    Copyright (C) 2019 CMCC, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at


    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

<!-- tab -->
<nz-tabset [nzTabPosition]="'top'" [nzType]="'card'">
  <nz-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [nzTitle]="tab" (nzClick)="handleTabChange(tab)"></nz-tab>
<div class="list">
  <!-- upload -->
  <div  class="listUploadContainer">
      <div class="listupload">
          <nz-upload nzType="drag" [(nzFileList)]="fileList" [nzBeforeUpload]="beforeUpload">
              <p class="ant-upload-drag-icon">
                  <i nz-icon type="inbox" class="anticon anticon-inbox"></i>
              <p class="ant-upload-text"> {{"i18nTextDefine_Click_CSAR_File" | translate}} </p>
              <p class="ant-upload-hint"></p>
          <button nz-button [nzLoading]="uploading" (click)="onClick()" [disabled]="fileList.length == 0" class="upload">
              {{ uploading ? 'Uploading' : 'Start Upload' }}
      <div class="listlin"></div>
      <div class="listfile">
          <div class="listFileTitle"> {{"i18nTextDefine_Uploaded_files" | translate}} </div>
          <div class="nouploadfile" [style.display]="display">{{"i18nTextDefine_Nofileuploading" | translate}}</div>
          <div class="listfilebgc" *ngIf="file">
              <i class="anticon anticon-link icon"></i>
              <div class="color" [ngClass]="{'progress':file.status}">{{file.name}}</div>
              <div class="color" *ngIf="file.status">
                  <nz-progress [nzPercent]="file.progress" [nzShowInfo]="false"></nz-progress>
              <div class="color" *ngIf="!file.status">
                  <span *ngIf="file.success === 0">{{"i18nTextDefine_File_upload_completed" | translate}}</span>
                  <span *ngIf="file.success === 1">{{"i18nTextDefine_File_upload_failed" | translate}}</span>
              <div *ngIf="!file.status">
                  <i class="anticon anticon-check-circle success" *ngIf="file.success === 0"></i>
                  <i class="anticon anticon-exclamation-circle fail"  *ngIf="file.success === 1"></i>
  <!-- table -->
  <nz-spin [nzSpinning]="isSpinning" class="listContainer">
      <div class="mask" *ngIf="isSpinning"></div>
        [nzData]="currentTab === 'NS'
          ? nsTableData
          : (currentTab === 'VNF'
            ? vnfTableData
            : (currentTab === 'PNF'
              ? pnfTableData
              : modelTableData
          <thead *ngIf="currentTab !== 'NLP Model Reource'">
              <tr class="theadColor">
                  <th nzWidth="15%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_NO" | translate}} </th>
                  <th nzWidth="15%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_Name" | translate}} </th>
                  <th nzWidth="15%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_Version" | translate}} </th>
                  <th nzWidth="15%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_OnboardingState" | translate}} </th>
                  <th nzWidth="15%" *ngIf="currentTab !== 'PNF'"> {{"i18nTextDefine_OperationalState" | translate}} </th>
                  <th nzWidth="10%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_UsageState" | translate}} </th>
                  <th nzWidth="15%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_Operationbutton" | translate}} </th>
          <thead *ngIf="currentTab === 'NLP Model Reource'">
            <tr class="theadColor">
                <th nzWidth="8%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_NO" | translate}} </th>
                <th nzWidth="18%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_Name" | translate}} </th>
                <th nzWidth="18%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_Size" | translate}} </th>
                <th nzWidth="18%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_CreateTime" | translate}} </th>
                <th nzWidth="18%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_Status" | translate}} </th>
                <th nzWidth="20%"> {{"i18nTextDefine_Operation" | translate}} </th>
          <tbody *ngIf="currentTab === 'NS'">
              <tr *ngFor="let item of nzTable.data;let i = index;">
                  <td>{{item.nsdName || item.name }}</td>     
                  <td>{{item.nsdVersion || item.version}}</td>
                  <td>{{item.nsdOnboardingState ? item.nsdOnboardingState : status}}</td>                       
                      <i [ngClass]="{'cannotclick': isUpdate}"
                          class="anticon anticon-upload upicon" #upload_icon (click)="updataService(item.uuid)"
                      <i class="anticon anticon-delete" (click)="showDeleteConfirm(item.id)"
          <tbody *ngIf="currentTab === 'VNF'">
              <tr *ngFor="let item of nzTable.data;let i = index;">
                  <td>{{item.vnfProductName || item.name }}</td>     
                  <td>{{item.vnfdVersion || item.version}}</td>
                      <i [ngClass]="{'cannotclick': isUpdate}"
                          class="anticon anticon-upload upicon" #upload_icon (click)="updataService(item.uuid)"
                      <i class="anticon anticon-delete" (click)="showDeleteConfirm(item.id)"
          <tbody *ngIf="currentTab === 'PNF'" >
              <tr *ngFor="let item of nzTable.data; let i = index;">
                      <i class="anticon anticon-delete" (click)="showDeleteConfirm(item.id)"></i>
          <tbody *ngIf="currentTab === 'NLP Model Reource'">
            <tr *ngFor="let item of nzTable.data;let i = index;">
                <td>{{item.active ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'}}</td>
                    <button nz-button nzType="primary" class="buy-button" (click)="showDeleteConfirm(item.id)">
                    <button nz-button nzType="primary" class="buy-button" (click)="activedModelFile(item)">
<app-notification #notification [isServicesList]="false"></app-notification>