export const STATUS_LIST = { Active: 'Active', Inactive: 'Inactive' }; export const COMMUNICATION_FORM_ITEMS = [ /******* title /MUST/: MARK THE ITEM NAME, key /MUST/: MARK THE ITEM KEY, type /MUST/: MARKE THE ITEM TYPE, CAN BE ADDED IF NECESSARY: input/select/radio/city-select required /MUST/: IF REQUIRED, scoped: IF SCOPED NUMBERS, CAN BE EMITTED IF NOT scopedText: SCOPED NUMBERS' DESCRIPTION. IF SCOPED NUMBERS EXITS, IT'S A MUST placeholder: IF PLACEHOLDER, CAN BE EMITTED IF NOT options: IF ITEM NEEDS OPTIONS, CAN BE EMITTED IF NOT ********/ { title: "Communication Service Name", key: "name", type: "input", required: true, }, { title: "Intent Instance ID", key: "instanceId", type: "text", required: true, }, { title: "Access Point 1", nodeName: 'Name', rateName: 'Bandwidth', key: "accessPointOne", type: "node_select_one", required: true, }, { title: "Cloud Point Name", key: "cloudPointName", type: "select", required: true, options: [ { title: "tranprotEp_ID_ROOT", key: "tranprotEp_ID_ROOT", } ], }, ];