# Copyright 2017 ZTE Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import logging import os import threading import traceback import time from lcm.jobs.const import JOB_INSTANCE_RESPONSE_ID_URI from lcm.pub.exceptions import NSLCMException from lcm.pub.utils.jobutil import JobUtil from lcm.jobs.enum import JOB_TYPE, JOB_PROGRESS, JOB_ACTION from lcm.pub.utils.values import ignore_case_get from lcm.pub.utils.restcall import req_by_msb logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VerifyVnfs(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, data, job_id): super(VerifyVnfs, self).__init__() self.data = data self.job_id = job_id self.vnf_inst_id = '' self.verify_ok = False self.verify_config = '' def run(self): try: self.verify_config = self.load_config() JobUtil.create_job(JOB_TYPE.VNF, JOB_ACTION.CREATE, self.job_id, 'vnfsdk', self.job_id) self.do_on_boarding() self.do_inst_vnf() self.do_func_test() self.verify_ok = True except NSLCMException as e: self.update_job(JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR, e.args[0]) except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.update_job(JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR, 'Unknown error in vnf verify.') finally: logger.warn("Ignore terminate vnf operation") if self.verify_ok: self.update_job(100, "Ignore terminate vnf operation.") def do_on_boarding(self): self.update_job(10, "Start vnf on boarding.") onboarding_data = { "csarId": self.data["PackageID"], "labVimId": ignore_case_get(self.verify_config, "labVimId") } ret = req_by_msb("/api/nslcm/v1/vnfpackage", "POST", json.JSONEncoder().encode(onboarding_data)) if ret[0] != 0: raise NSLCMException("Failed to call vnf onboarding: %s" % ret[1]) rsp_data = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) if not self.wait_until_job_done(rsp_data["jobId"], 15): raise NSLCMException("Vnf onboarding failed") self.update_job(20, "Vnf on boarding success.") def do_inst_vnf(self): self.update_job(30, "Start inst vnf.") vnf_param = ignore_case_get(self.verify_config, "additionalParamForVnf") if vnf_param and "additionalParam" in vnf_param[0]: vnf_param[0]["additionalParam"]["vimId"] = ignore_case_get(self.verify_config, "lab_vim_id") inst_data = { "nsInstanceId": "", "additionalParamForVnf": vnf_param, "vnfIndex": "1" } ret = req_by_msb("/api/nslcm/v1/ns/ns_vnfs", "POST", json.JSONEncoder().encode(inst_data)) if ret[0] != 0: raise NSLCMException("Failed to call inst vnf: %s" % ret[1]) rsp_data = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) self.vnf_inst_id = rsp_data["vnfInstId"] if not self.wait_until_job_done(rsp_data["jobId"], 40): raise NSLCMException("Vnf(%s) inst failed" % self.vnf_inst_id) self.update_job(50, "Inst vnf success.") def do_func_test(self): self.update_job(60, "Start vnf function test.") func_data = {"PackageID": self.data["PackageID"]} ret = req_by_msb("/openapi/vnfsdk/v1/functest/taskmanager/testtasks", "POST", json.JSONEncoder().encode(func_data)) if ret[0] != 0: raise NSLCMException("Failed to call func test: %s" % ret[1]) rsp_data = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) if not self.wait_func_test_job_done(rsp_data["TaskID"], 40): raise NSLCMException("Func test failed") logger.info("Query(%s) job success.", rsp_data["TaskID"]) ret = req_by_msb("/openapi/vnfsdk/v1/functest/taskmanager/testtasks/%s/result" % rsp_data["TaskID"], "GET") if ret[0] != 0: raise NSLCMException("Failed to get func test result: %s" % ret[1]) rsp_result_data = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) logger.info("Func test(%s) result: %s", rsp_result_data) self.update_job(80, "Vnf function test success.") def do_term_vnf(self): if not self.vnf_inst_id: return self.update_job(90, "Start term vnf.") term_data = { "terminationType": "forceful", "gracefulTerminationTimeout": "600" } ret = req_by_msb("/api/nslcm/v1/ns/ns_vnfs/%s" % self.vnf_inst_id, "POST", json.JSONEncoder().encode(term_data)) if ret[0] != 0: raise NSLCMException("Failed to call term vnf: %s" % ret[1]) rsp_data = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) end_progress = 100 if self.verify_ok else JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR term_progress = 95 if self.verify_ok else JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR if not self.wait_until_job_done(rsp_data["jobId"], term_progress): logger.error("Vnf(%s) term failed", self.vnf_inst_id) end_progress = JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR self.update_job(end_progress, "Term vnf end.") def update_job(self, progress, desc=''): JobUtil.add_job_status(self.job_id, progress, desc) def wait_until_job_done(self, job_id, global_progress, retry_count=60, interval_second=3): count = 0 response_id, new_response_id = 0, 0 job_end_normal, job_timeout = False, True while count < retry_count: count = count + 1 time.sleep(interval_second) ret = req_by_msb(JOB_INSTANCE_RESPONSE_ID_URI % (job_id, response_id), "GET") if ret[0] != 0: logger.error("Failed to query job: %s:%s", ret[2], ret[1]) continue job_result = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) if "responseDescriptor" not in job_result: logger.error("Job(%s) does not exist.", job_id) continue progress = job_result["responseDescriptor"]["progress"] new_response_id = job_result["responseDescriptor"]["responseId"] job_desc = job_result["responseDescriptor"]["statusDescription"] if new_response_id != response_id: self.update_job(global_progress, job_desc) logger.debug("%s:%s:%s", progress, new_response_id, job_desc) response_id = new_response_id count = 0 if progress == JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR: if 'already onBoarded' in job_desc: logger.warn("%s:%s", job_id, job_desc) job_end_normal, job_timeout = True, False logger.info("Job(%s) ended", job_id) break job_timeout = False logger.error("Job(%s) failed: %s", job_id, job_desc) break elif progress == 100: job_end_normal, job_timeout = True, False logger.info("Job(%s) ended normally", job_id) break if job_timeout: logger.error("Job(%s) timeout", job_id) return job_end_normal def wait_func_test_job_done(self, job_id, global_progress, retry_count=60, interval_second=3): count = 0 response_id, new_response_id = 0, 0 job_end_normal, job_timeout = False, True while count < retry_count: count = count + 1 time.sleep(interval_second) ret = req_by_msb("/openapi/vnfsdk/v1/functest/taskmanager/testtasks/%s?responseId=%s" % (job_id, response_id), "GET") if ret[0] != 0: logger.error("Failed to query job: %s:%s", ret[2], ret[1]) continue job_result = json.JSONDecoder().decode(ret[1]) if "responseDescriptor" not in job_result: logger.error("Job(%s) does not exist.", job_id) continue progress = job_result["responseDescriptor"]["progress"] new_response_id = job_result["responseDescriptor"]["responseId"] job_desc = job_result["responseDescriptor"]["statusDescription"] if new_response_id != response_id: self.update_job(global_progress, job_desc) logger.debug("%s:%s:%s", progress, new_response_id, job_desc) response_id = new_response_id count = 0 if progress == JOB_PROGRESS.ERROR: if 'already onBoarded' in job_desc: logger.warn("%s:%s", job_id, job_desc) job_end_normal, job_timeout = True, False logger.info("Job(%s) ended", job_id) break job_timeout = False logger.error("Job(%s) failed: %s", job_id, job_desc) break elif progress == 100: job_end_normal, job_timeout = True, False logger.info("Job(%s) ended normally", job_id) break if job_timeout: logger.error("Job(%s) timeout", job_id) return job_end_normal def load_config(self): json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../biz/verify_vnfs_config.json') f = open(json_file) json_data = json.JSONDecoder().decode(f.read()) f.close() return json_data