.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 VF-C Release Notes ================== VF-C includes two main components, NFV-O and GVNFM, to implement life cycle management and FCAPS of VNF and NS. VF-C takes part in end to end service orchestration and close loop automation by working with SO, DCAE and Policy. VF-C also provides standard southbound interface to VNFMs and can integrate with multi vendor VNFMs via drivers. Version: 1.1.0 -------------- :Release Date: 2018-06-07 **New Features** - NS/VNF manual scaling supporting for VoLTE use case - VNF Integration, integration with VNF via GVNFM - S3P improvement Released components: NFVO - vfc-nfvo-lcm - vfc-nfvo-catalog - vfc-nfvo-resmgr - vfc-nfvo-driver-emsdriver - vfc-nfvo-driver-gvnfm-gvnfmadapter - vfc-nfvo-driver-gvnfm-jujudriver - vfc-nfvo-driver-svnfm-ztedriver - vfc-nfvo-driver-svnfm-huaweidriver - vfc-nfvo-driver-svnfm-nokiadriver - vfc-nfvo-driver-svnfm-nokiav2driver - vfc-nfvo-driver-sfc-ztesfcdriver - vfc-nfvo-multivimproxy GVNFM - vfc-gvnfm-vnflcm - vfc-gvnfm-vnfmgr - vfc-gvnfm-vnfres Workflow - workflow-engine-mgr-service - activiti-extension **Bug Fixes** This is the initial release **Known Issues** - VFC-896 vim-id in AAI is handled as a mandatory parameter - VFC-890 The hard coded SDC user and password in catalog & LCM is not present in SDC - VFC-891 The AAI credentials is hard coded in LCM **Security Notes** VFC code has been formally scanned during build time using NexusIQ and all Critical vulnerabilities have been addressed, items that remain open have been assessed for risk and determined to be false positive. The VFC open Critical security vulnerabilities and their risk assessment have been documented as part of the `project <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=25437810>`_. Quick Links: - `VFC project page <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Virtual+Function+Controller+Project>`_ - `Passing Badge information for VFC <https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/en/projects/1608>`_ - `Project Vulnerability Review Table for VFC <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=25437810>`_ **Upgrade Notes** NA **Deprecation Notes** NA **Other** NA Version: 1.0.0 -------------- :Release Date: 2017-11-16 **New Features** - NS lifecycle management, including NS instance creation, termination and healing - VNF lifecycle management, including VNF nstance creation, termination and healing - VNF FCAPS, collecting FCAPS data from vendor EMS - VNFM Integration, integration with specific VNFMs of vendors to deploy commercial VNFs - VNF Integration, integration with VNF via GVNFM Released components: NFVO - vfc-nfvo-lcm - vfc-nfvo-catalog - vfc-nfvo-resmgr - vfc-nfvo-driver-emsdriver - vfc-nfvo-driver-gvnfm-gvnfmadapter - vfc-nfvo-driver-gvnfm-jujudriver - vfc-nfvo-driver-svnfm-ztedriver - vfc-nfvo-driver-svnfm-huaweidriver - vfc-nfvo-driver-svnfm-nokiadriver - vfc-nfvo-driver-sfc-ztesfcdriver GVNFM - vfc-gvnfm-vnflcm - vfc-gvnfm-vnfmgr - vfc-gvnfm-vnfres Workflow - workflow-engine-mgr-service - activiti-extension **Bug Fixes** This is the initial release **Known Issues** None **Security Issues** None **Upgrade Notes** This is the initial release **Deprecation Notes** This is the initial release **Other** NA =========== End of Release Notes