/* * Copyright 2016-2017, Nokia Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onap.vfc.nfvo.driver.vnfm.svnfm.nokia.vnfm; import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams; import com.nokia.cbam.catalog.v1.api.DefaultApi; import com.nokia.cbam.catalog.v1.model.CatalogAdapterVnfpackage; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream; import org.onap.vfc.nfvo.driver.vnfm.svnfm.nokia.api.IPackageProvider; import org.slf4j.Logger; import static com.google.common.base.Splitter.on; import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.filter; import static okhttp3.MediaType.parse; import static okhttp3.RequestBody.create; import static org.onap.vfc.nfvo.driver.vnfm.svnfm.nokia.util.CbamUtils.buildFatalFailure; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import static org.springframework.http.MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; /** * Responsible for handling the CBAM catalog * - the VNF package is uploaded as part of the instantiation * - the VNF package is not deleted after VNF deletion */ public class CatalogManager { /** * The location of the CBAM package within the ONAP package */ public static final String CBAM_PACKAGE_NAME_IN_ZIP = "Artifacts/Deployment/OTHER/cbam.package.zip"; private static final String TOSCA_META_PATH = "TOSCA-Metadata/TOSCA.meta"; private static final String TOSCA_VNFD_KEY = "Entry-Definitions"; private static Logger logger = getLogger(CatalogManager.class); private final CbamRestApiProvider cbamRestApiProvider; private final IPackageProvider packageProvider; CatalogManager(CbamRestApiProvider cbamRestApiProvider, IPackageProvider packageProvider) { this.cbamRestApiProvider = cbamRestApiProvider; this.packageProvider = packageProvider; } /** * @param zip the zip * @param path the path of the file to be returned * @return the file in the zip */ public static ByteArrayOutputStream getFileInZip(InputStream zip, String path) throws IOException { ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(zip); ByteArrayOutputStream fileContent = getFileInZip(zipInputStream, path); zipInputStream.close(); return fileContent; } /** * @param stream the CBAM VNF package * @return the location of the VNFD within the CBAM package */ public static String getVnfdLocation(InputStream stream) throws IOException { String toscaMetadata = new String(getFileInZip(stream, TOSCA_META_PATH).toByteArray()); String toscaVnfdLine = filter(on("\n").split(toscaMetadata), line -> line.contains(TOSCA_VNFD_KEY)).iterator().next(); return toscaVnfdLine.replace(TOSCA_VNFD_KEY + ":", "").trim(); } private static ByteArrayOutputStream getFileInZip(ZipInputStream zipInputStream, String path) throws IOException { ZipEntry zipEntry; Set items = new HashSet<>(); while ((zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry()) != null) { items.add(zipEntry.getName()); if (zipEntry.getName().matches(path)) { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteStreams.copy(zipInputStream, byteArrayOutputStream); return byteArrayOutputStream; } } logger.error("Unable to find the {} in archive found: {}", path, items); throw new NoSuchElementException("Unable to find the " + path + " in archive found: " + items); } /** * Prepare the VNF package in CBAM. If the package is not available in the catalog it is uploaded. * * @param vnfmId the identifier of the VNFM * @param csarId the CSAR identifier of the package in ONAP catalog * @return the package in CBAM catalog */ public CatalogAdapterVnfpackage preparePackageInCbam(String vnfmId, String csarId) { String cbamVnfdId = packageProvider.getCbamVnfdId(csarId); DefaultApi cbamCatalogApi = cbamRestApiProvider.getCbamCatalogApi(vnfmId); if (!isPackageReplicated(cbamVnfdId, cbamCatalogApi)) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream cbamPackage = getFileInZip(new ByteArrayInputStream(packageProvider.getPackage(csarId)), CBAM_PACKAGE_NAME_IN_ZIP); return cbamCatalogApi.create(create(parse(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.toString()), cbamPackage.toByteArray())).blockingFirst(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Probably concurrent package uploads", e); //retest if the VNF package exists in CBAM. It might happen that an other operation //triggered the replication making this API fail. The replication is considered to be //successful if the package exist in CBAM even if the current package transfer failed if (isPackageReplicated(cbamVnfdId, cbamCatalogApi)) { return queryPackageFromCBAM(cbamVnfdId, cbamCatalogApi); } else { throw buildFatalFailure(logger, "Unable to create VNF with " + csarId + " CSAR identifier in package in CBAM", e); } } } return queryPackageFromCBAM(cbamVnfdId, cbamCatalogApi); } /** * Gets the content of the VNFD from the CBAM package uploaded to CBAM * * @param vnfmId the identifier of the VNFM * @param vnfdId the identifier of the VNFD * @return the content of the CBAM VNFD */ public String getCbamVnfdContent(String vnfmId, String vnfdId) { try { byte[] vnfdContent = cbamRestApiProvider.getCbamCatalogApi(vnfmId).content(vnfdId).blockingFirst().bytes(); String vnfdPath = getVnfdLocation(new ByteArrayInputStream(vnfdContent)); return new String(getFileInZip(new ByteArrayInputStream(vnfdContent), vnfdPath).toByteArray()); } catch (Exception e) { throw buildFatalFailure(logger, "Unable to get package with (" + vnfdId + ")", e); } } private boolean isPackageReplicated(String cbamVnfdId, DefaultApi cbamCatalogApi) { try { return isPackageReplicatedToCbam(cbamVnfdId, cbamCatalogApi); } catch (Exception e) { throw buildFatalFailure(logger, "Unable to determine if the VNF package has been replicated in CBAM", e); } } private CatalogAdapterVnfpackage queryPackageFromCBAM(String cbamVnfdId, DefaultApi cbamCatalogApi) { try { return cbamCatalogApi.getById(cbamVnfdId).blockingFirst(); } catch (Exception e) { throw buildFatalFailure(logger, "Unable to query VNF package with " + cbamVnfdId + " from CBAM", e); } } private boolean isPackageReplicatedToCbam(String cbamVnfdId, DefaultApi cbamCatalogApi) throws IOException { for (CatalogAdapterVnfpackage vnfPackage : cbamCatalogApi.list().blockingFirst()) { if (vnfPackage.getVnfdId().equals(cbamVnfdId)) { return true; } } return false; } }