.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. _vfc_index: ONAP VF-C ========= |image0| .. |image0| image:: onap-arc.png :width: 5.97047in :height: 3.63208in As part of the integration between OpenECOMP and OPEN-O, VF-C leverages ETSI NFV MANO architecture and information model as a reference, and implements life cycle management and FCAPS of VNF and NS. * support NS and VNF lifecycle management based on the ONAP tosca and yang data model and workflow * support integration with multi VNFMs via drivers, which include vendors VNFM and generic VNFM * support integration with multi VNFs via generic VNFM, which does not provide VNFM function * support integration with multi VIMS via Multi-VIM, which include the opensource and commercial VIMs * support microservice architecture and model driven resource orchestration and management |image1| .. |image1| image:: vfc-component.png :width: 3.97047in :height: 2.63208in VF-C as one controller in ONAP includes two components NFV-O and GVNFM. * NFVO component * compliant with ETSI NFV MANO architecture and information model, * providing resource orchestration and full life cycle management and FCAPS for NS, * providing standard south bound interface to VNFMs, * providing north bound interface to SO, to take part in fulfilling the orchestration and operation of end2end service, * providing interface and work with DCAE and Policy for Close Loop Automation. * GVNFM component * compliant with ETSI NFV MANO architecture and information model * providing full life cycle management and FCAPS for VNFs which do not require a vendor VNFM, * providing interface and work with NFV-O component, to take part in fulfilling the LCM and FCAPS management of NS, * providing interface and work with DCAE and Policy for Close Loop Automation. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 architecture.rst APIs/index consumedapis.rst delivery.rst logging.rst installation/inde cli-userguide/index administration.rst