import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { Network, Node, Edge } from 'vis'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import { baseUrl } from '../../../../datainterface'; @Component({ selector: 'app-monitor-service', templateUrl: './monitor-service.component.html', styleUrls: ['./monitor-service.component.less'] }) export class MonitorServiceComponent implements OnInit { selectedSubscriptionType: string = ""; serviceSubscriptionList = [] as Array; selectedServiceInstance: string = "" ; serviceInstanceList = [] as Array; selectedTopology:string = 'i18nTextDefine_serviceTopology'; serviceTopologyList:any = [ { topologyType:"i18nTextDefine_serviceTopology", }, { topologyType:"i18nTextDefine_resourceTopology", } ]; baseUrl = baseUrl.baseUrl title = 'Network'; public nodes: Node; public edges: Edge; public network: Network; public serviceList: any; public tempNode: any; public tempEdge: any; public selectedNode: any; public selectedNodeIds: any; public x: any; public abc = []; container: any; networkOptions = { layout: { randomSeed: 15 }, nodes: { borderWidth: 13, size: 30, color: { border: '#54bd55', background: '#666666' }, font: { color: '#eeeeee' } }, edges: { color: 'lightgray' }, interaction: { tooltipDelay: 200, hideEdgesOnDrag: true, navigationButtons: false, keyboard: true, hover: true }, }; constructor(private http: HttpClient) { } intervalData: any; returnResponse: boolean = true; //Get SubscriptionType getSubscribeTypes() { let url = this.baseUrl + "/uui-lcm/customers/service-subscriptions"; this.http.get(url, {}).subscribe((data) => { this.serviceSubscriptionList = data.subscriptions; }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } //Get subscription instanceID by calling With Subscription Type getServiceInstanceList(subscriptionType) { this.serviceInstanceList = []; this.selectedServiceInstance=""; let url = this.baseUrl + "/uui-lcm/Sotnservices/ServiceInstances/" + subscriptionType; this.http.get(url,{}).subscribe((data) => { this.serviceInstanceList = data.serviceInstanceList; }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } getTopologyInfo (topo) { this.selectedTopology = topo; this.getData(); this.refreshData(); } //Get subscription instanceID by calling With Subscription Type ngOnInit() { this.container = document.getElementById('mynetwork'); this.getSubscribeTypes(); } refreshData() { var data1 = { nodes: this.serviceList.nodes, edges: this.serviceList.edges }; var network = new Network(this.container, data1, this.networkOptions); network.on('select', function (selection) { this.selectedNodeIds = selection.nodes[0]; // array of selected node's ids var filteredNode = data1.nodes.filter(item => ( == this.selectedNodeIds )); var t1 = '
\ Node Information\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '; Object.entries(filteredNode[0].dataNode).forEach(entry => { if( entry[1] !== "null") { t1 += '\ \ \ \ '; } }); t1 += '\
\ '; document.getElementById('nodeDetails').innerHTML = t1; }); network.on("afterDrawing", function (this) {; }); } getData (){ var comp = this; this.http.get(this.baseUrl+'/uui-lcm/Sotnservices/resourceTopology/service/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/'+this.selectedSubscriptionType.toLowerCase()+'/service-instances/service-instance/'+this.selectedServiceInstance, {}).subscribe((data) => { this.serviceList = data; comp.refreshData(); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } // Getting sitedata Based On Type and ID getSelectedsubscriptionInfo() { this.getData(); this.refreshData(); if (this.intervalData) { clearInterval(this.intervalData); } } ngOnDestroy() { console.log('clear interval'); if (this.intervalData) { clearInterval(this.intervalData); } } ngOnDelete() { console.log('clear interval'); if (this.intervalData) { clearInterval(this.intervalData); } } }