tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1 metadata: invariantUUID: 4b8712de-254b-4dae-8f16-b3d63c9f2d49 UUID: faf6c8f0-b096-44e2-88e9-4527451a71ff name: Test-fyx description: Application Test VF type: VF category: Application L4+ subcategory: Application Server resourceVendor: zte resourceVendorRelease: '1.0' resourceVendorModelNumber: '' imports: - nodes: file: nodes.yml - datatypes: file: data.yml - capabilities: file: capabilities.yml - relationships: file: relationships.yml - groups: file: groups.yml - policies: file: policies.yml - resource-Test-fyx-interface: file: resource-TestFyx-template-interface.yml - resource-ExtCP: file: resource-Extcp-template.yml - resource-Compute: file: resource-Compute-template.yml - resource-BlockStorage: file: resource-Blockstorage-template.yml - resource-ContrailVirtualNetwork: file: resource-Contrailvirtualnetwork-template.yml - resource-ContrailPort: file: resource-Contrailport-template.yml - resource-ObjectStorage: file: resource-Objectstorage-template.yml topology_template: inputs: nf_naming: type: org.openecomp.datatypes.Naming default: ecomp_generated_naming: true nf_naming_code: type: string default: { } nf_function: type: string default: { } availability_zone_max_count: type: integer default: 1 nf_role: type: string default: { } max_instances: type: integer default: { } min_instances: type: integer default: { } nf_type: type: string default: { } node_templates: VDU-B: type: tosca.nodes.Compute metadata: invariantUUID: 96ac4c35-bdc2-4018-b022-d7df39507d7d UUID: 0da94c51-2271-4ee2-ae13-cd89f46dbdff customizationUUID: ea43f19d-770e-4ed4-9d5a-1f4999366fde version: '1.0' name: Compute description: Represents a real or virtual machine or server. Information specified on the Compute node will be used to find the machine that fits the given requirements in the cloud available machines. If no sizing information are specified the cloud provider default machine will be used. It is strongly recommended to specify the required CPUs and memory at least. type: VFC category: Generic subcategory: Infrastructure resourceVendor: ATT (Tosca) resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03 resourceVendorModelNumber: '' ContrailPort 0: type: metadata: invariantUUID: 740aef05-3c26-4fc9-ab83-ef889801af59 UUID: 67110e55-8b3b-4595-9e7f-b76a8e5b78c8 customizationUUID: 37d74cc1-d060-4cbc-8a23-b0b81424e984 version: '2.0' name: ContrailPort description: Represents a logical entity that associates between Compute and Network normative types for contrail. type: CP category: Generic subcategory: Network Elements resourceVendor: ATT (Tosca) resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03 resourceVendorModelNumber: '' properties: mac_requirements: mac_count_required: is_required: false static_route: false shared_ip: false exCP_naming: ecomp_generated_naming: true is_default: false requirements: - link: capability: node: ContrailVirtualNetwork 0 relationship: - binding: capability: node: VDU-B relationship: VDU-C: type: tosca.nodes.Compute metadata: invariantUUID: 96ac4c35-bdc2-4018-b022-d7df39507d7d UUID: 0da94c51-2271-4ee2-ae13-cd89f46dbdff customizationUUID: 8e76a90e-4ec3-4177-bdef-92ce55934f9d version: '1.0' name: Compute description: Represents a real or virtual machine or server. Information specified on the Compute node will be used to find the machine that fits the given requirements in the cloud available machines. If no sizing information are specified the cloud provider default machine will be used. It is strongly recommended to specify the required CPUs and memory at least. type: VFC category: Generic subcategory: Infrastructure resourceVendor: ATT (Tosca) resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03 resourceVendorModelNumber: '' ContrailPort 1: type: metadata: invariantUUID: 740aef05-3c26-4fc9-ab83-ef889801af59 UUID: 67110e55-8b3b-4595-9e7f-b76a8e5b78c8 customizationUUID: 723cf043-6243-4a82-b220-d3fa548ce79f version: '2.0' name: ContrailPort description: Represents a logical entity that associates between Compute and Network normative types for contrail. type: CP category: Generic subcategory: Network Elements resourceVendor: ATT (Tosca) resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03 resourceVendorModelNumber: '' properties: mac_requirements: mac_count_required: is_required: false static_route: false shared_ip: false exCP_naming: ecomp_generated_naming: true is_default: false requirements: - link: capability: node: ContrailVirtualNetwork 0 relationship: - binding: capability: node: VDU-A relationship: BlockStorage 0: type: tosca.nodes.BlockStorage metadata: invariantUUID: 0b40dcd5-3d95-4dd4-bf9b-22b2f10755b8 UUID: 9ad49f03-2aa2-48e2-8fae-82d3b7f81788 customizationUUID: 9239f0fc-eaaa-400d-bca1-8510841fa651 version: '1.0' name: BlockStorage description: Represents a server-local block storage device (i.e., not shared) offering evenly sized blocks of data from which raw storage volumes can be created. type: VFC category: Generic subcategory: Infrastructure resourceVendor: ATT (Tosca) resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03 resourceVendorModelNumber: '' VDU-A: type: tosca.nodes.Compute metadata: invariantUUID: 96ac4c35-bdc2-4018-b022-d7df39507d7d UUID: 0da94c51-2271-4ee2-ae13-cd89f46dbdff customizationUUID: 35ccbeed-443d-4899-9042-82433aea3c01 version: '1.0' name: Compute description: Represents a real or virtual machine or server. Information specified on the Compute node will be used to find the machine that fits the given requirements in the cloud available machines. If no sizing information are specified the cloud provider default machine will be used. It is strongly recommended to specify the required CPUs and memory at least. type: VFC category: Generic subcategory: Infrastructure resourceVendor: ATT (Tosca) resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03 resourceVendorModelNumber: '' ExtCP 0: type: org.openecomp.resource.cp.extCP metadata: invariantUUID: 68f72152-2c57-4099-8bbc-aedb388a8f81 UUID: 41d5a4a1-346e-4b47-a08f-936572916657 customizationUUID: 94e2a43c-2c99-487f-a74b-d82edbbd1d5f version: '2.0' name: ExtCP description: The AT&T Connection Point base type all other CP derive from type: CP category: Generic subcategory: Network Elements resourceVendor: ATT (Tosca) resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03 resourceVendorModelNumber: '' properties: mac_requirements: mac_count_required: is_required: false exCP_naming: ecomp_generated_naming: true requirements: - virtualBinding: capability: node: VDU-C relationship: ObjectStorage 0: type: tosca.nodes.ObjectStorage metadata: invariantUUID: 4e89d2a8-ff83-47f8-9788-4aef40feaf0e UUID: e7217097-ada2-42b9-81af-ccf525514796 customizationUUID: 42cc06c5-3bf2-480b-8c30-aac34c48e39f version: '1.0' name: ObjectStorage description: Represents storage that provides the ability to store data as objects (or BLOBs of data) without consideration for the underlying filesystem or devices. type: VFC category: Generic subcategory: Infrastructure resourceVendor: ATT (Tosca) resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03 resourceVendorModelNumber: '' ContrailVirtualNetwork 0: type: metadata: invariantUUID: 86b02009-8634-44f1-a22f-dc685460c95d UUID: 4ebcc4a7-d648-4b7b-a23c-a094ec89b7f0 customizationUUID: d320316b-e61e-44f4-991d-e06f5fa3f9d2 version: '1.0' name: ContrailVirtualNetwork description: Represents a network service with optional subnets and advanced configurations. type: VL category: Generic subcategory: Network Elements resourceVendor: ATT (Tosca) resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03 resourceVendorModelNumber: '' properties: dhcp_enabled: true ip_version: 4 substitution_mappings: node_type: org.openecomp.resource.vf.TestFyx capabilities: extcp0.feature: - ExtCP 0 - feature compute0.binding: - Compute 0 - binding - ContrailPort 1 - network.outgoing.packets.rate objectstorage0.feature: - ObjectStorage 0 - feature compute1.binding: - Compute 1 - binding - ContrailPort 0 - network.incoming.packets.rate compute1.endpoint: - Compute 1 - endpoint - ContrailPort 1 - network.incoming.packets objectstorage0.storage_endpoint: - ObjectStorage 0 - storage_endpoint compute2.binding: - Compute 2 - binding - ContrailPort 1 - network.incoming.bytes.rate - ContrailPort 1 - network.outpoing.packets - ContrailPort 0 - network.incoming.packets contrailport0.feature: - ContrailPort 0 - feature - Compute 1 - host compute0.endpoint: - Compute 0 - endpoint contrailport1.feature: - ContrailPort 1 - feature blockstorage0.attachment: - BlockStorage 0 - attachment contrailvirtualnetwork0.end_point: - ContrailVirtualNetwork 0 - end_point - ContrailPort 0 - network.outgoing.packets.rate compute2.os: - Compute 2 - os compute0.os: - Compute 0 - os compute1.scalable: - Compute 1 - scalable - ContrailPort 1 - network.incoming.bytes contrailvirtualnetwork0.attachment: - ContrailVirtualNetwork 0 - attachment - ContrailVirtualNetwork 0 - link extcp0.internal_connectionPoint: - ExtCP 0 - internal_connectionPoint - ContrailPort 1 - network.incoming.packets.rate - ContrailPort 0 - network.outgoing.bytes.rate compute2.endpoint: - Compute 2 - endpoint blockstorage0.feature: - BlockStorage 0 - feature contrailvirtualnetwork0.feature: - ContrailVirtualNetwork 0 - feature compute0.feature: - Compute 0 - feature - Compute 0 - host compute1.feature: - Compute 1 - feature - ContrailPort 1 - network.outgoing.bytes compute0.scalable: - Compute 0 - scalable compute2.feature: - Compute 2 - feature compute2.scalable: - Compute 2 - scalable - ContrailPort 0 - network.outgoing.bytes - ContrailPort 1 - network.outgoing.bytes.rate - ContrailPort 0 - network.outpoing.packets - Compute 2 - host - ContrailPort 0 - network.incoming.bytes compute1.os: - Compute 1 - os - ContrailPort 0 - network.incoming.bytes.rate requirements: compute2.local_storage: - Compute 2 - local_storage extcp0.virtualBinding: - ExtCP 0 - virtualBinding blockstorage0.dependency: - BlockStorage 0 - dependency contrailport0.dependency: - ContrailPort 0 - dependency compute2.dependency: - Compute 2 - dependency extcp0.dependency: - ExtCP 0 - dependency - ContrailPort 0 - link compute1.local_storage: - Compute 1 - local_storage contrailport0.binding: - ContrailPort 0 - binding compute0.local_storage: - Compute 0 - local_storage contrailport1.dependency: - ContrailPort 1 - dependency contrailport1.binding: - ContrailPort 1 - binding compute1.dependency: - Compute 1 - dependency compute0.dependency: - Compute 0 - dependency extcp0.external_virtualLink: - ExtCP 0 - external_virtualLink - ContrailPort 1 - link objectstorage0.dependency: - ObjectStorage 0 - dependency contrailvirtualnetwork0.dependency: - ContrailVirtualNetwork 0 - dependency extcp0.virtualLink: - ExtCP 0 - virtualLink