import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { NzMessageService } from 'ng-zorro-antd'; import { SlicingTaskServices } from '../../../../../core/services/slicingTaskServices'; @Component({ selector: 'app-slicing-task-model', templateUrl: './slicing-task-model.component.html', styleUrls: ['./slicing-task-model.component.less'] }) export class SlicingTaskModelComponent implements OnInit { @Input() showDetail: boolean; @Input() moduleTitle: string; @Input() taskId: string; @Output() cancel = new EventEmitter(); @ViewChild('notification') notification1: any; constructor(private http: SlicingTaskServices, private message: NzMessageService) { } // 配置审核详情 checkDetail: any[] = [{}]; //业务需求信息 businessRequirement: any[] = []; //匹配NST信息 NSTinfo: object[] = [{}]; // 共享切片实例 selectedServiceId: string; selectedServiceName: string; slicingInstances: any; loading: boolean = false; // 子网实例 slicingSubnet: any[] = [ { title: '无线域', context: 'an', slicingId: '', slicingName: '', total: 0, currentPage: '1', pageSize: '10', isLoading: false, flag: false, instances: [] }, { title: '传输域', context: 'tn', slicingId: '', slicingName: '', total: 0, currentPage: '1', pageSize: '10', isLoading: false, flag: false, instances: [] }, { title: '核心域', context: 'cn', slicingId: '', slicingName: '', total: 0, currentPage: '1', pageSize: '10', isLoading: false, flag: false, instances: [] } ] isDisabled: boolean = true; // 子网参数 isShowParams: boolean; paramsTitle: string; params: any; ngOnInit() { } ngOnChanges() { if (this.showDetail) { this.getautidInfo(); } else { this.isDisabled = true; } } getautidInfo(): void { this.http.getAuditInfo(this.taskId).subscribe( res => { const { result_header: { result_code } } = res; if (+result_code === 200) { const { task_id, task_name, create_time, processing_status, business_demand_info, nst_info, nsi_nssi_info, business_demand_info: { service_snssai } } = res.result_body; const { suggest_nsi_id, suggest_nsi_name, an_suggest_nssi_id, an_suggest_nssi_name, tn_suggest_nssi_id, tn_suggest_nssi_name, cn_suggest_nssi_id, cn_suggest_nssi_name, an_latency, an_5qi, an_coverage_area_ta_list, tn_latency, tn_bandwidth, cn_service_snssai, cn_resource_sharing_level, cn_ue_mobility_level, cn_latency, cn_max_number_of_ues, cn_activity_factor, cn_exp_data_rate_dl, cn_exp_data_rate_ul, cn_area_traffic_cap_dl, cn_area_traffic_cap_ul } = nsi_nssi_info; // 处理配置审核详情数据 this.checkDetail = [{ task_id, task_name, create_time, processing_status, service_snssai }]; // 业务需求信息数据 this.businessRequirement = [business_demand_info]; // 匹配NST信息 this.NSTinfo = [nst_info]; // 共享切片实例 this.selectedServiceId = suggest_nsi_id; this.selectedServiceName = suggest_nsi_name; this.slicingInstances = { currentPage: '1', pageSize: '10', isLoading: false, total: 0, flag: false, list: [{ service_instance_id: this.selectedServiceId, service_instance_name: this.selectedServiceName }] } // 子网实例 let subnetData = { an_suggest_nssi_id, an_suggest_nssi_name, tn_suggest_nssi_id, tn_suggest_nssi_name, cn_suggest_nssi_id, cn_suggest_nssi_name}; this.subnetDataFormatting(subnetData, 0); this.slicingSubnet[0].params = { an_latency, an_5qi, an_coverage_area_ta_list } this.slicingSubnet[1].params = { tn_latency, tn_bandwidth }; this.slicingSubnet[2].params = { cn_service_snssai, cn_resource_sharing_level, cn_ue_mobility_level, cn_latency, cn_max_number_of_ues, cn_activity_factor, cn_exp_data_rate_dl, cn_exp_data_rate_ul, cn_area_traffic_cap_dl, cn_area_traffic_cap_ul }; } }) } openSlicingInstance ( bool: boolean): void { const { total, currentPage, pageSize} = this.slicingInstances; if (bool && !total) { this.slicingInstances.list = []; this.getSlicingInstances(currentPage, pageSize) } } getNextPageData ():void { const { total, currentPage, pageSize} = this.slicingInstances; if (total - (+currentPage * +pageSize) > 0 ) { if (this.slicingInstances.flag) return; this.slicingInstances.isLoading = true; this.slicingInstances.flag = true setTimeout( () => { this.getSlicingInstances(currentPage, pageSize) }, 2000) this.slicingInstances.currentPage ++ ; } } getSlicingInstances(pageNo: string, pageSize: string): void { this.http.getSlicingInstance(pageNo, pageSize).subscribe ( res => { const { result_header: { result_code }, result_body } = res; if (+result_code === 200) { const { nsi_service_instances, record_number } = result_body; = record_number; this.slicingInstances.list.push(...nsi_service_instances); } else { this.message.error('Failed to get slicing instance ID') } this.slicingInstances.isLoading = false; this.slicingInstances.flag = false; }) } slicingInstanceChange ():void { this.isDisabled = true; // 获取切片子网实例数据 this.http.getSlicingSubnetInstance(this.selectedServiceId).subscribe( res => { const { result_header: { result_code }, result_body, record_number} = res; if (+result_code === 200) { this.subnetDataFormatting(result_body, record_number) } else { this.message.error('Failed to get slicing subnet instance ID') } }) this.slicingInstances.list.forEach (item => { if (item.service_instance_id === this.selectedServiceId) { this.selectedServiceName = item.service_instance_name; } }) } subnetDataFormatting ( subnetData: any, total: number): void{ const { an_suggest_nssi_id, an_suggest_nssi_name, tn_suggest_nssi_id, tn_suggest_nssi_name, cn_suggest_nssi_id, cn_suggest_nssi_name } = subnetData; this.slicingSubnet[0].slicingId = an_suggest_nssi_id; this.slicingSubnet[0].slicingName = an_suggest_nssi_name; this.slicingSubnet[0].total = total; this.slicingSubnet[0].currentPage = '1'; this.slicingSubnet[0].instances = [{ service_instance_id: an_suggest_nssi_id, service_instance_name: an_suggest_nssi_name }]; this.slicingSubnet[1].slicingId = tn_suggest_nssi_id; this.slicingSubnet[1].slicingName = tn_suggest_nssi_name; this.slicingSubnet[1].total = total; this.slicingSubnet[1].currentPage = '1'; this.slicingSubnet[1].instances = [{ service_instance_id: tn_suggest_nssi_id, service_instance_name: tn_suggest_nssi_name }]; this.slicingSubnet[2].slicingId = cn_suggest_nssi_id; this.slicingSubnet[2].slicingName = cn_suggest_nssi_name; this.slicingSubnet[2].total = total; this.slicingSubnet[2].currentPage = '1'; this.slicingSubnet[2].instances = [{ service_instance_id: cn_suggest_nssi_id, service_instance_name: cn_suggest_nssi_name }]; } resetSlicingInstance (): void { this.selectedServiceId = ''; this.selectedServiceName = ''; item => { item.slicingId = ''; item.slicingName = ''; }) this.isDisabled = false; } openSubnetInstances (bool: boolean, instance: any): void { if(bool && ! { instance.instances = [] this.getSubnetInstances(instance) } } getNextPageSubnet (instance: any): void{ const { total, currentPage, pageSize} = instance; if(total - (+currentPage * +pageSize) > 0 ){ if (instance.flag) return; instance.isLoading = true; instance.flag = true; setTimeout( () => { this.getSubnetInstances(instance); }, 2000) instance.currentPage ++; } } getSubnetInstances (instance: any): void { const { context, currentPage, pageSize } = instance; this.http.getSubnetInContext(context, currentPage, pageSize).subscribe( res => { const { result_header: { result_code }, result_body } = res; if (+result_code === 200) { const { nssi_service_instances, record_number } = result_body; (item => { if (item.context === context) { = record_number; item.instances.push(...nssi_service_instances); item.isLoading = false; item.flag = false; } }) } else { this.message.error('Failed to get slicing subnet instance ID'); } }) } slicingSubnetChange (instance: any): void { instance.instances.forEach( item => { if (instance.slicingId === item.service_instance_id) { instance.slicingName = item.service_instance_name; } }) } restSubnetInstance (instance: any): void { instance.slicingId = ''; instance.slicingName = ''; } showParamsModel (item: any): void { this.isShowParams = true; this.paramsTitle = item.title; this.params = item.params } changeParams (params: any): void { const index = this.paramsTitle === '无线域' ? 0 : (this.paramsTitle === '传输域' ? 1 : 2); this.slicingSubnet[index].params = params } handleCancel() { this.showDetail = false; this.cancel.emit(this.showDetail); } handleOk() { const { selectedServiceId, selectedServiceName, slicingSubnet, checkDetail, businessRequirement, NSTinfo } = this; const nsi_nssi_info: object = { suggest_nsi_id: selectedServiceId, suggest_nsi_name: selectedServiceName, an_suggest_nssi_id: slicingSubnet[0].slicingId, an_suggest_nssi_name: slicingSubnet[0].slicingName, ...slicingSubnet[0].params, tn_suggest_nssi_id: slicingSubnet[1].slicingId, tn_suggest_nssi_name: slicingSubnet[1].slicingName, ...slicingSubnet[1].params, cn_suggest_nssi_id: slicingSubnet[2].slicingId, cn_suggest_nssi_name: slicingSubnet[2].slicingName, ...slicingSubnet[2].params, } let reqBody = {...checkDetail[0], business_demand_info: businessRequirement[0], nst_info: NSTinfo[0], nsi_nssi_info}; delete reqBody.service_snssai; this.notification1.notificationStart('Task', 'Sumbit', this.taskId) this.http.submitSlicing(reqBody).subscribe (res => { const { result_header: { result_code } } = res; if (+result_code === 200) { this.handleCancel(); this.notification1.notificationSuccess('Task', 'Sumbit', this.taskId) } else { this.notification1.notificationFailed('Task', 'Sumbit', this.taskId) } }) } }