, $parse, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, require: '^attBoardStrip', scope : { onAddBoard : '&?' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/boardStrip/attAddBoard.html', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls) { var parentCtrl = ctrls; scope.addBoard = function() { if (attrs['onAddBoard'] ) { scope.onAddBoard = $parse(scope.onAddBoard); scope.onAddBoard(); } }; } }; }]) .directive('attBoardNavigation', ['keymap', 'events', function(keymap, events) { return { restrict: 'AE', link: function(scope, elem) { var prevElem = keymap.KEY.LEFT; var nextElem = keymap.KEY.RIGHT; elem.bind('keydown', function (ev) { if (!(ev.keyCode)) { ev.keyCode = ev.which; } switch (ev.keyCode) { case nextElem: events.preventDefault(ev); events.stopPropagation(ev); if (elem[0].nextElementSibling && parseInt(angular.element(elem[0].nextElementSibling).attr('tabindex')) >= 0) { angular.element(elem[0])[0].nextElementSibling.focus(); } else { /* IE8 fix */ var el = angular.element(elem[0])[0]; do { if (el.nextSibling){ el = el.nextSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'LI'); if (el.tagName && el.tagName === 'LI' && parseInt(angular.element(el).attr('tabindex')) >= 0){ el.focus(); } } break; case prevElem: events.preventDefault(ev); events.stopPropagation(ev); if (elem[0].previousElementSibling && parseInt(angular.element(elem[0].previousElementSibling).attr('tabindex')) >= 0) { angular.element(elem[0])[0].previousElementSibling.focus(); } else { /* IE8 fix */ var el1 = angular.element(elem[0])[0]; do { if (el1.previousSibling){ el1 = el1.previousSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el1 && el1.tagName !== 'LI'); if (el1.tagName && el1.tagName === 'LI' && parseInt(angular.element(el).attr('tabindex')) >= 0){ el1.focus(); } } break; default: break; } }); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.breadCrumbs', []) .constant("classConstant",{ "defaultClass" : "breadcrumbs__link", "activeClass": "breadcrumbs__link--active" }) .directive('attCrumb', ['classConstant', function(classConstant) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, elem, attr) { elem.addClass(classConstant.defaultClass); if(attr.attCrumb === 'active'){ elem.addClass(classConstant.activeClass); } if(!elem.hasClass('last')){ elem.after(''); } } }; } ]); angular.module('att.abs.buttons', ['att.abs.position', 'att.abs.utilities']) .constant('btnConfig', { btnClass: 'button', btnPrimaryClass: 'button--primary', btnSecondaryClass: 'button--secondary', btnDisabledClass: 'button--inactive', btnSmallClass: 'button--small' }) .directive('attButton', ['btnConfig', function (btnConfig) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { element.addClass(btnConfig.btnClass); if (attrs.size === 'small') { element.addClass(btnConfig.btnSmallClass); } attrs.$observe('btnType', function (value) { if (value === 'primary') { element.addClass(btnConfig.btnPrimaryClass); element.removeClass(btnConfig.btnSecondaryClass); element.removeClass(btnConfig.btnDisabledClass); element.removeAttr('disabled'); } else if (value === 'secondary') { element.addClass(btnConfig.btnSecondaryClass); element.removeClass(btnConfig.btnPrimaryClass); element.removeClass(btnConfig.btnDisabledClass); element.removeAttr('disabled'); } else if (value === 'disabled') { element.addClass(btnConfig.btnDisabledClass); element.removeClass(btnConfig.btnPrimaryClass); element.removeClass(btnConfig.btnSecondaryClass); element.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); } }; }]) .directive('attButtonLoader', [function () { return { restrict: 'A', replace: false, scope: { size: '@' }, template: '
', link: function (scope, element) { element.addClass('button button--inactive'); } }; }]) .directive('attButtonHero', [function () { return { restrict: 'A', replace: false, transclude: true, scope: { icon: '@' }, template: '
', link: function (scope, element) { element.addClass('button button--hero'); element.attr("tabindex", "0"); } }; }]) .directive('attBtnDropdown', ['$document', '$timeout', '$isElement', '$documentBind', 'keymap', 'events', function ($document, $timeout, $isElement, $documentBind, keymap, events) { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { type: "@dropdowntype" }, replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/buttons/buttonDropdown.html', link: function (scope, element) { scope.isOpen = false; var currentIndex = -1; // Capture all the li elements after compilation var list = [], button = undefined; $timeout(function() { list = element.find('li'); button = element.find('button')[0]; }, 10); var toggle = scope.toggle = function (show) { if (angular.isUndefined(show) || show === '') { scope.isOpen = !scope.isOpen; } else { scope.isOpen = show; } }; var selectNext = function() { if (currentIndex+1 < list.length) { currentIndex++; list[currentIndex].focus(); } }; var selectPrev = function() { if (currentIndex-1 >= 0) { currentIndex--; list[currentIndex].focus(); } }; element.bind("keydown", function($event) { var keyCode = $event.keyCode; if (keymap.isAllowedKey(keyCode) || keymap.isControl($event) || keymap.isFunctionKey($event)) { switch (keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.ENTER: if (currentIndex > 0) { button.focus(); scope.$apply(); } break; case keymap.KEY.ESC: toggle(false); currentIndex = -1; button.focus(); scope.$apply(); break; case keymap.KEY.DOWN: selectNext(); scope.$apply(); events.preventDefault($event); events.stopPropagation($event); break; case keymap.KEY.UP: selectPrev(); scope.$apply(); events.preventDefault($event); events.stopPropagation($event); break; default: break; } } else if (keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB) { toggle(false); currentIndex = -1; scope.$apply(); } }); var outsideClick = function (e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), element, $document); if (!isElement) { toggle(false); currentIndex = -1; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { angular.element(list[i]).removeClass('selected'); } button.focus(); scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('isOpen', outsideClick, scope); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.checkbox', []) .constant("attCheckboxConfig", { activeClass : "att-checkbox--on", disabledClass : "att-checkbox--disabled" }) .directive('checkboxLimit', function () { return { scope: { checkboxLimit:'=', selectLimit:'@?', maxSelected:'&?' }, restrict: 'A', require:'checkboxLimit', controller: ['$scope',function($scope) { $scope.limit=true; this.getMaxLimits=function(){ return $scope.limit; }; this.setMaxLimits=function(value){ $scope.limit=value; }; this.maxCheckboxSelected=function(){ $scope.maxSelected(); }; }], link: function (scope, element, attribute, ctrl) { scope.$watch('checkboxLimit', function() { var countTrue = 0; for (var keys in scope.checkboxLimit) { if (scope.checkboxLimit.hasOwnProperty(keys) && scope.checkboxLimit[keys]) { countTrue = countTrue + 1; } }; if(countTrue>=parseInt(scope.selectLimit)){ ctrl.setMaxLimits(false); } else{ ctrl.setMaxLimits(true); } }, true); } }; }) .directive('attCheckbox', ['$compile', "attCheckboxConfig", function ($compile, attCheckboxConfig) { return { scope: {}, restrict: 'A', require: ['ngModel','^?checkboxLimit'], link: function (scope, element, attribute, ctrl) { var ngCtrl = ctrl[0]; var checkboxLimitCtrl = ctrl[1]; var parentDiv = $compile('')(scope); element.css({display:'none'}); element.wrap(parentDiv); element.parent().append('
'); element.parent().attr("title", attribute.title); element.parent().attr("aria-label", attribute.title); element.parent().attr("id", attribute.id); element.removeAttr("id"); //element.removeAttr("title"); //model -> UI ngCtrl.$render = function () { var selected = ngCtrl.$modelValue ? true : false; element.parent().toggleClass(attCheckboxConfig.activeClass, selected); element.parent().attr("aria-checked", selected); }; //ui->model scope.updateModel = function (evt) { if (!scope.disabled) { ngCtrl.$setViewValue(element.parent().hasClass(attCheckboxConfig.activeClass) ? false : true); if(checkboxLimitCtrl && !(checkboxLimitCtrl.getMaxLimits())){ if(!ngCtrl.$modelValue){ ngCtrl.$render(); } else{ checkboxLimitCtrl.maxCheckboxSelected(); ngCtrl.$setViewValue(element.parent().hasClass(attCheckboxConfig.activeClass) ? true : false); } } else{ ngCtrl.$render(); } } evt.preventDefault(); }; attribute.$observe('disabled', function(val) { scope.disabled = (val || val === "disabled" || val === "true"); element.parent().toggleClass(attCheckboxConfig.disabledClass, scope.disabled); element.parent().attr("tabindex", scope.disabled ? "-1" : "0"); }); } }; }]) .directive('checkboxGroup', ['$compile',function($compile) { return { scope:{ checkboxGroup: "=", checkboxGroupValue: "=?" }, restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attribute){ scope.checkboxState = 'none'; if (scope.checkboxGroupValue === undefined) { scope.checkboxGroupValue = "indeterminate"; } element.css({display:'none'}); element.wrap($compile('')(scope)); element.parent().append('
'); element.parent().attr("title", attribute.title); element.parent().attr("aria-label", attribute.title); scope.$watch('checkboxState', function(val) { if (val === 'all') { element.parent().addClass('att-checkbox--on'); element.parent().removeClass('att-checkbox--indeterminate'); element.parent().attr("aria-checked", true); } else if (val === 'none') { element.parent().removeClass('att-checkbox--on'); element.parent().removeClass('att-checkbox--indeterminate'); element.parent().attr("aria-checked", false); } else if (val === 'indeterminate') { element.parent().removeClass('att-checkbox--on'); element.parent().addClass('att-checkbox--indeterminate'); element.parent().attr("aria-checked", true); } }); scope.updateModel = function(evt){ if (element.parent().hasClass('att-checkbox--on')) { element.parent().removeClass('att-checkbox--on'); for (var keys in scope.checkboxGroup) { if (scope.checkboxGroup.hasOwnProperty(keys)) { scope.checkboxGroup[keys] = false; } }; } else { element.parent().addClass('att-checkbox--on'); for (var key in scope.checkboxGroup) { if (scope.checkboxGroup.hasOwnProperty(key)) { scope.checkboxGroup[key] = true; } }; } evt.preventDefault(); }; scope.$watch('checkboxGroupValue', function (value) { if (value===false) { element.parent().removeClass('att-checkbox--on'); for (var keys in scope.checkboxGroup) { if (scope.checkboxGroup.hasOwnProperty(keys)) { scope.checkboxGroup[keys] = false; } }; } else if (value === true){ element.parent().addClass('att-checkbox--on'); for (var key in scope.checkboxGroup) { if (scope.checkboxGroup.hasOwnProperty(key)) { scope.checkboxGroup[key] = true; } }; } }); scope.$watch('checkboxGroup', function(){ var countTrue = 0; var countFalse = 0; var count = 0; for (var keys in scope.checkboxGroup) { if (scope.checkboxGroup.hasOwnProperty(keys)) { count = count + 1; if (scope.checkboxGroup[keys]) { countTrue = countTrue + 1; } else if (!scope.checkboxGroup[keys]) { countFalse = countFalse + 1; } } }; if (count === countTrue) { scope.checkboxState = "all"; scope.checkboxGroupValue=true; } else if (count === countFalse) { scope.checkboxState = "none"; scope.checkboxGroupValue=false; } else { scope.checkboxState = "indeterminate"; scope.checkboxGroupValue="indeterminate"; } }, true); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.colorselector', []) .directive('colorSelectorWrapper', [function() { return { scope: { selected: '=', iconColor: '@' }, restrict: 'AE', transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/colorselector/colorselector.html', link: function(scope) { scope.applycolor = {'background-color': scope.iconColor}; scope.selectedcolor = function(iconColor) { scope.selected = iconColor; }; } }; }]) .directive('colorSelector', ['$compile', function($compile) { return{ restrict: 'A', scope: { colorSelector: '@', ngModel: '=' }, link: function(scope, element, attr) { element.removeAttr('color-selector'); var colorTitle = attr.title; var wrapcont = angular.element('' + element.prop('outerHTML') + ''); var newWrapcont = $compile(wrapcont)(scope); element.replaceWith(newWrapcont); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.datepicker', ['att.abs.position', 'att.abs.utilities']) .constant('datepickerConfig', { dateFormat: 'MM/dd/yyyy', dayFormat: 'd', monthFormat: 'MMMM', yearFormat: 'yyyy', dayHeaderFormat: 'EEEE', dayTitleFormat: 'MMMM yyyy', disableWeekend: false, disableSunday: false, startingDay: 0, minDate: null, maxDate: null, mode: 0, dateFilter: { defaultText: 'Select from list' }, datepickerEvalAttributes: ['dateFormat', 'dayFormat', 'monthFormat', 'yearFormat', 'dayHeaderFormat', 'dayTitleFormat', 'disableWeekend', 'disableSunday', 'startingDay', 'mode'], datepickerWatchAttributes: ['min', 'max'] }) .factory('datepickerService', ['datepickerConfig', 'dateFilter', function (datepickerConfig, dateFilter) { var setAttributes = function (attr, elem) { if (angular.isDefined(attr) && attr !== null && angular.isDefined(elem) && elem !== null) { var attributes = datepickerConfig.datepickerEvalAttributes.concat(datepickerConfig.datepickerWatchAttributes); for (var key in attr) { var val = attr[key]; if (attributes.indexOf(key) !== -1 && angular.isDefined(val)) { elem.attr(key.toSnakeCase(), key); } } } }; var bindScope = function (attr, scope) { if (angular.isDefined(attr) && attr !== null && angular.isDefined(scope) && scope !== null) { var evalFunction = function (key, val) { scope[key] = scope.$parent.$eval(val); }; var watchFunction = function (key, val) { scope.$parent.$watch(val, function (value) { scope[key] = value; }); scope.$watch(key, function (value) { scope.$parent[val] = value; }); }; var evalAttributes = datepickerConfig.datepickerEvalAttributes; var watchAttributes = datepickerConfig.datepickerWatchAttributes; for (var key in attr) { var val = attr[key]; if (evalAttributes.indexOf(key) !== -1 && angular.isDefined(val)) { evalFunction(key, val); } else if (watchAttributes.indexOf(key) !== -1 && angular.isDefined(val)) { watchFunction(key, val); } } } }; var validateDateString = function (dateString, dateFormat) { if (dateString && dateFormat) { var delimiter; if (dateFormat.indexOf('/') !== -1) { delimiter = '/'; } else if (dateFormat.indexOf('-') !== -1) { delimiter = '-'; } else if (dateFormat.indexOf('.') !== -1) { delimiter = '.'; } var dateStringArray = dateString.split(delimiter); var dateFormatArray = dateFormat.split(delimiter); if (dateStringArray.length !== dateFormatArray.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < dateStringArray.length; i++) { dateStringArray[i] = dateStringArray[i].lPad(dateFormatArray[i].length, '0'); } var intermediateDateString = dateStringArray.join(delimiter); var actualDateString = dateFilter(new Date(intermediateDateString), dateFormat); return intermediateDateString === actualDateString; } }; return { setAttributes: setAttributes, bindScope: bindScope, validateDateString: validateDateString }; }]) .controller('DatepickerController', ['$scope', '$attrs', 'dateFilter', 'datepickerConfig', function($scope, $attrs, dateFilter, dtConfig) { var format = { date: getValue($attrs.dateFormat, dtConfig.dateFormat), day: getValue($attrs.dayFormat, dtConfig.dayFormat), month: getValue($attrs.monthFormat, dtConfig.monthFormat), year: getValue($attrs.yearFormat, dtConfig.yearFormat), dayHeader: getValue($attrs.dayHeaderFormat, dtConfig.dayHeaderFormat), dayTitle: getValue($attrs.dayTitleFormat, dtConfig.dayTitleFormat), disableWeekend: getValue($attrs.disableWeekend, dtConfig.disableWeekend), disableSunday: getValue($attrs.disableSunday, dtConfig.disableSunday) }, startingDay = getValue($attrs.startingDay, dtConfig.startingDay); $scope.mode = getValue($attrs.mode, dtConfig.mode); $scope.minDate = dtConfig.minDate ? $scope.resetTime(dtConfig.minDate) : null; $scope.maxDate = dtConfig.maxDate ? $scope.resetTime(dtConfig.maxDate) : null; function getValue(value, defaultValue) { return angular.isDefined(value) ? $scope.$parent.$eval(value) : defaultValue; } function getDaysInMonth(year, month) { return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); } function getDates(startDate, n) { var dates = []; var current = startDate, i = 0; while (i < n) { dates[i++] = new Date(current); current.setDate(current.getDate() + 1); } return dates; } var compare = this.compare = function(date1, date2) { return (new Date(date1.getFullYear(), date1.getMonth(), date1.getDate()) - new Date(date2.getFullYear(), date2.getMonth(), date2.getDate())); }; function isSelected(dt) { if (dt && angular.isDate($scope.currentDate) && compare(dt, $scope.currentDate) === 0) { return true; } return false; } function isFromDate(dt) { if (dt && angular.isDate($scope.fromDate) && compare(dt, $scope.fromDate) === 0) { return true; } return false; } function isToDate(dt) { if (dt && angular.isDate($scope.fromDate) && angular.isDate($scope.currentDate) && compare(dt, $scope.currentDate) === 0) { return true; } return false; } function isDateRange(dt) { if (dt && angular.isDate($scope.fromDate) && angular.isDate($scope.currentDate) && (compare(dt, $scope.fromDate) >= 0) && (compare(dt, $scope.currentDate) <= 0)) { return true; } return false; } function isWeekend(date) { if (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Saturday" || dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday") { return true; } return false; } function isToday(date) { if (compare(date, $scope.resetTime(new Date())) === 0) { return true; } return false; } function isFocused(date) { if (date && angular.isDate($scope.focusedDate) && compare(date, $scope.focusedDate) === 0) { return true; } return false; } var isDisabled = this.isDisabled = function(date) { if (format.disableWeekend === true && (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Saturday" || dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday")) { return true; } if (format.disableSunday === true && (dateFilter(date, format.dayHeader) === "Sunday")) { return true; } return (($scope.minDate && compare(date, $scope.minDate) < 0) || ($scope.maxDate && compare(date, $scope.maxDate) > 0)); }; function isMinDateAvailable(startDate, endDate) { return ($scope.minDate && $scope.minDate.getTime() >= startDate.getTime()) && ($scope.minDate.getTime() <= endDate.getTime()); } function isMaxDateAvailable(startDate, endDate) { return ($scope.maxDate && $scope.maxDate.getTime() >= startDate.getTime()) && ($scope.maxDate.getTime() <= endDate.getTime()); } function getLabel(label) { if (label) { var labelObj = { pre: label.substr(0, 3), post: label }; return labelObj; } return; } function makeDate(dateobj) { return {date: dateobj.date, label: dateFilter(dateobj.date, dateobj.formatDay), header: dateFilter(dateobj.date, dateobj.formatHeader), focused: !!dateobj.isFocused, selected: !!dateobj.isSelected, from: !!dateobj.isFromDate, to: !!dateobj.isToDate, dateRange: !!dateobj.isDateRange, oldMonth: !!dateobj.oldMonth, nextMonth: !!dateobj.newMonth, disabled: !!dateobj.isDisabled, today: !!dateobj.isToday, weekend: !!dateobj.isWeakend}; } this.modes = [ { name: 'day', getVisibleDates: function(date, calendar) { var year = date.getFullYear(), month = date.getMonth(), firstDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1), lastDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month+1, 0); var difference = startingDay - firstDayOfMonth.getDay(), numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth = (difference > 0) ? 7 - difference : -difference, firstDate = new Date(firstDayOfMonth), numDates = 0; if (numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth > 0) { firstDate.setDate(-numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth + 1); numDates += numDisplayedFromPreviousMonth; // Previous } numDates += getDaysInMonth(year, month + 1); // Current numDates += (7 - numDates % 7) % 7; // Next var days = getDates(firstDate, numDates), labels = []; for (var i = 0; i < numDates; i++) { var dt = new Date(days[i]); days[i] = makeDate({date:dt, formatDay:format.day, formatHeader:format.dayHeader, isFocused:isFocused(dt), isSelected:isSelected(dt), isFromDate:isFromDate(dt), isToDate:isToDate(dt), isDateRange:isDateRange(dt), oldMonth:(new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime() < new Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime()), newMonth:(new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime() > new Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime()), isDisabled:isDisabled(dt), isToday:isToday(dt), isWeakend:isWeekend(dt)}); } for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) { labels[j] = getLabel(dateFilter(days[j].date, format.dayHeader)); } if (calendar === 'top') { $scope.disablePrevTop = isMinDateAvailable(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth); $scope.disableNextTop = isMaxDateAvailable(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth); } else if (calendar === 'bottom') { $scope.disablePrevBottom = isMinDateAvailable(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth); $scope.disableNextBottom = isMaxDateAvailable(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth); } else { $scope.disablePrevTop = $scope.disablePrevBottom = isMinDateAvailable(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth); $scope.disableNextTop = $scope.disableNextBottom = isMaxDateAvailable(firstDayOfMonth, lastDayOfMonth); } $scope.disablePrev = $scope.disablePrevTop || $scope.disablePrevBottom; $scope.disableNext = $scope.disableNextTop || $scope.disableNextBottom; return {objects: days, title: dateFilter(date, format.dayTitle), labels: labels}; }, split: 7, step: {months: 1} }, { name: 'month', getVisibleDates: function(date) { var months = [], labels = [], year = date.getFullYear(); for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { var dt = new Date(year,i,1); months[i] = makeDate({date:dt, formatDay:format.month, formatHeader:format.month, isFocused:isFocused(dt), isSelected:isSelected(dt), isFromDate:isFromDate(dt), isToDate:isToDate(dt), isDateRange:isDateRange(dt), oldMonth:false, newMonth:false, isDisabled:isDisabled(dt), isToday:isToday(dt), isWeakend:false}); } return {objects: months, title: dateFilter(date, format.year), labels: labels}; }, split:3, step: {years: 1} } ]; }]) .directive('datepicker', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/datepicker.html', scope: { currentDate: "=?current", fromDate: "=?from" }, require: 'datepicker', controller: 'DatepickerController', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var datepickerCtrl = ctrl; var selected, calendarSelected = false; scope.focusedDate; scope.resetTime = function(date) { var dt; if (!isNaN(new Date(date))) { dt = new Date(date); if(scope.mode === 1){ dt = new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth()); }else{ dt = new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth(), dt.getDate()); } } else { return null; } return dt; }; if (attrs.min) { scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.min, function(value) { scope.minDate = value ? scope.resetTime(value) : null; refill(); }); } if (attrs.max) { scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.max, function(value) { scope.maxDate = value ? scope.resetTime(value) : null; refill(); }); } // Split array into smaller arrays function split(arr, size) { var arrays = []; while (arr.length > 0) { arrays.push(arr.splice(0, size)); } return arrays; } var moveMonth = function(selectedDate, direction) { var step = datepickerCtrl.modes[scope.mode].step; selectedDate.setDate(1); selectedDate.setMonth(selectedDate.getMonth() + direction * (step.months || 0)); selectedDate.setFullYear(selectedDate.getFullYear() + direction * (step.years || 0)); return selectedDate; }; function refill(date) { if (angular.isDate(date) && !isNaN(date)) { selected = new Date(date); } else { if (!selected) { selected = new Date(); } } if (selected) { var selectedCalendar; if(scope.mode === 1){ selected = new Date(); selectedCalendar = moveMonth(angular.copy(selected), -1); } else { selectedCalendar = angular.copy(selected); } var currentMode = datepickerCtrl.modes[scope.mode]; var currentData = currentMode.getVisibleDates(selectedCalendar, 'top'); scope.currentRows = split(currentData.objects, currentMode.split); scope.currentTitle = currentData.title; scope.labels = currentData.labels || []; var nextData = currentMode.getVisibleDates(moveMonth(angular.copy(selectedCalendar), 1), 'bottom'); scope.nextRows = split(nextData.objects, currentMode.split); scope.nextTitle = nextData.title; } } var selectCurrentDate = function(date) { var dt = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); scope.currentDate = dt; }; var selectFromDate = function(date) { var dt = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); scope.fromDate = dt; }; scope.select = function(date) { calendarSelected = true; if(attrs.from) { if(!(angular.isDate(scope.fromDate) && angular.isDate(scope.currentDate))) { if(angular.isDate(scope.fromDate)) { selectCurrentDate(date); } else if(!angular.isDate(scope.fromDate)) { selectFromDate(date); } } } else { selectCurrentDate(date); } scope.focusedDate = date; }; var swapDate = function(fromDate, currentDate) { selectFromDate(currentDate); $timeout(function () { calendarSelected = true; scope.focusedDate = currentDate; selectCurrentDate(fromDate); }); }; scope.move = function(direction) { selected = moveMonth(angular.copy(selected), direction); refill(); }; scope.$watch('currentDate', function (value) { if(angular.isDate(value) && !isNaN(value) && datepickerCtrl.isDisabled(value)) { scope.currentDate = null; return; } if (attrs.from && !isNaN(value) && !isNaN(scope.fromDate) && datepickerCtrl.compare(value, scope.fromDate) < 0) { swapDate(scope.fromDate, value); return; } if (calendarSelected) { refill(); calendarSelected = false; } else { if (angular.isDefined(value) && value !== null) { refill(value); } else { refill(); } } scope.focusedDate = undefined; }); scope.$watch('fromDate', function (value) { if(angular.isDate(value) && !isNaN(value) && datepickerCtrl.isDisabled(value)) { scope.fromDate = null; return; } if (attrs.from) { if (!isNaN(scope.currentDate) && !isNaN(value) && datepickerCtrl.compare(scope.currentDate, value) < 0) { swapDate(value, scope.currentDate); return; } if (calendarSelected) { refill(); calendarSelected = false; } else { if (angular.isDefined(value) && value !== null) { refill(value); } else { refill(); } } } scope.focusedDate = undefined; }); } }; }]) .directive('datepickerPopup', ['$document', 'datepickerService', '$isElement', '$documentBind', function($document, datepickerService, $isElement, $documentBind) { var link = function (scope, elem, attr) { datepickerService.bindScope(attr, scope); scope.isOpen = false; var toggle = scope.toggle = function (show) { if(show === true || show === false) { scope.isOpen = show; } else { scope.isOpen = !scope.isOpen; } }; scope.$watch('current', function () { toggle(false); }); var outsideClick = function (e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), elem, $document); if(!isElement) { toggle(false); scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('isOpen', outsideClick, scope); }; return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/datepickerPopup.html', scope: { current: "=current" }, compile: function (elem, attr) { var wrapperElement = elem.find('span').eq(1); wrapperElement.attr('current', 'current'); datepickerService.setAttributes(attr, wrapperElement); return link; } }; }]) .directive('attDatepicker', ['$log', function($log) { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', scope: {}, controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', '$compile', 'datepickerConfig', 'datepickerService', function($scope, $element, $attrs, $compile, datepickerConfig, datepickerService) { var dateFormatString = angular.isDefined($attrs.dateFormat) ? $scope.$parent.$eval($attrs.dateFormat) : datepickerConfig.dateFormat; var selectedDateMessage = '
the date you selected is {{$parent.current | date : \'' + dateFormatString + '\'}}
'; $element.removeAttr('att-datepicker'); $element.removeAttr('ng-model'); $element.attr('ng-model', '$parent.current'); $element.attr('aria-describedby', 'datepicker'); $element.attr('format-date', dateFormatString); $element.attr('att-input-deny', '[^0-9\/-]'); $element.attr('maxlength', 10); $element.attr('readonly', 'readonly'); //Trinity for CATO var wrapperElement = angular.element('
'); wrapperElement.attr('datepicker-popup', ''); wrapperElement.attr('current', 'current'); datepickerService.setAttributes($attrs, wrapperElement); datepickerService.bindScope($attrs, $scope); wrapperElement.html(''); wrapperElement.append($element.prop('outerHTML')); if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 8/) === null) { wrapperElement.append(selectedDateMessage); } var elm = wrapperElement.prop('outerHTML'); elm = $compile(elm)($scope); $element.replaceWith(elm); }], link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { if (!ctrl) { // do nothing if no ng-model $log.error("ng-model is required."); return; } scope.$watch('current', function(value) { ctrl.$setViewValue(value); }); ctrl.$render = function() { scope.current = ctrl.$viewValue; }; } }; }]) .directive('formatDate', ['dateFilter', 'datepickerService', function(dateFilter, datepickerService) { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var formatDate = ""; attr.$observe('formatDate', function (value) { formatDate = value; }); var dateToString = function(value) { if (value) { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', true); return dateFilter(value, formatDate); } else { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', false); return elem.val(); } }; var stringToDate = function(value) { if(datepickerService.validateDateString(value, formatDate)) { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', true); return new Date(value); } else { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', false); return null; } }; ctrl.$formatters.unshift(dateToString); ctrl.$parsers.unshift(stringToDate); } }; }]) .directive('attDateFilter', ['$document', 'dateFilter', 'datepickerConfig', 'datepickerService', '$isElement', '$documentBind', function($document, dateFilter, datepickerConfig, datepickerService, $isElement, $documentBind) { var link = function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { datepickerService.bindScope(attr, scope); scope.selectedOption = datepickerConfig.dateFilter.defaultText; scope.showDropdownList = false; scope.showCalendar = false; scope.applyButtonType = "disabled"; scope.currentSelection = ""; var dateFormatString = angular.isDefined(attr.dateFormat) ? scope.$parent.$eval(attr.dateFormat) : datepickerConfig.dateFormat; var inputChange = false; var setDropdownText = function(value) { if(inputChange) { return; } var fromDateText = dateFormatString.toUpperCase(); var currentDateText = dateFormatString.toUpperCase(); if(!isNaN(new Date(scope.fromDate))) { fromDateText = dateFilter(scope.fromDate, dateFormatString); } if(!isNaN(new Date(scope.currentDate))) { currentDateText = dateFilter(scope.currentDate, dateFormatString); } if(value === 'Custom Single Date') { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', true); scope.maxLength = 10; scope.selectedOption = currentDateText; } else if(value === 'Custom Range') { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', true); ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDateRange', true); scope.maxLength = 21; scope.selectedOption = fromDateText + '-' + currentDateText; } }; var clear = scope.clear = function(partial) { scope.fromDate = undefined; scope.currentDate = undefined; scope.applyButtonType = "disabled"; if(!partial) { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', true); ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDateRange', true); setDropdownText(scope.currentSelection); } }; var showCalendar = function() { scope.showCalendar = true; }; var hideCalendar = function() { scope.showCalendar = false; if(scope.currentSelection !== 'Custom Single Date' && scope.currentSelection !== 'Custom Range') { clear(true); } }; var showDropdown = scope.showDropdown = function (show) { if(show === true || show === false) { scope.showDropdownList = show; } else { scope.showDropdownList = !scope.showDropdownList; } if (!scope.showDropdownList) { scope.focusInputButton = true; hideCalendar(); } else { if (scope.currentSelection === 'Custom Single Date' || scope.currentSelection === 'Custom Range') { showCalendar(); } } }; scope.resetTime = function(date) { var dt; if (!isNaN(new Date(date))) { dt = new Date(date); } else { return null; } return new Date(dt.getFullYear(), dt.getMonth(), dt.getDate()); }; scope.getDropdownText = function () { inputChange = true; var dropdownText = scope.selectedOption; if (scope.currentSelection === 'Custom Single Date') { if (!isNaN(new Date(dropdownText)) && datepickerService.validateDateString(dropdownText, dateFormatString)) { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', true); scope.fromDate = undefined; scope.currentDate = new Date(dropdownText); } else { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', false); clear(true); } } else if (scope.currentSelection === 'Custom Range') { if (dropdownText.indexOf('-') !== -1 && (dropdownText.split('-').length === 2 || dropdownText.split('-').length === 6)) { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDateRange', true); var resultDropdownText = dropdownText.split('-'); if (resultDropdownText.length === 2) { resultDropdownText[0] = resultDropdownText[0].trim(); resultDropdownText[1] = resultDropdownText[1].trim(); } else if (resultDropdownText.length === 6) { var firstDateString = resultDropdownText[0].trim() + '-' + resultDropdownText[1].trim() + '-' + resultDropdownText[2].trim(); var secondDateString = resultDropdownText[3].trim() + '-' + resultDropdownText[4].trim() + '-' + resultDropdownText[5].trim(); resultDropdownText[0] = firstDateString; resultDropdownText[1] = secondDateString; } if (!isNaN(new Date(resultDropdownText[0])) && !isNaN(new Date(resultDropdownText[1])) && datepickerService.validateDateString(resultDropdownText[0], dateFormatString) && datepickerService.validateDateString(resultDropdownText[1], dateFormatString)) { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', true); var fromDate = new Date(resultDropdownText[0]); var currentDate = new Date(resultDropdownText[1]); if(fromDate.getTime() < currentDate.getTime()) { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDateRange', true); scope.fromDate = fromDate; scope.currentDate = currentDate; } else { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDateRange', false); clear(true); } } else { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDate', false); clear(true); } } else { ctrl.$setValidity('invalidDateRange', false); clear(true); } } }; scope.untrackInputChange = function() { inputChange = false; }; scope.selectAdvancedOption = function (value, notClearFlag) { scope.currentSelection = value; if(!notClearFlag){ clear(); showCalendar(); } scope.$watch('currentDate', function(val) { if(!isNaN(new Date(val))) { scope.applyButtonType = "primary"; setDropdownText(value); if (!inputChange) { scope.focusApplyButton = true; } } }); scope.$watch('fromDate', function(val) { if(!isNaN(new Date(val))) { setDropdownText(value); } }); if (value === 'Custom Single Date') { scope.focusSingleDateCalendar = true; } else if (value === 'Custom Range') { scope.focusRangeCalendar = true; } }; scope.resetFocus = function () { scope.focusSingleDateCalendar = false; scope.focusRangeCalendar = false; scope.focusApplyButton = false; }; scope.apply = function() { scope.dateRange.selection = scope.selectedOption; if(!isNaN(new Date(scope.fromDate))) { scope.from = scope.fromDate; scope.dateRange.from = scope.fromDate; } else { scope.from = undefined; scope.dateRange.from = undefined; } if(!isNaN(new Date(scope.currentDate))) { scope.current = scope.currentDate; scope.dateRange.current = scope.currentDate; } else { scope.current = undefined; scope.dateRange.current = undefined; } showDropdown(); }; scope.$watchCollection(function() { return scope.dateRange; }, function(value) { if(ctrl) { var finalDateRange = angular.copy(value); ctrl.$setViewValue(finalDateRange); } }); ctrl.$render = function () { if (ctrl.$viewValue) { var inputRange = ctrl.$viewValue; scope.selectedOption = inputRange.selection; scope.fromDate = inputRange.from; scope.currentDate = inputRange.current; if (scope.fromDate !== undefined && scope.currentDate !== undefined) { scope.selectAdvancedOption('Custom Range', true); scope.dateRange.from = scope.fromDate; scope.dateRange.current = scope.currentDate; } else if (scope.currentDate !== undefined) { scope.selectAdvancedOption('Custom Single Date', true); scope.dateRange.from = undefined; scope.dateRange.current = scope.currentDate; } } }; scope.cancel = function() { scope.currentSelection = ""; scope.selectedOption = datepickerConfig.dateFilter.defaultText; showDropdown(); }; var outsideClick = function (e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), elem, $document); if(!isElement) { scope.cancel(); scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('showDropdownList', outsideClick, scope); }; return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { from: '=?from', current: "=?current" }, replace: true, require: '?ngModel', transclude:true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/dateFilter.html', controller:['$scope', '$element', '$attrs',function($scope){ $scope.dateRange = { selection: undefined, from: undefined, current: undefined }; this.selectOption = function (fromDate,toDate,caption) { $scope.selectedOption = caption; $scope.currentSelection =caption; $scope.dateRange.selection = caption; $scope.dateRange.current = $scope.resetTime(toDate); $scope.dateRange.from = $scope.resetTime(fromDate); $scope.showDropdown(); }; $scope.checkCurrentSelection=this.checkCurrentSelection = function(value) { if(value === $scope.currentSelection) { return true; } return false; }; }], compile: function(elem, attr) { var singleDateCalendar = elem.find('span').eq(4); var rangeCalendar = elem.find('span').eq(5); rangeCalendar.attr('from', 'fromDate'); singleDateCalendar.attr('current', 'currentDate'); rangeCalendar.attr('current', 'currentDate'); datepickerService.setAttributes(attr, singleDateCalendar); datepickerService.setAttributes(attr, rangeCalendar); return link; } }; }]) .directive('attDateFilterList',function(){ return{ restrict:'EA', scope:{ fromDate:'=fromDate', toDate:'=toDate', caption:'=caption', disabled:'=disabled' }, require:'^attDateFilter', transclude:true, replace:true, templateUrl:'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/datepicker/dateFilterList.html', link:function(scope,elem,attr,ctrl){ scope.selectOption=function(fromDate,toDate,caption){ ctrl.selectOption(fromDate,toDate,caption); }; scope.checkCurrentSelection=ctrl.checkCurrentSelection; } }; }); angular.module('att.abs.devNotes', []) .directive('attDevNotes', function() { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, scope: {}, controller: function($scope){ var panes = $scope.panes = []; $scope.select = function(pane) { angular.forEach(panes, function(pane) { pane.selected = false; }); pane.selected = true; }; this.addPane = function(pane) { if (panes.length === 0) { $scope.select(pane); } panes.push(pane); }; }, template:'
'+ '' + '
'+ '
', replace: true }; }) .directive('pane', function() { return { require: '^attDevNotes', restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, scope: { title: '@' }, link: function(scope, element, attrs, tabsCtrl) { tabsCtrl.addPane(scope); }, template: '
' + '
' +
         '' +
' + '
', replace: true }; }); angular.module('att.abs.dividerLines', []) .directive('attDividerLines', [function() { return { scope: { attDividerLines: '@' }, restrict: 'A', replace: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/dividerLines/dividerLines.html', link: function(scope, element, attribute) { scope.lightContainer = attribute.attDividerLines; } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.dragdrop', []) .directive('attFileDrop', ['$parse', function($parse) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { fileModel : '=', onDrop : '&', attFileDrop : '&' }, controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function($scope, $attrs){ if($attrs.attFileDrop!==""){ $scope.onDrop=$scope.attFileDrop; } this.onDrop = $scope.onDrop; }], link: function(scope, element) { element.addClass('dragdrop'); element.bind( 'dragover', function(e) { if(e.originalEvent){ e.dataTransfer = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; } e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; // allows us to drop if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } element.addClass('dragdrop-over'); return false; } ); element.bind( 'dragenter', function(e) { // allows us to drop if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } element.addClass('dragdrop-over'); return false; } ); element.bind( 'dragleave', function() { element.removeClass('dragdrop-over'); return false; } ); element.bind( 'drop', function(e) { // Stops some browsers from redirecting. if(e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } if(e.originalEvent){ e.dataTransfer = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer; } element.removeClass('dragdrop-over'); if(e.dataTransfer.files && e.dataTransfer.files.length > 0){ scope.fileModel = e.dataTransfer.files[0]; scope.$apply(); if(typeof scope.onDrop === "function"){ scope.onDrop = $parse(scope.onDrop); scope.onDrop(); } } return false; } ); } }; }]) .directive('attFileLink', [ function() { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^?attFileDrop', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/dragdrop/fileUpload.html', scope: { fileModel : '=?', onFileSelect : '&', attFileLink : '&' }, controller: ['$scope', '$parse', function($scope, $parse){ this.setFileModel= function(fileModel){ if($scope.takeFileModelFromParent){ $scope.$parent.fileModel = fileModel; $scope.$parent.$apply(); } else{ $scope.fileModel = fileModel; $scope.$apply(); } }; this.callbackFunction= function(){ if(typeof $scope.onFileSelect === "function"){ $scope.onFileSelect = $parse($scope.onFileSelect); $scope.onFileSelect(); } }; }], link: function(scope, element, attr, attFileDropCtrl) { scope.takeFileModelFromParent = false; if(!(attr.fileModel) && attFileDropCtrl){ scope.takeFileModelFromParent = true; } if(attr.attFileLink!==""){ scope.onFileSelect=scope.attFileLink; } else if(!(attr.onFileSelect) && attFileDropCtrl){ scope.onFileSelect = attFileDropCtrl.onDrop; } } }; }]) .directive('attFileChange', ['$log','$rootScope',function($log,$rootScope) { return { restrict: 'A', require: '^attFileLink', link: function(scope, element, attr, attFileLinkCtrl) { element.bind('change',changeFileModel); function changeFileModel(e) { if (e.target.files && e.target.files.length > 0) { attFileLinkCtrl.setFileModel(e.target.files[0]); attFileLinkCtrl.callbackFunction(); } else { var strFileName = e.target.value; try { var objFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); attFileLinkCtrl.setFileModel(objFSO.getFile(strFileName)); attFileLinkCtrl.callbackFunction(); } catch (e) { var errMsg = "Error: Please follow the guidelines of Drag and Drop component on Sandbox demo page."; $log.error(errMsg); $rootScope.$broadcast('att-file-link-failure', errMsg); } } } } }; }]); angular.module("att.abs.drawer", ['att.abs.utilities']) .directive('attDrawer', ['$document', '$timeout', 'DOMHelper', function ($document, $timeout, DOMHelper) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { drawerOpen: "=?", drawerAutoClose: "&?" }, template: '
', link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { var param = {}; // First Element in Drawer component var firstElement = undefined; // Element drawer is toggled from var drawerLaunchingElement = undefined; // Override default parameters param.side = attrs.drawerSlide || 'top'; param.speed = attrs.drawerSpeed || '0.25'; param.size = attrs.drawerSize || '300px'; param.zindex = attrs.drawerZindex || 1000; param.className = attrs.drawerClass || 'att-drawer'; var slider = element.eq(0).children()[0]; var content = angular.element(slider).children()[0]; slider.className = param.className; /* Style setup */ slider.style.transitionDuration = param.speed + 's'; slider.style.webkitTransitionDuration = param.speed + 's'; slider.style.zIndex = param.zindex; slider.style.position = 'fixed'; slider.style.width = 0; slider.style.height = 0; slider.style.transitionProperty = 'width, height'; if(param.side==='right'){ slider.style.height = attrs.drawerCustomHeight || '100%'; slider.style.top = attrs.drawerCustomTop || '0px'; slider.style.bottom = attrs.drawerCustomBottom || '0px'; slider.style.right = attrs.drawerCustomRight || '0px'; }else if(param.side==='left'){ /*Added this part for ECOM*/ slider.style.height = attrs.drawerCustomHeight || '100%'; slider.style.top = attrs.drawerCustomTop || '0px'; slider.style.bottom = attrs.drawerCustomBottom || '0px'; slider.style.left = attrs.drawerCustomRight || '0px'; } else if(param.side==='top' || param.side==='bottom'){ slider.style.width = attrs.drawerCustomWidth || '100%'; slider.style.left = attrs.drawerCustomLeft || '0px'; slider.style.top = attrs.drawerCustomTop || '0px'; slider.style.right = attrs.drawerCustomRight || '0px'; } $timeout(function() { firstElement = DOMHelper.firstTabableElement(element[0]); }, 10, false); /* Closed */ function drawerClose(slider, param) { if (slider && slider.style.width !== 0 && slider.style.height !== 0){ content.style.display = 'none'; if(param.side==='right' || param.side==='left'){ slider.style.width = '0px'; } else if(param.side==='top' || param.side==='bottom'){ slider.style.height = '0px'; } } $scope.drawerOpen = false; // Shift focus if (angular.isDefined(drawerLaunchingElement) && drawerLaunchingElement != null) { drawerLaunchingElement.focus(); } } /* Open */ function drawerOpen(slider, param) { // Before opening drawer, find the focused element drawerLaunchingElement = document.activeElement; if (slider.style.width !== 0 && slider.style.height !== 0){ if(param.side==='right' || param.side==='left'){ slider.style.width = param.size; } else if(param.side==='top' || param.side==='bottom'){ slider.style.height = param.size; } $timeout(function() { content.style.display = 'block'; // Shift focus if (angular.isDefined(firstElement) && firstElement != null) { firstElement.focus(); } },(param.speed * 1000)); } } function isFunction(functionToCheck) { var getType = {}; return functionToCheck && getType.toString.call(functionToCheck) === '[object Function]'; } /* * Watchers * */ if(attrs.drawerSize) { $scope.$watch(function() { return attrs.drawerSize; }, function(newVal) { param.size = newVal; if($scope.drawerOpen) { drawerOpen(slider,param); } }); } $scope.$watch("drawerOpen", function (value){ if (!!value) { // Open drawerOpen(slider,param); } else { // Close drawerClose(slider,param); } }); // close panel on location change if($scope.drawerAutoClose()) { $scope.$on("$locationChangeStart", function(){ drawerClose(slider, param); if(isFunction($scope.drawerAutoClose())) { $scope.drawerAutoClose(); } }); $scope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function(){ drawerClose(slider, param); if(isFunction($scope.drawerAutoClose)) { $scope.drawerAutoClose(); } }); } } }; } ]); angular.module('att.abs.message', []) .directive('attMessages', [function() { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { messageType: '=?' }, controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function($scope, $element, $attrs) { $scope.messageScope = []; this.registerScope = function(messageScope) { $scope.messageScope.push(messageScope); }; $scope.$parent.$watchCollection($attrs['for'], function(errors) { for (var key in errors) { if (errors[key]) { $scope.error = key; break; } else { $scope.error = null; } } for (var i = 0; i < $scope.messageScope.length; i++) { if($scope.messageScope[i].when === $scope.error) { $scope.messageScope[i].show(); $scope.setMessageType($scope.messageScope[i].type); } else { $scope.messageScope[i].hide(); } } if($scope.error === null) { $scope.setMessageType(null); } }); $scope.setMessageType = this.setMessageType = function(messageType) { if($attrs.messageType) { $scope.messageType = messageType; } }; }] }; }]) .directive('attMessage', [function() { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: {}, require: '^attMessages', link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { ctrl.registerScope(scope); elem.attr('role', 'alert'); //Trinity CATO scope.when = attr.when || attr.attMessage; scope.type = attr.type; scope.show = function() { elem.css({display: 'block'}); }; scope.hide = function() { elem.css({display: 'none'}); }; scope.hide(); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.formField', ['att.abs.message', 'att.abs.utilities']) .directive('attFormField', [function() { return { priority: 101, restrict: 'A', controller:function() { }, link: function(scope, elem, attr) { elem.wrap('
'); elem.parent().append(''); elem.wrap('
'); elem.bind('keyup', function() { if (this.value !== '') { elem.parent().parent().find('label').addClass('form-field__label--show').removeClass('form-field__label--hide'); } else { elem.parent().parent().find('label').addClass('form-field__label--hide').removeClass('form-field__label--show'); } }); elem.bind('blur', function() { if (this.value === '') { elem.parent().parent().find('label').removeClass('form-field__label--hide'); } }); } }; }]) .directive('attFormFieldValidation', ['$compile', '$log', function($compile, $log) { return { priority: 102, scope: {}, restrict: 'A', require: ['?ngModel', '?attFormField'], link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var ngCtrl = ctrl[0]; var attFormFieldCtrl = ctrl[1]; scope.valid = ""; if (!ngCtrl) { $log.error("att-form-field-validation :: ng-model directive is required."); return; } if (!attFormFieldCtrl) { $log.error("att-form-field-validation :: att-form-field directive is required."); return; } elem.parent().append($compile(angular.element(' '))(scope)); elem.parent().append($compile(angular.element(' '))(scope)); scope.$watch('valid', function(value) { if (value) { elem.parent().parent().addClass('success'); } else if (value === false) { elem.parent().parent().addClass('error'); } else { elem.parent().parent().removeClass('success').removeClass('error'); } }); elem.bind('keyup', function() { if (ngCtrl.$valid) { scope.valid = true; } else if (ngCtrl.$invalid) { scope.valid = false; } else { scope.valid = ""; } scope.$apply(); }); } }; }]) .directive('attFormFieldValidationAlert', ['$timeout', function($timeout) { return { scope: { messageType: '=?' }, restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/formField/attFormFieldValidationAlert.html', link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { scope.showLabel = false; scope.hideLabel = false; scope.errorMessage = false; scope.warningMessage = false; var checkMessageType = function() { var messageType = scope.messageType; if (messageType === 'error') { scope.errorMessage = true; scope.warningMessage = false; } else if (messageType === 'warning') { scope.errorMessage = false; scope.warningMessage = true; } else { scope.errorMessage = false; scope.warningMessage = false; } }; var oldIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie 8.0') !== -1; elem.find('label').text(elem.find('input').attr('placeholder')); elem.find('input').bind('keyup', function() { if (this.value !== '') { scope.showLabel = true; scope.hideLabel = false; if (oldIE) { elem.find('label').css({top: '-20px'}); } } else { scope.showLabel = false; scope.hideLabel = true; if (oldIE) { elem.find('label').css({top: '0px'}); } } checkMessageType(); scope.$apply(); }); elem.find('input').bind('blur', function() { if (this.value === '') { scope.showLabel = false; scope.hideLabel = false; } scope.$apply(); }); $timeout(function() { checkMessageType(); }, 100); } }; }]) .constant("CoreFormsUiConfig", { phoneMask: '(___) ___-____' }) .directive('attPhoneMask', ['$parse', 'CoreFormsUiConfig', function($parse, CoreFormsUiConfig) { return { require: 'ngModel', scope: { ngModel: '=' }, link: function(scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrl) { var B = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), C = B.indexOf("android") > -1, oldIE = B.indexOf('msie 8.0') !== -1;; var A = ''; var validPhoneNumber = false; if (C) { A = "__________"; } else { A = CoreFormsUiConfig.phoneMask; } iElement.attr("maxlength", A.length); var checkValidity = function(unmaskedValue) { var valid = false; if (unmaskedValue){ valid = (unmaskedValue.length === 10);} ctrl.$setValidity('invalidPhoneNumber', validPhoneNumber); ctrl.$setValidity('mask', valid); return valid; }; var handleKeyup = function() { var E,D = ctrl.$modelValue; if (!D.length) { return; } var L, K, G, J, I; J = []; G = A.split(""); I = G.length; L = D.substring(0, A.length); K = D.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "").split(""); for (E = 0; E < I; E++) { J.push(G[E] === "_" ? K.shift() : G[E]); if (K.length === 0) { break; } } D = J.join(""); if (D === '('){ D = '';} ctrl.$setViewValue(D); ctrl.$render(); return D; }; // since we are only allowing 0-9, why even let the keypress go forward? // also added in delete... in case they want to delete :) var handlePress = function(e) { if (e.which) { if ((e.which < 48 || e.which > 57) && (e.which < 96 || e.which > 105)) { if (e.which !== 8 && e.which !== 9 && e.which !== 46 && e.which !== 13 && e.which !== 37 && e.which !== 39 && // Allow: Ctrl+V/v (e.ctrlKey !== true && (e.which !== '118' || e.which !== '86'))&& // Allow: Ctrl+C/c (e.ctrlKey !== true && (e.which !== '99' || e.which !== '67'))&& // Allow: Ctrl+X/x (e.ctrlKey !== true && (e.which !== '120' || e.which !== '88'))) { e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false; iElement.attr("aria-label","Only numbers are allowed"); validPhoneNumber = false; }} else{ iElement.removeAttr("aria-label"); validPhoneNumber = true; } } scope.$apply(); }; // i moved this out because i thought i might need focus as well.. // to handle setting the model as the view changes var parser = function(fromViewValue) { var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/; var numbers = /^[0-9]+$/; if(fromViewValue.match(letters)) {validPhoneNumber = false;} if(fromViewValue.match(numbers)) {validPhoneNumber = true;} var clean = ""; if (fromViewValue && fromViewValue.length > 0) { clean = fromViewValue.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); } checkValidity(clean); return clean; }; //to handle reading the model and formatting it var formatter = function(fromModelView) { var input = ''; checkValidity(fromModelView); if (fromModelView){ input = handleKeyup();} return input; }; ctrl.$parsers.push(parser); ctrl.$formatters.push(formatter); iElement.bind('keyup', handleKeyup); iElement.bind('keydown', handlePress); iElement.bind('input', function(e){ handleKeyup(e); handlePress(e); }); } }; }]) .constant('validationTypeInt', { validationNum: {'number':'1','text':'2','email':'3'} }) .directive('attFormFieldPrv', [ 'keyMapAc', 'validationTypeInt', function( keyMapAc, validationTypeInt ) { return { priority: 101, restrict: 'AE', controller:['$scope', function($scope) { this.showHideErrorMessage = function ( booleanValue ){ if( $scope.$$prevSibling != null && angular.isDefined( $scope.$$prevSibling ) && angular.isDefined( $scope.$$prevSibling.hideErrorMsg ) ){ $scope.$$prevSibling.hideErrorMsg = booleanValue; $scope.$apply(); } }; this.findAllowedCharactor = function( keyCode ){ var keyMapSc = keyMapAc.keys; if( angular.isDefined( $scope.allowedSpecialCharacters ) && angular.isDefined( $scope.allowedSpecialCharacters.length ) && $scope.allowedSpecialCharacters.length > 0 ){ var allowedCharList = $scope.allowedSpecialCharacters; var charFound = false; for( var i=0 ; i < allowedCharList.length ; i++){ if( allowedCharList[i] === keyMapSc[keyCode] ){ charFound = true; break; } } return charFound; }else{ return false; } }; this.validateText = function( validationType, allowedChars, validationInput, outputSpecialChars ){ if( angular.isDefined( allowedChars ) && allowedChars.length === 0 ){ var expAlphanumeric = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/i; return expAlphanumeric.test( validationInput ); }else{ var expAlphanumericSpecialChar = '^[a-zA-Z0-9' + outputSpecialChars + ']*$'; var regularExp = new RegExp( expAlphanumericSpecialChar, 'i' ); return regularExp.test( validationInput ); } }; this.validateNumber = function( validationType, allowedChars, validationInput, outputSpecialChars ){ if( angular.isDefined( allowedChars ) && allowedChars.length === 0 ){ var expNumber = /^[0-9\.]+$/; return expNumber.test( validationInput ); }else{ var expNumberSpecial = '^[0-9\.' + outputSpecialChars + ']*$'; var regularExp = new RegExp( expNumberSpecial, 'i' ); return regularExp.test( validationInput ); } }; this.validateEmail = function( validationType, allowedChars, validationInput, outputSpecialChars ){ if( angular.isDefined( allowedChars ) && allowedChars.length === 0 ){ var expEmail = /(([a-zA-Z0-9\-?\.?]+)@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\.)+)([a-z]{2,3}))+$/; return expEmail.test( validationInput ); }else{ var expEmailSpecial = '(([a-z' + outputSpecialChars + 'A-Z0-9\-?\.?]+)@(([a-z' + outputSpecialChars + 'A-Z0-9\-_]+\.)+)([' + outputSpecialChars + 'a-z]{2,3}))+$'; var regularExp = new RegExp( expEmailSpecial, 'i' ); return regularExp.test( validationInput ); } }; this.validateInput = function( validationType, allowedChars, validationInput ){ var outputSpecialChars = ''; var result = false; if( angular.isDefined( allowedChars ) && angular.isDefined( allowedChars.length ) && allowedChars.length > 0 ){ for( var i = 0; i < allowedChars.length; i++){ outputSpecialChars += '\\'+allowedChars[i]; } } switch ( validationTypeInt.validationNum[ validationType ] ) { case validationTypeInt.validationNum["text"]: result = this.validateText( validationType, allowedChars, validationInput, outputSpecialChars ); break; case validationTypeInt.validationNum["number"]: result = this.validateNumber( validationType, allowedChars, validationInput, outputSpecialChars ); break; case validationTypeInt.validationNum["email"]: result = this.validateEmail( validationType, allowedChars, validationInput, outputSpecialChars ); break; default: break; } return result; }; }], link: function(scope, elem, attr ) { elem.parent().prepend(''); elem.wrap('
'); elem.parent().parent().find('label').addClass('form-field__label--show'); } }; }]) .directive('attFormFieldValidationPrv', [ 'keyMapAc','validationTypeInt' , function( keyMapAc, validationTypeInt ) { return { priority: 202, scope: { validationType: '=', allowedChars: '=' }, restrict: 'A', require: ['?ngModel', '^attFormFieldPrv'], link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var attFormFieldCtrl = ctrl[1]; elem.bind('keyup', function() { /* email validation has tobe done on keyup */ if( attFormFieldCtrl.validateInput( scope.validationType, scope.allowedChars, elem[0].value ) ){ attFormFieldCtrl.showHideErrorMessage(false); } else{ attFormFieldCtrl.showHideErrorMessage(true); } }); var keyMapSc = keyMapAc.keyRange; var allowedKeys = keyMapAc.allowedKeys; var validateTextCode = function( charFound,event ){ var resultOne = (event.which < keyMapSc['startNum'] || event.which > keyMapSc['endNum'] ); var resultTwo = (event.which < keyMapSc['startCapitalLetters'] || event.which > keyMapSc['endCapitalLetters'] ); var resultThree = (event.which < keyMapSc['startSmallLetters'] || event.which > keyMapSc['endSmallLetters'] ); var result = ( resultOne && resultTwo && resultThree ); return ( result && ( !charFound ) ); }; var validateNumberCode = function( charFound,event ){ return ( ( event.which < keyMapSc['startNum'] || event.which > keyMapSc['endNum'] ) && ( !charFound ) ); }; var validateEmailCode = function( charFound,event ){ var condOne = String.fromCharCode( event.which ) !== '-' && String.fromCharCode( event.which ) !== '_'; var condTwo = String.fromCharCode( event.which ) !== '@' && String.fromCharCode( event.which ) !== '.'; var ifAllowedChars = condOne && condTwo; var ifCharRange = validateTextCode( charFound,event ); return ( ( !charFound ) && ifAllowedChars && ifCharRange ); }; var validateSwitch = function( validationTypeSwitch, charFound, event ){ switch ( validationTypeSwitch ) { case validationTypeInt.validationNum["text"]: /* 97-122 65-90 48-57 if keyCode is outside range of alphanumeric chars and not found in list then prevent */ if( validateTextCode( charFound, event ) ){ return true; } break; case validationTypeInt.validationNum["number"]: /* if key code is outside number range and notfound then prevent */ if( validateNumberCode( charFound, event ) ){ return true; } break; case validationTypeInt.validationNum["email"]: /* if keyCode is outside charactor/number range and not _-@. then prevent */ if( validateEmailCode( charFound, event ) ){ return true; } break; default: break; } return false; }; /* key stroke prevention has to be happen on numeric and alphanumeric fields */ elem.bind('keypress', function( event ){ if(!(event.which)){ if(event.keyCode){ event.which = event.keyCode; } else if(event.charCode){ event.which = event.charCode; } } var charFound = attFormFieldCtrl.findAllowedCharactor( event.which ); var insideCondOne = ( angular.isDefined( scope.validationType ) && scope.validationType !== ''); var insideCondTwo = ( event.which !== allowedKeys['TAB'] && event.which !== allowedKeys['BACKSPACE'] && event.which!== allowedKeys['DELETE'] ); var goInside = insideCondOne && insideCondTwo; if( goInside && validateSwitch( validationTypeInt.validationNum[ scope.validationType ], charFound, event ) ){ event.preventDefault(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('attFormFieldValidationAlertPrv', [ function() { return { restrict: 'A', scope : { errorMessage : '=' }, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/formField/attFormFieldValidationAlertPrv.html', link: function( scope ) { scope.errorMessage = scope.errorMessage; if( angular.isDefined( scope.$parent.hideErrorMsg ) ){ scope.hideErrorMsg = scope.$parent.hideErrorMsg; } else{ scope.hideErrorMsg = true; } } }; }]) //Credit card validation directives starts here .factory('Cards', [function() { var defaultFormat = /(\d{1,4})/g; var defaultInputFormat = /(?:^|\s)(\d{4})$/; var cards = [ { type: 'discover', pattern: /^(6011|65|64[4-9]|622)/, format: defaultFormat, inputFormat: defaultInputFormat, length: [16], cvcLength: [3], cvcSecurityImg: 'visaI', zipLength: [5], luhn: true }, { type: 'mc', pattern: /^5[1-5]/, format: defaultFormat, inputFormat: defaultInputFormat, length: [16], cvcLength: [3], cvcSecurityImg: 'visaI', zipLength: [5], luhn: true }, { type: 'amex', pattern: /^3[47]/, format: /(\d{1,4})(\d{1,6})?(\d{1,5})?/, inputFormat: /^(\d{4}|\d{4}\s\d{6})$/, length: [15], cvcLength: [4], cvcSecurityImg: 'amexI', zipLength: [5], luhn: true }, { type: 'visa', pattern: /^4/, format: defaultFormat, inputFormat: defaultInputFormat, length: [16], cvcLength: [3], cvcSecurityImg: 'visaI', zipLength: [5], luhn: true } ]; var _fromNumber = function(num) { var card, i, len; num = (num + '').replace(/\D/g, ''); for (i = 0, len = cards.length; i < len; i++) { card = cards[i]; if (card.pattern.test(num)) { return card; } } }; var _fromType = function(type) { var card, i, len; for (i = 0, len = cards.length; i < len; i++) { card = cards[i]; if (card.type === type) { return card; } } }; return { fromNumber: function(val) { return _fromNumber(val); }, fromType: function(val) { return _fromType(val); }, defaultFormat: function() { return defaultFormat; }, defaultInputFormat: function() { return defaultInputFormat; } }; }]) .factory('_Validate', ['Cards', '$parse', function(Cards, $parse) { var __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) { return i; } } return -1; }; var _luhnCheck = function(num) { var digit, digits, odd, sum, i, len; odd = true; sum = 0; digits = (num + '').split('').reverse(); for (i = 0, len = digits.length; i < len; i++) { digit = digits[i]; digit = parseInt(digit, 10); if ((odd = !odd)) { digit *= 2; } if (digit > 9) { digit -= 9; } sum += digit; } return sum % 10 === 0; }; var _validators = {}; _validators['cvc'] = function(cvc, ctrl, scope, attr) { var ref, ref1; // valid if empty - let ng-required handle empty if ((angular.isUndefined(cvc)) || (cvc === null) || (cvc.length === 0)) { return true; } if (!/^\d+$/.test(cvc)) { return false; } var type; if (attr.paymentsTypeModel) { var typeModel = $parse(attr.paymentsTypeModel); type = typeModel(scope); } if (type) { ref1 = Cards.fromType(type); return (ref = cvc.length, __indexOf.call((ref1 !== null) ? ref1.cvcLength : void 0, ref)) >= 0; } else { return cvc.length >= 3 && cvc.length <= 4; } }; _validators['zip'] = function(zip, ctrl, scope, attr) { var ref, ref1; // valid if empty - let ng-required handle empty if ((angular.isUndefined(zip)) || (zip === null) || (zip.length === 0)) { return true; } if (!/^\d+$/.test(zip)) { return false; } var type; if (attr.paymentsTypeModel) { var typeModel = $parse(attr.paymentsTypeModel); type = typeModel(scope); } if (type) { ref1 = Cards.fromType(type); return (ref = zip.length, __indexOf.call(ref1 !== null ? ref1.zipLength : void 0, ref)) >= 0; } else { return zip.length < 6; } }; _validators['card'] = function(num, ctrl, scope, attr) { var card, ref, typeModel; if (attr.paymentsTypeModel) { typeModel = $parse(attr.paymentsTypeModel); } var clearCard = function() { if (typeModel) { typeModel.assign(scope, null); } ctrl.$card = null; }; // valid if empty - let ng-required handle empty if ((angular.isUndefined(num)) || (num === null) || (num.length === 0)) { clearCard(); return true; } num = (num + '').replace(/\s+|-/g, ''); if (!/^\d+$/.test(num)) { clearCard(); return false; } card = Cards.fromNumber(num); if (!card) { clearCard(); return false; } ctrl.$card = angular.copy(card); if (typeModel) { typeModel.assign(scope, card.type); } ret = (ref = num.length, __indexOf.call(card.length, ref) >= 0) && (card.luhn === false || _luhnCheck(num)); return ret; }; return function(type, val, ctrl, scope, attr) { if (!_validators[type]) { types = Object.keys(_validators); errstr = 'Unknown type for validation: "' + type + '". '; errstr += 'Should be one of: "' + types.join('", "') + '"'; throw errstr; } return _validators[type](val, ctrl, scope, attr); }; }]) .factory('_ValidateWatch', ['_Validate', function(_Validate) { var _validatorWatches = {}; _validatorWatches['cvc'] = function(type, ctrl, scope, attr) { if (attr.paymentsTypeModel) { scope.$watch(attr.paymentsTypeModel, function(newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { var valid = _Validate(type, ctrl.$modelValue, ctrl, scope, attr); ctrl.$setValidity(type, valid); } }); } }; _validatorWatches['zip'] = function(type, ctrl, scope, attr) { if (attr.paymentsTypeModel) { scope.$watch(attr.paymentsTypeModel, function(newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { var valid = _Validate(type, ctrl.$modelValue, ctrl, scope, attr); ctrl.$setValidity(type, valid); } }); } }; return function(type, ctrl, scope, attr) { if (_validatorWatches[type]) { return _validatorWatches[type](type, ctrl, scope, attr); } }; }]) .directive('validateCard', ['$window', '_Validate', '_ValidateWatch', function($window, _Validate, _ValidateWatch) { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var type = attr.validateCard; _ValidateWatch(type, ctrl, scope, attr); var validateFn = function(val) { var valid = _Validate(type, val, ctrl, scope, attr); ctrl.$setValidity(type, valid); if (type === 'card') { if (ctrl.$card === null) { if ((val == null) || (val === "") || (val === '')) { scope.invalidCardError = ''; scope.invalidCard = ""; } else if (val.length >= 1) { scope.invalidCardError = 'error'; scope.invalidCard = "The number entered is not a recognized credit card number."; } } else { if (!valid) { if (ctrl.$card.length.indexOf(val.length) >= 0) { scope.invalidCardError = 'error'; scope.invalidCard = "The number entered is not a recognized credit card number."; } else { scope.invalidCardError = ''; scope.invalidCard = ""; } } else { scope.invalidCardError = ''; scope.invalidCard = ""; } } elem.bind("blur", function() { if ((!valid) || (ctrl.$card === null)) { scope.invalidCardError = 'error'; scope.invalidCard = "The number entered is not a recognized credit card number."; } else { scope.invalidCardError = ''; scope.invalidCard = ""; } }); } return valid ? val : undefined; }; ctrl.$formatters.push(validateFn); ctrl.$parsers.push(validateFn); } }; }]) .directive('creditCardImage', function() { return{ templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/formField/creditCardImage.html', replace: false, transclude: false, link: function(scope, element, attr) { scope.$watch(attr.creditCardImage, function(newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { scope.cvc = ''; if (!angular.isUndefined(newVal) && newVal !== null) { scope.newValCCI = 'show-' + newVal; } if (newVal === null) { scope.newValCCI = ''; } } }); } }; }) .directive('securityCodeImage', ['$document', function($document) { return{ templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/formField/cvcSecurityImg.html', replace: false, transclude: false, link: function(scope, element, attr) { scope.$watch(attr.securityCodeImage, function(newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { if (!angular.isUndefined(newVal) && newVal !== null) { if (newVal === 'amexI') { scope.newValI = 'ccv2-security-amex'; scope.newValIAlt = "The 4 digit CVC security code is on the front of the card."; scope.cvcPlaceholder = "4 digits"; scope.cvcMaxlength = 4; } else if (newVal === 'visaI') { scope.newValI = 'ccv2-security'; scope.newValIAlt = "The CVC security code is on the back of your card right after the credit card number."; scope.cvcPlaceholder = "3 digits"; scope.cvcMaxlength = 3; } } if (newVal === null) { scope.newValI = 'ccv2-security'; scope.cvcPlaceholder = "3 digits"; scope.cvcMaxlength = 3; scope.newValIAlt = "The CVC security code is on the back of your card right after the credit card number."; } } }); element.bind("click", function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if (element.find("button").hasClass("active")) { element.find("button").removeClass("active"); } else { element.find("button").addClass("active"); } }); var window = angular.element($document); window.bind("click", function(ev) { var targetClassname = ev.target.className; if ((targetClassname !== "btn btn-alt btn-tooltip active")) { if (element.find("button").hasClass("active")) { element.find("button").removeClass("active"); } } }); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.hourpicker', ['att.abs.utilities']) .constant('hourpickerConfig', { days: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'], customOption: 'Custom' }) .controller('hourPickerController', ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.options = []; this.setOptions = function (value, fromtime, totime, preselect, uncheckedFromTime, uncheckedToTime) { $scope.options.push(value); if (preselect !== undefined) { $scope.preselect = preselect; } var daycount; if (fromtime !== undefined) { $scope.fromtime = fromtime; for (daycount in $scope.days) { if ($scope.days.hasOwnProperty(daycount)) { $scope.FrtimeList[$scope.days[daycount]] = {}; if (uncheckedFromTime !== undefined) { $scope.FrtimeList[$scope.days[daycount]].value = uncheckedFromTime; $scope.selectedFromOption[$scope.days[daycount]] = uncheckedFromTime; } else { $scope.FrtimeList[$scope.days[daycount]].value = fromtime[0].value; $scope.selectedFromOption[$scope.days[daycount]] = fromtime[0].value; } } } } if (totime !== undefined) { $scope.totime = totime; for (daycount in $scope.days) { if ($scope.days.hasOwnProperty(daycount)) { $scope.TotimeList[$scope.days[daycount]] = {}; if (uncheckedToTime !== undefined) { $scope.TotimeList[$scope.days[daycount]].value = uncheckedToTime; $scope.selectedToOption[$scope.days[daycount]] = uncheckedToTime; } else { $scope.TotimeList[$scope.days[daycount]].value = totime[0].value; $scope.selectedToOption[$scope.days[daycount]] = totime[0].value; } $scope.showToTimeErrorDay[$scope.days[daycount]] = false; } } } if (uncheckedFromTime !== undefined) { $scope.uncheckedFromTime = uncheckedFromTime; } if (uncheckedToTime !== undefined) { $scope.uncheckedToTime = uncheckedToTime; } }; this.getSelectedOption = function () { return $scope.selectedOption; }; this.setToTimeErrorDay = function (day, flag) { $scope.showToTimeErrorDay[day] = flag; }; }]) .directive('attHourpickerOption', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^attHourpicker', scope: { option: "=option", fromtime: "=fromtime", totime: "=totime", preselect: "=preselect", uncheckedFromTime: "=", uncheckedToTime: "=" }, link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) { ctrl.setOptions(scope.option, scope.fromtime, scope.totime, scope.preselect, scope.uncheckedFromTime, scope.uncheckedToTime); } }; }]) .directive('attHourpicker', ["hourpickerConfig", "$document", "$log", "$documentBind", "$timeout", function (hourpickerConfig, $document, $log, $documentBind, $timeout) { return { require: 'ngModel', restrict: 'EA', controller: 'hourPickerController', transclude: true, scope: { model: "=ngModel", resetFlag: "=?" }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/hourpicker/hourpicker.html', link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) { var flag = false; scope.isFromDropDownOpen = false; scope.isToDropDownOpen = false; var dropDownOpenValue = ""; var custTime = {}; scope.days = hourpickerConfig.days; scope.daysList = {}; scope.FrtimeList = {}; scope.FrtimeListDay = {}; scope.TotimeListDay = {}; scope.selectedFromOption = {}; scope.selectedToOption = {}; scope.TotimeList = {}; scope.selectedIndex = 0; scope.selectedOption = "Select from list"; scope.customTime = []; scope.resetFlag = false; scope.showToTimeErrorDay = {}; scope.validatedCustomPreselect = []; scope.$watch('resetFlag', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal !== oldVal) { if (newVal && scope.selectedOption === hourpickerConfig.customOption) { //disable and reset all days checkbox for (day in scope.daysList) { if (scope.daysList.hasOwnProperty(day)) { scope.daysList[day] = false; scope.addSelectedValue(day); } } scope.preselectUpdateFxn(scope.preselect); } scope.resetFlag = false; } }); scope.$watch('selCategory', function (value) { if (value) { ctrl.$setViewValue(value); } }, true); scope.updateData = function (value) { if (value.constructor === Array) { scope.showDaysSelector = true; scope.selectedOption = hourpickerConfig.customOption; for (var arry in value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty(arry)) { var day = value[arry].day; if (typeof value[arry].preEnabled === 'boolean' && value[arry].preEnabled) { scope.daysList[day] = true; } else { scope.daysList[day] = false; } for (var fromcount in scope.fromtime) { if (scope.fromtime[fromcount].value === value[arry].FromTime && !scope.uncheckedFromTime) { scope.FrtimeList[day].value = scope.fromtime[fromcount].value; scope.selectedFromOption[day] = scope.FrtimeList[day].value; } } for (var tocount in scope.totime) { if (scope.totime[tocount].value === value[arry].ToTime && !scope.uncheckedToTime) { scope.TotimeList[day].value = scope.totime[tocount].value; scope.selectedToOption[day] = scope.TotimeList[day].value; } } scope.addSelectedValue(day, value[arry].FromTime, value[arry].ToTime); //for IE8 Fix if (parseInt(arry) + 1 === value.length) { break; } } } } else { scope.selectOption(value.day); } }; scope.$watch('preselect', function (value) { scope.preselectUpdateFxn(value); }); scope.preselectUpdateFxn = function (value) { if (value !== undefined) { if (scope.options) { value = scope.validatePreselectData(value); } if (value === "") { return; } scope.updateData(value); } }; scope.validatePreselectData = function (value) { if (value.constructor === Array) { for (var arry in value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty(arry)) { var day = value[arry].day; var isDayFound = false; var isFrmFound = false; var isToFound = false; for (var daycount in scope.days) { if (scope.days[daycount] === day) { isDayFound = true; break; } } if (!isDayFound) { value.splice(arry, 1); continue; } for (var fromcount in scope.fromtime) { if (scope.fromtime[fromcount].value === value[arry].FromTime) { isFrmFound = true; break; } } if (!isFrmFound) { value[arry].FromTime = scope.fromtime[0].value; } for (var tocount in scope.totime) { if (scope.totime[tocount].value === value[arry].ToTime) { isToFound = true; break; } } if (!isToFound) { value[arry].ToTime = scope.totime[0].value; } if (typeof value[arry].preEnabled === 'boolean' && value[arry].preEnabled) { value[arry].preEnabled = true; } else { value[arry].preEnabled = false; } scope.validatedCustomPreselect[day] = {}; scope.validatedCustomPreselect[day].FromTime = value[arry].FromTime; scope.validatedCustomPreselect[day].ToTime = value[arry].ToTime; //for IE8 Fix if (parseInt(arry) + 1 === value.length) { break; } } } } else { var isOptionFound = false; for (var optcount in scope.options) { if (scope.options[optcount] === value.day) { isOptionFound = true; break; } } if (!isOptionFound) { value = ""; } } return value; }; scope.selectPrevNextValue = function ($event, arrayValues, currValue) { var value; var index = 0; if ($event.keyCode === 38) { value = -1; } else if ($event.keyCode === 40) { value = 1; } else { return currValue; } if (arrayValues.indexOf(currValue) !== -1) { index = arrayValues.indexOf(currValue) + value; } else { for (var count in arrayValues) { if (arrayValues[count].value === currValue) { index = parseInt(count) + value; break; } } } if (index === arrayValues.length) { index = index - 1; } else if (index === -1) { index = index + 1; } $event.preventDefault(); if (arrayValues[index].value) { return arrayValues[index].value; } else { return arrayValues[index]; } }; scope.showDropdown = function () { scope.showlist = !scope.showlist; flag = !flag; }; scope.showfromDayDropdown = function (value) { //close dropdown if any other From drop down is opened for (count in scope.FrtimeListDay) { if (count !== value && scope.FrtimeListDay[count]) { scope.FrtimeListDay[count] = false; } } for (count in scope.TotimeListDay) { if (scope.TotimeListDay[count]) { scope.TotimeListDay[count] = false; } } scope.FrtimeListDay[value] = !scope.FrtimeListDay[value]; flag = !flag; scope.showlist = false; //save model value so we can close current dropdown on click of other part of the document if (scope.FrtimeListDay[value]) { scope.isFromDropDownOpen = true; dropDownOpenValue = value; } else { scope.isFromDropDownOpen = false; } $timeout(function () { if (scope.FrtimeListDay[value]) { var daysContainerDIV = angular.element(element)[0].querySelector(".customdays-width"); var containerUL = angular.element(daysContainerDIV.querySelector('.select2-container-active')).parent()[0].querySelector("ul"); var selectedElemTopPos = angular.element(containerUL.querySelector('.selectedItemInDropDown'))[0].offsetTop; angular.element(containerUL)[0].scrollTop = selectedElemTopPos; } }); }; scope.showtoDayDropdown = function (value) { //close dropdown if any other To drop down is opened for (count in scope.TotimeListDay) { if (count !== value && scope.TotimeListDay[count]) { scope.TotimeListDay[count] = false; } } for (count in scope.FrtimeListDay) { if (scope.FrtimeListDay[count]) { scope.FrtimeListDay[count] = false; } } scope.TotimeListDay[value] = !scope.TotimeListDay[value]; flag = !flag; scope.showlist = false; //save model value so we can close current dropdown on click of other part of the document if (scope.TotimeListDay[value]) { scope.isToDropDownOpen = true; dropDownOpenValue = value; } else { scope.isToDropDownOpen = false; } $timeout(function () { if (scope.TotimeListDay[value]) { var daysContainerDIV = angular.element(element)[0].querySelector(".customdays-width"); var containerUL = angular.element(daysContainerDIV.querySelector('.select2-container-active')).parent()[0].querySelector("ul"); var selectedElemTopPos = angular.element(containerUL.querySelector('.selectedItemInDropDown'))[0].offsetTop; angular.element(containerUL)[0].scrollTop = selectedElemTopPos; } }); }; scope.selectFromDayOption = function (day, value) { scope.selectedFromOption[day] = value; scope.FrtimeList[day].value = value; scope.FrtimeListDay[day] = false; scope.isFromDropDownOpen = false; }; scope.selectToDayOption = function (day, value) { scope.selectedToOption[day] = value; scope.TotimeList[day].value = value; scope.TotimeListDay[day] = false; scope.isToDropDownOpen = false; }; scope.addSelectedValue = function (value, fromtime, totime) { var count, len; if (scope.daysList[value] !== undefined && !scope.daysList[value]) { for (count = 0, len = scope.customTime.length; count < len; count++) { if (scope.customTime[count].day === value) { if (scope.uncheckedFromTime) { scope.selectedFromOption[scope.customTime[count].day] = scope.uncheckedFromTime; } else { scope.selectedFromOption[scope.customTime[count].day] = scope.FrtimeList[scope.customTime[count].day].value; } if (scope.uncheckedToTime) { scope.selectedToOption[scope.customTime[count].day] = scope.uncheckedToTime; } else { scope.selectedToOption[scope.customTime[count].day] = scope.TotimeList[scope.customTime[count].day].value; } scope.customTime.splice(count, 1); break; } } } else { if (scope.selectedFromOption[value] === scope.uncheckedFromTime) { if (angular.isDefined(scope.validatedCustomPreselect[value])) { scope.selectedFromOption[value] = scope.validatedCustomPreselect[value].FromTime; fromtime = scope.validatedCustomPreselect[value].FromTime; scope.FrtimeList[value].value = scope.validatedCustomPreselect[value].FromTime; } else { scope.selectedFromOption[value] = scope.fromtime[0].value; fromtime = scope.fromtime[0].value; scope.FrtimeList[value].value = scope.fromtime[0].value; } } if (scope.selectedToOption[value] === scope.uncheckedToTime) { if (angular.isDefined(scope.validatedCustomPreselect[value])) { scope.selectedToOption[value] = scope.validatedCustomPreselect[value].ToTime; totime = scope.validatedCustomPreselect[value].ToTime; scope.TotimeList[value].value = scope.validatedCustomPreselect[value].ToTime; } else { scope.selectedToOption[value] = scope.totime[0].value; totime = scope.totime[0].value; scope.TotimeList[value].value = scope.totime[0].value; } } custTime["day"] = value; custTime["FromTime"] = scope.FrtimeList[value].value; custTime["ToTime"] = scope.TotimeList[value].value; for (count = 0, len = scope.customTime.length; count < len; count++) { if (scope.customTime[count].day === value) { scope.customTime[count].FromTime = custTime["FromTime"]; scope.customTime[count].ToTime = custTime["ToTime"]; break; } } if (count === len) { var x = angular.copy(custTime); scope.customTime.push(x); } } scope.selCategory = scope.customTime; }; var outsideClick = function () { if (scope.showlist) { scope.$apply(function () { scope.showlist = false; }); } }; $documentBind.click('showlist', outsideClick, scope); var outsideClickFromDropdown = function () { scope.$apply(function () { if (scope.isFromDropDownOpen) { scope.FrtimeListDay[dropDownOpenValue] = false; scope.isFromDropDownOpen = false; } }); }; $documentBind.click('isFromDropDownOpen', outsideClickFromDropdown, scope); var outsideClickToDropdown = function () { scope.$apply(function () { if (scope.isToDropDownOpen) { scope.TotimeListDay[dropDownOpenValue] = false; scope.isToDropDownOpen = false; } }); }; $documentBind.click('isToDropDownOpen', outsideClickToDropdown, scope); scope.selectOption = function (sItem) { if (sItem === hourpickerConfig.customOption) { scope.showDaysSelector = true; scope.selCategory = scope.customTime; } else { scope.showDaysSelector = false; var fromTime = /[0-9]\s?am/i.exec(sItem); var toTime = /[0-9]\s?pm/i.exec(sItem); scope.selCategory = { day: sItem, FromTime: fromTime === null ? 'NA' : fromTime[0], ToTime: toTime === null ? 'NA' : toTime[0] }; } scope.showlist = false; flag = false; scope.selectedOption = sItem; }; } }; }]) .directive('attHourpickerValidator', ['hourpickerConfig', function (hourpickerConfig) { return { restrict: 'A', require: ['attHourpicker', 'ngModel'], link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) { var attHourpickerCtrl = ctrl[0]; var ngModelCtrl = ctrl[1]; //required format [h:MM tt] like '1:10 PM' var convertTimeStrngToMilitaryFormat = function (time) { var hours = Number(time.match(/^(\d+)/)[1]); var minutes = Number(time.match(/:(\d+)/)[1]); var AMPM = (time.match(/\s(.*)$/)[1]).toUpperCase(); if (AMPM === 'PM' && hours < 12) { hours = hours + 12; } if (AMPM === 'AM' && hours === 12) { hours = hours - 12; } var sHours = hours.toString(); var sMinutes = minutes.toString(); if (hours < 10) { sHours = '0' + sHours; } if (minutes < 10) { sMinutes = '0' + sMinutes; } return parseInt(sHours + sMinutes, 10); }; var compareTimeStrings = function (fromTimeString, toTimeString) { var fromMilitaryTime = convertTimeStrngToMilitaryFormat(fromTimeString); var toMilitaryTime = convertTimeStrngToMilitaryFormat(toTimeString); return (toMilitaryTime - fromMilitaryTime); }; var validateCustomData = function (finalDataModal) { if (attHourpickerCtrl.getSelectedOption() === hourpickerConfig.customOption) { var errorDaysCount = 0; for (var item in finalDataModal) { if (finalDataModal.hasOwnProperty(item)) { if (compareTimeStrings(finalDataModal[item].FromTime, finalDataModal[item].ToTime) <= 0) { attHourpickerCtrl.setToTimeErrorDay(finalDataModal[item].day, true); errorDaysCount++; } else { attHourpickerCtrl.setToTimeErrorDay(finalDataModal[item].day, false); } } } if (errorDaysCount > 0) { //validation error ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('validationStatus', false); return []; } else { //validation successful ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('validationStatus', true); return finalDataModal; } } else { //default case no validation ngModelCtrl.$setValidity('validationStatus', true); return finalDataModal; } }; ngModelCtrl.$parsers.unshift(validateCustomData); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.iconButtons', []) .constant('buttonConfig', { activeClass: 'active--button', toggleEvent: 'click' }) .directive('attIconBtnRadio', ['buttonConfig', function(buttonConfig) { var activeClass = buttonConfig.activeClass || 'active--button'; var toggleEvent = buttonConfig.toggleEvent || 'click'; return { require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) { element.attr("tabindex","0"); element.append(""+attrs.attIconBtnRadio+""); //model -> UI ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { element.parent().toggleClass(activeClass, angular.equals(ngModelCtrl.$modelValue, attrs.attIconBtnRadio)); }; //ui->model element.parent().bind(toggleEvent, function() { if (!element.parent().hasClass(activeClass)) { scope.$apply(function() { ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(attrs.attIconBtnRadio); ngModelCtrl.$render(); }); } }); } }; }]) .directive('attIconBtnCheckbox', ['buttonConfig', function(buttonConfig) { var activeClass = buttonConfig.activeClass || 'active--button'; var toggleEvent = buttonConfig.toggleEvent || 'click'; return { require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) { element.attr("tabindex","0"); element.append(""+attrs.attIconBtnCheckbox+""); function getTrueValue() { var trueValue = scope.$eval(attrs.btnCheckboxTrue); return angular.isDefined(trueValue) ? trueValue : true; } function getFalseValue() { var falseValue = scope.$eval(attrs.btnCheckboxFalse); return angular.isDefined(falseValue) ? falseValue : false; } //model -> UI ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { element.parent().toggleClass(activeClass, angular.equals(ngModelCtrl.$modelValue, getTrueValue())); }; //ui->model element.parent().bind(toggleEvent, function() { scope.$apply(function() { ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(element.parent().hasClass(activeClass) ? getFalseValue() : getTrueValue()); ngModelCtrl.$render(); }); }); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.links', ['ngSanitize']) .directive('attLink', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, elem) { elem.addClass('link'); if(!(elem.attr('href'))){ elem.attr("tabindex", "0"); } } }; }]) .directive('attLinkVisited', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, elem) { elem.addClass('link--visited'); if(!(elem.attr('href'))){ elem.attr("tabindex", "0"); } } }; }]) .directive('attReadmore', ['$timeout',function($timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { lines:"@noOfLines", textModel: "=", //attribute to use readmore inside accordion isOpen: "=" }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/links/readMore.html', link: function(scope, elem) { var height = 1; scope.$watch('textModel', function(val){ if(!val){ scope.textToDisplay = ''; scope.readMoreLink = false; scope.readLessLink = false; scope.readFlag = false; } else{ if (typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') { String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }; } scope.textToDisplay = val.trim(); scope.readFlag = true; $timeout(function() { var readElem = elem[0].children[0].children[0]; if(height===1){ if(window.getComputedStyle){ height = parseInt(scope.lines) * parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(readElem,null).getPropertyValue("height")); } else { height = parseInt(scope.lines) * parseFloat(readElem.currentStyle.height); } scope.elemHeight = height; scope.readLinkStyle = {'height': scope.elemHeight + 'px'}; } }); scope.readMoreLink = true; scope.readLessLink = false; } }); // Code to use readmore inside accordion var parentElem = elem.parent(); if (parentElem.hasClass('att-accordion__body')) { scope.$watch('isOpen', function(val) { if (!val) { scope.readMoreLink = true; scope.readLessLink = false; scope.readLinkStyle = {'height': scope.elemHeight + 'px'}; scope.readFlag = true; } }); } scope.readMore = function() { scope.readMoreLink = false; scope.readLessLink = true; scope.readLinkStyle = {'height': 'auto'}; scope.readFlag = false; var moreLink = angular.element(elem).children().eq(1).find('a')[0]; $timeout(function() { moreLink.focus(); }); }; scope.readLess = function() { scope.readMoreLink = true; scope.readLessLink = false; scope.readLinkStyle = {'height': scope.elemHeight + 'px'}; scope.readFlag = true; var readLessLink = angular.element(elem).children().eq(0).find('a')[0]; $timeout(function() { readLessLink.focus(); }); }; } }; }]) .directive('attLinksList', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', controller: function() { }, link: function(scope, elem) { elem.addClass('links-list'); } }; }]) .directive('attLinksListItem', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', require: '^attLinksList', link: function(scope, elem) { elem.addClass('links-list__item'); if(!(elem.attr('href'))){ elem.attr("tabindex", "0"); } } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.loading', []) .directive('attLoading', ['$window',function($window) { return { restrict: 'A', replace: true, scope: { icon: '@attLoading', progressStatus: '=?', colorClass: '=?' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/loading/loading.html', link: function(scope, element) { var progressvalue = scope.progressStatus; scope.progressStatus = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, progressvalue)); if($window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8.")!==-1){ var shiftX = 0, shiftY = scope.progressStatus * 36; element.css({ 'background-position-x' : shiftX, 'background-position-y' : -shiftY }); } } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.modal', ['att.abs.utilities']) /** * A helper, internal data structure that acts as a map but also allows getting / removing * elements in the LIFO order */ .factory('$$stackedMap', function () { return { createNew: function () { var stack = []; return { add: function (key, value) { stack.push({ key: key, value: value }); }, get: function (key) { for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { if (key === stack[i].key) { return stack[i]; } } }, keys: function() { var keys = []; for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { keys.push(stack[i].key); } return keys; }, top: function () { return stack[stack.length - 1]; }, remove: function (key) { var idx = -1; for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { if (key === stack[i].key) { idx = i; break; } } return stack.splice(idx, 1)[0]; }, removeTop: function () { return stack.splice(stack.length - 1, 1)[0]; }, length: function () { return stack.length; } }; } }; }) /** * A helper directive for the $modal service. It creates a backdrop element. */ .directive('modalBackdrop', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/modal/backdrop.html', link: function (scope) { scope.animate = false; //trigger CSS transitions $timeout(function () { scope.animate = true; }); } }; }]) .directive('modalWindow', ['$modalStack','$timeout','$document', function ($modalStack,$timeout,$document) { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { index: '@', modalTitle: '@?' }, replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/modal/window.html', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { scope.windowClass = attrs.windowClass || ''; if (attrs['modalTitle'] && attrs['modalTitle']!=="") { element[0].setAttribute('aria-label', attrs['modalTitle']); element[0].removeAttribute('modal-title'); } $timeout(function () { // trigger CSS transitions scope.focusModalFlag = true; scope.animate = true; }); $document.on('focus keydown', function(e){ if (e.which ===9) { String.prototype.contains = function(it) { return this.indexOf(it) !== -1; }; if (element[0] !== e.target && !element[0].contains( e.target )) { element[0].focus(); } } }); scope.close = function (evt) { var modal = $modalStack.getTop(); if (modal && modal.value.backdrop && modal.value.backdrop != 'static' && (evt.target === evt.currentTarget)) { // Check if preventDefault exists due to lack of support for IE8 if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } else { evt.returnValue = false; } $modalStack.dismiss(modal.key, 'backdrop click'); } }; } }; }]) .factory('$modalStack', ['$document', '$compile', '$rootScope', '$$stackedMap', 'events', 'keymap', function ($document, $compile, $rootScope, $$stackedMap, events, keymap) { var OPENED_MODAL_CLASS = 'modal-open'; var backdropjqLiteEl, backdropDomEl; var backdropScope = $rootScope.$new(true); var openedWindows = $$stackedMap.createNew(); var $modalStack = {}; var modalLaunchingElement = undefined; function backdropIndex() { var topBackdropIndex = -1; var opened = openedWindows.keys(); for (var i = 0; i < opened.length; i++) { if (openedWindows.get(opened[i]).value.backdrop) { topBackdropIndex = i; } } return topBackdropIndex; } $rootScope.$watch(backdropIndex, function(newBackdropIndex){ backdropScope.index = newBackdropIndex; }); function removeModalWindow(modalInstance) { var body = $document.find('body').eq(0); var html = $document.find('html').eq(0); var modalWindow = openedWindows.get(modalInstance).value; //clean up the stack openedWindows.remove(modalInstance); ////remove window DOM element modalWindow.modalDomEl.remove(); body.toggleClass(OPENED_MODAL_CLASS, openedWindows.length() > 0); html.css({overflow: 'scroll'}); //remove backdrop if no longer needed if (backdropDomEl && backdropIndex() == -1) { backdropDomEl.remove(); backdropDomEl = undefined; } //destroy scope modalWindow.modalScope.$destroy(); // Shift focus if (angular.isDefined(modalLaunchingElement) && modalLaunchingElement != null) { modalLaunchingElement.focus(); } } $document.bind('keydown', function (evt) { var modal; if (evt.which === 27) { modal = openedWindows.top(); if (modal && modal.value.keyboard) { $rootScope.$apply(function () { $modalStack.dismiss(modal.key); }); } } else if (evt.keyCode === keymap.KEY.BACKSPACE) { var doPrevent = false; var d = evt.srcElement || evt.target; var type; if (d.type === undefined) { doPrevent = true; } else if (d.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'INPUT' && ( (type = d.type.toUpperCase()) === 'TEXT' || type === 'PASSWORD' || type === 'FILE' || type === 'SEARCH' || type === 'EMAIL' || type === 'NUMBER' || type === 'DATE' || type === 'TEL' || type === 'URL' || type === 'TIME') || d.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'TEXTAREA') { doPrevent = d.readOnly || d.disabled; } else { doPrevent = true; } if (doPrevent) { events.preventDefault(evt); } } }); $modalStack.open = function (modalInstance, modal) { openedWindows.add(modalInstance, { deferred: modal.deferred, modalScope: modal.scope, backdrop: modal.backdrop, keyboard: modal.keyboard }); //Before opening modal, find the focused element modalLaunchingElement = document.activeElement; var body = $document.find('body').eq(0); var html = $document.find('html').eq(0); if (backdropIndex() >= 0 && !backdropDomEl) { backdropjqLiteEl = angular.element('
'); backdropDomEl = $compile(backdropjqLiteEl)(backdropScope); body.append(backdropDomEl); } var angularDomEl = angular.element('
'); angularDomEl.attr('window-class', modal.windowClass); angularDomEl.attr('index', openedWindows.length() - 1); angularDomEl.attr('modal-title', modal.modalTitle); angularDomEl.html(modal.content); var modalDomEl = $compile(angularDomEl)(modal.scope); openedWindows.top().value.modalDomEl = modalDomEl; body.append(modalDomEl); body.addClass(OPENED_MODAL_CLASS); html.css({overflow: 'hidden'}); }; $modalStack.close = function (modalInstance, result) { var modal = openedWindows.get(modalInstance); if (modal) { modal.value.deferred.resolve(result); removeModalWindow(modalInstance); } }; $modalStack.dismiss = function (modalInstance, reason) { var modalWindow = openedWindows.get(modalInstance).value; if (modalWindow) { modalWindow.deferred.reject(reason); removeModalWindow(modalInstance); } }; $modalStack.getTop = function () { return openedWindows.top(); }; return $modalStack; }]) .provider('$modal', function () { var $modalProvider = { options: { //can be also false or 'static' backdrop: true, keyboard: true }, $get: ['$injector', '$rootScope', '$q', '$http', '$templateCache', '$controller', '$modalStack', function ($injector, $rootScope, $q, $http, $templateCache, $controller, $modalStack) { var $modal = {}; function getTemplatePromise(options) { return options.template ? $q.when(options.template) : $http.get(options.templateUrl, {cache: $templateCache}).then(function (result) { return result.data; }); } function getResolvePromises(resolves) { var promisesArr = []; angular.forEach(resolves, function (value) { if (angular.isFunction(value) || angular.isArray(value)) { promisesArr.push($q.when($injector.invoke(value))); } }); return promisesArr; } $modal.open = function (modalOptions) { var modalResultDeferred = $q.defer(); var modalOpenedDeferred = $q.defer(); //prepare an instance of a modal to be injected into controllers and returned to a caller var modalInstance = { result: modalResultDeferred.promise, opened: modalOpenedDeferred.promise, close: function (result) { $modalStack.close(modalInstance, result); }, dismiss: function (reason) { $modalStack.dismiss(modalInstance, reason); } }; //merge and clean up options modalOptions = angular.extend({}, $modalProvider.options, modalOptions); modalOptions.resolve = modalOptions.resolve || {}; //verify options if (!modalOptions.template && !modalOptions.templateUrl) { throw new Error('One of template or templateUrl options is required.'); } var templateAndResolvePromise = $q.all([getTemplatePromise(modalOptions)].concat(getResolvePromises(modalOptions.resolve))); templateAndResolvePromise.then(function(tplAndVars) { var modalScope = (modalOptions.scope || $rootScope).$new(); modalScope.$close = modalInstance.close; modalScope.$dismiss = modalInstance.dismiss; var ctrlInstance, ctrlLocals = {}; var resolveIter = 1; //controllers if (modalOptions.controller) { ctrlLocals.$scope = modalScope; ctrlLocals.$modalInstance = modalInstance; angular.forEach(modalOptions.resolve, function (value, key) { ctrlLocals[key] = tplAndVars[resolveIter++]; }); ctrlInstance = $controller(modalOptions.controller, ctrlLocals); } $modalStack.open(modalInstance, { scope: modalScope, deferred: modalResultDeferred, content: tplAndVars[0], backdrop: modalOptions.backdrop, keyboard: modalOptions.keyboard, windowClass: modalOptions.windowClass, modalTitle: modalOptions.modalTitle }); }, function(reason) { modalResultDeferred.reject(reason); }); templateAndResolvePromise.then(function () { modalOpenedDeferred.resolve(true); }, function () { modalOpenedDeferred.reject(false); }); return modalInstance; }; return $modal; }] }; return $modalProvider; }) .directive("simpleModal", ["$modal", function($modal) { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { simpleModal: '@', backdrop:'@', keyboard:'@', modalOk:'&', modalCancel:'&', windowClass:'@', controller:'@', modalTitle: '@?' }, link: function(scope, elm) { elm.bind('click', function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if (angular.isDefined(elm.attr("href")) && elm.attr("href") !== "") { scope.simpleModal = elm.attr("href"); } scope.backdrop === "false" ? scope.backdropclick = 'static' : scope.backdropclick = true; scope.keyboard === "false" ? scope.keyboardev = false : scope.keyboardev = true; $modal.open({ templateUrl: scope.simpleModal, backdrop:scope.backdropclick, keyboard:scope.keyboardev, windowClass:scope.windowClass, controller: scope.controller, modalTitle: scope.modalTitle }).result.then(scope.modalOk, scope.modalCancel); }); } }; }]) .directive('tabbedItem', ['$modal', '$log',function ($modal, $log){ return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, scope: { items: "=items", controller: "@", templateId:"@", modalTitle: '@?' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/modal/tabbedItem.html', controller: ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$attrs', function ($scope) { $scope.clickTab = function (index) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.items.length; i++) { if (i === index) { $scope.items[i].isTabOpen = true; $scope.items[i].showData = true; } else { $scope.items[i].isTabOpen = false; $scope.items[i].showData = false; } } var modalInstance = $modal.open({ templateUrl: $scope.templateId, controller: $scope.controller, windowClass: 'tabbedOverlay_modal', modalTitle: $scope.modalTitle, resolve: { items: function () { return $scope.items; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (selectedItem) { $scope.selected = selectedItem; }, function () { $log.info('Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); }; $scope.isActiveTab = function (index) { return $scope.items && $scope.items[index] && $scope.items[index].isTabOpen; }; }] }; }]) .directive('tabbedOverlay', [function () { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, scope: { items: "=" }, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/modal/tabbedOverlayItem.html', controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.clickTab = function (index) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.items.length; i++) { if (i === index) { $scope.items[i].isTabOpen = true; $scope.items[i].showData = true; } else { $scope.items[i].isTabOpen = false; $scope.items[i].showData = false; } } }; $scope.isActiveTab = function (index) { return $scope.items && $scope.items[index] && $scope.items[index].isTabOpen; }; }] }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.pagination', ['att.abs.utilities']) .directive('attPagination', [ function() { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { totalPages: '=', currentPage: '=', showInput: '=', clickHandler: '=?' }, replace: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/pagination/pagination.html', link: function(scope) { scope.focusedPage; scope.$watch('totalPages', function(value) { if(angular.isDefined(value) && value !== null){ scope.pages = []; if (value < 1) { scope.totalPages = 1; return; } if (value <= 7) { for (var i = 1; i <= value; i++) { scope.pages.push(i); } } else if (value > 7) { var midVal = Math.ceil(value / 2); scope.pages = [midVal - 1, midVal, midVal + 1]; } currentPageChanged(1); } }); scope.$watch('currentPage', function(value) { currentPageChanged(value); }); var callbackHandler = function(num) { if (angular.isFunction(scope.clickHandler)){ scope.clickHandler(num); } }; function currentPageChanged(value) { if (angular.isDefined(value) && value !== null) { if (!value || value < 1) { value = 1; } if (value > scope.totalPages) { value = scope.totalPages; } if(scope.currentPage !== value) { scope.currentPage = value; callbackHandler(scope.currentPage); } if (scope.totalPages > 7) { if (value < scope.pages[0] && value > 3) { scope.pages = [value, value + 1, value + 2]; } else if (value > scope.pages[2] && value < scope.totalPages - 2) { scope.pages = [value - 2, value - 1, value]; } else if (value <= 3) { scope.pages = [1, 2, 3]; } else if (value >= scope.totalPages - 2) { scope.pages = [scope.totalPages - 2, scope.totalPages - 1, scope.totalPages]; } } } } scope.next = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (scope.currentPage < scope.totalPages) { scope.currentPage += 1; callbackHandler(scope.currentPage); } }; scope.prev = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (scope.currentPage > 1) { scope.currentPage -= 1; callbackHandler(scope.currentPage); } }; scope.selectPage = function(value, event) { event.preventDefault(); scope.currentPage = value; scope.focusedPage = value; callbackHandler(scope.currentPage); }; scope.checkSelectedPage = function(value) { if(scope.currentPage === value) { return true; } return false; }; scope.isFocused = function(page) { return scope.focusedPage === page; }; } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.paneSelector',['att.abs.utilities']) .constant('paneGroupConstants',{ SIDE_WIDTH_DEFAULT: '33%', INNER_PANE_DEFAULT: '67%', SIDE_PANE_ID: 'sidePane', NO_DRILL_DOWN: 'none' }) .factory('animation', function(){ return TweenLite; }).directive('attPaneAccessibility',['keymap','$window',function(keymap,$window) { return{ restrict: 'A', require: ['^?sidePane','^?innerPane'], link: function (scope, elem,attr,ctrl) { var sidepaneCtrl = ctrl[0],innerPaneCtrl = ctrl[1],ieFlag=false; scope.ie = (function () { var undef,v = 3,div = document.createElement('div'), all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); while ( div.innerHTML = '', all[0] ); return v > 4 ? v : undef; }()); if(scope.ie === 8){ ieFlag = true; } else{ ieFlag = false; } elem.bind('keydown',function(ev){ if (keymap.isAllowedKey(ev.keyCode) || keymap.isControl(ev) || keymap.isFunctionKey(ev)) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); var el; switch (ev.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.DOWN: el = angular.element(elem[0])[0]; if(el && el.nextElementSibling){ el.nextElementSibling.focus(); } /*IE8 fix*/ if(ieFlag){ do { if (el && el.nextSibling){ el = el.nextSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'DIV'); el.focus(); } break; case keymap.KEY.UP: el = angular.element(elem[0])[0]; if(el && el.previousElementSibling){ el.previousElementSibling.focus(); } /*IE8 fix*/ if(ieFlag){ do { if (el && el.previousSibling){ el = el.previousSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'DIV'); el.focus(); } break; case keymap.KEY.RIGHT: if(angular.isDefined(sidepaneCtrl)){ el = sidepaneCtrl.getElement()[0]; } if(angular.isDefined(innerPaneCtrl)){ el = innerPaneCtrl.getElement()[0]; } do { if (el && el.nextElementSibling){ el = el.nextElementSibling; } else{ break; } }while(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue("display") === 'none'); /*IE8 fix*/ if(ieFlag){ do { if (el && el.nextSibling){ el = el.nextSibling; } else{ break; } }while ((el && el.tagName == 'DIV') && el.currentStyle['display'] == 'none'); } if (el){ el.querySelector("[att-pane-accessibility]").focus(); } break; case keymap.KEY.LEFT: if(angular.isDefined(sidepaneCtrl)){ el = sidepaneCtrl.getElement()[0]; } if(angular.isDefined(innerPaneCtrl)){ el = innerPaneCtrl.getElement()[0]; } do { if (el && el.previousElementSibling){ el = el.previousElementSibling; } else{ break; } }while (window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue("display") == 'none'); /*IE8 fix*/ if(ieFlag){ do { if (el && el.previousSibling){ el = el.previousSibling; } else{ break; } }while((el && el.tagName == 'DIV') && el.currentStyle['display'] == 'none'); } if (el){ el.querySelector("[att-pane-accessibility]").focus(); } break; default: break; } } }); } }; }]) .directive('sideRow', [function(){ return { restrict: 'A', replace:true, require: ['^sidePane','^paneGroup'], link: function(scope,element,attr,ctrls){ var sidePaneCtrl = ctrls[0]; var paneGroupCtrl = ctrls[1]; if(scope.$first){ /* Reset the sidePaneId array if a new set of ngRepeat data appeared */ sidePaneCtrl.sidePaneIds = []; } var paneId =attr['paneId']; var drillDownTo = attr['drillDownTo']; sidePaneCtrl.sidePaneRows.push({'paneId':paneId, 'drillDownTo':drillDownTo}); element.on('click', function(){ sidePaneCtrl.currentSelectedRowPaneId = paneId; paneGroupCtrl.slideOutPane(paneId,true); }); } }; }]) .controller('SidePaneCtrl',['$scope', '$element','animation', 'paneGroupConstants', function($scope,$element,animation, paneGroupConstants){ this.getElement = function(){ return $element; }; this.sidePaneTracker = {}; this.currentWidth = paneGroupConstants.SIDE_WIDTH_DEFAULT; this.paneId = paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID; this.currentSelectedRowPaneId; this.drillDownToMapper = {}; this.sidePaneRows = []; this.init = function(){ var sidePaneRows = this.sidePaneRows; if(sidePaneRows){ for(var index in sidePaneRows){ if (sidePaneRows.hasOwnProperty(index)) { var paneId = sidePaneRows[index].paneId; var drillDownTo = sidePaneRows[index].drillDownTo; this.drillDownToMapper[paneId] = drillDownTo; if(index == 0){ this.currentSelectedRowPaneId = paneId; this.sidePaneTracker[paneId] = []; } } } } }; this.getSidePanesList = function(){ return this.sidePaneTracker[this.currentSelectedRowPaneId]; }; this.addToSidePanesList = function(newPaneId){ if(this.sidePaneTracker[this.currentSelectedRowPaneId] === undefined){ this.sidePaneTracker[this.currentSelectedRowPaneId] = []; } else if(newPaneId){ this.sidePaneTracker[this.currentSelectedRowPaneId].push(newPaneId); } }; this.setWidth = function(val){ if(val){ this.currentWidth = val; } animation.set($element,{width:this.currentWidth}); }; this.resizeWidth = function(val){ if(val){ this.currentWidth = val; } animation.to($element,.5,{width:val}); }; }]) .directive('sidePane', ['paneGroupConstants', function(paneGroupConstants){ return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/paneSelector/sidePane.html', require: ['^paneGroup', 'sidePane'], controller: 'SidePaneCtrl', scope:{}, link: function(scope,element,attr, ctrls){ var paneGroupCtrl = ctrls[0]; var sidePaneCtrl = ctrls[1]; paneGroupCtrl.addPaneCtrl(paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID, sidePaneCtrl); } }; }]) .directive('drillDownRow', ['$parse', 'paneGroupConstants',function($parse,paneGroupConstants){ return { restrict: 'A', replace:true, require: ['^innerPane','^paneGroup'], link: function(scope,element,attr,ctrls){ var innerPaneCtrl = ctrls[0]; var paneGroupCtrl = ctrls[1]; element.on('click', function(){ var drillDownTo = innerPaneCtrl.drillDownTo; if(innerPaneCtrl.drillDownTo !== paneGroupConstants.NO_DRILL_DOWN){ paneGroupCtrl.slideOutPane(drillDownTo); } element[0].focus(); }); } }; }]) .controller('InnerPaneCtrl', ['$scope', '$element','animation', 'paneGroupConstants', function($scope,$element,animation,paneGroupConstants){ this.getElement = function(){ return $element; }; this.paneId = $scope.paneId; this.drillDownTo; this.currentWidth = paneGroupConstants.INNER_PANE_DEFAULT; this.setWidth = function(val){ if(val){ this.currentWidth = val; } animation.set($element,{width:this.currentWidth}); }; this.resizeWidth = function(val,callback){ animation.to($element,.25,{width:val,onComplete: callback}); }; this.displayNone = function(){ animation.set($element, {display:'none'}); }; this.displayBlock = function(){ animation.set($element,{display:'block'}); if(this){ this.hideRightBorder(); } }; this.floatLeft = function(){ animation.set($element,{float:'left'}); }; this.hideLeftBorder = function(){ animation.set($element, {borderLeftWidth: '0px'}); }; this.showLeftBorder = function(){ animation.set($element,{borderLeftWidth: '1px'}); }; this.hideRightBorder = function(){ animation.set($element,{borderRightWidth: '0px'}); }; this.showRightBorder = function(){ animation.set($element, {borderRightWidth: '1px'}); }; this.slideFromRight = function(){ animation.set($element, {float:'right'}); animation.set($element, {width: this.currentWidth}); }; this.startOpen = function(){ return $scope.startOpen; }; }]) .directive('innerPane', function(){ return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/paneSelector/innerPane.html', require: ['^paneGroup', 'innerPane'], controller: 'InnerPaneCtrl', scope:{ paneId:'@' }, link: function(scope,element,attr,ctrls){ if(attr.startOpen === ""){ scope.startOpen = true; } var paneGroupCtrl = ctrls[0]; var innerPaneCtrl = ctrls[1]; paneGroupCtrl.addPaneCtrl(scope.paneId,innerPaneCtrl); } }; }) .controller('PaneGroupCtrl', ['$scope', '$element', 'paneGroupConstants',function($scope,$element,paneGroupConstants){ this.panes = {}; this.accountLevelPaneModel = []; this.title = $scope.title; this.init = function(){ var sidePane = this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID]; if(sidePane){ sidePane.init(); //Show the other panes that may be set to startOpen //numOpen starts at 1 because of the side pane var numOpen = 1; var key; for(key in this.panes){ if(this.panes[key].startOpen && this.panes[key].startOpen()){ numOpen++; } } var width; if(numOpen >= 3){ width = ((100/numOpen)) + '%'; } if(this.panes[sidePane.currentSelectedRowPaneId]) { if(width){ sidePane.setWidth(width); this.panes[sidePane.currentSelectedRowPaneId].setWidth(width); } else{ sidePane.setWidth(); this.panes[sidePane.currentSelectedRowPaneId].setWidth(); } this.panes[sidePane.currentSelectedRowPaneId].displayBlock(); for(key in this.panes){ if(key !== paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID && key !== sidePane.currentSelectedRowPaneId){ this.panes[key].displayNone(); } this.panes[key].drillDownTo = sidePane.drillDownToMapper[key]; } } openOtherPanesOnStart(sidePane, this.panes); } function openOtherPanesOnStart(sidePane, panes){ //Build an array of the panes that need to be out var otherPanesStartOpened = []; var index; for(index in sidePane.sidePaneRows){ if (sidePane.sidePaneRows.hasOwnProperty(index)) { var pane = sidePane.sidePaneRows[index]; //Skip the first pane row since we handled it in the begining if(index > 0 && panes[pane.paneId].startOpen && panes[pane.paneId].startOpen()){ otherPanesStartOpened.push(pane); //Remember the panes that are opened for the first pane row Index sidePane.addToSidePanesList(pane.paneId); } } } if(width){ for(index in otherPanesStartOpened){ if (otherPanesStartOpened.hasOwnProperty(index)) { var paneId = otherPanesStartOpened[index].paneId; var paneCtrl = panes[paneId]; if(paneCtrl && paneCtrl.setWidth && paneCtrl.displayBlock){ paneCtrl.setWidth(width); paneCtrl.displayBlock(); } } } } } }; /* Resets all the panels to their original positions at the end of a sidebar click By setting the sideBar to its default width Setting all panes to float left and displaynone Setting the pane that was clicked to default width and slide right */ this.resetPanes = function(){ for(var key in this.panes){ if(this.panes.hasOwnProperty(key)){ var pane = this.panes[key]; if(pane && (pane.paneId !== paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID)){ pane.floatLeft(); pane.displayNone(); } } } if(this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID]){ this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].setWidth(paneGroupConstants.SIDE_WIDTH_DEFAULT); } }; this.addPaneCtrl = function(paneId,paneCtrl){ this.panes[paneId] = paneCtrl; }; this._slideOutPane = function(paneId,isFromSidePane){ this.resetPanes(); //Check current side pane stack to see how many panes are already open for that side pane choice //then add the new pane that needs to be there var panesList; if(isFromSidePane){ //Check if the side pane id has already been clicked if(this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID]){ panesList = this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].getSidePanesList(); } if(!panesList){ if(this.panes && this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID] && this.panes[paneId]){ this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].currentSelectedRowPaneId = paneId; this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].addToSidePanesList(); this.panes[paneId].slideFromRight(); this.panes[paneId].displayBlock(); this.panes[paneId].setWidth(paneGroupConstants.INNER_PANE_DEFAULT); } } else if(this.panes && this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID]){ //Restore the panes based on the panelist if(panesList.length === 0 && this.panes[paneId]){ //Only one pane is out this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].setWidth(paneGroupConstants.SIDE_WIDTH_DEFAULT); this.panes[paneId].displayBlock(); this.panes[paneId].setWidth(paneGroupConstants.INNER_PANE_DEFAULT); } else{ //Multiple panes out var numPanes = panesList.length + 2; var width = ((100/numPanes)) + '%'; this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].setWidth(width); //Set the sidePanes pane //set the panes children list if(this.panes[this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].currentSelectedRowPaneId]){ this.panes[this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].currentSelectedRowPaneId].displayBlock(); this.panes[this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].currentSelectedRowPaneId].setWidth(width); } for(var i in panesList){ if(this.panes[panesList[i]]){ this.panes[panesList[i]].displayBlock(); this.panes[panesList[i]].setWidth(width); } } } } } else{ //Have to check the paneId that was given and where it is drilling down to var isPaneInStack = false; var stackPaneList; if(this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID]){ stackPaneList = this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].getSidePanesList(); } for(var j in stackPaneList){ if(stackPaneList.hasOwnProperty(j)){ var pId = stackPaneList[j]; if(pId === paneId){ isPaneInStack = true; break; } } } if(!isPaneInStack && this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID]){ this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].addToSidePanesList(paneId); } var sidePanesListLength; if(this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID]){ sidePanesListLength = this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].getSidePanesList().length; } var numberPanes = sidePanesListLength + 2; var widthToSet = ((100/numberPanes)) + '%'; if(this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID]){ this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].setWidth(widthToSet); } var slideInPaneId; if(this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID]){ slideInPaneId = this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].getSidePanesList()[sidePanesListLength - 1]; } var that = this; if(that.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID]){ panesList = that.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].getSidePanesList(); } for(var p in panesList){ if(panesList.hasOwnProperty(p)){ var paneListPaneId = panesList[p]; var pane = this.panes[paneListPaneId]; if(paneListPaneId !== slideInPaneId && pane){ pane.setWidth(widthToSet); pane.displayBlock(); pane.floatLeft(); } } } if(this.panes[this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].currentSelectedRowPaneId]){ this.panes[this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].currentSelectedRowPaneId].displayBlock(); this.panes[this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].currentSelectedRowPaneId].showRightBorder(); this.panes[this.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].currentSelectedRowPaneId].resizeWidth(widthToSet,function(){ if(that.panes[slideInPaneId] && that.panes[that.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].currentSelectedRowPaneId]){ that.panes[that.panes[paneGroupConstants.SIDE_PANE_ID].currentSelectedRowPaneId].hideRightBorder(); that.panes[slideInPaneId].setWidth(widthToSet); that.panes[slideInPaneId].slideFromRight(); that.panes[slideInPaneId].displayBlock(); that.panes[slideInPaneId].floatLeft(); } }); } } }; this.slideOutPane = function(paneId,isFromSidePane){ this._slideOutPane(paneId,isFromSidePane); }; }]) .directive('paneGroup', ['$timeout',function($timeout){ return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/paneSelector/paneGroup.html', scope:{ }, controller: 'PaneGroupCtrl', link: function(scope,element,attr,ctrl){ $timeout(initialize,100); function initialize(){ ctrl.init(); } } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.tooltip', ['att.abs.position', 'att.abs.utilities', 'ngSanitize']) // The default options tooltip and popover. .constant('tooltipDefaultOptions', { placement: 'above', animation: false, popupDelay: 0, stylett: 'dark', appendToBody: true }) /** * The $tooltip service creates tooltip- and popover-like directives as well as * houses global options for them. */ .provider('$tooltip', ['tooltipDefaultOptions', function(tooltipDefaultOptions) { // Default hide triggers for each show trigger var triggerMap = { 'mouseenter': 'mouseleave', 'click': 'click', 'focus': 'blur', 'mouseover':'mouseout' }; // The options specified to the provider globally. var globalOptions = {}; this.options = function(value) { angular.extend(globalOptions, value); }; /** * This allows you to extend the set of trigger mappings available. E.g.: * * $tooltipProvider.setTriggers( 'openTrigger': 'closeTrigger' ); */ this.setTriggers = function(triggers) { angular.extend(triggerMap, triggers); }; /** * This is a helper function for translating camel-case to snake-case. */ function snakeCase(name) { var regexp = /[A-Z]/g; var separator = '-'; return name.replace(regexp, function(letter, pos) { return (pos ? separator : '') + letter.toLowerCase(); }); } /** * Returns the actual instance of the $tooltip service. */ this.$get = ['$window', '$compile', '$timeout', '$parse', '$document', '$position', '$interpolate', '$attElementDetach', function($window, $compile, $timeout, $parse, $document, $position, $interpolate, $attElementDetach) { return function (type, prefix, defaultTriggerShow) { var options = angular.extend({}, tooltipDefaultOptions, globalOptions); /** * Returns an object of show and hide triggers. * * If a trigger is supplied, * it is used to show the tooltip; otherwise, it will use the `trigger` * option passed to the `$tooltipProvider.options` method; else it will * default to the trigger supplied to this directive factory. * * The hide trigger is based on the show trigger. If the `trigger` option * was passed to the `$tooltipProvider.options` method, it will use the * mapped trigger from `triggerMap` or the passed trigger if the map is * undefined; otherwise, it uses the `triggerMap` value of the show * trigger; else it will just use the show trigger. */ function getTriggers(trigger) { var show = trigger || options.trigger || defaultTriggerShow; var hide = triggerMap[show] || show; return { show: show, hide: hide }; } var directiveName = snakeCase(type); var startSym = $interpolate.startSymbol(); var endSym = $interpolate.endSymbol(); return { restrict: 'EA', scope: true, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { /* Allows a developer to force element to be non-tabable */ if (!element.attr('tabindex')) { element.attr('tabindex', '0'); } var isElementHovered = false; element.bind('mouseenter', function(){ isElementHovered = true; element.removeAttr('title'); }); element.bind('mouseleave', function(){ isElementHovered = false; // setTooltipAriaLabel(); }); /* We store our attributes on our scope so any user of $tooltip service can access attributes */ scope.parentAttrs = attrs; var template = '
' + '
'; var tooltip = $compile(template)(scope); var transitionTimeout; var popupTimeout; var $body; var appendToBody = angular.isDefined(options.appendToBody) ? options.appendToBody : false; var triggers = getTriggers(undefined); var hasRegisteredTriggers = false; var hasEnableExp = angular.isDefined(attrs[prefix + 'Enable']); var tooltipOffset = 0; var tooltipAriaLabelDefined = false; // By default, the tooltip is not open. // add ability to start tooltip opened scope.tt_isOpen = false; //Adding a scope watch, to remove the created popup from DOM, incase it is updated outside the provider code. scope.$watch('tt_isOpen', function(newVal, oldVal){ if(newVal !== oldVal && !newVal){ $attElementDetach(tooltip[0]); } }); function toggleTooltipBind() { if (!scope.tt_isOpen) { showTooltipBind(); } else { hideTooltipBind(); } } // Show the tooltip with delay if specified, otherwise show it immediately function showTooltipBind() { if (hasEnableExp && !scope.$eval(attrs[prefix + 'Enable'])) { return; } if (scope.tt_popupDelay) { popupTimeout = $timeout(show, scope.tt_popupDelay); } else { scope.$apply(show); } } function hideTooltipBind() { scope.$apply(function() { hide(); }); } // Show the tooltip popup element. function show() { var position, ttWidth, ttHeight, ttPosition; // Don't show empty tooltips. if (!scope.tt_content) { return; } // If there is a pending remove transition, we must cancel it, lest the // tooltip be mysteriously removed. if (transitionTimeout) { $timeout.cancel(transitionTimeout); } // Set the initial positioning. tooltip.css({top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block', 'z-index': 9999}); // Now we add it to the DOM because need some info about it. But it's not // visible yet anyway. if (appendToBody) { $body = $body || $document.find('body'); $body.append(tooltip); } else { element.after(tooltip); } // Get the position of the directive element. position = appendToBody ? $position.offset(element) : $position.position(element); // Get the height and width of the tooltip so we can center it. ttWidth = tooltip.prop('offsetWidth'); ttHeight = tooltip.prop('offsetHeight'); // Calculate the tooltip's top and left coordinates to center it with // this directive. var ttArrowOffset = 10; switch (scope.tt_placement) { case 'right': if(appendToBody){ ttPosition = { top: position.top + position.height / 2 - ttHeight / 2, left: (position.left + position.width) + tooltipOffset }; }else{ ttPosition = { top: position.top + position.height / 2 - ttHeight / 2, left: (position.left + position.width + ttArrowOffset) + tooltipOffset }; } break; case 'below': if(appendToBody){ ttPosition = { top: (position.top + position.height) + tooltipOffset, left: position.left + position.width / 2 - ttWidth / 2 }; }else{ ttPosition = { top: (position.top + position.height + ttArrowOffset) + tooltipOffset, left: position.left + position.width / 2 - ttWidth / 2 }; } break; case 'left': if(appendToBody){ ttPosition = { top: position.top + position.height / 2 - ttHeight / 2, left: (position.left - ttWidth) - tooltipOffset }; }else{ ttPosition = { top: position.top + position.height / 2 - ttHeight / 2, left: (position.left - ttWidth - ttArrowOffset) - tooltipOffset }; } break; default: if(appendToBody){ ttPosition = { top: (position.top - ttHeight) - tooltipOffset, left: position.left + position.width / 2 - ttWidth / 2 }; }else{ ttPosition = { top: (position.top - ttHeight - ttArrowOffset) - tooltipOffset, left: position.left + position.width / 2 - ttWidth / 2 }; } break; } ttPosition.top += 'px'; ttPosition.left += 'px'; // Now set the calculated positioning. tooltip.css(ttPosition); // And show the tooltip. scope.tt_isOpen = true; } // Hide the tooltip popup element. function hide() { // First things first: we don't show it anymore. scope.tt_isOpen = false; //if tooltip is going to be shown after delay, we must cancel this $timeout.cancel(popupTimeout); // And now we remove it from the DOM. However, if we have animation, we // need to wait for it to expire beforehand. // This is a placeholder for a port of the transitions library. if (angular.isDefined(scope.tt_animation) && scope.tt_animation()) { transitionTimeout = $timeout(function() { $attElementDetach(tooltip[0]); }, 500); } else { $attElementDetach(tooltip[0]); } } function setTooltipAriaLabel() { element.removeAttr('title'); if(!isElementHovered){ if (tooltipAriaLabelDefined) { element.attr('title', scope.tooltipAriaLabel); } else { element.attr('title', scope.tt_content); } } } /** * Observe the relevant attributes. */ attrs.$observe(type, function(val) { if (val) { scope.tt_content = val; // setTooltipAriaLabel(); } else { if (scope.tt_isOpen) { hide(); } } }); attrs.$observe(prefix + 'Title', function(val) { scope.tt_title = val; }); attrs.$observe(prefix + 'Placement', function(val) { scope.tt_placement = angular.isDefined(val) ? val : options.placement; }); attrs.$observe(prefix + 'Style', function(val) { scope.tt_style = angular.isDefined(val) ? val : options.stylett; }); attrs.$observe(prefix + 'Animation', function(val) { scope.tt_animation = angular.isDefined(val) ? $parse(val) : function() { return options.animation; }; }); attrs.$observe(prefix + 'PopupDelay', function(val) { var delay = parseInt(val, 10); scope.tt_popupDelay = !isNaN(delay) ? delay : options.popupDelay; }); attrs.$observe(prefix + 'Trigger', function(val) { if (hasRegisteredTriggers) { element.unbind(triggers.show, showTooltipBind); element.unbind(triggers.hide, hideTooltipBind); } triggers = getTriggers(val); /* This fixes issue in which a click on input field with trigger as focus causes focus to fire following click thus making tooltip flash. */ if (triggers.show === 'focus') { element.bind('focus', showTooltipBind); element.bind('blur', hideTooltipBind); element.bind('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } else if (triggers.show === triggers.hide) { element.bind(triggers.show, toggleTooltipBind); } else { element.bind(triggers.show, showTooltipBind); element.bind(triggers.hide, hideTooltipBind); } hasRegisteredTriggers = true; }); attrs.$observe(prefix + 'AppendToBody', function (val) { appendToBody = angular.isDefined(val) ? $parse(val)(scope) : appendToBody; }); attrs.$observe(prefix + 'Offset', function (val) { tooltipOffset = angular.isDefined(val) ? parseInt(val, 10) : 0; }); attrs.$observe(prefix + 'AriaLabel', function (val) { if (angular.isDefined(val)) { scope.tooltipAriaLabel = val; tooltipAriaLabelDefined = true; } else { tooltipAriaLabelDefined = false; } setTooltipAriaLabel(); }); // if a tooltip is attached to we need to remove it on // location change as its parent scope will probably not be destroyed // by the change. if (appendToBody) { scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() { if (scope.tt_isOpen) { hide(); } }); } // Make sure tooltip is destroyed and removed. scope.$on('$destroy', function() { if (scope.tt_isOpen) { hide(); } else { tooltip.remove(); } }); } }; }; }]; }]) .directive('tooltipPopup', ['$document', '$documentBind', function($document, $documentBind) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: {content: '@', placement: '@', animation: '&', isOpen: '=', stylett: '@'}, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tooltip/tooltip-popup.html', link: function(scope, elem) { scope.$watch("isOpen", function() { scope.isOpen; }); elem.bind('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); var outsideClick = function() { scope.$apply(function() { scope.isOpen = false; }); }; $documentBind.event('click', 'isOpen', outsideClick, scope, true, 10); } }; }]) .directive('tooltip', ['$tooltip', function($tooltip) { return $tooltip('tooltip', 'tooltip', 'mouseenter'); }]) .directive('tooltipCondition', [ '$timeout',function($timeout) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, scope:{ tooltipCondition:"@?" }, template:'


', link: function(scope, elem, attr){ scope.showpop=false; if(attr.height==='true'){ $timeout(function () { var maxHeight=(elem[0].offsetHeight); var elemHeight=elem.children(0)[0].offsetHeight; if(elemHeight > maxHeight){ scope.showpop=true; } }); } else if(scope.tooltipCondition.length>=25){ scope.showpop=true; } } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.popOvers', ['att.abs.tooltip', 'att.abs.utilities', 'ngSanitize']) .directive('popover', ['$tooltip', function($tooltip) { return $tooltip('popover', 'popover', 'click'); }]) .directive('popoverPopup', ['$document', '$documentBind', '$timeout', 'events', 'DOMHelper', function($document, $documentBind, $timeout, events, DOMHelper) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/popOvers/popOvers.html', scope: {content: '@', placement: '@', animation: '&', isOpen: '=', stylett: '@'}, link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { scope.closeable = false; try { scope.closeable = scope.$parent.parentAttrs['closeable'] === '' ? true : false; } catch (e) {} /* Before opening modal, find the focused element */ var launchingElement = undefined, firstTabableElement = undefined; var outsideClick = function(evt) { scope.$apply(function() { scope.isOpen = false; }); }; var escKeydown = function(evt) { if (evt.which === 27 || evt.keyCode === 27) { console.log('ESC was pressed!'); scope.$apply(function() { scope.isOpen = false; }); } }; $timeout(function() { firstTabableElement = DOMHelper.firstTabableElement(elem); }, 10, false); scope.$watch('isOpen', function(value) { if (scope.isOpen) { launchingElement = document.activeElement; /* Focus on first tabbable element */ if (angular.isDefined(firstTabableElement)) { try { firstTabableElement.focus(); } catch(e) {} } } else { if (angular.isDefined(launchingElement)) { try { launchingElement.focus(); } catch (e) {} /* IE8 will throw exception */ } } }); scope.$watch("stylett", function(value) { scope.popOverStyle = value; }); scope.$watch("placement", function(value) { scope.popOverPlacement = value; }); scope.closeMe = function(){ scope.isOpen = false; }; elem.bind('click', function (e) { events.stopPropagation(e); }); $documentBind.event('click', 'isOpen', outsideClick, scope, true, 10); $documentBind.event('keydown', 'isOpen', escKeydown, scope, true, 10); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.profileCard', []) .constant('profileStatus',{ status:{ ACTIVE:{status:"Active",color:"green"}, DEACTIVATED:{status:"Deactivated",color:"red"}, LOCKED:{status:"Locked",color:"red"}, IDLE:{status:"Idle",color:"yellow"}, PENDING:{status:"Pending",color:"blue"} }, role:"COMPANY ADMINISTRATOR" }) .directive('profileCard',['$http','$q','profileStatus', function($http,$q,profileStatus) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace:'true', templateUrl:function(element, attrs){ if(!attrs.addUser){ return 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/profileCard/profileCard.html'; } else{ return 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/profileCard/addUser.html'; } }, scope:{ profile:'=' }, link: function(scope, elem, attr){ scope.image=true; function isImage(src) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var image = new Image(); image.onerror = function() { deferred.reject(false); }; image.onload = function() { deferred.resolve(true); }; if(src!==undefined && src.length>0 ){ image.src = src; }else{ deferred.reject(false); } return deferred.promise; } if(!attr.addUser){ scope.image=false; isImage(scope.profile.img).then(function(img) { scope.image=img; }); var splitName=(scope.profile.name).split(' '); scope.initials=''; for(var i=0;i'); element.attr("value",attr.attRadio); element.removeAttr("att-radio"); element.removeAttr("title"); element.attr("ng-model","radioVal"); parentDiv.append(element.prop('outerHTML')); parentDiv.append('
'); parentDiv.attr("title", attr.title); var elm = parentDiv.prop('outerHTML'); elm = $compile(elm)(scope); element = element.replaceWith(elm); var radioElm = elm.find("input"); radioElm.on('focus', function() { elm.css("outline","2px solid #5E9ED6"); // elm.css("outline","-mos-focus-ring-color auto 5px"); elm.css("outline","-webkit-focus-ring-color auto 5px"); }); radioElm.on('blur', function() { elm.css("outline","none"); }); ngCtrl.$render = function () { scope.radioVal = ngCtrl.$modelValue; var selected = angular.equals(ngCtrl.$modelValue, attr.attRadio); elm.toggleClass(attRadioConfig.activeClass, selected); }; scope.updateModel = function () { radioElm[0].focus(); var isActive = elm.hasClass(attRadioConfig.activeClass); if (!isActive && !scope.disabled) { ngCtrl.$setViewValue(isActive ? null : attr.attRadio); ngCtrl.$render(); } }; attr.$observe('disabled', function (val) { scope.disabled = (val || val === "disabled" || val === "true"); if (scope.disabled){ elm.addClass(attRadioConfig.disabledClass); elm.attr("tabindex", "-1"); }else { elm.removeClass(attRadioConfig.disabledClass); elm.attr("tabindex", "0"); } }); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.scrollbar', ['att.abs.position']) .constant('attScrollbarConstant', { defaults: { // Vertical or horizontal scrollbar? ( x || y ). axis: 'y', // Whether navigation pane is required of not. navigation: false, // Enable or disable the mousewheel. wheel: true, // How many pixels must the mouswheel scroll at a time. wheelSpeed: 40, // Lock default scrolling window when there is no more content. wheelLock: true, //// Enable invert style scrolling scrollInvert: false, // Set the size of the scrollbar to auto or a fixed number. trackSize: false, // Set the size of the thumb to auto or a fixed number. thumbSize: false, // Set to false to hide the scrollbar if not being used alwaysVisible: true } }) .directive('attScrollbar', ['$window', '$timeout', '$parse', '$animate', 'attScrollbarConstant', '$position', function ($window, $timeout, $parse, $animate, attScrollbarConstant, $position) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/scrollbar/scrollbar.html', controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', function ($scope, $element, $attrs) { var defaults = { axis: $attrs.attScrollbar || attScrollbarConstant.defaults.axis, navigation: $attrs.navigation || attScrollbarConstant.defaults.navigation, wheel: attScrollbarConstant.defaults.wheel, wheelSpeed: attScrollbarConstant.defaults.wheelSpeed, wheelLock: attScrollbarConstant.defaults.wheelLock, scrollInvert: attScrollbarConstant.defaults.scrollInvert, trackSize: attScrollbarConstant.defaults.trackSize, thumbSize: attScrollbarConstant.defaults.thumbSize, alwaysVisible: attScrollbarConstant.defaults.alwaysVisible }; var options = $attrs.scrollbar; if (options) { options = $parse(options)($scope); } else { options = {}; } this.options = angular.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; var self = this, $body = angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('body')[0]), $document = angular.element(document), $viewport = angular.element($element[0].querySelectorAll('.scroll-viewport')[0]), $overview = angular.element($element[0].querySelectorAll('.scroll-overview')[0]), $scrollbar = angular.element($element[0].querySelectorAll('.scroll-bar')[0]), $thumb = angular.element($element[0].querySelectorAll('.scroll-thumb')[0]), mousePosition = 0, isHorizontal = this.options.axis === 'x', hasTouchEvents = false, // Modern browsers support "wheel" wheelEvent = ("onwheel" in document ? "wheel" : // Webkit and IE support at least "mousewheel" document.onmousewheel !== undefined ? "mousewheel" : // let's assume that remaining browsers are older Firefox "DOMMouseScroll"), sizeLabel = isHorizontal ? 'width' : 'height', sizeLabelCap = sizeLabel.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + sizeLabel.slice(1).toLowerCase(), posiLabel = isHorizontal ? 'left' : 'top', // moveEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'), restoreVisibilityAfterWheel, thumbscrolltouch = false, documnetscrolltouch = false; if (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) { hasTouchEvents = true; } //moveEvent.initEvent('move', true, true); this.contentPosition = 0; this.viewportSize = 0; this.contentSize = 0; this.contentRatio = 0; this.trackSize = 0; this.trackRatio = 0; this.thumbSize = 0; this.thumbPosition = 0; this.initialize = function () { if (!this.options.alwaysVisible) { $scrollbar.css('opacity', 0); } self.update(); setEvents(); return self; }; this.setSizeData = function () { this.viewportSize = $viewport.prop('offset' + sizeLabelCap) || 1; this.contentSize = $overview.prop('scroll' + sizeLabelCap) || 1; this.contentRatio = this.viewportSize / this.contentSize; this.trackSize = this.options.trackSize || this.viewportSize; this.thumbSize = Math.min(this.trackSize, Math.max(0, (this.options.thumbSize || (this.trackSize * this.contentRatio)))); this.trackRatio = this.options.thumbSize ? (this.contentSize - this.viewportSize) / (this.trackSize - this.thumbSize) : (this.contentSize / this.trackSize); }; this.update = function (scrollTo) { self.setSizeData(); mousePosition = $scrollbar.prop('offsetTop'); $scrollbar.toggleClass('disable', this.contentRatio >= 1 || isNaN(this.contentRatio)); if (!this.options.alwaysVisible && this.contentRatio < 1 && this.viewportSize > 0) { //flash the scrollbar when update happens $animate.addClass($scrollbar, 'visible').then(function () { $animate.removeClass($scrollbar, 'visible'); $scope.$digest(); }); } if (scrollTo !== null) { if (scrollTo === 'bottom') { this.contentPosition = this.contentSize - this.viewportSize; } else { this.contentPosition = parseInt(scrollTo, 10) || 0; } } ensureContentPosition(); $thumb.css(posiLabel, self.contentPosition / self.trackRatio + 'px'); $scrollbar.css(sizeLabel, self.trackSize + 'px'); $thumb.css(sizeLabel, self.thumbSize + 'px'); $overview.css(posiLabel, -self.contentPosition + 'px'); return this; }; fireEvent = function (obj, evt) { var fireOnThis = obj; var evtObj; if (document.createEvent) { // alert("FF"); evtObj = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evtObj.initEvent(evt, true, false); fireOnThis.dispatchEvent(evtObj); } else if (document.createEventObject) { // alert("IE8"); evtObj = document.createEventObject(); fireOnThis.fireEvent('on' + evt, evtObj); } }; function ensureContentPosition() { // if scrollbar is on, ensure the bottom of the content does not go above the bottom of the viewport if (self.contentRatio <= 1 && self.contentPosition > self.contentSize - self.viewportSize) { self.contentPosition = self.contentSize - self.viewportSize; } // if scrollbar is off, ensure the top of the content does not go below the top of the viewport else if (self.contentRatio > 1 && self.contentPosition > 0) { self.contentPosition = 0; } if (self.contentPosition <= 0) { $scope.prevAvailable = false; } else { $scope.prevAvailable = true; } if (self.contentPosition >= (self.contentSize - self.viewportSize)) { $scope.nextAvailable = false; } else { $scope.nextAvailable = true; } } function setEvents() { if (hasTouchEvents) { $viewport.on('touchstart', touchstart); $thumb.on('touchstart', touchstart); } else { $thumb.on('mousedown', start); $scrollbar.on('mousedown', drag); } angular.element($window).on('resize', resize); if (self.options.wheel) { $element.on(wheelEvent, wheel); } } function resize() { self.update(); } function touchstart(event) { if (1 === event.touches.length) { event.stopPropagation(); start(event.touches[0]); } } function start(event) { $body.addClass('scroll-no-select'); $element.addClass('scroll-no-select'); if (!self.options.alwaysVisible) { $scrollbar.addClass('visible'); } mousePosition = isHorizontal ? event.clientX : event.clientY; self.thumbPosition = parseInt($thumb.css(posiLabel), 10) || 0; if (hasTouchEvents) { documnetscrolltouch = false; thumbscrolltouch = false; $viewport.on('touchmove', touchdrag); $viewport.on('touchend', end); $thumb.on('touchmove', touchdragthumb); $thumb.on('touchend', end); } else { $document.on('mousemove', drag); $document.on('mouseup', end); $thumb.on('mouseup', end); } } function wheel(event) { if (self.contentRatio >= 1) { return; } if (!self.options.alwaysVisible) { //cancel removing visibility if wheel event is triggered before the timeout if (restoreVisibilityAfterWheel) { $timeout.cancel(restoreVisibilityAfterWheel); } $scrollbar.addClass('visible'); restoreVisibilityAfterWheel = $timeout(function () { $scrollbar.removeClass('visible'); }, 100); } var evntObj = (event && event.originalEvent) || event || $window.event, deltaDir = self.options.axis.toUpperCase(), delta = { X: evntObj.deltaX || 0, Y: evntObj.deltaY || 0 }, wheelSpeed = evntObj.deltaMode === 0 ? self.options.wheelSpeed : 1; if (self.options.scrollInvert) { wheelSpeed *= -1; } if (wheelEvent === 'mousewheel') { delta.Y = -1 * evntObj.wheelDelta / 40; if (evntObj.wheelDeltaX) { delta.X = -1 * evntObj.wheelDeltaX / 40; } } delta.X *= -1 / wheelSpeed; delta.Y *= -1 / wheelSpeed; var wheelSpeedDelta = delta[deltaDir]; self.contentPosition -= wheelSpeedDelta * self.options.wheelSpeed; self.contentPosition = Math.min((self.contentSize - self.viewportSize), Math.max(0, self.contentPosition)); fireEvent($element[0], 'move'); ensureContentPosition(); $thumb.css(posiLabel, self.contentPosition / self.trackRatio + 'px'); $overview.css(posiLabel, -self.contentPosition + 'px'); if (self.options.wheelLock || (self.contentPosition !== (self.contentSize - self.viewportSize) && self.contentPosition !== 0)) { evntObj.preventDefault(); } $scope.$apply(); } function touchdrag(event) { event.preventDefault(); documnetscrolltouch = true; drag(event.touches[0]); } function touchdragthumb(event) { event.preventDefault(); thumbscrolltouch = true; drag(event.touches[0]); } function drag(event) { if (self.contentRatio >= 1) { return; } var mousePositionNew = isHorizontal ? event.clientX : event.clientY, thumbPositionDelta = mousePositionNew - mousePosition; if ((self.options.scrollInvert && !hasTouchEvents) || (hasTouchEvents && !self.options.scrollInvert)) { thumbPositionDelta = mousePosition - mousePositionNew; } if (documnetscrolltouch && hasTouchEvents) { thumbPositionDelta = mousePosition - mousePositionNew; } if (thumbscrolltouch && hasTouchEvents) { thumbPositionDelta = mousePositionNew - mousePosition; } var thumbPositionNew = Math.min((self.trackSize - self.thumbSize), Math.max(0, self.thumbPosition + thumbPositionDelta)); self.contentPosition = thumbPositionNew * self.trackRatio; fireEvent($element[0], 'move'); ensureContentPosition(); $thumb.css(posiLabel, thumbPositionNew + 'px'); $overview.css(posiLabel, -self.contentPosition + 'px'); $scope.$apply(); } $scope.customScroll = function (direction) { if (self.contentRatio >= 1) { return; } var customScrollDelta; var viewportDimension = $position.position($viewport); if (isHorizontal) { customScrollDelta = viewportDimension.width; } else { customScrollDelta = viewportDimension.height; } if (direction) { self.contentPosition += customScrollDelta; } else { self.contentPosition -= customScrollDelta; } self.contentPosition = Math.min((self.contentSize - self.viewportSize), Math.max(0, self.contentPosition)); fireEvent($element[0], 'move'); ensureContentPosition(); $thumb.css(posiLabel, self.contentPosition / self.trackRatio + 'px'); $overview.css(posiLabel, -self.contentPosition + 'px'); }; function end() { $body.removeClass('scroll-no-select'); $element.removeClass('scroll-no-select'); if (!self.options.alwaysVisible) { $scrollbar.removeClass('visible'); } $document.off('mousemove', drag); $document.off('mouseup', end); $thumb.off('mouseup', end); $document.off('touchmove', touchdrag); $document.off('ontouchend', end); $thumb.off('touchmove', touchdragthumb); $thumb.off('touchend', end); } this.cleanup = function () { $viewport.off('touchstart', touchstart); $thumb.off('mousedown', start); $scrollbar.off('mousedown', drag); $thumb.off('touchmove', touchdragthumb); $thumb.off('touchend', end); angular.element($window).off('resize', resize); $element.off(wheelEvent, wheel); //ensure scrollbar isn't activated self.options.alwaysVisible = true; end(); }; }], link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller) { scope.navigation = controller.options.navigation; scope.viewportHeight = iAttrs.viewportHeight; scope.viewportWidth = iAttrs.viewportWidth; scope.scrollbarAxis = controller.options.axis; if (scope.scrollbarAxis === 'x') { iElement.addClass('horizontal'); } else if (scope.scrollbarAxis === 'y') { iElement.addClass('vertical'); } var position = iElement.css('position'); if (position !== 'relative' && position !== 'absolute') { iElement.css('position', 'relative'); } scope.$watch(function () { $timeout(refreshScrollbar, 100, false); }); var refreshScrollbar = function () { var $overview = angular.element(iElement[0].querySelectorAll('.scroll-overview')[0]); var newValue = $overview.prop('scrollHeight'); var oldValue = scope.oldValue; if (newValue !== oldValue) { scope.oldValue = newValue; controller.update(); } }; controller.initialize(); iElement.on('$destroy', function () { controller.cleanup(); }); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.search', ['att.abs.utilities', 'att.abs.position', 'att.abs.utilities']) .directive('attSearch', ['$document', '$filter', '$isElement', '$documentBind', '$timeout', '$log', 'keymap', function($document, $filter, $isElement, $documentBind, $timeout, $log, keymap){ return{ restrict: 'A', scope:{cName: '=attSearch'}, transclude: false, replace: false, require:'ngModel', templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/search/search.html', link: function(scope, element, attr, ctrl) { scope.selectedIndex = -1; scope.selectedOption = attr.placeholder; scope.isDisabled = false; scope.className = "select2-match"; scope.showSearch = false; scope.showlist = false; // This is used to jump to elements in list var search = ''; // This is used to ensure searches only persist so many ms. var prevSearchDate = new Date(); // This is used to shift focus back after closing dropdown var dropdownElement = undefined; // Used to ensure focus on dropdown elements var list = []; $timeout(function() { list = element.find('li'); }, 10); $log.warn('attSearch is deprecated, please use attSelect instead. This component will be removed by version 2.7.') //scope.noFilter = true; if (attr.noFilter || attr.noFilter === 'true') { scope.noFilter = true; } else { scope.noFilter = false; } if (attr.placeholderAsOption === 'false') { //scope.selectMsg = ''; scope.selectedOption = attr.placeholder; } else { scope.selectMsg = attr.placeholder; } if (attr.startsWithFilter || attr.startsWithFilter === 'true') { scope.startsWithFilter = true; } if (attr.showInputFilter === 'true') { scope.showSearch = false; $log.warn('showInputFilter functionality has been removed from the library.'); // This is deprecated } if (attr.disabled) { scope.isDisabled = true; } dropdownElement = angular.element(element).children().eq(0).find('a')[0]; var prevIndex = 0; var selectOptionFromSearch = function() { if (!scope.noFilter) { return; } // Find next element that matches search criteria. // If no element is found, loop to beginning and search. var criteria = search; var i = 0; for (i = prevIndex; i < scope.cName.length; i++) { // Need to ensure we keep searching until all startsWith have passed before looping if (scope.cName[i].title.startsWith(criteria) && i !== scope.selectedIndex) { scope.selectOption(scope.cName[i], i, scope.showlist); prevIndex = i; search = ''; break; } } if ((i >= scope.cName.length || !scope.cName[i+1].title.startsWith(criteria)) && prevIndex > 0) { prevIndex = 0; } }; scope.showDropdown = function() { if (!(attr.disabled)) { scope.showlist = !scope.showlist; scope.setSelectTop(); } }; element.bind('keydown', function(e) { if (keymap.isAllowedKey(e.keyCode) || keymap.isControl(e) || keymap.isFunctionKey(e)) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); switch (e.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.DOWN: scope.selectNext(); break; case keymap.KEY.UP: scope.selectPrev(); search = ''; break; case keymap.KEY.ENTER: scope.selectCurrent(); search = ''; break; case keymap.KEY.BACKSPACE: scope.title = ''; search = ''; scope.$apply(); break; case keymap.KEY.SPACE: if (!scope.noFilter) { scope.title += ' '; } scope.$apply(); break; case keymap.KEY.ESC: if (scope.title === '' || scope.title === undefined) { scope.showlist = false; dropdownElement.focus(); scope.$apply(); } else { scope.title = ''; scope.$apply(); } if (scope.noFilter) { search = ''; dropdownElement.focus(); scope.showlist = false; } break; default: break; } } else { if (e.keyCode !== 9) { if (!scope.noFilter) { scope.showlist = true; scope.title = scope.title ? scope.title + String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode) : String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); } else { var date = new Date(); var delta = Math.abs(prevSearchDate.getMilliseconds() - date.getMilliseconds()); prevSearchDate = date; if (delta > 100) { search = ''; } search = search ? search + String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode) : String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); if (search.length > 2) { search = search.substring(0, 2); } selectOptionFromSearch(); } scope.$apply(); } else if (e.keyCode === 9) { scope.showlist = false; scope.title = ''; scope.$apply(); } } }); scope.selectOption = function(sTitle, sIndex, keepOpen) { if (sIndex === -1 || sIndex === '-1') { scope.selCategory = ''; scope.selectedIndex = -1; ctrl.$setViewValue(''); if(attr.placeholderAsOption !== 'false') { scope.selectedOption = scope.selectMsg; } } else { scope.selCategory = scope.cName[sIndex]; scope.selectedIndex = sIndex; ctrl.$setViewValue(scope.selCategory); scope.selectedOption = scope.selCategory.title; if (angular.isDefined(list[sIndex])) { list[sIndex].focus(); } } scope.title = ''; if (!keepOpen) { scope.showlist = false; dropdownElement.focus(); } scope.$apply(); }; scope.selectCurrent = function() { if (scope.showlist) { scope.selectOption(scope.selectMsg, scope.selectedIndex, false); scope.$apply(); } else { scope.showlist = true; scope.setSelectTop(); scope.$apply(); } }; scope.hoverIn = function(cItem) { scope.selectedIndex = cItem; scope.focusme(); }; scope.setSelectTop = function() { $timeout(function() { if (scope.showlist && !scope.noFilter) { var containerUL = angular.element(element)[0].querySelector(".select2-results"); if(angular.element(containerUL.querySelector('.select2-result-current'))[0]) { var selectedElemTopPos = angular.element(containerUL.querySelector('.select2-result-current'))[0].offsetTop; } angular.element(containerUL)[0].scrollTop = selectedElemTopPos; } }); }; scope.setCurrentTop = function() { $timeout(function() { if (scope.showlist) { var containerUL = angular.element(element)[0].querySelector(".select2-results"); if(angular.element(containerUL.querySelector('.hovstyle'))[0]) { var selectedElemTopPos = angular.element(containerUL.querySelector('.hovstyle'))[0].offsetTop; } if (selectedElemTopPos < (angular.element(containerUL)[0].scrollTop)) { angular.element(containerUL)[0].scrollTop -= 30; } else if ((selectedElemTopPos + 30) > (angular.element(containerUL)[0].clientHeight)) { angular.element(containerUL)[0].scrollTop += 30; } } }); }; scope.selectNext = function() { if ((scope.selectedIndex + 1) <= (scope.cName.length - 1)) { scope.selectedIndex += 1; if (!scope.showlist) { scope.selectOption(scope.selectMsg, scope.selectedIndex, false); } scope.focusme(); scope.$apply(); } scope.setCurrentTop(); }; scope.selectPrev = function() { if ((scope.selectedIndex - 1) >= 0) { scope.selectedIndex -= 1; if (!scope.showlist) { scope.selectOption(scope.selectMsg, scope.selectedIndex, false); } scope.focusme(); scope.$apply(); } else if (scope.selectedIndex - 1 < 0) { // If placeholderAsOption is true or undefined (default), ensure we can select it on up key. if (attr.placeholderAsOption === undefined || attr.placeholderAsOption === 'true') { scope.selectedIndex = -1; } else { scope.selectedIndex = 0; } if (!scope.showlist) { scope.selectOption(scope.selectMsg, scope.selectedIndex, false); } scope.focusme(); scope.$apply(); } scope.setCurrentTop(); }; scope.updateSelection = function(sItem) { scope.selectedOption = sItem.title; scope.title = ""; }; scope.focusme = function() { $timeout(function() { var list = angular.element(element).find('ul').find('li'); var index = scope.selectedIndex + 2; if (scope.noFilter) { index = scope.selectedIndex; } if (angular.isDefined(list[index])) { list[index].focus(); } }); }; scope.$watch('selCategory', function(value) { if (value) { scope.updateSelection(value); }; }); ctrl.$viewChangeListeners.push(function() { scope.$eval(attr.ngChange); }); ctrl.$render = function() { scope.selCategory = ctrl.$viewValue; }; var outsideClick = function(e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), element, $document); if (!isElement) { scope.showlist = false; dropdownElement.focus(); scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('showlist', outsideClick, scope); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.select', ['att.abs.utilities', 'att.abs.position', 'att.abs.utilities']) .directive('attSelect', ["$document", "$filter", "$isElement", '$documentBind', '$timeout', 'keymap', '$log', function($document, $filter, $isElement, $documentBind, $timeout, keymap, $log) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { cName: '=attSelect' }, transclude: false, replace: false, require: 'ngModel', templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/select/select.html', link: function(scope, element, attr, ctrl) { scope.selectedIndex = -1; scope.selectedOption = attr.placeholder; scope.isDisabled = false; scope.className = "select2-match"; scope.showSearch = false; scope.showlist = false; scope.titleName = attr.titlename; scope.$watch('ngModel', function() { // console.log('sv:', ctrl.$modelValue); }); // This is used to jump to elements in list var search = ''; // This is used to ensure searches only persist so many ms. var prevSearchDate = new Date(); // This is used to shift focus back after closing dropdown var dropdownElement = undefined; // Used to ensure focus on dropdown elements var list = []; $timeout(function() { list = element.find('li'); }, 10); //scope.noFilter = true; if (attr.noFilter || attr.noFilter === 'true') { scope.noFilter = true; } else { scope.noFilter = false; } if (attr.placeholderAsOption === 'false') { scope.selectedOption = attr.placeholder; } else { scope.selectMsg = attr.placeholder; } if (attr.startsWithFilter || attr.startsWithFilter === 'true') { scope.startsWithFilter = true; } if (attr.showInputFilter === 'true') { scope.showSearch = false; /* This is deprecated */ $log.warn('showInputFilter functionality has been removed from the library.'); } if (attr.disabled) { scope.isDisabled = true; } var getFilterType = function() { if (scope.startsWithFilter) { return 'startsWith'; } else { return 'filter'; } }; dropdownElement = angular.element(element).children().eq(0).find('span')[0]; var prevIndex = 0; var selectOptionFromSearch = function() { if (!scope.noFilter) { return; } // Find next element that matches search criteria. // If no element is found, loop to beginning and search. var criteria = search; var i = 0; for (i = prevIndex; i < scope.cName.length; i++) { // Need to ensure we keep searching until all startsWith have passed before looping if (scope.cName[i].title.startsWith(criteria) && i !== scope.selectedIndex) { scope.selectOption(scope.cName[i], i, scope.showlist); prevIndex = i; search = ''; break; } } if ((i >= scope.cName.length || !scope.cName[i+1].title.startsWith(criteria)) && prevIndex > 0) { prevIndex = 0; } }; scope.showDropdown = function() { if (!(attr.disabled)) { scope.showlist = !scope.showlist; scope.setSelectTop(); /* Ensure selected element is focused upon opening dropdown */ scope.focusme(); } }; element.bind('keydown', function(e) { if (keymap.isAllowedKey(e.keyCode) || keymap.isControl(e) || keymap.isFunctionKey(e)) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); switch (e.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.DOWN: scope.selectNext(); break; case keymap.KEY.UP: scope.selectPrev(); search = ''; break; case keymap.KEY.ENTER: scope.selectCurrent(); search = ''; break; case keymap.KEY.BACKSPACE: scope.title = ''; search = ''; scope.$apply(); break; case keymap.KEY.SPACE: if (!scope.noFilter) { scope.title += ' '; } scope.$apply(); break; case keymap.KEY.ESC: if (scope.title === '' || scope.title === undefined) { scope.showlist = false; dropdownElement.focus(); scope.$apply(); } else { scope.title = ''; scope.$apply(); } if (scope.noFilter) { search = ''; dropdownElement.focus(); scope.showlist = false; } break; default: break; } } else { if (e.keyCode !== keymap.KEY.TAB) { if (!scope.noFilter) { scope.showlist = true; scope.title = scope.title ? scope.title + String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode) : String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); /* Perform index correction */ if (scope.title != '') { var filteredArray = $filter(getFilterType())(scope.cName, scope.title); for (var i = 0; i < filteredArray.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < scope.cName.length; j++) { if (!angular.isDefined(scope.cName[scope.selectedIndex])) { break; } if (filteredArray[i]['title'] === scope.cName[scope.selectedIndex]['title']) { scope.selectedIndex = i; scope.focusme(); break; } } } } } else { var date = new Date(); var delta = Math.abs(prevSearchDate.getMilliseconds() - date.getMilliseconds()); prevSearchDate = date; if (delta > 100) { search = ''; } search = search ? search + String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode) : String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); if (search.length > 2) { search = search.substring(0, 2); } selectOptionFromSearch(); } scope.$apply(); } else if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB) { scope.showlist = false; scope.title = ''; scope.$apply(); } } }); scope.selectOption = function(sTitle, sIndex, keepOpen) { if (sIndex === -1 || sIndex === '-1') { scope.selCategory = ''; scope.selectedIndex = -1; ctrl.$setViewValue(''); if(attr.placeholderAsOption !== 'false') { scope.selectedOption = scope.selectMsg; } } else { /* Apply filter here to remap the selected index and shift focus*/ if (scope.title != '') { var filteredArray = $filter(getFilterType())(scope.cName, scope.title); if (angular.isDefined(filteredArray) && angular.isDefined(filteredArray[sIndex])) { for (var i = 0; i < scope.cName.length; i++) { if (filteredArray[sIndex]['title'] === scope.cName[i]['title']) { sIndex = i; break; } } } } scope.selCategory = scope.cName[sIndex]; scope.selectedIndex = sIndex; ctrl.$setViewValue(scope.selCategory); scope.selectedOption = scope.selCategory.title; ctrl.$render(); $timeout(function(){ if (angular.isDefined(list[sIndex])) { try{ list[index].focus(); } catch (e) {} /* IE8 will throw exception if display:none or not in DOM */ } }); } scope.title = ''; if (!keepOpen) { scope.showlist = false; dropdownElement.focus(); } }; scope.selectCurrent = function() { if (scope.showlist) { scope.selectOption(scope.selectMsg,scope.selectedIndex,false); } else { scope.showlist = true; scope.setSelectTop(); } scope.$apply(); }; scope.hoverIn = function(cItem) { scope.selectedIndex = cItem; scope.focusme(); }; scope.setSelectTop = function() { $timeout(function() { if (scope.showlist && !scope.noFilter) { var containerUL = angular.element(element)[0].querySelector(".select2-results"); if(angular.element(containerUL.querySelector('.select2-result-current'))[0]) { var selectedElemTopPos = angular.element(containerUL.querySelector('.select2-result-current'))[0].offsetTop; } angular.element(containerUL)[0].scrollTop = selectedElemTopPos; } }); }; scope.setCurrentTop = function() { $timeout(function() { if (scope.showlist) { var containerUL = angular.element(element)[0].querySelector(".select2-results"); if(angular.element(containerUL.querySelector('.hovstyle'))[0]) { var selectedElemTopPos = angular.element(containerUL.querySelector('.hovstyle'))[0].offsetTop; } if (selectedElemTopPos < (angular.element(containerUL)[0].scrollTop)) { angular.element(containerUL)[0].scrollTop -= 30; } else if ((selectedElemTopPos + 30) > (angular.element(containerUL)[0].clientHeight)) { angular.element(containerUL)[0].scrollTop += 30; } } }); }; scope.selectNext = function() { var length = scope.cName.length; if ((scope.selectedIndex + 1) <= (scope.cName.length - 1)) { scope.selectedIndex += 1; var nextDisabled = scope.cName[scope.selectedIndex].disabled; if (nextDisabled) { scope.selectedIndex += 1; } if (!scope.showlist) { scope.selectOption(scope.selectMsg, scope.selectedIndex,false); } scope.focusme(); scope.$apply(); } scope.setCurrentTop(); }; scope.selectPrev = function() { if ((scope.selectedIndex - 1) >= 0) { scope.selectedIndex -= 1; var prevDisabled = scope.cName[scope.selectedIndex].disabled; if (prevDisabled) { scope.selectedIndex -= 1; } if (!scope.showlist) { scope.selectOption(scope.selectMsg, scope.selectedIndex,false); } scope.focusme(); scope.$apply(); } else if (scope.selectedIndex - 1 < 0) { // If placeholderAsOption is true or undefined (default), ensure we can select it on up key. if (attr.placeholderAsOption === undefined || attr.placeholderAsOption === 'true') { if(attr.placeholder === undefined ){ scope.selectedIndex = 0; } else{ scope.selectedIndex = -1; } } else { scope.selectedIndex = 0; } if (!scope.showlist) { scope.selectOption(scope.selectMsg, scope.selectedIndex,false); } scope.focusme(); scope.$apply(); } scope.setCurrentTop(); }; scope.updateSelection = function(sItem) { scope.selectedOption = sItem.title; scope.title = ''; if (sItem.index < 0) { scope.selectOption(scope.selectMsg, sItem.index, scope.showlist); } }; scope.focusme = function() { $timeout(function() { var list = angular.element(element).find('ul').find('li'); var index = scope.selectedIndex + 2; if (scope.noFilter) { index = scope.selectedIndex; } if (angular.isDefined(list[index])) { try { list[index].focus(); } catch (e) {} /* IE8 will throw exception if display:none or not in DOM */ } }); }; scope.$watch('selCategory', function(value) { if (value) { scope.updateSelection(value); }; }); ctrl.$viewChangeListeners.push(function() { scope.$eval(attr.ngChange); }); ctrl.$render = function() { scope.selCategory = ctrl.$viewValue; }; var outsideClick = function(e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), element, $document); if (!isElement) { scope.showlist = false; dropdownElement.focus(); scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('showlist', outsideClick, scope); } }; }]) .directive('textDropdown', ['$document', '$isElement', '$documentBind', "keymap", function($document, $isElement, $documentBind, keymap) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, scope: { actions: '=actions', defaultAction: '=defaultAction', onActionClicked: '=?' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/select/textDropdown.html', link: function(scope, element, attr) { scope.selectedIndex = 0; scope.selectedOption = attr.placeholder; scope.isDisabled = false; scope.isActionsShown = false; var dropdownElement = undefined; if (attr.disabled) { scope.isDisabled = true; } dropdownElement = element.find('div')[0]; // Set default Action if (!angular.isDefined(scope.defaultAction)) { scope.currentAction = scope.actions[0]; scope.selectedIndex = 0; } else if (angular.isDefined(scope.defaultAction) || scope.defaultAction !== '') { for (var act in scope.actions) { if (scope.actions[act] === scope.defaultAction) { scope.currentAction = scope.actions[act]; scope.selectedIndex = scope.actions.indexOf(act); scope.isActionsShown = false; break; } } } else { scope.currentAction = scope.actions[0]; } scope.toggle = function() { scope.isActionsShown = !scope.isActionsShown; }; scope.chooseAction = function($event, action, $index) { if ($event != null) { scope.currentAction = action; scope.selectedIndex = $index; } else { scope.currentAction = scope.actions[scope.selectedIndex]; } if (angular.isFunction(scope.onActionClicked)) { scope.onActionClicked(scope.currentAction); } scope.toggle(); }; scope.isCurrentAction = function(action) { return (action === scope.currentAction); }; element.bind("keydown", function(e) { if (keymap.isAllowedKey(e.keyCode) || keymap.isControl(e) || keymap.isFunctionKey(e)) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); switch (e.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.DOWN: scope.selectNext(); break; case keymap.KEY.UP: scope.selectPrev(); break; case keymap.KEY.ENTER: scope.selectCurrent(); break; case keymap.KEY.ESC: scope.isActionsShown = false; dropdownElement.focus(); scope.$apply(); break; default: break; } scope.$apply(); return; } else if (e.keyCode === keymap.KEY.TAB) { scope.isActionsShown = false; scope.$apply(); } }); scope.selectCurrent = function() { if (scope.selectedIndex < 0) { scope.selectedIndex = 0; } if (!scope.isActionsShown) { scope.toggle(); } else { scope.chooseAction(null, scope.currentAction); } }; scope.selectNext = function() { if (scope.isActionsShown) { if ((scope.selectedIndex + 1) < scope.actions.length) { scope.selectedIndex += 1; } else { scope.selectedIndex = (scope.actions.length - 1); } scope.$apply(); } }; scope.selectPrev = function() { if (scope.isActionsShown) { if ((scope.selectedIndex - 1) >= 0) { scope.selectedIndex -= 1; } else if (scope.selectedIndex - 1 < 0) { scope.selectedIndex = 0; } scope.$apply(); } }; scope.hoverIn = function(cItem) { scope.selectedIndex = cItem; }; //end cato var outsideClick = function(e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), element, $document); if (!isElement) { scope.toggle(); scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('isActionsShown', outsideClick, scope); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.slider', ['att.abs.position']) .constant('sliderDefaultOptions', { width: 300, step: 1, precision: 0, disabledWidth: 116 }) .directive('attSlider', ['sliderDefaultOptions','$position','$document', function(sliderDefaultOptions,$position,$document) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { floor: "=", ceiling: "=", step: "@", precision: "@", width: "@", textDisplay: "=", value: "=", ngModelSingle: '=?', ngModelLow: '=?', ngModelHigh: '=?', ngModelDisabled: '=?' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/slider/slider.html', link: function(scope, elem, attr) { var minOffset, maxOffset, newOffset, newOffset1, newOffset2, offsetRange, valueRange, start_x = 0, disabledRange, disabled, evFlag = false, minValue, maxValue, range, refLow, refHigh, maxPtr, minPtr, singlePtr, getHandles; scope.minPtrOffset = 0; scope.maxPtrOffset = 0; var disableWidth = sliderDefaultOptions.disabledWidth; //Get handles var obj = elem.children(); disabledRange = obj[0].children; disabledRange = angular.element(disabledRange[0]); getHandles = obj[1].children; singlePtr = angular.element(getHandles[0]); minPtr = angular.element(getHandles[1]); maxPtr = angular.element(getHandles[2]); disabled = ((attr.ngModelSingle == null) && (attr.ngModelLow == null) && (attr.ngModelHigh == null)) && (attr.ngModelDisabled != null); range = (attr.ngModelSingle == null) && ((attr.ngModelLow != null) && (attr.ngModelHigh != null)); refLow = 'ngModelLow'; refHigh = 'ngModelHigh'; if (!range) { minPtr.remove(); maxPtr.remove(); } else { singlePtr.remove(); } if (!disabled) { disabledRange.remove(); } else { scope.disabledStyle = {width: disableWidth + 'px', zIndex: 1}; scope.handleStyle = {left: disableWidth + 'px'}; } minValue = parseFloat(scope.floor); maxValue = parseFloat(scope.ceiling); valueRange = maxValue - minValue; minOffset = 0; if (attr.width !== undefined) { maxOffset = attr.width; } else { if (elem[0].clientWidth !== 0) { maxOffset = elem[0].clientWidth; } else { maxOffset = sliderDefaultOptions.width; } } offsetRange = maxOffset - minOffset; //Key Down Event scope.keyDown = function(ev){ if(ev.keyCode === 39){ var elemLeft = $position.position(elem).left; if (newOffset){ if(scope.ref === "ngModelLow"){ newOffset1 = sliderDefaultOptions.step + newOffset1; newOffset = newOffset1; } else if(scope.ref === "ngModelHigh"){ newOffset2 = sliderDefaultOptions.step + newOffset2; newOffset = newOffset2; } else{newOffset = sliderDefaultOptions.step + newOffset;} } else { if(range &&scope.ref === "ngModelLow"){ return; } else { newOffset = sliderDefaultOptions.step + elemLeft; newOffset1 = newOffset2 = newOffset; } } } else if(ev.keyCode === 37){ var ptrLeft = $position.position(singlePtr).left; if(newOffset){ if (!(newOffset<=0)){ if(scope.ref === "ngModelLow"){ newOffset1 = newOffset1 - sliderDefaultOptions.step; newOffset = newOffset1; } else if(scope.ref === "ngModelHigh"){ newOffset2 = newOffset2 - sliderDefaultOptions.step; newOffset = newOffset2; } else { newOffset = newOffset - sliderDefaultOptions.step; newOffset1 = newOffset2 = newOffset; } } } else { newOffset = ptrLeft - sliderDefaultOptions.step; } } if(newOffset>=0){ scope.ptrOffset(newOffset); } }; //Mouse Down Event scope.mouseDown = function(e, ref) { scope.ref = ref; evFlag = true; if (!range){ if (newOffset) { start_x = e.clientX - newOffset; } else { start_x = e.clientX; } } else { if (scope.ref === refLow) { start_x = e.clientX - scope.minPtrOffset; } else { start_x = e.clientX - scope.maxPtrOffset; } } if (disabled) { scope.ref= 'ngModelDisabled'; scope.disabledStyle = {width: disableWidth + 'px', zIndex: 1}; } }; // Mouse Move Event scope.moveElem = function(ev) { if (evFlag) { var eventX; eventX = ev.clientX; newOffset = eventX - start_x; scope.ptrOffset(newOffset); } }; scope.focus=function(ev,ref){ console.log(ref); scope.ref=ref; } // Mouse Up Event scope.mouseUp = function(ev) { evFlag = false; minPtr.removeClass('dragging'); maxPtr.removeClass('dragging'); singlePtr.removeClass('dragging'); $document.off('mousemove'); }; // key Up Event scope.keyUp = function(ev) { evFlag = false; minPtr.removeClass('dragging'); maxPtr.removeClass('dragging'); singlePtr.removeClass('dragging'); $document.off('mousemove'); }; //Function to calculate the current PositionValue scope.calStep = function(value, precision, step, floor) { var decimals, remainder, roundedValue, steppedValue; if (floor === null) { floor = 0; } if (step === null) { step = 1 / Math.pow(10, precision); } remainder = (value - floor) % step; steppedValue = remainder > (step / 2) ? value + step - remainder : value - remainder; decimals = Math.pow(10, precision); roundedValue = steppedValue * decimals / decimals; return roundedValue.toFixed(precision); }; //Function to calculate Offset Percent scope.percentOffset = function(offset) { return ((offset - minOffset) / offsetRange) * 100; }; //Function to calculate Offset position scope.ptrOffset = function(newOffset){ var newPercent, newValue; newOffset = Math.max(Math.min(newOffset, maxOffset), minOffset); newPercent = scope.percentOffset(newOffset); newValue = minValue + (valueRange * newPercent / 100.0); if (range) { var rangeSliderWidth; if (scope.ref === refLow) { scope.minHandleStyle = {left: newOffset + "px"}; scope.minNewVal = newValue; scope.minPtrOffset = newOffset; minPtr.addClass('dragging'); if (newValue > scope.maxNewVal) { scope.ref = refHigh; maxPtr[0].focus(); scope.maxNewVal = newValue; scope.maxPtrOffset = newOffset; maxPtr.addClass('dragging'); minPtr.removeClass('dragging'); scope.maxHandleStyle = {left: newOffset + "px"}; } } else { scope.maxHandleStyle = {left: newOffset + "px"}; scope.maxNewVal = newValue; scope.maxPtrOffset = newOffset; maxPtr.addClass('dragging'); if (newValue < scope.minNewVal) { scope.ref = refLow; minPtr[0].focus(); scope.minVal = newValue; scope.minPtrOffset = newOffset; minPtr.addClass('dragging'); maxPtr.removeClass('dragging'); scope.minHandleStyle = {left: newOffset + "px"}; } } rangeSliderWidth = parseInt(scope.maxPtrOffset) - parseInt(scope.minPtrOffset); scope.rangeStyle = {width: rangeSliderWidth + "px", left: scope.minPtrOffset + "px"}; } else { if (disabled && newOffset > disableWidth) { scope.rangeStyle = {width: newOffset + "px", zIndex: 0}; } else { singlePtr.addClass('dragging'); scope.rangeStyle = {width: newOffset + "px"}; } scope.handleStyle = {left: newOffset + "px"}; } if ((scope.precision === undefined) || (scope.step === undefined)) { scope.precision = sliderDefaultOptions.precision; scope.step = sliderDefaultOptions.step; } newValue = scope.calStep(newValue, parseInt(scope.precision), parseFloat(scope.step), parseFloat(scope.floor)); scope[scope.ref] = newValue; }; } }; } ]).directive('attSliderMin',[function() { return{ require: '^attSlider', restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/slider/minContent.html' }; } ]).directive('attSliderMax',[function() { return{ require: '^attSlider', restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/slider/maxContent.html' }; } ]); angular.module('att.abs.splitButtonDropdown', ['att.abs.utilities','att.abs.position']) .directive('attButtonDropdown', ['$document', '$parse', '$documentBind', '$timeout','$isElement', function ($document, $parse, $documentBind, $timeout,$isElement) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/splitButtonDropdown/splitButtonDropdown.html', scope: { btnText: "@", btnType: "@", btnLink: "@", btnClick: "&", toggleTitle:"@", }, controller: ['$scope', '$element', function ($scope, $element) { this.cSelected = 0; this.closeAndFocusDropdown = function () { if ($scope.isDropDownOpen) { $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.isDropDownOpen = false; angular.element($element[0].querySelector('a.dropdown-toggle'))[0].focus(); }); } }; this.focusNext = function () { this.cSelected = this.cSelected + 1 >= this.childScopes.length ?($scope.cycleSelection === true ? 0 : this.childScopes.length-1): this.cSelected +1; this.childScopes[this.cSelected].sFlag = true; this.resetFlag(this.cSelected); }; this.focusPrev = function () { this.cSelected = this.cSelected -1 < 0 ? ($scope.cycleSelection === true ? this.childScopes.length-1 : 0) : this.cSelected - 1 ; this.childScopes[this.cSelected].sFlag = true; this.resetFlag(this.cSelected); }; this.childScopes = []; this.registerScope = function(childScope) { this.childScopes.push(childScope); }; this.resetFlag = function(index){ for(var i=0; i < this.childScopes.length; i++) { if(i !== index) { this.childScopes[i].sFlag = false; } } }; }], link: function (scope, element, attr) { scope.isSmall = attr.small === "" ? true : false; scope.multiselect = attr.multiselect === ""? true : false; scope.cycleSelection = attr.cycleSelection === "" ? true : false; scope.isDropDownOpen = false; scope.isActionDropdown = false; if (!(scope.btnText)) { scope.isActionDropdown = true; } scope.clickFxn = function () { if (typeof scope.btnClick === "function" && !scope.btnLink) { scope.btnClick = $parse(scope.btnClick); scope.btnClick(); } if(scope.multiselect === true) { scope.isDropDownOpen = false; } }; scope.toggleDropdown = function () { if (!(scope.btnType === 'disabled')) { scope.isDropDownOpen = !scope.isDropDownOpen; if (scope.isDropDownOpen) { $timeout(function () { angular.element(element[0].querySelector('li'))[0].focus(); }); } } }; scope.btnTypeSelector = function (directiveValue, attrValue) { if (directiveValue !== "") { scope.btnTypeFinal = directiveValue; } else { scope.btnTypeFinal = attrValue; } }; var outsideClick = function(e) { var isElement = $isElement(angular.element(e.target), element.find('ul').eq(0), $document); if (!isElement) { scope.isDropDownOpen = false; scope.$apply(); } }; $documentBind.click('isDropDownOpen', outsideClick, scope); attr.$observe('btnType', function (val) { scope.btnType = val; }); attr.$observe('attButtonDropdown', function (val) { attr.attButtonDropdown = val; scope.btnTypeSelector(attr.attButtonDropdown, scope.btnType); }); } }; }]) .directive('attButtonDropdownItem', ['$location','keymap', function ($location,keymap) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: ['^attButtonDropdown','?ngModel'], replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl:'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/splitButtonDropdown/splitButtonDropdownItem.html', scope: { itemLink: "@" }, link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) { var rootLink = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('a')); scope.sFlag = false; ctrl[0].registerScope(scope); var clickOnLink = function () { if (scope.itemLinkFinal) { $location.url(scope.itemLinkFinal); } }; if(ctrl[1]){ scope.isSelected = ctrl[1].$viewValue; }else{ scope.isSelected = false; } element.bind('keydown', function(e) { if (keymap.isAllowedKey(e.keyCode) || keymap.isControl(e) || keymap.isFunctionKey(e)) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); switch (e.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.DOWN: ctrl[0].focusNext(); break; case keymap.KEY.UP: ctrl[0].focusPrev(); break; case keymap.KEY.ENTER: scope.selectItem(); break; case keymap.KEY.ESC: ctrl[0].closeAndFocusDropdown(); break; default: break; } } scope.$apply(); }); scope.selectItem = function() { if(ctrl[1]){ scope.$evalAsync(function(){ctrl[1].$setViewValue(!ctrl[1].$viewValue)}); } }; } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.splitIconButton', ['att.abs.utilities']) .constant('iconStateConstants', { MIDDLE: 'middle', LEFT: 'left', RIGHT: 'right', NEXT_TO_DROPDOWN:'next-to-dropdown', LEFT_NEXT_TO_DROPDOWN:'left-next-to-dropdown', DIR_TYPE: { LEFT: 'left', RIGHT: 'right', BUTTON: 'button' }, SPLIT_ICON_BTN_EVENT_EMITTER_KEY: 'splitIconButtonTap' }) .directive('expandableLine', [function(){ return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, priority: 300, require: ['^attSplitIconButton', 'expandableLine'], controller: ['$scope', function($scope){ $scope.isActive = false; this.setActiveState = function(isActive){ $scope.isActive = isActive; }; this.isActive = $scope.isActive; this.dirType = $scope.dirType; }], template: '
', scope:{ dirType: '@' }, link: function(scope,element,attr,ctrls) { var attSplitIconButtonCtrl = ctrls[0]; var expandableLineCtrl = ctrls[1]; attSplitIconButtonCtrl.addSubCtrl(expandableLineCtrl); } }; }]) .controller('AttSplitIconCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope){ this.setType = function(type){ $scope.type = type; }; this.isDropdown = function(isDropdown){ $scope.isDropdown = isDropdown; }; this.dropDownClicked = function(){ if($scope.dropDownClicked) { $scope.dropDownClicked(); } }; this.dirType = $scope.dirType; }]) .directive('attSplitIcon', ['$document', '$timeout','iconStateConstants','$documentBind','events', 'keymap', function($document,$timeout,iconStateConstants,$documentBind, events, keymap){ return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, priority: 200, transclude: true, require: ['^attSplitIconButton','attSplitIcon'], templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/splitIconButton/splitIcon.html', scope:{ icon: '@', iconTitle: '@title', hoverWatch: '=', dropDownWatch: '=', dirType: '@' }, controller:'AttSplitIconCtrl', link: function(scope,element,attr,ctrls){ var attSplitIconButtonCtrl = ctrls[0]; var attSplitIconCtrl = ctrls[1]; attSplitIconButtonCtrl.addSubCtrl(attSplitIconCtrl); scope.iconStateConstants = iconStateConstants; var currentIndex = 0; var isMyElement = false; var listElements; scope.isDropdown = false; scope.isDropdownOpen = false; var outsideClick = function(e) { if(scope.isDropdown){ if (isMyElement) { isMyElement = false; scope.toggleDropdown(); } else{ scope.toggleDropdown(false); } scope.$apply(); } }; if(attr.dropDownId && attr.dropDownId !== ''){ scope.dropDownId = attr.dropDownId; scope.isDropdown = true; } scope.$on(iconStateConstants.SPLIT_ICON_BTN_EVENT_EMITTER_KEY, function(evnt, data){ if(typeof data === 'boolean' && data) { scope.dropDownClicked(); /* Check if the dropdown is open and if we are selecting one of the items, so that when pressing enter it will trigger it. */ if(scope.isDropDownOpen) { listElements[currentIndex].eq(0).find('a')[0].click(); } } else { var e = data; //Only trigger the keyboard event if the icon button is a dropdown type if(scope.isDropdown) { triggerKeyboardEvents(e); } } function triggerKeyboardEvents(e) { switch(e.which) { case (keymap.KEY.TAB): scope.toggleDropdown(false); scope.$digest(); break; case (keymap.KEY.ESC): outsideClick(); break; case (keymap.KEY.ENTER): if (scope.isDropDownOpen) { listElementsInit(); } break; case (keymap.KEY.UP): e.preventDefault(); events.stopPropagation(e); if(scope.isDropDownOpen) { scope.previousItemInDropdown(); } break; case (keymap.KEY.DOWN): e.preventDefault(); events.stopPropagation(e); //Dropdown is open and the user taps down again if(scope.isDropDownOpen) { //Now we need to go through the rows in the dropdown scope.nextItemInDropdown(); } else { isMyElement = true; outsideClick(); listElementsInit(); } break; default: break; } } function listElementsInit() { if(listElements === undefined) { listElements = []; var liTemps = element.find('li'); for(var i = 0; i < liTemps.length; i++) { listElements.push(liTemps.eq(i)); } listElements[currentIndex].children().eq(0).addClass('selected-item'); } } }); scope.nextItemInDropdown = function(){ if(listElements && currentIndex < listElements.length - 1){ currentIndex++; listElements[currentIndex - 1].children().eq(0).removeClass('selected-item'); listElements[currentIndex].children().eq(0).addClass('selected-item'); } }; scope.previousItemInDropdown = function(){ if(currentIndex > 0) { currentIndex--; listElements[currentIndex].children().eq(0).addClass('selected-item'); if(currentIndex + 1 < listElements.length) listElements[currentIndex + 1].children().eq(0).removeClass('selected-item'); } }; scope.$watch('isIconHovered', function(val) { scope.hoverWatch = val; }); scope.$watch('type', function(val) { function toggleValues(isMiddle,isNextToDropDown,isRight,isLeft,isLeftNextDropdown){ scope['isMiddle'] = isMiddle; scope['isNextToDropDown'] = isNextToDropDown; scope['isRight'] = isRight; scope['isLeft'] = isLeft; scope['isLeftNextDropdown'] = isLeftNextDropdown; }; switch(val) { case (scope.iconStateConstants.MIDDLE): toggleValues(true,false,false,true,false); break; case (scope.iconStateConstants.LEFT): toggleValues(false,false,false,true,false); break; case (scope.iconStateConstants.RIGHT): toggleValues(false,false,true,false,false); break; case (scope.iconStateConstants.NEXT_TO_DROPDOWN): toggleValues(false,true,true,true,false); break; case (scope.iconStateConstants.LEFT_NEXT_TO_DROPDOWN): toggleValues(false,false,false,true,true); break; default: break; } }); scope.dropDownClicked = function() { isMyElement = true; }; scope.toggleDropdown = function(val) { if(val !== undefined) { scope.isDropDownOpen = val; } else { scope.isDropDownOpen = !scope.isDropDownOpen; } scope.dropDownWatch = scope.isDropDownOpen; }; $documentBind.click('isDropdown', outsideClick, scope); } }; }]) .controller('AttSplitIconButtonCtrl',['$scope', 'iconStateConstants',function($scope,iconStateConstants){ this.subCtrls = []; $scope.isLeftLineShown=true; $scope.isRightLineShown=true; $scope.childrenScopes = []; var that = this; function getDirIndex(dirType) { var index = -1; for(var c in that.subCtrls) { var ctrl = that.subCtrls[c]; if(ctrl.dirType === dirType) { index = c; break; } } return index; } this.addSubCtrl = function(sub) { this.subCtrls.push(sub); }; this.isLeftLineShown = function(isShown) { if(isShown === undefined) { return $scope.isLeftLineShown; } else { $scope.isLeftLineShown = isShown; } }; this.isRightLineShown = function(isShown) { if(isShown === undefined) { return $scope.isRightLineShown; } else { $scope.isRightLineShown = isShown; } }; this.setLeftLineHover = function(isHovered) { var leftLineIndex = getDirIndex(iconStateConstants.DIR_TYPE.LEFT); if($scope.isLeftLineShown && this.subCtrls[leftLineIndex] && this.subCtrls[leftLineIndex].setActiveState) { this.subCtrls[leftLineIndex].setActiveState(isHovered); } }; this.setRightLineHover = function(isHovered) { var rightLineIndex = getDirIndex(iconStateConstants.DIR_TYPE.RIGHT); if($scope.isRightLineShown && this.subCtrls[rightLineIndex] && this.subCtrls[rightLineIndex].setActiveState){ this.subCtrls[rightLineIndex].setActiveState(isHovered); } }; this.toggleLines = function(isHovered, buttonGroupCtrl, buttonCtrl, isDropDownOpen) { var subIconButtons = buttonGroupCtrl.subIconButtons; var subIconButtonsLength = subIconButtons.length; var leftLineIndex = getDirIndex(iconStateConstants.DIR_TYPE.LEFT); var rightLineIndex = getDirIndex(iconStateConstants.DIR_TYPE.RIGHT); function noVerticalLineToggle() { for(var i =0; i < subIconButtonsLength; i++) { if(subIconButtons[i] === buttonCtrl) { if(i + 1 <= subIconButtonsLength - 1 && subIconButtons[i+1].isLeftLineShown() && subIconButtons[i+1].subCtrls[leftLineIndex] && subIconButtons[i+1].subCtrls[leftLineIndex].setActiveState) { subIconButtons[i+1].subCtrls[leftLineIndex].setActiveState(isHovered); } if(i - 1 >= 0 && subIconButtons[i-1].isRightLineShown() && subIconButtons[i-1].subCtrls[rightLineIndex] && subIconButtons[i-1].subCtrls[rightLineIndex].setActiveState) { subIconButtons[i-1].subCtrls[rightLineIndex].setActiveState(isHovered); } break; } } } if(isDropDownOpen) { /* If the button is next to the dropdown button then just keep the buttons left line or its left neighbors right line toggled on If the button is the dropdown button don't do anything else do things normally witht the button */ /*if(subIconButtons[subIconButtonsLength-1] === buttonCtrl) { } else */ if(subIconButtons[subIconButtonsLength-2]==buttonCtrl) { if(subIconButtons[subIconButtonsLength-2].isLeftLineShown()) { subIconButtons[subIconButtonsLength-2].subCtrls[leftLineIndex].setActiveState(isHovered); } else if(subIconButtonsLength - 3 >= 0) { if(subIconButtons[subIconButtonsLength-3].isRightLineShown()) { subIconButtons[subIconButtonsLength-3].subCtrls[rightLineIndex].setActiveState(isHovered); } } } else { noVerticalLineToggle(); if($scope.isLeftLineShown) { this.subCtrls[leftLineIndex].setActiveState(isHovered); } if($scope.isRightLineShown) { this.subCtrls[rightLineIndex].setActiveState(isHovered); } } } else { // End of if(isDropDownOpen) //Handle Special cases where they aren't showing any vertical lines //and the dropdown isn't down if(!$scope.isLeftLineShown && !$scope.isRightLineShown) { noVerticalLineToggle(); } if($scope.isLeftLineShown && this.subCtrls[leftLineIndex].setActiveState) { this.subCtrls[leftLineIndex].setActiveState(isHovered); } if($scope.isRightLineShown && this.subCtrls[rightLineIndex].setActiveState){ this.subCtrls[rightLineIndex].setActiveState(isHovered); } } }; this.setButtonType = function(type){ var buttonIndex = getDirIndex(iconStateConstants.DIR_TYPE.BUTTON); if(this.subCtrls[buttonIndex] && this.subCtrls[buttonIndex].setType) { this.subCtrls[buttonIndex].setType(type); } }; }]) .directive('attSplitIconButton', ['$document', 'iconStateConstants', 'keymap', function($document, iconStateConstants, keymap){ return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, priority: 100, transclude: true, require: ['^attSplitIconButtonGroup', 'attSplitIconButton'], controller: 'AttSplitIconButtonCtrl', templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/splitIconButton/splitIconButton.html', scope:{ icon: '@', title: '@', dropDownId: '@' }, link: function(scope,element,attr,ctrls) { if(!scope.title) { scope.title = scope.icon; } var attSplitButtonGroupCtrl = ctrls[0]; var attSplitIconButtonCtrl = ctrls[1]; attSplitButtonGroupCtrl.addIconButton(attSplitIconButtonCtrl); element.bind('keydown', function(e){ //Check if the key is the up or down key if(e.which === keymap.KEY.ESC || e.which === keymap.KEY.DOWN || e.which === keymap.KEY.ENTER || e.which === keymap.KEY.UP || e.which === keymap.KEY.TAB ) { scope.clickHandler(); scope.$broadcast(iconStateConstants.SPLIT_ICON_BTN_EVENT_EMITTER_KEY, e); } }); scope.dropDownWatch = false; scope.iconStateConstants = iconStateConstants; scope.clickHandler = function() { attSplitButtonGroupCtrl.hideLeftLineRightButton(attSplitIconButtonCtrl); }; scope.$watch('isHovered', function(val){ if(val) { attSplitIconButtonCtrl.toggleLines(val,attSplitButtonGroupCtrl,attSplitIconButtonCtrl,attSplitButtonGroupCtrl.isDropDownOpen); } else{ attSplitIconButtonCtrl.toggleLines(val,attSplitButtonGroupCtrl,attSplitIconButtonCtrl,attSplitButtonGroupCtrl.isDropDownOpen); } }); scope.$watch('dropDownWatch', function(val) { attSplitButtonGroupCtrl.isDropDownOpen = val; attSplitButtonGroupCtrl.toggleDropdownState(val); }); } } }]) .controller('AttSplitIconButtonGroupCtrl', ['$scope','iconStateConstants',function($scope,iconStateConstants){ this.subIconButtons = []; this.addIconButton = function(iconButton){ this.subIconButtons.push(iconButton); }; this.isDropDownOpen = false; this.hideLeftLineRightButton = function(btn){ var numButtons = this.subIconButtons.length; var buttonLeftOfRightMost = this.subIconButtons[numButtons - 2]; var rightMostButton = this.subIconButtons[numButtons -1]; if (btn != buttonLeftOfRightMost && btn != rightMostButton ){ rightMostButton.setLeftLineHover(false); } }; this.toggleDropdownState = function(isDropDownOpen){ var numButtons = this.subIconButtons.length; if(numButtons > 2) { if(isDropDownOpen) { if(this.subIconButtons[numButtons - 2].isRightLineShown()) { this.subIconButtons[numButtons - 2].setRightLineHover(true); } else { this.subIconButtons[numButtons - 1].setLeftLineHover(true); } this.subIconButtons[numButtons - 2].setButtonType(iconStateConstants.NEXT_TO_DROPDOWN); } else { this.subIconButtons[numButtons - 1].setLeftLineHover(false); this.subIconButtons[numButtons - 2].setButtonType(iconStateConstants.MIDDLE); } } else { if(isDropDownOpen) { this.subIconButtons[0].setRightLineHover(true); this.subIconButtons[0].setButtonType(iconStateConstants.LEFT_NEXT_TO_DROPDOWN); } else { this.subIconButtons[0].setButtonType(iconStateConstants.LEFT); } } }; }]) .directive('attSplitIconButtonGroup', ['$document', '$timeout', 'iconStateConstants' ,function($document,$timeout,iconStateConstants){ return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, priority: 50, transclude: true, require: 'attSplitIconButtonGroup', controller: 'AttSplitIconButtonGroupCtrl', templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/splitIconButton/splitIconButtonGroup.html', scope:{}, link: function(scope,element,attr,ctrls){ $timeout(initialize,100); function initialize(){ var subIconButtonCtrls = ctrls.subIconButtons; var leftMostButtonIndex = 0; var rightMostButtonIndex =subIconButtonCtrls.length-1; //left most button config subIconButtonCtrls[leftMostButtonIndex].setButtonType(iconStateConstants.LEFT); subIconButtonCtrls[leftMostButtonIndex].isLeftLineShown(false); subIconButtonCtrls[leftMostButtonIndex].isRightLineShown(true); //right most button config subIconButtonCtrls[rightMostButtonIndex].setButtonType(iconStateConstants.RIGHT); subIconButtonCtrls[rightMostButtonIndex].isRightLineShown(false); subIconButtonCtrls[rightMostButtonIndex].isLeftLineShown(false); //middle buttons config if(rightMostButtonIndex >= 2) { var index = 1; while(index < rightMostButtonIndex) { subIconButtonCtrls[index].setButtonType(iconStateConstants.MIDDLE); subIconButtonCtrls[index].isRightLineShown(false); subIconButtonCtrls[index].isLeftLineShown(false); index++; } var skipIndex = 2; while(skipIndex <= rightMostButtonIndex){ if(skipIndex == rightMostButtonIndex) { subIconButtonCtrls[skipIndex].isLeftLineShown(true); } else { subIconButtonCtrls[skipIndex].isRightLineShown(true); subIconButtonCtrls[skipIndex].isLeftLineShown(true); } skipIndex = skipIndex + 2; } } //reposition the dropdown var ulElem = element.find('ul'); if(ulElem.length > 0) { var numButtons = rightMostButtonIndex+1; if(numButtons > 2) { var offset = (numButtons)*34-70+(numButtons/1.5) + 0.5; var offSetStr = offset+'px'; angular.element(ulElem).css('left',offSetStr); angular.element(ulElem).css('border-top-left-radius','0px'); } else { angular.element(ulElem).css('left','0px'); } } } } } }]); angular.module('att.abs.stepSlider', ['att.abs.position']) .constant('sliderConstants', { /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Valéry */ SLIDER: { settings: { from: 1, to: 40, step: 1, smooth: true, limits: true, value: "3", dimension: "", vertical: false }, className: "jslider", selector: ".jslider-" }, EVENTS: { }, COLORS: { GREEN: 'green', BLUE_HIGHLIGHT: 'blue', MAGENTA: 'magenta', GOLD: 'gold', PURPLE: 'purple', DARK_BLUE: 'dark-blue', REGULAR: 'regular', WHITE: 'white' } }) .factory('utils', function () { /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Valéry */ return { offset: function (elm) { var rawDom = elm[0]; var _x = 0; var _y = 0; var body = document.documentElement || document.body; var scrollX = window.pageXOffset || body.scrollLeft; var scrollY = window.pageYOffset || body.scrollTop; _x = rawDom.getBoundingClientRect().left + scrollX; _y = rawDom.getBoundingClientRect().top + scrollY; return {left: _x, top: _y}; }, roundUpToScale: function (mousePrc, scale, cutOffWidth, cutOffIndex) { var lowerVal; var higherVal; var newMousePrc; var middle; for (var index = 1; index < scale.length; index++) { lowerVal = scale[index - 1]; higherVal = scale[index]; middle = ((higherVal - lowerVal) * .5) + lowerVal; /* Handles a situation where the user clicks close to the start point of the slider but the pointer doesn't move */ if ((lowerVal === 0 && mousePrc <= middle) || checkEquality(lowerVal, mousePrc)) { newMousePrc = lowerVal; break; } else if (lowerVal < mousePrc && (mousePrc < higherVal || checkEquality(mousePrc, higherVal))) { newMousePrc = higherVal; break; } } //Check if the newMousePrc is <= the cuttOffPoint if (cutOffWidth && newMousePrc < cutOffWidth) { return scale[cutOffIndex]; } else { return newMousePrc; } /* Checks to see if 2 points are so close that they are basically equal. */ function checkEquality(point1, point2) { var precision = 0.1; if (Math.abs(point2 - point1) <= precision) { return true; } return false; } }, valueForDifferentScale: function (from, to, prc, prcToValueMapper) { var decimalPrc = prc / 100; if (decimalPrc === 0) { return from; } return prcToValueMapper[prc]; }, /* converts the default value Kbps to Mbps or Gbps */ convertToMbpsGbps: function (unitValue, unitLabel, configDecimalPlaces) { var defaultDecimalPlaces = 3; /* this is the default decimal places as per business requirements */ if (configDecimalPlaces) { defaultDecimalPlaces = configDecimalPlaces; } if ((unitValue > 1024 && unitValue < 1000000) && angular.equals(unitLabel, 'Kbps')) { unitValue = truncator((unitValue/1000), defaultDecimalPlaces); unitLabel = 'Mbps'; } else if ((unitValue > 1024 && unitValue < 1000000) && angular.equals(unitLabel, 'Mbps')){ unitValue = truncator((unitValue/1000), defaultDecimalPlaces); unitLabel = 'Mbps'; } else if (unitValue <= 1024 && angular.equals(unitLabel, 'Mbps')) { unitLabel = 'Kbps'; } else { unitLabel = 'Kbps'; } if (unitValue >= 1000000 && angular.equals(unitLabel, 'Kbps')) { unitValue = truncator((unitValue/1000000), defaultDecimalPlaces); unitLabel = 'Gbps'; } return { unitValue: unitValue, unitLabel: unitLabel }; function truncator(numToTruncate, intDecimalPlaces) { var cnvrtdNum = Math.pow(10, intDecimalPlaces); return ~~(numToTruncate * cnvrtdNum)/cnvrtdNum; } }, getConversionFactorValue: function (value, conversion, firstDimension) { /* Loop through the conversion array and keep checking the startVal */ if (value <= conversion[0].startVal) { return{ scaledVal: value, scaledDimension: firstDimension }; } var endIndex = 0; for (var index in conversion) { var c = conversion[index]; if (value > c.startVal) { endIndex = index; } } var scaleFactor = conversion[endIndex].scaleFactor; var scaledVal = value / scaleFactor; var scaledDimension = conversion[endIndex].dimension; return { scaledVal: scaledVal, scaledDimension: scaledDimension }; } }; }) .factory('sliderDraggable', ['utils', function (utils) { /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Valéry */ function Draggable() { this._init.apply(this, arguments); } Draggable.prototype.oninit = function () { }; Draggable.prototype.events = function () { }; Draggable.prototype.onmousedown = function () { this.ptr.css({position: "absolute"}); }; Draggable.prototype.onmousemove = function (evt, x, y) { this.ptr.css({left: x, top: y}); }; Draggable.prototype.onmouseup = function () { }; Draggable.prototype.isDefault = { drag: false, clicked: false, toclick: true, mouseup: false }; Draggable.prototype._init = function () { if (arguments.length > 0) { this.ptr = arguments[0]; this.parent = arguments[2]; if (!this.ptr) { return; } this.is = {}; angular.extend(this.is, this.isDefault); var offset = utils.offset(this.ptr); this.d = { left: offset.left, top: offset.top, width: this.ptr[0].clientWidth, height: this.ptr[0].clientHeight }; this.oninit.apply(this, arguments); this._events(); } }; Draggable.prototype._getPageCoords = function (event) { var value = {}; if (event.targetTouches && event.targetTouches[0]) { value = {x: event.targetTouches[0].pageX, y: event.targetTouches[0].pageY}; } else { value = {x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY}; } return value; }; Draggable.prototype._bindEvent = function (ptr, eventType, handler) { if (this.supportTouches_) { ptr[0].attachEvent(this.events_[ eventType ], handler); } else { if (ptr.bind) { ptr.bind(this.events_[ eventType ], handler); } } }; Draggable.prototype._events = function () { var self = this; this.supportTouches_ = 'ontouchend' in document; this.events_ = { "click": this.supportTouches_ ? "touchstart" : "click", "down": this.supportTouches_ ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", "move": this.supportTouches_ ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", "up": this.supportTouches_ ? "touchend" : "mouseup", "mousedown": this.supportTouches_ ? "mousedown" : "mousedown" }; var documentElt = angular.element(window.document); this._bindEvent(documentElt, "move", function (event) { if (self.is.drag) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); if (!self.parent.disabled) { self._mousemove(event); } } }); this._bindEvent(documentElt, "down", function (event) { if (self.is.drag) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }); this._bindEvent(documentElt, "up", function (event) { self._mouseup(event); }); this._bindEvent(this.ptr, "down", function (event) { self._mousedown(event); return false; }); this._bindEvent(this.ptr, "up", function (event) { self._mouseup(event); }); this.events(); }; Draggable.prototype._mousedown = function (evt) { this.is.drag = true; this.is.clicked = false; this.is.mouseup = false; var coords = this._getPageCoords(evt); this.cx = coords.x - this.ptr[0].offsetLeft; this.cy = coords.y - this.ptr[0].offsetTop; angular.extend(this.d, { left: this.ptr[0].offsetLeft, top: this.ptr[0].offsetTop, width: this.ptr[0].clientWidth, height: this.ptr[0].clientHeight }); if (this.outer && this.outer.get(0)) { this.outer.css({height: Math.max(this.outer.height(), $(document.body).height()), overflow: "hidden"}); } this.onmousedown(evt); }; Draggable.prototype._mousemove = function (evt) { if (this.uid === 0) { return; } this.is.toclick = false; var coords = this._getPageCoords(evt); this.onmousemove(evt, coords.x - this.cx, coords.y - this.cy); }; Draggable.prototype._mouseup = function (evt) { if (this.is.drag) { this.is.drag = false; if (this.outer && this.outer.get(0)) { if ($.browser.mozilla) { this.outer.css({overflow: "hidden"}); } else { this.outer.css({overflow: "visible"}); } if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version === '6.0') { this.outer.css({height: "100%"}); } else { this.outer.css({height: "auto"}); } } this.onmouseup(evt); } }; return Draggable; }]) .factory('sliderPointer', ['sliderDraggable', 'utils', function (Draggable, utils) { /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Valéry */ function SliderPointer() { Draggable.apply(this, arguments); } SliderPointer.prototype = new Draggable(); SliderPointer.prototype.oninit = function (ptr, id, _constructor) { this.uid = id; this.parent = _constructor; this.value = {}; this.settings = angular.copy(_constructor.settings); }; SliderPointer.prototype.onmousedown = function (evt) { var off = utils.offset(this.parent.domNode); var offset = { left: off.left, top: off.top, width: this.parent.domNode[0].clientWidth, height: this.parent.domNode[0].clientHeight }; this._parent = { offset: offset, width: offset.width, height: offset.height }; this.ptr.addClass("jslider-pointer-hover"); this.setIndexOver(); }; SliderPointer.prototype.onmousemove = function (evt, x, y) { var coords = this._getPageCoords(evt); //val is the percent where the slider pointer is located var val = this.calc(coords.x); if (!this.parent.settings.smooth) { val = utils.roundUpToScale(val, this.parent.settings.scale, this.parent.settings.cutOffWidth, this.parent.settings.cutOffIndex); } var cutOffWidth = this.parent.settings.cutOffWidth; if (cutOffWidth && val < cutOffWidth) { val = cutOffWidth; } this._set(val); }; SliderPointer.prototype.onmouseup = function (evt) { if (this.settings.callback && angular.isFunction(this.settings.callback)) { var val = this.parent.getValue(); this.settings.callback.call(this.parent, val); } this.ptr.removeClass("jslider-pointer-hover"); }; SliderPointer.prototype.setIndexOver = function () { this.parent.setPointersIndex(1); this.index(2); }; SliderPointer.prototype.index = function (i) { }; SliderPointer.prototype.limits = function (x) { return this.parent.limits(x, this); }; SliderPointer.prototype.calc = function (coords) { var diff = coords - this._parent.offset.left; var val = this.limits((diff * 100) / this._parent.width); return val; }; SliderPointer.prototype.set = function (value, opt_origin) { this.value.origin = this.parent.round(value); this._set(this.parent.valueToPrc(value, this), opt_origin); }; SliderPointer.prototype._set = function (prc, opt_origin) { if (!opt_origin) { this.value.origin = this.parent.prcToValue(prc); } this.value.prc = prc; //Sets the location of the SliderPointer this.ptr.css({left: prc + '%'}); this.parent.redraw(this); }; return SliderPointer; }]) .factory('slider', ['sliderPointer', 'sliderConstants', 'utils', function (SliderPointer, sliderConstants, utils) { /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Valéry */ var cutOffDom; function Slider() { return this.init.apply(this, arguments); } function changeCutOffWidth(width) { cutOffDom.css('width', width); } ; Slider.prototype.changeCutOffWidth = changeCutOffWidth; Slider.prototype.init = function (inputNode, templateNode, settings) { this.settings = sliderConstants.SLIDER.settings; angular.extend(this.settings, angular.copy(settings)); this.inputNode = inputNode; this.inputNode.addClass("ng-hide"); this.settings.interval = this.settings.to - this.settings.from; if (this.settings.calculate && $.isFunction(this.settings.calculate)) { this.nice = this.settings.calculate; } if (this.settings.onstatechange && $.isFunction(this.settings.onstatechange)) { this.onstatechange = this.settings.onstatechange; } this.is = {init: false}; this.o = {}; this.create(templateNode); }; Slider.prototype.create = function (templateNode) { var $this = this; this.domNode = templateNode; var off = utils.offset(this.domNode); var offset = { left: off.left, top: off.top, width: this.domNode[0].clientWidth, height: this.domNode[0].clientHeight }; this.sizes = {domWidth: this.domNode[0].clientWidth, domOffset: offset}; angular.extend(this.o, { pointers: {}, labels: { 0: { o: angular.element(this.domNode.find('div')[5]) }, 1: { o: angular.element(this.domNode.find('div')[6]) } }, limits: { 0: angular.element(this.domNode.find('div')[3]), 1: angular.element(this.domNode.find('div')[5]) } }); angular.extend(this.o.labels[0], { value: this.o.labels[0].o.find("span") }); angular.extend(this.o.labels[1], { value: this.o.labels[1].o.find("span") }); if (!$this.settings.value.split(";")[1]) { this.settings.single = true; } var domNodeDivs = this.domNode.find('div'); cutOffDom = angular.element(domNodeDivs[8]); if (cutOffDom && cutOffDom.css) { cutOffDom.css('width', '0%'); } var pointers = [angular.element(domNodeDivs[1]), angular.element(domNodeDivs[2])]; angular.forEach(pointers, function (pointer, key) { $this.settings = angular.copy($this.settings); var value = $this.settings.value.split(';')[key]; if (value) { $this.o.pointers[key] = new SliderPointer(pointer, key, $this); var prev = $this.settings.value.split(';')[key - 1]; if (prev && parseInt(value, 10) < parseInt(prev, 10)) { value = prev; } var value1 = value < $this.settings.from ? $this.settings.from : value; value1 = value > $this.settings.to ? $this.settings.to : value; $this.o.pointers[key].set(value1, true); if (key === 0) { $this.domNode.bind('mousedown', $this.clickHandler.apply($this)); } } }); this.o.value = angular.element(this.domNode.find("i")[2]); this.is.init = true; angular.forEach(this.o.pointers, function (pointer) { $this.redraw(pointer); }); }; Slider.prototype.clickHandler = function () { var self = this; return function (evt) { if (self.disabled) { return; } var className = evt.target.className; var targetIdx = 0; if (className.indexOf('jslider-pointer-to') > 0) { targetIdx = 1; } var _off = utils.offset(self.domNode); var offset = { left: _off.left, top: _off.top, width: self.domNode[0].clientWidth, height: self.domNode[0].clientHeight }; targetIdx = 1; var targetPtr = self.o.pointers[targetIdx]; targetPtr._parent = {offset: offset, width: offset.width, height: offset.height}; targetPtr._mousemove(evt); targetPtr.onmouseup(); return false; }; }; Slider.prototype.disable = function (bool) { this.disabled = bool; }; Slider.prototype.nice = function (value) { return value; }; Slider.prototype.onstatechange = function () { }; Slider.prototype.limits = function (x, pointer) { if (!this.settings.smooth) { var step = this.settings.step * 100 / (this.settings.interval); x = Math.round(x / step) * step; } var another = this.o.pointers[1 - pointer.uid]; if (another && pointer.uid && x < another.value.prc) { x = another.value.prc; } if (another && !pointer.uid && x > another.value.prc) { x = another.value.prc; } if (x < 0) { x = 0; } if (x > 100) { x = 100; } var val = Math.round(x * 10) / 10; return val; }; Slider.prototype.setPointersIndex = function (i) { angular.forEach(this.getPointers(), function (pointer, i) { pointer.index(i); }); }; Slider.prototype.getPointers = function () { return this.o.pointers; }; Slider.prototype.onresize = function () { var self = this; this.sizes = { domWidth: this.domNode[0].clientWidth, domHeight: this.domNode[0].clientHeight, domOffset: { left: this.domNode[0].offsetLeft, top: this.domNode[0].offsetTop, width: this.domNode[0].clientWidth, height: this.domNode[0].clientHeight } }; angular.forEach(this.o.pointers, function (ptr, key) { self.redraw(ptr); }); }; Slider.prototype.update = function () { this.onresize(); this.drawScale(); }; Slider.prototype.drawScale = function () { }; Slider.prototype.redraw = function (pointer) { if (!this.settings.smooth) { var newMousePrc = utils.roundUpToScale(pointer.value.prc, this.settings.scale, this.settings.cutOffWidth, this.settings.cutOffIndex); pointer.value.origin = newMousePrc; pointer.value.prc = newMousePrc; } if (!this.is.init) { return false; } this.setValue(); var width = this.o.pointers[1].value.prc; var newPos = {left: '0%', width: width + '%'}; this.o.value.css(newPos); var htmlValue = this.nice(pointer.value.origin); var scaledDimension = this.settings.firstDimension; if (this.settings.stepWithDifferentScale && !this.settings.smooth) { htmlValue = utils.valueForDifferentScale(this.settings.from, this.settings.to, htmlValue, this.settings.prcToValueMapper); } //This is the base value before the conversion if (this.settings.realtimeCallback && angular.isFunction(this.settings.realtimeCallback) && this.settings.cutOffVal !== undefined && pointer.uid === 1) { this.settings.realtimeCallback(htmlValue); } //Need to change this to the correct value for the scale if (this.settings.conversion) { var conversionObj = utils.getConversionFactorValue(parseInt(htmlValue), this.settings.conversion, this.settings.firstDimension); htmlValue = conversionObj.scaledVal; scaledDimension = conversionObj.scaledDimension; } htmlValue = parseFloat(htmlValue); var tooltipLabel = utils.convertToMbpsGbps(htmlValue, scaledDimension, this.settings.decimalPlaces); this.o.labels[pointer.uid].value.html(tooltipLabel.unitValue + ' ' + tooltipLabel.unitLabel); //Top tooltip label this.redrawLabels(pointer); }; Slider.prototype.redrawLabels = function (pointer) { function setPosition(label, sizes, prc) { sizes.margin = -sizes.label / 2; var domSize = self.sizes.domWidth; var label_left = sizes.border + sizes.margin; if (label_left < 0) { sizes.margin -= label_left; } if (sizes.border + sizes.label / 2 > domSize) { sizes.margin = 0; sizes.right = true; } else sizes.right = false; //Adjust the tooltip location sizes.margin = -((label.o[0].clientWidth / 2) - label.o[0].clientWidth / 20); label.o.css({left: prc + "%", marginLeft: sizes.margin, right: "auto"}); if (sizes.right) label.o.css({left: "auto", right: 0}); return sizes; } var self = this; var label = this.o.labels[pointer.uid]; var prc = pointer.value.prc; var sizes = { label: label.o[0].offsetWidth, right: false, border: (prc * domSize) / 100 }; var another_label = null; var another = null; if (!this.settings.single) { another = this.o.pointers[1 - pointer.uid]; another_label = this.o.labels[another.uid]; switch (pointer.uid) { case 0: if (sizes.border + sizes.label / 2 > another_label.o[0].offsetLeft - this.sizes.domOffset.left) { another_label.o.css({visibility: "hidden"}); another_label.value.html(this.nice(another.value.origin)); label.o.css({visibility: "hidden"}); prc = (another.value.prc - prc) / 2 + prc; if (another.value.prc !== pointer.value.prc) { label.value.html(this.nice(pointer.value.origin) + " – " + this.nice(another.value.origin)); sizes.label = label.o[0].clientWidth; sizes.border = (prc * domSize) / 100; } } else { another_label.o.css({visibility: "visible"}); } break; case 1: if (sizes.border - sizes.label / 2 < another_label.o[0].offsetLeft - this.sizes.domOffset.left + another_label.o[0].clientWidth) { another_label.o.css({visibility: "hidden"}); another_label.value.html(this.nice(another.value.origin)); label.o.css({visibility: "visible"}); prc = (prc - another.value.prc) / 2 + another.value.prc; if (another.value.prc !== pointer.value.prc) { label.value.html(this.nice(another.value.origin) + " – " + this.nice(pointer.value.origin)); sizes.label = label.o[0].clientWidth; sizes.border = (prc * domSize) / 100; } } else { another_label.o.css({visibility: "visible"}); } break; } } sizes = setPosition(label, sizes, prc); var domSize = self.sizes.domWidth; //This is the 0th pointer if (another_label) { sizes = { label: another_label.o[0].clientWidth, right: false, border: (another.value.prc * this.sizes.domWidth) / 100 }; sizes = setPosition(another_label, sizes, another.value.prc); } }; Slider.prototype.redrawLimits = function () { if (this.settings.limits) { var limits = [true, true]; for (var key in this.o.pointers) { if (!this.settings.single || key === 0) { var pointer = this.o.pointers[key]; var label = this.o.labels[pointer.uid]; var label_left = label.o[0].offsetLeft - this.sizes.domOffset.left; var limit = this.o.limits[0]; if (label_left < limit[0].clientWidth) limits[0] = false; limit = this.o.limits[1]; if (label_left + label.o[0].clientWidth > this.sizes.domWidth - limit[0].clientWidth) limits[1] = false; } } for (var i = 0; i < limits.length; i++) { if (limits[i]){ angular.element(this.o.limits[i]).addClass("animate-show");} else{ angular.element(this.o.limits[i]).addClass("animate-hidde");} } } }; Slider.prototype.setValue = function () { var value = this.getValue(); this.inputNode.attr("value", value); this.onstatechange.call(this, value, this.inputNode); }; Slider.prototype.getValue = function () { if (!this.is.init){ return false;} var $this = this; var value = ""; angular.forEach(this.o.pointers, function (pointer, key) { if (pointer.value.prc !== undefined && !isNaN(pointer.value.prc)) { var pointerPrc = pointer.value.prc; var myValue = $this.prcToValue(pointerPrc); if (!$this.settings.smooth) { var myValue = utils.valueForDifferentScale($this.settings.from, $this.settings.to, pointerPrc, $this.settings.prcToValueMapper); } value += (key > 0 ? ";" : "") + myValue; } }); return value; }; Slider.prototype.getPrcValue = function () { if (!this.is.init) return false; var value = ""; $.each(this.o.pointers, function (i) { if (this.value.prc !== undefined && !isNaN(this.value.prc)) value += (i > 0 ? ";" : "") + this.value.prc; }); return value; }; Slider.prototype.prcToValue = function (prc) { var value; if (this.settings.heterogeneity && this.settings.heterogeneity.length > 0) { var h = this.settings.heterogeneity; var _start = 0; var _from = this.settings.from; for (var i = 0; i <= h.length; i++) { var v; if (h[i]){ v = h[i].split("/");} else{ v = [100, this.settings.to];} if (prc >= _start && prc <= v[0]) { value = _from + ((prc - _start) * (v[1] - _from)) / (v[0] - _start); } _start = v[0]; _from = v[1]; } } else { value = this.settings.from + (prc * this.settings.interval) / 100; } var roundedValue = this.round(value); return roundedValue; }; Slider.prototype.valueToPrc = function (value, pointer) { var prc; if (this.settings.heterogeneity && this.settings.heterogeneity.length > 0) { var h = this.settings.heterogeneity; var _start = 0; var _from = this.settings.from; for (var i = 0; i <= h.length; i++) { var v; if (h[i]) v = h[i].split("/"); else v = [100, this.settings.to]; if (value >= _from && value <= v[1]) { prc = pointer.limits(_start + (value - _from) * (v[0] - _start) / (v[1] - _from)); } _start = v[0]; _from = v[1]; } } else { prc = pointer.limits((value - this.settings.from) * 100 / this.settings.interval); } return prc; }; Slider.prototype.round = function (value) { value = Math.round(value / this.settings.step) * this.settings.step; if (this.settings.round){ value = Math.round(value * Math.pow(10, this.settings.round)) / Math.pow(10, this.settings.round);} else{ value = Math.round(value);} return value; }; return Slider; }]) .directive('attStepSlider', [ '$compile', '$templateCache', '$timeout', '$window', 'slider', 'sliderConstants', 'utils', function (compile, templateCache, timeout, win, Slider, sliderConstants, utils) { /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Valéry */ var templateUrl = 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/stepSlider/attStepSlider.html'; return { restrict: 'AE', require: '?ngModel', scope: { options: '=', cutOff: '=' }, priority: 1, templateUrl: templateUrl, link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { if (!ngModel) return; scope.mainSliderClass = 'step-slider'; element.after(compile(templateCache.get(templateUrl))(scope, function (clonedElement, scope) { scope.tmplElt = clonedElement; })); ngModel.$render = function () { if (ngModel.$viewValue.split && ngModel.$viewValue.split(";").length === 1) { ngModel.$viewValue = '0;' + ngModel.$viewValue; } else if (typeof (ngModel.$viewValue) === 'number') { ngModel.$viewValue = '0;' + ngModel.$viewValue; } if (!ngModel.$viewValue && ngModel.$viewValue !== 0) { return; } if (typeof (ngModel.$viewValue) === 'number') { ngModel.$viewValue = '' + ngModel.$viewValue; } if (scope.slider) { var firstPointer = '0'; scope.slider.getPointers()[0].set(firstPointer, true); if (ngModel.$viewValue.split(";")[1]) { var value = ngModel.$viewValue.split(";")[1]; if (value.length >= 4) { value = value.substring(0, 2); } if (!scope.options.realtime) scope.options.callback(parseFloat(ngModel.$viewValue.split(";")[1])); scope.slider.getPointers()[1].set(ngModel.$viewValue.split(";")[1], true); } } }; var init = function () { scope.from = '' + scope.options.from; scope.to = '' + scope.options.to; if (scope.options.calculate && typeof scope.options.calculate === 'function') { scope.from = scope.options.calculate(scope.from); scope.to = scope.options.calculate(scope.to); } scope.showDividers = scope.options.showDividers; scope.COLORS = sliderConstants.COLORS; scope.sliderColor = scope.options.sliderColor; if (!scope.sliderColor) scope.sliderColor = sliderConstants.COLORS.REGULAR; var scaleArray = scope.options.scale; /* Make a copy of the scaleArray before converting it to percentage for the bars */ var nonPercentScaleArray = []; /* Define variable for displaying lower range values */ var scaledUpValueArray=[]; /* Create Mapper for the percentage to value */ var prcToValueMapper = {}; for (var i in scaleArray) { var s = scaleArray[i]; nonPercentScaleArray.push(s); } function addScaleArrayStartAndEnd() { if (scaleArray[0] !== 0) { scaleArray.splice(0, 0, 0); } if (scaleArray[scaleArray.length - 1] !== 100) { scaleArray.splice(scaleArray.length, 0, 100); } } function convertScaleArrayToPercentage() { if (scaleArray[scaleArray.length - 1] !== scope.options.to) { scaleArray.splice(scaleArray.length, 0, scope.options.to); } if(scope.options.displayScaledvalues){ for(var i in scaleArray){ scaledUpValueArray.push(Math.log2(scaleArray[i])); } var maxScaledUpValue=scaledUpValueArray[scaledUpValueArray.length-1]; } for (var i in scaleArray) { var prcValue; var fromValueCheck = (scaleArray[i] / scope.options.from); var toValueCheck = (scaleArray[i] / scope.options.to); if (scope.options.displayScaledvalues){ prcValue = (scaledUpValueArray[i] /maxScaledUpValue)*100; } else { prcValue = ((scaleArray[i] - scope.options.from) / (scope.options.to - scope.options.from)) * 100; } var realValue = scaleArray[i]; if (toValueCheck === 1) { prcValue = 100; } else if (fromValueCheck === 1) { prcValue = 0; } scaleArray[i] = prcValue; prcToValueMapper['' + prcValue] = realValue; } } if ((scope.options.from !== 0 || scope.options.to !== 100) && scope.options.smooth) { /* scale array is in real values. */ addScaleArrayStartAndEnd(); scope.options.stepWithDifferentScale = true; } else if ((scope.options.from !== 0 || scope.options.to !== 100) && !scope.options.smooth) { /* Case for different from and to values other than 0 and 100 so we have to do some different calculations */ scope.options.stepWithDifferentScale = true; convertScaleArrayToPercentage(); addScaleArrayStartAndEnd(); } else { /* This is the normal case where the from and to values are 0 and 100 respectively. */ //Check that the scale starts at 0 and 100 convertScaleArrayToPercentage(); addScaleArrayStartAndEnd(); } var decimalPlaces = 0; if (scope.options.decimalPlaces) { decimalPlaces = scope.options.decimalPlaces; } //Modify the endDimension based on whether converison was passed in //Also change the toStr value to scale to the last factor scope.endDimension = scope.options.dimension; if (scope.options.conversion) { //Get the dimension of the last conversion var lastIndex = scope.options.conversion.length - 1; var lastDimension = scope.options.conversion[lastIndex].dimension; var lastScaleFactor = scope.options.conversion[lastIndex].scaleFactor; scope.endDimension = ' ' + lastDimension; var toVal = (scope.to / lastScaleFactor).toFixed(decimalPlaces); scope.toStr = toVal; } else { scope.toStr = scope.options.to; } var tooltipLabel = utils.convertToMbpsGbps(scope.toStr, scope.endDimension, scope.options.decimalPlaces); scope.toStr = tooltipLabel.unitValue; scope.endDimension = ' ' + tooltipLabel.unitLabel; var OPTIONS = { from: scope.options.from, to: scope.options.to, step: scope.options.step, smooth: scope.options.smooth, limits: true, stepWithDifferentScale: scope.options.stepWithDifferentScale, round: scope.options.round || false, value: ngModel.$viewValue, scale: scope.options.scale, nonPercentScaleArray: nonPercentScaleArray, prcToValueMapper: prcToValueMapper, firstDimension: scope.options.dimension, decimalPlaces: decimalPlaces, conversion: scope.options.conversion, realtimeCallback: scope.options.callback }; if (angular.isFunction(scope.options.realtime)) { OPTIONS.realtimeCallback = function (value) { ngModel.$setViewValue(value); scope.options.callback(value); }; } else { OPTIONS.callback = forceApply; } OPTIONS.calculate = scope.options.calculate || undefined; OPTIONS.onstatechange = scope.options.onstatechange || undefined; timeout(function () { var scaleDiv = scope.tmplElt.find('div')[7]; if (!OPTIONS.conversion) { scope.tmplElt.find('div').eq(6).find('span').eq(0).css('padding-left', '10px'); scope.tmplElt.find('div').eq(6).find('span').eq(0).css('padding-right', '15px'); } scope.slider = angular.element.slider(element, scope.tmplElt, OPTIONS); angular.element(scaleDiv).html(scope.generateScale()); scope.drawScale(scaleDiv); initListener(); scope.$watch('options.disable', function (val) { if (scope.slider) { scope.tmplElt.toggleClass('disabled', val); scope.slider.disable(val); } }); scope.$watch('cutOff', function (cutOffVal) { if (cutOffVal && cutOffVal > 0) { var cutOffPrc = (cutOffVal - scope.slider.settings.from) / (scope.slider.settings.to - scope.slider.settings.from); cutOffPrc = cutOffPrc * 100; scope.isCutOffSlider = true; scope.slider.settings.cutOffWidth = cutOffPrc; //cutOffVal is the actual value of the cutoff point scope.cutOffVal = cutOffVal; if (scope.options.conversion) { var convertedVal = utils.getConversionFactorValue(cutOffVal, scope.options.conversion, scope.options.dimension); convertedVal.scaledVal = parseFloat(convertedVal.scaledVal).toFixed(scope.options.decimalPlaces); scope.cutOffVal = convertedVal.scaledVal + ' ' + convertedVal.scaledDimension; } scope.slider.settings.cutOffVal = cutOffVal; //Calculate the cutOff percentage scope.slider.changeCutOffWidth(cutOffPrc + '%'); var scale = scope.slider.settings.nonPercentScaleArray; //Calculate where the cutOff point in relation to the scale array for (var i in scale) { if (i >= 1) { var lowerVal = scale[i - 1]; var higherVal = scale[i]; if (cutOffVal > lowerVal && cutOffVal <= higherVal) { scope.slider.settings.cutOffIndex = i; } } } } else { scope.slider.settings.cutOffVal = 0; } }); }); }; function initListener() { angular.element(win).bind('resize', function (event) { scope.slider.onresize(); }); } scope.generateScale = function () { if (scope.options.scale && scope.options.scale.length > 0) { var str = ""; var s = scope.options.scale; var position = 'left'; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (i !== 0 && i !== s.length - 1) { var scaledPosition = ((s[i] - scope.from) / (scope.to - scope.from)) * 100; if (scope.options.stepWithDifferentScale && !scope.options.smooth) { scaledPosition = s[i]; } str += ''; } } return str; } else return ""; return ""; }; scope.drawScale = function (scaleDiv) { angular.forEach(angular.element(scaleDiv).find('ins'), function (scaleLabel, key) { scaleLabel.style.marginLeft = -scaleLabel.clientWidth / 2; }); }; var forceApply = function (value) { var val = value.split(";")[1]; scope.$apply(function () { ngModel.$setViewValue(parseInt(val)); }); if (scope.options.callback) { scope.options.callback(parseInt(val)); } }; scope.$watch('options', function (value) { init(); }); angular.element.slider = function (inputElement, element, settings) { if (!element.data('jslider')) element.data('jslider', new Slider(inputElement, element, settings)); var sliderObj = element.data('jslider'); return sliderObj; }; } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.steptracker', ['att.abs.transition']) .directive('steptracker', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { return { // This allows dev's clickHandler to cancel an operation priority: 100, scope: { sdata: "=sdata", cstep: "=currentStep", clickHandler: '=?', disableClick: '=?' }, restrict: 'EA', replace: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/steptracker/step-tracker.html', link: function (scope, elem) { if (scope.disableClick === undefined) { scope.disableClick = false; } $timeout(function () { if (scope.cstep < 1) { scope.cstep = 1; } else if (scope.cstep > scope.sdata.length) { scope.cstep = scope.sdata.length; } var divs = elem.find('div'); var slidertracks = []; for (var i in divs) { if (divs.eq(i)[0]) { var el = divs.eq(i)[0].className; if (el.indexOf('track ng-scope') > -1) { slidertracks.push(divs.eq(i)); } } } var currentPage,totalPage,currentTrack = updateCurrentTrack(scope.cstep); function updateCurrentTrack(step) { // Always return the step-1 because array starts at 0 return angular.element(slidertracks[step - 1]); } function updateTrackWidth() { if (scope.cstep > 0 && scope.cstep <= scope.sdata.length - 1 && currentPage > 0) { var newWidth = ((currentPage / totalPage) * 100) + "%"; currentTrack = updateCurrentTrack(scope.cstep); currentTrack.css('width', newWidth); } } function updatePages() { if (scope.cstep <= scope.sdata.length) { currentPage = scope.sdata[scope.cstep - 1]['currentPage']; totalPage = scope.sdata[scope.cstep - 1]['totalPages']; } } // dynamically add width for steps, depending on the number of steps. scope.set_width = function (indexval) { var setwidth = (100 / (scope.sdata.length - 1)) + "%"; // skip last element and add width for all other element if ((scope.sdata.length - 1) > indexval) { return {'width': setwidth}; } }; scope.$watch('sdata', function () { updatePages(); var prevStep = scope.cstep; // Before anything, ensure currentPage is never below 1 if (currentPage < 1) { currentPage = 1; if (scope.cstep !== 1) { // Decrease step, current track width is 0%, new step width updates scope.cstep--; updatePages(); } } // Move to next step, reset currentPage, totalPage, and ensure previous steps are completed if (currentPage > totalPage) { if (scope.cstep > scope.sdata.length - 1) { scope.cstep++; return; } else { currentPage = totalPage; updateTrackWidth(); scope.cstep++; updatePages(); updateTrackWidth(); } } if (currentPage < 1 && prevStep === scope.cstep) { currentPage = 1; if (scope.cstep > 1) { scope.cstep--; scope.sdata[scope.cstep - 1]['currentPage'] = scope.sdata[scope.cstep - 1]['totalPages']; scope.sdata[scope.cstep]['currentPage'] = 1; } } updateTrackWidth(); }, true); //add the active class for current step scope.activestep = function (index) { return (index === scope.cstep - 1); }; //add the done class for finished step scope.donesteps = function (index) { return (index < scope.cstep - 1); }; //add the last class for final step scope.laststep = function (index) { return (index === scope.sdata.length - 1); }; scope.isIncomplete = function (index) { if (index === scope.cstep - 1) { return false; } if (index >= 0 && index < scope.sdata.length - 1) { var step = scope.sdata[index]; return (step['currentPage'] <= step['totalPages']); } }; //click event scope.stepclick = function ($event, steps) { // If we are decreasing steps, reset all currentPage counts to 1 if (steps < scope.cstep) { for (var i = scope.cstep - 1; i > steps; i--) { scope.sdata[i]['currentPage'] = 1; } scope.sdata[steps]['currentPage']--; } if (angular.isFunction(scope.clickHandler)) { scope.clickHandler($event, steps); } scope.cstep = steps + 1; // In the case we decremented previously from this step, we need to reset currentpage to default if (scope.cstep <= scope.sdata.length && scope.sdata[scope.cstep]['currentPage'] < 1) { scope.sdata[scope.cstep]['currentPage'] = 1; } updatePages(); updateTrackWidth(); }; }, 100); } }; } ]) .constant('timelineConstants', { STEP_TYPE: { ALERT: 'alert', COMPLETED: 'completed', CANCELLED: 'cancelled' } }) .controller('AttTimelineCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', function ($scope, $timeout) { var timelineBarCtrls = []; var timelineDotCtrls = []; this.numSteps = 0; this.isAlternate = function () { return $scope.alternate; }; this.addTimelineBarCtrls = function (t) { timelineBarCtrls.push(t); }; this.addTimelineDotCtrls = function (b) { timelineDotCtrls.push(b); }; $timeout(init, 200); function init() { function compare(a, b) { if (a.order < b.order) { return -1; } if (a.order > b.order) { return 1; } return 0; } timelineDotCtrls.sort(compare); timelineBarCtrls.sort(compare); if ($scope.$parent.animate) { animateSequence(); } $scope.$watch('trigger', function (val) { if (val) { $scope.resetTimeline(); } else { $scope.$parent.animate = false; } }); } function animateSequence() { var dotsDuration = .25; var timelineBarProgressDuration = .25; if (typeof $scope.barAnimateDuration === 'number') { timelineBarProgressDuration = $scope.barAnimateDuration; } var start = createAnimation(0, timelineBarProgressDuration); function setToInactiveStates() { for (var i in timelineDotCtrls) { var dotCtrl = timelineDotCtrls[i]; if (i % 2 === 0) { dotCtrl.unhoveredStateForBelow(.25); } else { dotCtrl.unhoveredStateForAbove(.25); } if (dotCtrl.isStop()) { break; } } } function createAnimation(i, duration) { if (i === 0) { return function () { if (timelineDotCtrls[i + 1].isStop() && timelineDotCtrls[i + 1].isCancelled()) { timelineBarCtrls[i].isCancelled(true); } timelineBarCtrls[i].animate(createAnimation(i + 1, duration), duration); }; } else if (i === timelineBarCtrls.length - 1) { return function () { //Removes the bolded text from the start if (timelineDotCtrls[0].isCurrentStep()) { timelineDotCtrls[0].isCurrentStep(false); } if (timelineDotCtrls[i].isStop()) { timelineDotCtrls[i - 1].shrinkAnimate(dotsDuration); timelineDotCtrls[i].isCurrentStep(true); } else { timelineDotCtrls[i - 1].shrinkAnimate(dotsDuration); timelineBarCtrls[i].animate(createAnimation(i + 1, duration), duration); } timelineDotCtrls[i].expandedAnimate(dotsDuration); $timeout(function () { setToInactiveStates(); }, 500); }; } //End Dot else if (i === timelineBarCtrls.length) { return function () { //Removes the bolded text from the start if (timelineDotCtrls[0].isCurrentStep()) { timelineDotCtrls[0].isCurrentStep(false); } timelineDotCtrls[i - 1].shrinkAnimate(dotsDuration); timelineDotCtrls[i].expandedAnimate(dotsDuration); timelineDotCtrls[i].isCurrentStep(true); $timeout(function () { setToInactiveStates(); }, 500); }; } else { return function () { //Removes the bolded text from the start if (timelineDotCtrls[0].isCurrentStep()) { timelineDotCtrls[0].isCurrentStep(false); } if (timelineDotCtrls[i].isStop()) { timelineDotCtrls[i - 1].shrinkAnimate(dotsDuration); timelineDotCtrls[i].expandedAnimate(dotsDuration); timelineDotCtrls[i].isCurrentStep(true); $timeout(function () { setToInactiveStates(); }, 500); } else { if (timelineDotCtrls[i + 1].isStop() && timelineDotCtrls[i + 1].isCancelled()) { timelineBarCtrls[i].isCancelled(true); } timelineDotCtrls[i - 1].shrinkAnimate(dotsDuration); timelineBarCtrls[i].animate(createAnimation(i + 1, duration), duration); timelineDotCtrls[i].expandedAnimate(dotsDuration); } }; } } start(); } }]) .directive('attTimeline', ['$timeout', '$compile', function ($timeout, $compile) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, scope: { steps: '=', trigger: '=', alternate: '=', barAnimateDuration: '=' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/steptracker/timeline.html', controller: 'AttTimelineCtrl', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var init = function () { var steps = scope.steps; var middleSteps = []; for (var i = 1; i < steps.length; i++) { var aStep = steps[i]; middleSteps.push(aStep); } scope.middleSteps = middleSteps; //Used in calculating the width of the loading bars ctrl.numSteps = steps.length - 1; }; init(); //Recompile in case of scope changes scope.resetTimeline = function () { scope.animate = true; $compile(element)(scope); }; } }; }]) .controller('TimelineBarCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { this.type = 'timelinebar'; this.order = parseInt($scope.order); this.animate = function (callback, duration) { $scope.loadingAnimation(callback, duration); }; this.isCancelled = function (isCancelled) { $scope.isCancelled = isCancelled; }; }]) .directive('timelineBar', ['animation', '$progressBar', function (animation, $progressBar) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/steptracker/timelineBar.html', scope: { order: '@' }, require: ['^attTimeline', 'timelineBar'], controller: 'TimelineBarCtrl', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) { var attTimelineCtrl = ctrls[0]; var timelineBarCtrl = ctrls[1]; attTimelineCtrl.addTimelineBarCtrls(timelineBarCtrl); scope.isCompleted = true; var widthPerc = (100 / attTimelineCtrl.numSteps) - 3; element.css('width', widthPerc + '%'); var elem = element.find('div').eq(0); animation.set(elem, {opacity: 0.0}); var updateCallback = function (selfElement) { animation.set(elem, {opacity: 1.0}); animation.set(elem, { scaleX: selfElement.progress(), transformOrigin: "left" }); }; scope.loadingAnimation = $progressBar(updateCallback); } }; }]) .controller('TimelineDotCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', 'timelineConstants', function ($scope, $timeout, timelineConstants) { this.type = 'dot'; this.order = parseInt($scope.order); var self = this; $timeout(function () { if (self.order !== 0) { if (self.order % 2 !== 0) { $scope.initializeAboveForAnimation(); } else { $scope.initializeBelowForAnimation(); } } }); this.expandedAnimate = function (duration) { $scope.setColor(); $scope.expandedAnimate(duration); if (self.order !== 0 && !$scope.isStepsLessThanFive()) { if (self.order % 2 !== 0) { $scope.expandContentForAbove(duration); } else { $scope.expandContentForBelow(duration); } } }; this.unhoveredStateForAbove = function (duration) { $scope.unhoveredStateForAbove(duration); }; this.unhoveredStateForBelow = function (duration) { $scope.unhoveredStateForBelow(duration); }; this.shrinkAnimate = function (duration) { $scope.shrinkAnimate(duration); }; this.setExpanded = function () { $scope.setSize(3); }; this.isStop = function () { return $scope.isStop; }; this.isCancelled = function () { return ($scope.type === timelineConstants.STEP_TYPE.CANCELLED); }; this.isAlert = function () { return ($scope.type === timelineConstants.STEP_TYPE.ALERT); }; //Sets the bolded text this.isCurrentStep = function (isCurrentStep) { if (isCurrentStep !== undefined) { $scope.isCurrentStep = isCurrentStep; } return $scope.isCurrentStep; }; }]) .directive('timelineDot', ['animation', 'timelineConstants', function (animation, timelineConstants) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, scope: { order: '@', title: '@', description: '@', by: '@', date: '@', type: '@' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/steptracker/timelineDot.html', require: ['^attTimeline', 'timelineDot'], controller: 'TimelineDotCtrl', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) { var attTimelineCtrl = ctrls[0]; var timelineDotCtrl = ctrls[1]; attTimelineCtrl.addTimelineDotCtrls(timelineDotCtrl); scope.numSteps = attTimelineCtrl.numSteps + 1; scope.isCurrentStep = false; scope.isCompleted = false; scope.isStop = false; if (scope.type === timelineConstants.STEP_TYPE.ALERT || scope.type === timelineConstants.STEP_TYPE.CANCELLED) { scope.isStop = true; } scope.isInactive = true; var divs = element.find('div'); var biggerCircleElem = divs.eq(0); var expandableCircleElem = divs.eq(2); var infoboxElem = divs.eq(3); var titleElem = divs.eq(5); var contentElem = divs.eq(6); var dateElem = divs.eq(9); function isEmptyStep() { if (!scope.description && !scope.by && !scope.date) { return true; } return false; } scope.isStepsLessThanFive = function () { if (scope.numSteps < 5) { return true; } return false; }; scope.titleMouseover = function (num) { if (!scope.isStepsLessThanFive() && !isEmptyStep()) { if (num === 1 && scope.order % 2 === 0) { scope.expandContentForBelow(.25); } if (num === 2 && scope.order % 2 !== 0) { scope.expandContentForAbove(.25); } } }; scope.titleMouseleave = function () { if (scope.order % 2 === 0) { scope.unhoveredStateForBelow(.25); } else { scope.unhoveredStateForAbove(.25); } }; scope.initializeAboveForAnimation = function () { if (!scope.isStepsLessThanFive() && attTimelineCtrl.isAlternate()) { animation.set(contentElem, {opacity: 0}); animation.set(dateElem, {opacity: 0}); if (!isEmptyStep()) { var yOffset = contentElem[0].offsetHeight + dateElem[0].offsetHeight; animation.set(titleElem, {'top': yOffset}); } } }; scope.expandContentForAbove = function (duration) { if (!scope.isStepsLessThanFive() && attTimelineCtrl.isAlternate()) { animation.to(titleElem, duration, {'top': 0}); animation.to(contentElem, duration, {opacity: 1}); animation.to(dateElem, duration, {opacity: 1}); } }; scope.unhoveredStateForAbove = function (duration) { if (!scope.isStepsLessThanFive() && attTimelineCtrl.isAlternate()) { animation.set(contentElem, {opacity: 0}); animation.set(dateElem, {opacity: 1}); var yOffset = contentElem[0].offsetHeight; animation.to(titleElem, duration, {'top': yOffset}); } }; scope.initializeBelowForAnimation = function () { if (!scope.isStepsLessThanFive() && attTimelineCtrl.isAlternate()) { animation.set(contentElem, {height: '0%', opacity: 0, top: '-20px'}); animation.set(dateElem, {opacity: 0}); } }; scope.expandContentForBelow = function (duration) { if (!scope.isStepsLessThanFive() && attTimelineCtrl.isAlternate()) { animation.set(dateElem, {opacity: 1}); animation.to(contentElem, duration, {height: 'auto', opacity: 1, top: '0px'}); } }; scope.unhoveredStateForBelow = function (duration) { if (!scope.isStepsLessThanFive() && attTimelineCtrl.isAlternate()) { animation.to(contentElem, duration, {height: '0%', opacity: 0, top: '-20px', position: 'relative'}); animation.set(dateElem, {opacity: 1}); } }; /*Default Initializaztion*/ //If the info box is above and the description and date and by are empty then we have do reset its position if (isEmptyStep() && (scope.order % 2 !== 0 && attTimelineCtrl.isAlternate())) { infoboxElem.css('top', '-47px'); } //Check if the order is odd and set the appropiate above or below and other effects if (scope.order % 2 === 0 || !attTimelineCtrl.isAlternate()) { scope.isBelowInfoBoxShown = true; } else { scope.isBelowInfoBoxShown = false; } //modify some css for steps less than 5 and not alternating if (scope.isStepsLessThanFive() && !attTimelineCtrl.isAlternate()) { animation.set(dateElem, {marginTop: 10}); } //For IE 8 fix animation.set(biggerCircleElem, {opacity: '.5'}); //shrink the expandableCircle to we can expand it later animation.set(expandableCircleElem, {opacity: '0.0'}); animation.set(expandableCircleElem, {scale: .10}); if (scope.order === 0) { animation.set(expandableCircleElem, {opacity: '1.0'}); animation.set(expandableCircleElem, {scale: 1}); animation.set(biggerCircleElem, {scale: 3}); scope.isCurrentStep = true; scope.isInactive = false; scope.isCompleted = true; } scope.setColor = function () { scope.isInactive = false; if (scope.type === timelineConstants.STEP_TYPE.CANCELLED) { scope.isCancelled = true; } else if (scope.type === timelineConstants.STEP_TYPE.ALERT) { scope.isAlert = true; } else { scope.isCompleted = true; } if (!scope.$phase) { scope.$apply(); } }; scope.setSize = function (size) { animation.set(biggerCircle, {scale: size}); }; scope.setExpandedCircle = function () { animation.set(expandableCircleElem, {opacity: '1.0'}); animation.set(expandableCircleElem, {scale: 1}); }; scope.expandedAnimate = function (duration) { animation.to(biggerCircleElem, duration, {scale: 3}); animation.set(expandableCircleElem, {opacity: '1.0'}); animation.to(expandableCircleElem, duration, {scale: 1}); }; scope.shrinkAnimate = function (duration) { animation.to(biggerCircleElem, duration, {scale: 1}); }; } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.table', ['att.abs.utilities']) .constant('tableConfig', { //true for descending & false for ascending defaultSortPattern: false, highlightSearchStringClass: 'tablesorter-search-highlight' }) .directive('attTable', ['$filter', function($filter) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { tableData: "=", viewPerPage: "=", currentPage: "=", totalPage: "=", searchCategory: "=", searchString: "=" }, require: 'attTable', templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/table/attTable.html', controller: ['$scope', function($scope) { this.headers = []; this.currentSortIndex = null; this.setIndex = function(headerScope) { this.headers.push(headerScope); }; this.getIndex = function(headerName) { for (var i = 0; i < this.headers.length; i++) { if (this.headers[i].headerName === headerName) { return this.headers[i].index; } } return null; }; this.sortData = function(columnIndex, reverse) { $scope.$parent.columnIndex = columnIndex; $scope.$parent.reverse = reverse; this.currentSortIndex = columnIndex; $scope.currentPage = 1; this.resetSortPattern(); }; this.getSearchString = function() { return $scope.searchString; }; this.resetSortPattern = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.headers.length; i++) { var currentScope = this.headers[i]; if(currentScope.index !== this.currentSortIndex) { currentScope.resetSortPattern(); } } }; }], link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { scope.searchCriteria = {}; scope.$watchCollection('tableData', function(value) { if(value && !isNaN(value.length)) { scope.totalRows = value.length; } }); scope.$watch('currentPage', function(val) { scope.$parent.currentPage = val; }); scope.$watch('viewPerPage', function(val) { scope.$parent.viewPerPage = val; }); scope.$watch(function() { return scope.totalRows / scope.viewPerPage; }, function(value) { if(!isNaN(value)) { scope.totalPage = Math.ceil(value); scope.currentPage = 1; } }); var searchValCheck = function(val){ if(angular.isDefined(val) && val !== null && val !== ""){ return true; } }; var setSearchCriteria = function(v1,v2){ if(searchValCheck(v1) && searchValCheck(v2)){ var index = ctrl.getIndex(v2); scope.searchCriteria = {}; if (index !== null) { scope.searchCriteria[index] = v1; } }else if(searchValCheck(v1) && (!angular.isDefined(v2) || v2 === null || v2 === "")){ scope.searchCriteria = { $: v1 }; }else { scope.searchCriteria = {}; } }; scope.$watch('searchCategory', function(newVal,oldVal) { if(newVal !== oldVal){ setSearchCriteria(scope.searchString,newVal); } }); scope.$watch('searchString', function (newVal,oldVal) { if(newVal !== oldVal){ setSearchCriteria(newVal,scope.searchCategory); } }); scope.$watchCollection('searchCriteria', function(val) { scope.$parent.searchCriteria = val; scope.totalRows = scope.tableData && ($filter('filter')(scope.tableData, val, false)).length || 0; scope.currentPage = 1; }); } }; }]) .directive('attTableRow', [function() { return { restrict: 'EA', compile: function (elem, attr) { if (attr.type === 'header') { elem.find('tr').eq(0).addClass('tablesorter-headerRow'); } else if (attr.type === 'body') { var html = elem.children(); if(attr.rowRepeat){ if (attr.trackBy) { html.attr('ng-repeat', attr.rowRepeat.concat(" | orderBy : columnIndex : reverse | filter : searchCriteria : false | attLimitTo : viewPerPage : viewPerPage*(currentPage-1) track by " + attr.trackBy)); } else { html.attr('ng-repeat', attr.rowRepeat.concat(" | orderBy : columnIndex : reverse | filter : searchCriteria : false | attLimitTo : viewPerPage : viewPerPage*(currentPage-1) track by $index")); } } html.attr('ng-class', "{'alt-row': $even,'normal-row': $odd}"); elem.append(html); } } }; }]) .directive('attTableHeader', ['tableConfig', function(tableConfig) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { sortable: '@', defaultSort: '@', index: '@key' }, require: '^attTable', templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/table/attTableHeader.html', link: function(scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var reverse = tableConfig.defaultSortPattern; scope.headerName = elem.text(); scope.sortPattern = null; ctrl.setIndex(scope); scope.$watch(function() { return elem.text(); }, function(value) { scope.headerName = value; }); scope.sort = function(sortType) { if(typeof sortType === 'boolean') { reverse = sortType; } ctrl.sortData(scope.index, reverse); scope.sortPattern = reverse ? 'descending' : 'ascending'; reverse = !reverse; }; scope.$watch(function() { return ctrl.currentSortIndex; }, function(value) { if (value !== scope.index) { scope.sortPattern = null; } }); if (scope.sortable === undefined || scope.sortable === 'true' || scope.sortable === true) { scope.sortable = 'true'; } else if (scope.sortable === false || scope.sortable === 'false') { scope.sortable = 'false'; } if(scope.sortable !== 'false') { if(scope.defaultSort === 'A' || scope.defaultSort === 'a') { scope.sort(false); } else if(scope.defaultSort === 'D' || scope.defaultSort === 'd') { scope.sort(true); } } scope.resetSortPattern = function() { reverse = tableConfig.defaultSortPattern; }; } }; }]) .directive('attTableBody', ['$filter', '$timeout', 'tableConfig', function($filter, $timeout, tableConfig) { return { restrict: 'EA', require: '^attTable', replace: true, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/table/attTableBody.html', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var highlightSearchStringClass = tableConfig.highlightSearchStringClass; var searchString = ""; var wrapElement = function (elem) { var text = elem.text(); elem.html($filter('highlight')(text, searchString, highlightSearchStringClass)); }; var traverse = function (elem) { var innerHtml = elem.children(); if (innerHtml.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < innerHtml.length; i++) { traverse(innerHtml.eq(i)); } } else { wrapElement(elem); return; } }; var clearWrap = function (elem) { var elems = elem.find('*'); for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { if (elems.eq(i).attr('class') && elems.eq(i).attr('class').indexOf(highlightSearchStringClass) !== -1) { var text = elems.eq(i).text(); elems.eq(i).replaceWith(text); } } }; $timeout(function () { var actualHtml = elem.children(); scope.$watch(function () { return ctrl.getSearchString(); }, function (val) { searchString = val; clearWrap(elem); if (actualHtml.length > 0) { traverse(elem); } else { wrapElement(elem); } }); }, 50); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.tableMessages', ['att.abs.utilities']) .constant('messageConstants', { TABLE_MESSAGE_TYPES: { noMatching: 1, errorLoading: 2, magnifySearch: 3, isLoading: 4}, USER_MESSAGE_TYPES: { success: 1, error: 0 } }) .directive('attTableMessage', ['messageConstants', function(messageConstants) { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { msgType: '=', onRefreshClick: '&' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tableMessages/attTableMessage.html', link: function(scope) { scope.messageConstants = messageConstants; scope.refreshAction = function(evt) { scope.onRefreshClick(evt); }; } }; }]).directive('attUserMessage', ['messageConstants', '$timeout', 'DOMHelper', function(messageConstants, $timeout, DOMHelper) { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { thetitle: '=', type: '=', message: '=', trigger: '=' }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tableMessages/attUserMessage.html', link: function(scope, element) { var prevActiveElement = undefined; var firstElement = undefined; scope.messageConstants = messageConstants; $timeout(function() { firstElement = DOMHelper.firstTabableElement(element[0]); }, 10); scope.$watch('trigger', function() { if (scope.trigger) { prevActiveElement = document.activeElement; if (angular.isDefined(firstElement)) { firstElement.focus(); } } else { if (angular.isDefined(prevActiveElement)) { prevActiveElement.focus(); } } }) } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.tabs', ['att.abs.utilities']) .directive('attTabs', function () { return{ restrict: 'EA', transclude: false, replace: true, scope: { tabs: "=title" }, controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { this.getData = function () { return $scope.tabs; }; this.onClickTab = function (tab) { $scope.currentTab = tab.url; return $scope.currentTab; }; this.isActiveTab = function (tab) { return (tab === $scope.currentTab); }; }], link: function (scope) { for (var i = 0; i < scope.tabs.length; i++) { if ((scope.tabs[i].selected) && (scope.tabs[i].url)) { scope.currentTab = scope.tabs[i].url; } } } }; }) .directive('floatingTabs', function () { return { require: '^attTabs', restrict: 'EA', transclude: false, replace: true, scope: { size: "@" }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/floatingTabs.html', link: function (scope, elem, attr, attTabsCtrl) { scope.tabs = attTabsCtrl.getData(); scope.onClickTab = attTabsCtrl.onClickTab; scope.isActiveTab = attTabsCtrl.isActiveTab; } }; }) .directive('simplifiedTabs', function () { return { require: '^attTabs', restrict: 'EA', transclude: false, replace: true, scope: { ctab: "=ngModel" }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/simplifiedTabs.html', link: function (scope, elem, attr, attTabsCtrl) { scope.tabs = attTabsCtrl.getData(); scope.clickTab = function (tab) { scope.ctab = tab.id; return scope.ctab; }; scope.isActive = function (tab) { return (tab === scope.ctab); }; } }; }) .directive('genericTabs', function () { return { require: '^attTabs', restrict: 'EA', transclude: false, replace: true, scope: { ctab: "=ngModel" }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/genericTabs.html', link: function (scope, elem, attr, attTabsCtrl) { scope.tabs = attTabsCtrl.getData(); scope.clickTab = function (tab) { scope.ctab = tab.id; return scope.ctab; }; scope.isActive = function (tab) { return (tab === scope.ctab); }; } }; }) .directive('skipNavigation', function(){ return{ link: function(scope,elem,attr){ elem.bind('click', function(){ var skiptoBody = angular.element(elem.parent().parent().parent().parent())[0].querySelector('a.skiptoBody'); (angular.element(skiptoBody)).attr('tabindex',-1); skiptoBody.focus(); }); } } }) .directive('parentTab', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { menuItems: '=', activeSubMenu: '=', activeMenu: '=' }, controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.megaMenu = $scope.menuItems; $scope.megaMenuTab; $scope.megaMenuHoverTab; this.setMenu = function () { $scope.menuItems = $scope.megaMenu; $scope.activeSubMenu.scroll=false; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.menuItems.length; i++) { if ($scope.menuItems[i].active) { $scope.activeMenu = $scope.menuItems[i]; } } this.setSubMenuStatus(false); $scope.$apply(); }; this.setActiveMenu = function () { if (!($scope.megaMenuTab === undefined || $scope.megaMenuTab === null)) { $scope.menuItems = [$scope.megaMenuTab]; $scope.megaMenuTab.scroll = true; $scope.activeMenu = {}; $scope.activeSubMenu = $scope.megaMenuTab; this.setSubMenuStatus(true); } else{ for(var i=0; i<$scope.menuItems.length; i++){ ($scope.menuItems[i].active = false); if($scope.menuItems[i].subItems) for(var j=0; j<$scope.menuItems[i].subItems.length; j++){ $scope.menuItems[i].subItems[j].active = false; }; }; $scope.menuItems=$scope.megaMenu; } $scope.$apply(); }; var checkSubMenuStatus = false; this.setSubMenuStatus = function (value) { checkSubMenuStatus = value; }; this.getSubMenuStatus = function () { return checkSubMenuStatus; }; this.setActiveMenuTab = function (tab) { $scope.megaMenuTab = tab; }; this.setActiveMenuHoverTab = function (tab) { $scope.megaMenuHoverTab = tab; }; this.setActiveSubMenuTab = function () { $scope.megaMenuTab = $scope.megaMenuHoverTab; }; this.resetMenuTab = function () { $scope.megaMenuTab = undefined; }; this.clearSubMenu = function () { /* Clears Sub-tems when focus shifts from Sub-menu to Mega menu*/ $scope.$evalAsync(function(){ $scope.megaMenuTab = undefined; $scope.megaMenuHoverTab = undefined; }) }; }] }; }]) .directive('parentmenuTabs', [function () { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, scope: { megaMenu: '@', menuItems: '=' }, controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { this.getMenu = function () { return $scope.menuItems; }; this.setMenu = function (menuItem) { $scope.menuItems = menuItem; }; }], templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/parentmenuTab.html' }; }]) .directive('menuTabs', ["$window", "$document",'events','keymap', function (win, $document, events, keymap) { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, require: ['^?parentTab', '^?parentmenuTabs'], scope: { activeMenu: "=", menuItem: "=", subMenu: "@", subItemActive: "@", tabName: "=?", tabUrl: "=?" }, templateUrl: function (element, attrs) { if (attrs.megaMenu) { return 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/menuTab.html'; } else { return 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tabs/submenuTab.html'; } }, link: function (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) { var parentCtrl = ctrl[0]; var parentmenuCtrl = ctrl[1]; scope.clickInactive = true; scope.showHoverChild = function (e) { scope.clickInactive = false; scope.hoverChild = ctrl[0].getSubMenuStatus(); if (e.type === "mouseover" && ctrl[0].getSubMenuStatus()) { //scope.showChildren(e); } }; scope.showChildren = function (e) { scope.parentMenuItems = parentmenuCtrl.getMenu(); for (var i = 0; i < scope.parentMenuItems.length; i++) { scope.parentMenuItems[i].active = false; if (scope.parentMenuItems[i].subItems) { for (var j = 0; j < scope.parentMenuItems[i].subItems.length; j++) { scope.parentMenuItems[i].subItems[j].active = false; } } scope.clickInactive = true; } scope.menuItem.active = true; scope.activeMenu = scope.menuItem; e.stopPropagation(); }; scope.$watch("subItemActive", function (value) { if (value === "true" && scope.subMenu === 'true') { parentCtrl.setActiveMenuHoverTab(scope.menuItem); } }); scope.showMenuClick = function (e) { parentCtrl.setActiveMenuTab(scope.menuItem); e.stopPropagation(); }; scope.showSubMenuClick = function (e) { parentCtrl.setActiveSubMenuTab(); e.stopPropagation(); }; scope.resetMenu = function (e) { parentCtrl.resetMenuTab(); e.stopPropagation(); }; function debounce(method, delay) { clearTimeout(method._tId); method._tId = setTimeout(function () { parentCtrl.setMenu(); }, delay); } function debounce1(method, delay) { clearTimeout(method._tId); method._tId = setTimeout(function () { parentCtrl.setActiveMenu(); }, delay); } $document.bind('scroll', function () { /* if (win.pageYOffset === 0) { debounce(parentCtrl.setMenu, 100); } else if (win.pageYOffset > 1 && win.pageYOffset < 1500) { debounce1(parentCtrl.setActiveMenu, 100); }*/ }); elem.bind('keydown', function(evt){ if (!(evt.keyCode)){ evt.keyCode = evt.which; } if(evt.keyCode !== keymap.KEY.TAB){ events.preventDefault(evt); events.stopPropagation(evt); } switch (evt.keyCode) { case keymap.KEY.ESC: var skiptoBody; if (!(elem.attr('mega-menu'))) { if (elem.attr("sub-menu") === "true") { /* condition true when user navigates through Sub-menu*/ skiptoBody = angular.element(elem.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent())[0].querySelector('a.skiptoBody'); (angular.element(skiptoBody)).attr('tabindex',-1); skiptoBody.focus(); } else if (elem.attr("sub-menu") === undefined) { skiptoBody = angular.element(elem.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent())[0].querySelector('a.skiptoBody'); (angular.element(skiptoBody)).attr('tabindex',-1); skiptoBody.focus(); } } else { if (elem.attr("menu-item") === "item") { /* Works when user on Mega menu*/ skiptoBody = angular.element(elem.parent().parent().parent().parent())[0].querySelector('a.skiptoBody'); (angular.element(skiptoBody)).attr('tabindex',-1); skiptoBody.focus(); } } break; case keymap.KEY.RIGHT: if (!(elem.attr('mega-menu'))) { var el = angular.element(elem)[0]; if (elem.attr("sub-menu") === "true") { /* condition true when user navigates through Sub-menu*/ if(el.nextElementSibling === null){ break;} if(el.nextElementSibling){ el.nextElementSibling.querySelector("a").focus(); } else{ do{ if (el && el.nextSibling){ el = el.nextSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'LI'); if(el){ if (el.querySelector("a") == null){} else{ el.querySelector("a").focus();} } events.preventDefault(evt); events.stopPropagation(evt); } } else if (elem.attr("sub-menu") === undefined) { if(el.nextElementSibling === null) break; if(el.nextElementSibling){ el.nextElementSibling.querySelector("a").focus(); } else{ do{ if (el && el.nextSibling){ el = el.nextSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'LI'); if(el){ if (el.querySelector("a") == null){} else{ el.querySelector("a").focus();} } } } } else { if (elem.attr("menu-item") === "item") { /* When user navigates through on Mega menu*/ var el = angular.element(elem)[0]; if(el.nextElementSibling){ if(el.nextElementSibling.querySelector("span") == null){ } else { el.nextElementSibling.querySelector("span").focus(); } } else{ do{ if (el && el.nextSibling){ el = el.nextSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'LI'); if(el){ if(el.querySelector("span") === null){} else { el.querySelector("span").focus(); } } events.preventDefault(evt); events.stopPropagation(evt); } } } break; case keymap.KEY.DOWN: if (elem.attr('mega-menu')) { /* When user navigates from top menu to Sub-menu*/ angular.element(elem)[0].querySelectorAll(".megamenu__items")[0].querySelector("a").focus(); } else if(elem.attr("sub-menu") === undefined) { /*When user navigates within Sub Items*/ var el = document.activeElement; if(el.nextElementSibling === null) break; if(el.nextElementSibling) { el.nextElementSibling.focus(); }else{ do { if (el && el.nextSibling){ el = el.nextSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'A'); if(el.attributes !== null){ el.focus(); } events.stopPropagation(evt); } } else if (elem.attr("sub-menu")=== "true" ) { /* condition true when user navigates from sub menu to Sub Item*/ var childItems = angular.element(elem)[0].querySelector("span").querySelector('a'); if(childItems === null) break; childItems.focus(); } break; case keymap.KEY.LEFT: if (!(elem.attr('mega-menu'))) { var el = angular.element(elem)[0]; if (elem.attr("sub-menu") === "true") { /* condition true when user navigates through Sub-menu*/ if(el.previousElementSibling === null) break; if(el.previousElementSibling){ el.previousElementSibling.querySelector("a").focus(); } else{ do{ if (el && el.previousSibling){ el = el.previousSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'LI'); if(el){ if (el.querySelector("a") == null){} else{ el.querySelector("a").focus();} } events.preventDefault(evt); events.stopPropagation(evt); } /*el.previousElementSibling.querySelector("span").focus(); events.stopPropagation(evt); break;*/ } else if (elem.attr("sub-menu") === undefined) { if(el.previousElementSibling === null) break; if(el.previousElementSibling){ el.previousElementSibling.querySelector("a").focus(); } else{ do{ if (el && el.previousSibling){ el = el.previousSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'LI'); if(el){ if (el.querySelector("a") == null){} else{ el.querySelector("a").focus();} } } } } else { if (elem.attr("menu-item") === "item") { /* Works when user on Mega menu*/ var el = angular.element(elem)[0]; if(el.previousElementSibling){ if(el.previousElementSibling.querySelector("span") === null){ } else { el.previousElementSibling.querySelector("span").focus(); } } else{ do{ if (el && el.previousSibling){ el = el.previousSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'LI'); if(el){ if (el.querySelector("span") === null) { } else { el.querySelector("span").focus(); } } events.preventDefault(evt); events.stopPropagation(evt); } } } break; case keymap.KEY.UP: if (elem.attr("sub-menu") === "true") { var el = document.activeElement; var parent_menu = angular.element(elem.parent().parent().parent().parent())[0].querySelector("span"); parent_menu.focus(); parentCtrl.clearSubMenu(); scope.menuItem.active = false; break; } else if(elem.attr("sub-menu") === undefined) { /* condition true when user navigates within Sub Items*/ var el = document.activeElement; var parent_menu = angular.element(elem.parent().parent().parent().parent())[0].querySelector("a"); if(document.activeElement === angular.element(el).parent().parent()[0].querySelectorAll('a')[0]){ parent_menu.focus(); break; }; if(el.previousElementSibling) { var prev_a = el.previousElementSibling; (el.previousElementSibling != null)? el.previousElementSibling.focus(): parent_menu.focus(); }else{ do{ if (el && el.previousSibling){ el = el.previousSibling; } else{ break; } } while (el && el.tagName !== 'A'); if(el && (el.nodeType !== 3)){ el.focus(); } events.preventDefault(evt); events.stopPropagation(evt); } break; } default: break; } }); } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.tagBadges', []) .directive('tagBadges', ['$parse', '$timeout', function($parse, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: false, transclude: true, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/tagBadges/tagBadges.html', scope: { styleType: "@", onClose: "&" }, link: function(scope, elem, attr) { scope.isSmall = false; scope.isIcon = false; scope.isColor = false; scope.display = true; scope.isClosable = false; scope.isHighlight = false; scope.customColor = false; if (attr.small === "") { scope.isSmall = true; } if (scope.styleType === "icon") { scope.isIcon = true; } else if (scope.styleType === "color") { scope.isColor = true; if(attr.color !== undefined && attr.color !== "") { scope.customColor = true; attr.$observe("color", function(val) { scope.border_type_borderColor = val; scope.background_type_backgroundColor = val; scope.background_type_borderColor = val; }); } } scope.activeHighlight = function(state){ if(scope.customColor){ if(state){ scope.isHighlight = true; } else{ scope.isHighlight = false; } } }; if (attr.closable === "") { scope.isClosable = true; scope.closeMe = function() { scope.display = false; $timeout(function(){ elem.attr("tabindex", "0"); elem[0].focus(); elem.bind('blur', function(){ elem.remove(); }); }); if(attr['onClose']){ scope.onClose = $parse(scope.onClose); scope.onClose(); } }; } } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.textOverflow', []) .constant('textDefaultOptions', { width: '50%' }) .directive('attTextOverflow', ['textDefaultOptions','$compile',function(textDefaultOptions,$compile) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, elem, attrs) { var tooltipText = elem.text(); elem.addClass('text-ellipsis'); attrs.$observe('attTextOverflow', function(val){ if(val){ elem.css({"width":val}); } else{ elem.css({"width":textDefaultOptions.width}); } }); if(!(elem.attr('tooltip'))){ elem.attr("tooltip", tooltipText); elem.attr("tooltip-placement", 'above'); var newElem = angular.element(elem); $compile(newElem)(scope); } } }; }]); angular.module('att.abs.toggle', ['angular-gestures', 'att.abs.position']) .directive('attToggleTemplate', ['$compile', '$log', '$position', function ($compile, $log, $position) { return{ restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', transclude: true, scope: { modelVal: "=ngModel" }, templateUrl: 'app/scripts/ng_js_att_tpls/toggle/demoToggle.html', link: function (scope, element, attr) { scope.initialDragPosition = 0; var dragStatus = 0; var switchMovementPath = ($position.offset(element.children().eq(1).children().eq(0)).width - 1); var updateModelVal = function () { if (scope.attrValue === attr.ngTrueValue || scope.attrValue) { scope.modelVal = false; 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Add board
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    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
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    \n" + " \n" + "
    \n" + "
    \n" + "
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          • \n" + "
            Custom Single Date...
            \n" + "
            Custom single month...
            \n" + "
          • \n" + "
          • \n" + "
            Custom Range...
            \n" + "
            Custom month range...
            \n" + "
          • \n" + "
          • \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
            \n" + " Clear Dates\n" + " Clear Months\n" + "
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          {{currentTitle}}\n" + "
          \n" + "
          Previous Month\n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          Next Month\n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " 0\">\n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "

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          \n" + "
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          \n" + "
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          • {{option}}
          • \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "

          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
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          \n" + "
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          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
            \n" + "
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          • \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "
          \n" + "
            \n" + "
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          • \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
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          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + "
          \n" + " \n" + "


          \n" + " \n" + "


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