# msb_create The Python script in this folder is used to register vnf to msb. It mainly includes the creation, upload, query acquisition and deletion of msb. # msb_upload When the msb_create script is executed, an ID is obtained. At this time, the msb_upload script is opened, the file path is changed to the path of the CSAR package you want to upload vnf. Then the msb_upload script is executed and the ID is placed after the command is executed, and the ID is automatically passed in. # msb_download By executing this script, you can access the catalog parsing interface and get the parsing content of the uploaded vnf package # msb_get If you want to query the registration status in msb, you can execute the msb_get script directly. # msb_delete If you want to delete an MSB record, you can execute the msb_del script and put the ID generated at the time of creation after execution of the command. Note: You should configure the IP and CSAR file path of MSB in const file IP address for MSB service MSB cannot be created repeatedly The request mode of MSB is HTTPS, and the port of public IP is 30283