import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core'; import { NzMessageService } from 'ng-zorro-antd'; import { SlicingTaskServices } from '../../../../../core/services/slicingTaskServices' @Component({ selector: 'app-check-process-model', templateUrl: './check-process-model.component.html', styleUrls: ['./check-process-model.component.less'] }) export class CheckProcessModelComponent implements OnInit { @Input() moduleTitle: string; @Input() showProcess: boolean; @Input() taskId: string; @Input() moduleOperation: string; @Output() cancel = new EventEmitter(); constructor(private http: SlicingTaskServices, private message: NzMessageService) { } checkDetail: any[]; businessRequirement: any[]; NSTinfo: any[]; data: any[]; currentProgress: number = 1; timer: any = null; isSpinning: boolean = false; isGetData: boolean = false; ngOnInit() { } ngOnChanges() { if (this.showProcess) { this.isSpinning = true; this.getInfo(); this.getProgress(); } else { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.isGetData = false; } } getInfo(): void { this.http.getSlicingBasicInfo(this.taskId).subscribe(res => { const { result_body, result_header: { result_code } } = res; if (+result_code === 200) { const { task_id, task_name, create_time, processing_status, business_demand_info, nst_info, business_demand_info: { service_snssai, coverage_area_ta_list } } = result_body; // 处理配置审核详情数据 this.checkDetail = [{ task_id, task_name, create_time, processing_status, service_snssai }]; // 业务需求信息数据 business_demand_info.area = => { item = item.split(';').join(' - ') return item }) // 前端模拟数据 let area = ["Beijing;Beijing;Haidian District", "Beijing;Beijing;Xicheng District", "Beijing;Beijing;Changping District"].map(item => { item = item.split(';').join(' - ') return item }) this.businessRequirement = [{ ...business_demand_info, area }]; // 匹配NST信息 this.NSTinfo = [nst_info]; } else { const errorMessage = this.moduleOperation === 'Creating' ? 'Failed to get data' : 'Viewing results failed'; this.message.error(errorMessage); } this.isLoadingShow(); }, ({ status, statusText }) => { this.message.error(status + ' (' + statusText + ')'); this.isLoadingShow(); }) } isLoadingShow() { if (this.isGetData) { this.isSpinning = false; } else { this.isGetData = true; } } getProgress(): void { this.http.getSlicingCreateProgress(this.taskId).subscribe(res => { const { result_body, result_header: { result_code } } = res; if (+result_code === 200) { = []; const nssiList: string[] = ['an', 'tn', 'cn']; nssiList.forEach( item => { const progress: number = +result_body[item +'_progress']; const title: string = item.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + item.slice(1); let status: string = result_body[item +'_status']; if ((progress || progress === 0) && status) { let currentProgress = 1 if (progress === 100 && status === 'finished') { currentProgress = 3; status = 'finish' } const obj = { progress, currentProgress, title, status }; } }) = []; let flag: boolean = false; nssiList.forEach(item => { if (result_body[item +'_status'] === 'processing' && result_body[item +'_progress'] !== 0) { flag = true; } }) if (flag) { this.timer = setTimeout(() => { this.getProgress() }, 5000) } } else { this.message.error('Failed to get progress') } this.isLoadingShow(); }, ({ status, statusText }) => { this.message.error(status + ' (' + statusText + ')'); this.isLoadingShow(); }) } handleCancel() { this.showProcess = false; this.cancel.emit(this.showProcess) } }