.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Release Notes ============= Version: 1.1.0 -------------- :Release Date: 2017-11-16 **New Features** 1. Improved TOSCA parser. 2. Change Management - Provides the Operators a single tool for installing and maintaining the services as a self service activity. Provides the ability to schedule and execute change management workflows, Maintenance activities for vNFs that are already installed . 3. PNF - PNFs are already installed on the edges of the cloud. In order to configure the PNF, the service needs to be connected to the PNF. **Known Issues** - `VID-78 `_ VID shows the HTML code output whenever the customer list is empty (Cosmetic) **Upgrade Notes** A scheduler is needed for the change management feature to work (not included in the Amsterdam release). **Other** In order to work properly, VID needs a working instance of SDC, A&AI and SO. =========== End of Release Notes