FROM MAINTAINER "Lu Ji" # Expose the Usecase-UI backend port and postgreSQL port EXPOSE 8082 # set env parameters ENV PG_HOME=/usr/share/postgresql \ PG_VERSION=13.4 \ PG_VAR_LIB=/var/lib/postgresql \ PG_USR_LIB=/usr/lib/postgresql \ PG_LOGDIR=/var/log/postgresql #Install PostgreSQL as user root, Common users do not have permission to perform the installation USER root RUN apk update && apk add postgresql && apk add bash # Adjust PostgreSQL configuration RUN cp ${PG_HOME}/pg_hba.conf.sample ${PG_HOME}/pg_hba.conf && \ echo "host all all md5" >> ${PG_HOME}/pg_hba.conf && \ cp ${PG_HOME}/postgresql.conf.sample ${PG_HOME}/postgresql.conf && \ cp ${PG_HOME}/pg_ident.conf.sample ${PG_HOME}/pg_ident.conf && \ echo "listen_addresses='*'" >> ${PG_HOME}/postgresql.conf && \ echo "data_directory = '/usr/share/postgresql/data'" >> ${PG_HOME}/postgresql.conf && \ echo "hba_file = '/usr/share/postgresql/pg_hba.conf'" >> ${PG_HOME}/postgresql.conf && \ echo "ident_file = '/usr/share/postgresql/pg_ident.conf'" >> ${PG_HOME}/postgresql.conf && \ mkdir ${PG_HOME}/data && \ mkdir /run/postgresql && \ chown -R postgres:postgres ${PG_HOME} && \ chown -R postgres:postgres /run/postgresql #init databases,Use the non-root user USER postgres RUN initdb -D /usr/share/postgresql/data USER root # Add VOLUMEs to allow backup of config, logs and databases VOLUME ["${PG_HOME}", "${PG_VAR_LIB}", "${PG_LOGDIR}"] # Set the default command to run postgreSQL when starting the container # CMD ["${PG_USR_LIB}/${PG_VERSION}/bin/postgres", "-D", "${PG_VAR_LIB}/${PG_VERSION}/main", "-c", "config_file=${PG_HOME}/${PG_VERSION}/main/postgresql.conf"] #Configure Java SDK ENV CLASSPATH .:${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/lib #Add Usecase-UI server related resources to the docker image RUN mkdir /home/uui WORKDIR /home/uui ADD usecase-ui-server-*-linux64.tar.gz /home/uui/ RUN source /home/uui/bin/ USER postgres WORKDIR /home/uui ENTRYPOINT /home/uui/bin/