Integrate ONAP with Nokia VNFM ============================== Prepare CBAM ------------ * Start CBAM in ONAP network - via image: (read the CBAM installation guide) * Register driver in CBAM - Log into CBAM via SSH and get keycloak admin password - ectl get /cbam/cluster/components/keycloak/admin_credentials/password - Log into keycloak https:///auth/admin with admin username and password from previous step and change password (save the changed password) - Add a new client - set client id to onapClient - change credential type to confidental - enable Standard Flow Enabled, Direct Access Grants Enabled, Service Accounts Enabled - add * for redirect URL - save - note the client id - add new credential - note the client secret - Add a new user - note the username - reset password - assign the "user" role to the created user - Log into CBAM GUI usin the created user - change and note the password - Add SSL certificates for all VIM connection or disable certificate verification - For insecure - sudo su - - ectl set /cbam/cluster/components/tlm/insecure_vim_connection true - ectl set /actions/reconfigure start - journalctl -fu cbam-reconfigure.service - (wait for "Started cbam-reconfigure.service.") - For secure: (read CBAM documentation) Prepare /ets/hosts file on your machine (optional easier to copy paste URLs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------+---------------------------------+ | IP address | DNS entry | +==============+=================================+ | | | +--------------+---------------------------------+ | | | +--------------+---------------------------------+ | | | +--------------+---------------------------------+ | | | +--------------+---------------------------------+ | | | +--------------+---------------------------------+ | | | +--------------+---------------------------------+ | | | +--------------+---------------------------------+ Add the VNFM driver to ONAP --------------------------- - Locate the IP address of the MSB (MSB_IP). Look at the VM instances of ONAP and search one with vm1-multi-service name. This is where the MSB is located - Create VIM in A&AI (may already exist) (repeat for all clouds planed to be used) - - Determine the tenant id to be used (log into the cloud) (repeat for all tenants planed to be used within the cloud) - http:///project/access_and_security/ Intentity / Projects - Create tenant (may already exist) (repeat for all tenants planed to be used within the cloud) + tool: Postman + change tenant id, region id owner id + method: PUT + url: + Headers - basic auth AAI:AAI - X-FromAppId : any - Content-type: application/json - Accept: application/json - Content: :download:`aai.create.tenant.request.json ` - change tenant id, region id owner id and tenant name - Register the VNFM as external system (repeat for all cloud planed to be used) - Visit MSB - note the cloud owner field - note the region id field - Visit MSB and click on register button +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ | key | Value | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ | Name | CbamVnfm | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ | type | NokiaSVNFM | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ | Vendor | Nokia | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ | version | v1 | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ | URL | https://:443/vnfm/lcm/v3/ | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ | VIM | _ | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ | certificate URL | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ | Username | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ | Password | | +-----------------+-----------------------------------+ - Determine the UUID of the VNFM (if the VNFM was registered multiple times select one at random) - visit and search for the previously registered VNFM - note the id field - Download the cbam driver into ONAP multi service node - Load the image into docker and note the image identifier .. code-block:: console docker load -i /tmp/nokia.img Start the driver (fill in values) .. code-block:: console export CBAM_IP= export MULTI_NODE_IP= export VNFM_ID= export IMAGE_ID= export CBAM_PASSWORD= export CBAM_USERNAME= docker run --name vfc_nokia -p 8089:8089 -e "MSB_IP=$MULTI_NODE_IP" -e "CONFIGURE=kuku" -e "EXTERNAL_IP=$MULTI_NODE_IP" -e "CBAM_CATALOG_URL=https://$CBAM_IP:443/api/catalog/adapter/" -e "CBAM_LCN_URL=https://$CBAM_IP:443/vnfm/lcn/v3/" -e "CBAM_KEYCLOAK_URL=https://$CBAM_IP:443/auth/" -e "CBAM_USERNAME=$CBAM_USERNAME" -e "CBAM_PASSWORD=$CBAM_PASSWORD" -e "VNFM_ID=$VNFM_ID" -d --stop-timeout 300 $IMAGE_ID