import { Component, Input, OnInit, ViewChild, SimpleChanges, } from "@angular/core"; import { SlicingTaskServices } from ".././../../../../../core/services/slicingTaskServices"; import { BUSINESS_STATUS } from "../../../../../../../constants/constants"; import { NzModalService, NzMessageService } from "ng-zorro-antd"; import { SlicingBusinessModelComponent } from "../slicing-business-model/slicing-business-model.component"; import { INTERVAL_TIME } from "../../../constant"; @Component({ selector: "app-slicing-business-table", templateUrl: "./slicing-business-table.component.html", styleUrls: ["./slicing-business-table.component.less"], }) export class SlicingBusinessTableComponent implements OnInit { constructor( private myhttp: SlicingTaskServices, private modalService: NzModalService, private message: NzMessageService ) {} @Input() currentTabName; intervalTime: number = INTERVAL_TIME; ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { if ( changes.currentTabName.currentValue === "Slicing Business Management" ) { this.getBusinessList(); } else { this.progressingTimer.forEach((item) => { clearInterval(item.timer); }); this.progressingTimer = []; } } ngOnInit() {} ngOnDestroy() { this.progressingTimer.forEach((item) => { clearInterval(item.timer); }); } selectedValue: string = BUSINESS_STATUS[0]; listOfData: any[] = []; pageIndex: number = 1; pageSize: number = 10; total: number = 0; loading = false; isSelect: boolean = false; statusOptions: any[] = BUSINESS_STATUS; progressingTimer: any[] = []; terminateStart: any[] = []; @ViewChild("notification") notification1: any; getBusinessList(): void { this.loading = true; this.isSelect = false; this.listOfData = []; let paramsObj = { pageNo: this.pageIndex, pageSize: this.pageSize, }; if (this.selectedValue !== BUSINESS_STATUS[0]) { paramsObj[ "businessStatus" ] = this.selectedValue.toLocaleLowerCase(); this.isSelect = true; } let getSlicingBusinessListFailedCallback = () => { this.loading = false; }; this.myhttp .getSlicingBusinessList( paramsObj, this.isSelect, getSlicingBusinessListFailedCallback ) .then((res) => { const { result_body: { slicing_business_list, record_number }, } = res; this.loading = false; = record_number; if ( slicing_business_list !== null && slicing_business_list.length > 0 ) { this.listOfData = (item, index) => { if ( item.last_operation_progress && item.last_operation_type && Number(item.last_operation_progress) < 100 ) { let updata = (prodata: { operation_progress: string; }) => { item.last_operation_progress = prodata.operation_progress || item.last_operation_progress; }; let obj = { serviceId: item.service_instance_id, }; if ( item.last_operation_type.toUpperCase() === "DELETE" ) this.terminateStart[index] = true; else this.terminateStart[index] = false; this.queryProgress( obj, item.orchestration_status, index, updata ).then((res) => { item.last_operation_progress = "100"; this.getBusinessList(); }); } return item; } ); } }); } getListOfProcessingStatus() { this.pageIndex = 1; this.pageSize = 10; this.progressingTimer.forEach((item) => { clearInterval(item.timer); }); this.progressingTimer = []; this.getBusinessList(); } searchData(reset: boolean = false) { this.progressingTimer.forEach((item) => { clearInterval(item.timer); }); this.progressingTimer = []; this.getBusinessList(); } switchChange(slicing, i) { this.modalService.confirm({ nzTitle: "Do you Want to " + (slicing.orchestration_status === "activated" ? "deactivate" : "activate") + " slicing business?", nzContent: "Name:" + slicing.service_instance_name + "", nzOnOk: () => { this.notification1.notificationStart( "slicing business", slicing.orchestration_status === "activated" ? "deactivate" : "activate", slicing.service_instance_id ); let paramsObj = { serviceId: slicing.service_instance_id, }; if (slicing.orchestration_status === "activated") { this.changeActivate( paramsObj, false, slicing, "deactivate", "deactivated", i ); } else { this.changeActivate( paramsObj, true, slicing, "activate", "activated", i ); } }, nzCancelText: "No", nzOnCancel: () => { let singleSlicing = Object.assign({}, this.listOfData[i]); this.listOfData[i] = singleSlicing; this.listOfData = [...this.listOfData]; }, }); } changeActivate( paramsObj, isActivate, slicing, activateValue, finished, index ) { this.loading = true; let changeActivateFailedCallback = () => { this.loading = false; let singleSlicing = Object.assign({}, this.listOfData[index]); this.listOfData[index] = singleSlicing; this.listOfData = [...this.listOfData]; this.notification1.notificationFailed( "slicing business", finished, slicing.service_instance_id ); this.getBusinessList(); }; this.myhttp .changeActivateSlicingService( paramsObj, isActivate, changeActivateFailedCallback ) .then((res) => { this.loading = false; this.notification1.notificationSuccess( "slicing business", finished, slicing.service_instance_id ); this.getBusinessList(); }); } terminate(slicing, index) { this.modalService.confirm({ nzTitle: "Do you Want to terminate slicing business?", nzContent: "Name: " + slicing.service_instance_name, nzOnOk: () => { this.notification1.notificationStart( "slicing business", "terminate", slicing.service_instance_id ); let paramsObj = { serviceId: slicing.service_instance_id }; this.terminateStart[index] = true; this.loading = true; let terminateFailedCallback = () => { this.loading = false; this.notification1.notificationFailed( "slicing business", "terminate", slicing.service_instance_id ); this.terminateStart[index] = false; }; this.myhttp .terminateSlicingService(paramsObj, terminateFailedCallback) .then((res) => { this.loading = false; this.notification1.notificationSuccess( "slicing business", "terminate", slicing.service_instance_id ); this.getBusinessList(); }); }, nzCancelText: "No", nzOnCancel: () => {"Cancel termination"); }, }); } showdetail(data) { const BusinessModal = this.modalService.create({ nzTitle: "Detail", nzContent: SlicingBusinessModelComponent, nzWidth: "70%", nzOkText: null, nzCancelText: null, nzComponentParams: { businessId: data.service_instance_id, outerData: data, }, }); } queryProgress(obj, action, index, callback) { return new Promise((res) => { let requery = () => { let queryProgressFailedCallback = () => { this.progressingTimer.forEach((item) => { if (item.serviceId === obj.serviceId) { clearInterval(item.timer); } }); this.getBusinessList(); }; this.myhttp .getSlicingBusinessProgress( obj, queryProgressFailedCallback ) .then((data) => { if ( data.result_body.operation_progress && Number(data.result_body.operation_progress) < 100 ) { callback(data.result_body); let progressSetTimeOut = setTimeout(() => { requery(); }, this.intervalTime); this.progressingTimer.push({ id: obj.serviceId, timer: progressSetTimeOut, }); } else { this.progressingTimer.forEach((item) => { if (item.serviceId === obj.serviceId) { clearInterval(item.timer); } }); res(data.result_body); } }); }; requery(); }); } }