/* Copyright (C) 2019 CMCC, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Canada Limited. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import * as d3 from 'd3' import * as $ from 'jquery'; import {networkHttpservice} from '../../../core/services/networkHttpservice.service'; // Customizable colors for edge, domain, node and font const DOMAIN_COLOR = 'lightcyan' const NODE_COLOR = 'DeepSkyBlue' const CE_COLOR = 'Gray' const FONT_COLOR = 'Navy' const TITLE_COLOR = '#0da9e2' //'linear-gradient(90deg, #07a9e1 0%, #30d9c4 100%)' const DEFAULT_COLOR= '#0000FF' // Customizable colors for endpoint CRUD status const EP_COLOR_MAP = new Map([ ['create', 'RoyalBlue'], ['retrieve', 'ForestGreen'], ['update', 'orange'], ['delete', 'red'], ]) enum NodePosition { L2_NODE_POS = 'l2_node_pos', } declare var mxGraph: any; declare var mxCell: any; declare var mxHierarchicalLayout: any; declare var mxRubberband: any; declare var mxKeyHandler: any; declare var mxConstants: any; declare var mxCellRenderer: any; declare var mxVertexHandler: any; declare var mxGraphHandler: any; declare var mxGraphSelectionModel: any; declare var mxFastOrganicLayout: any; declare var mxStackLayout: any; declare var mxParallelEdgeLayout: any; declare var mxPerimeter: any; declare var mxEdgeStyle: any; declare var mxAbstractCanvas2D: any; @Component({ selector: 'app-ccvpn-network', templateUrl: './ccvpn-network.component.html', styleUrls: ['./ccvpn-network.component.css'] }) export class CcvpnNetworkComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('tpContainer') graphContainer: ElementRef; @ViewChild('tableContainer') tableContainer: ElementRef; constructor(private myhttp: networkHttpservice) {} ngOnInit() { } reqNumber = 0 controllers = [] onap = {} domainMap = new Map() enniMap = new Map() sliceMap = new Map() tunnelsMap = new Map() e2eTunnels = [] e2eTunnelMap = new Map() servicesMap = new Map() e2eServices = [] e2eServiceMap = new Map() defBandwidth = 1 currentLayer = 1 currentCloud = '' currentSlice = 'Physical' isNodeName = true isMoreLabels = true storage = window.localStorage graph = null; gLayers = []; graphScale = 1; tunnelTable = null; serviceTable = null; edgeLayout = null; organicLayout = null; stackLayout = null; // Constants readonly DOMAIN_STYLE = 'fillColor=' + DOMAIN_COLOR + ';shape=rectangle;strokeColor=none;gradientColor=none;' + 'verticalLabelPosition=top;verticalAlign=bottom;autosize=1;resizable=1;rounded=1;opacity=50;fontStyle=1'; readonly CPE_STYLE = 'fillColor=' + CE_COLOR + ';shape=rectangle;rounded=1'; readonly CLOUD_STYLE = 'fillColor=' + CE_COLOR + ';shape=cloud'; readonly LINK_STYLE = 'strokeWidth=3;edgeStyle=null' readonly UNI_LINK_STYLE = 'strokeWidth=2;edgeStyle=null;strokeColor=' + CE_COLOR readonly TUNNEL_STYLE = 'strokeWidth=2;curved=1' readonly SERVICE_STYLE = 'strokeWidth=1;curved=1' ngAfterViewInit() { let thisNg = this; this.graph = new mxGraph(this.graphContainer.nativeElement); this.graph.setPanning(true) this.graph.setTooltips(true) this.graph.setHtmlLabels(true) this.graph.cellsDisconnectable = false this.graph.cellsEditable = false this.graph.cellsCloneable = false this.graph.foldingEnabled = false this.graph.edgeLabelsMovable = false this.graph.autoExtend = false this.graph.gridEnabled = false this.graph.model.maintainEdgeParent = false; this.graphScale = 1; new mxRubberband(this.graph); new mxKeyHandler(this.graph); //mxLog.show = () => { } mxConstants.VERTEX_SELECTION_STROKEWIDTH = 1 mxConstants.EDGE_SELECTION_STROKEWIDTH = 5 // mxConstants.EDGE_SELECTION_DASHED = false mxConstants.LOCKED_HANDLE_FILLCOLOR = 'none' mxConstants.HANDLE_STROKECOLOR = 'none' mxConstants.INVALID_COLOR = '#000000' // Keeps the font sizes independent of the scale mxCellRenderer.prototype.getTextScale = function (state) { return 1 } mxVertexHandler.prototype.constrainGroupByChildren = true mxGraphHandler.prototype.maxLivePreview = 16 mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeCellsFromParent = false mxGraphHandler.prototype.isPropagateSelectionCell = function (cell, immediate, me) { return false } const CELL_ADDED = mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.cellAdded mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.cellAdded = function (cell) { CELL_ADDED.call(this, cell) if (cell.isEdge()) this.addCells([cell.source, cell.target]) } const CELL_REMOVED = mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.cellRemoved mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.cellRemoved = function (cell) { CELL_REMOVED.call(this, cell) if (cell.isVertex()) { this.removeCells(cell.edges) } } // Creates a layout algorithm to be used with the graph this.organicLayout = new mxFastOrganicLayout(this.graph); // Moves stuff wider apart than usual 50 this.organicLayout.forceConstant = 80; this.stackLayout = new mxStackLayout(this.graph) this.edgeLayout = new mxParallelEdgeLayout(this.graph) this.edgeLayout.spacing = 15 // Sets default vertex style this.setObjValues(this.graph.stylesheet.getDefaultVertexStyle(), { STYLE_SHAPE: mxConstants.SHAPE_ELLIPSE, STYLE_PERIMETER: mxPerimeter.EllipsePerimeter, STYLE_FILLCOLOR: NODE_COLOR, STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR: 'white', STYLE_STROKECOLOR: '#1B78C8', STYLE_FONTCOLOR: FONT_COLOR, STYLE_FONTSIZE: '14', STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION: 'bottom', STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN: 'top', STYLE_RESIZABLE: '0', }, mxConstants) // Sets default edge style this.setObjValues(this.graph.stylesheet.getDefaultEdgeStyle(), { STYLE_FONTCOLOR: 'black', STYLE_FONTSIZE: '14', STYLE_STROKECOLOR: 'black', STYLE_EDGE: mxEdgeStyle.TopToBottom, STYLE_ENDARROW: 'none', STYLE_LABEL_BACKGROUNDCOLOR: 'white', STYLE_TEXT_OPACITY: '70', }, mxConstants) // Gets label from custom user object // TODO: this.graph.convertValueToString = function (cell) { if (cell.isEdge() && !cell.value.uni && !thisNg.isMoreLabels) return ''; return (cell.value && cell.value.label) ? cell.value.label : ''; } // Installs a custom tooltip for cells this.graph.getTooltipForCell = function (cell) { let tooltip = '' for (let key of Object.keys(cell.value).sort()) { if (key === 'label' || cell.value[key] === '' || key[0] == '$' || !thisNg.isBasicType(cell.value[key])) continue tooltip += '' + key + ': ' + cell.value[key] + '\n' } return tooltip } // Installs a popupmenu handler. this.graph.popupMenuHandler.factoryMethod = this.createPopupMenu document.body.onmousedown = function () { let popupMenu = document.body.getElementsByClassName('mxPopupMenu') if (popupMenu.length) document.body.removeChild(popupMenu[0]) } var dragStatus = 0 // Listen to the Mouseup event to update table and json data view this.graph.addMouseListener({ mouseDown: function (sender, evt) { dragStatus = 1 }, mouseMove: function (sender, evt) { if (dragStatus == 1) dragStatus = 2 }, mouseUp: function (sender, evt) { if (dragStatus == 2) { if (sender.getSelectionCount() >= 1) { this.clientNodeLabelLayout() } } dragStatus = 0 this.deselectTableRow() let cell = null if (!evt.evt.defaultPrevented) { if (!evt.state) return else cell = evt.state.cell } else { if (sender.getSelectionCount() == 1) { cell = sender.getSelectionCell() } else if (sender.getSelectionCount() == 3) { for (let item of sender.getSelectionCells()) { if (item.isEdge()) { if (!cell) cell = item else { cell = null; break } } } } } if (!cell || !cell.value) { return } let obj = null if (obj = cell.value.controller) { this.showJsonData([obj], false) } else if (obj = cell.value.node) { this.showJsonData(obj.uniSliceMap.get(this.currentSlice), false) } else if (obj = cell.value.enni) { this.showJsonData([obj.data[0].link.data, obj.data[1].link.data], false) } else if (obj = cell.value.inni) { this.showJsonData([obj.data[0].data, obj.data[1].data], false) } else if (obj = cell.value.uni) { this.showJsonData(obj.data, false) } else if (obj = cell.value.tunnel) { this.selectTableRow(cell.value.index) this.showJsonData(this.tunnelsMap.get(obj.name), false) } else if (obj = cell.value.service) { this.selectTableRow(cell.value.index) this.showJsonData(this.servicesMap.get(obj.name), false) } } }) this.isSpinning = true; let reqCount = 0; reqCount++; this.myhttp.getLogicalLinksData() .subscribe((data) => { if (data) { for (let ll of data["logical-link"]) { thisNg.logicalLinks.push(ll); } } if (--reqCount == 0) { thisNg.finishNetworkView(); this.isSpinning = false; } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) reqCount++; this.myhttp.getPnfsData() .subscribe((data) => { if (data) { for (let ll of data["pnf"]) { thisNg.pnfs.push(ll); } } if (--reqCount == 0) { thisNg.finishNetworkView(); this.isSpinning = false; } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) reqCount++; this.myhttp.getVpnBindingsData() .subscribe((data) => { if (data) { for (let ll of data["vpn-binding"]) { thisNg.vpnBindings.push(ll); } } if (--reqCount == 0) { thisNg.finishNetworkView(); this.isSpinning = false; } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) reqCount++; this.myhttp.getConnectivities() .subscribe((data) => { if (data) { for (let ll of data["connectivity"]) { thisNg.connectivities.push(ll); } } if (--reqCount == 0) { thisNg.finishNetworkView(); this.isSpinning = false; } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) reqCount++; this.myhttp.getNetworkRoutes() .subscribe((data) => { if (data) { for (let ll of data["network-route"]) { thisNg.networkroutes.push(ll); } } if (--reqCount == 0) { thisNg.finishNetworkView(); this.isSpinning = false; } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) } connectivityList = []; connectivitySelected = {name: null, id: null}; serviceGraphModel: { [k: string]: any } = {}; layerList = [ { value: 3, name: 'Service layer' }, { value: 2, name: 'Tunnel layer' }, { value: 1, name: 'Link layer' }] layerSelected = { value: 1, name: 'Link layer' } serviceList = []; serviceSelected = ''; addLinkDisabled = true; nonetwork = false; isVisible = false; outCloudShow = false; inputshow = false; delBoxisVisible = false; isSpinning = true; pnfs = []; logicalLinks = [];//logicalLinks Existing connection data returned by the interface connectivities = []; vpnBindings = []; networkroutes = []; layer1Tps = []; d3Data = [];//D3Render the required data linkName = null;//Linked name link-name networkOption = [];//Form network drop-down box filled data nodeOption1 = {};//Node drop-down box filled data tpOption1 = [];//Node drop-down box filled data tpOption2 = [];//Node drop-down box filled data networkVal1 = null;//network1 Drop-down box default data networkVal2 = null;//network2 Drop-down box default data selectedNode1 = null;//node1 Drop-down box default data selectedNode2 = null;//node2 Drop-down box default data selecteTpName1 = null;//TP1 Drop-down box default data selecteTpName2 = null;//TP2 Drop-down box default data cloudUrl = null;//External cloud URL address cloudNetwork = null;//External cloud network name cloudNode = null;//External cloud Node name cloudTp = null;//External cloud Tp name dataCloud = [];//External cloud information dataCloudLink = []; aaiId = ''; //When the connection is deleted, the data displayed in the right frame delLinkname = null; delNetwork1 = null; delNode1 = null; delTp1 = null; delcloudUrl = null; delNetwork2 = null; delNode2 = null; delTp2 = null; delVersion = null; delLinkIndex = null; network = []; delcloud = false; winWidth = $('#tpContainer').width(); winHeight = $('#tpContainer').height(); charge = -300; SEPERATOR = '-'; svcContainerOpt = { containerId: "svcContainer", width: 1000, height: this.winHeight }; tpoption = { container: '#tpContainer', data: '', width: 1000, height: this.winHeight }; finishNetworkView() { this.updateTopoData(); console.log(this.domainMap); this.finishSotnView(); } updateTopoData(){ let thisNg = this; // Update the network topo data // Update node data for (let pnf of thisNg.pnfs){ let pnfId = pnf["pnf-id"]; let arr = pnfId.split('.'); let domainId = arr[1]; let domain = thisNg.domainMap.get(domainId); if (!domain){ let sotnDomain = { domainId : domainId, nodeMap: new Map(), localLinkMap: new Map(), inniMap: new Map(), uniMap: new Map(), clientNodeMap: new Map() } thisNg.domainMap.set(domainId, sotnDomain); domain = sotnDomain; } let node = { id: pnfId, name: pnfId } domain.nodeMap.set(pnfId, node); } // Update serive data for (let cn of this.connectivities){ if (cn['vpn-type'] === "mdsc"){ let svcInstId = this.getValueFromRelationList(cn, "service-instance", "service-instance.service-instance-id") .pop(); let svcInstName = cn["etht-svc-name"]; let uniList = this.getValueFromRelationList(cn, "uni", "uni.id"); let bw = cn["bandwidth-profile-name"]; let cvlan = cn["cvlan"]; let svc = this.servicesMap.get(svcInstId); if (!svc){ svc = { name: svcInstName, id: svcInstId, connections: [], bw : bw, vlan : cvlan, unis : uniList, otnEdges: [] } this.servicesMap.set(svcInstId, svc); } if (!this.serviceSelected){ this.serviceSelected = svcInstId; } } } // Update link data for (let ll of thisNg.logicalLinks) { let linkName = ll["link-name"]; let linkType = ll["link-type"]; let linkRole = ll["link-role"]; let linkId = ll["link-id"]; if (linkName.search("topologyId-2") >= 0) { // uni links let arr = linkId.split('-'); let arr1 = arr[0].split('.'); let domainId = arr1[1]; let domain = thisNg.domainMap.get(domainId); let remoteNode = domain.nodeMap.get(arr[0]); if (!remoteNode) continue; let cpeNode = { networkNode: remoteNode, isCloud: arr[1].length <= 3 ? true: false } if (!domain) continue; domain.clientNodeMap.set(linkId, cpeNode); let uni = { srcNodeId: arr[0], srcUniTp: arr[1], dstNode: cpeNode } domain.uniMap.set(linkId, uni) } else if (linkRole && linkRole.search("cross-domain") >= 0){ // enni link let localLink: Array = new Array(); let domainLocal:any = null; let linkId = this.getJsonValue(ll, 'link-id'); let rlArr: Array = this.getJsonValue(ll, 'relationship-list.relationship'); for (let rl of rlArr){ if (rl['related-to'] === "p-interface"){ let pnfNameS: String; let tpNameS: String; for (let rld of rl['relationship-data']){ if (rld['relationship-key'] === 'p-interface.interface-name'){ let tpNameL = rld['relationship-value']; let tpNameArr = tpNameL.split('-') tpNameS = tpNameArr[tpNameArr.length - 1]; pnfNameS = tpNameArr[tpNameArr.length - 3]; if (!domainLocal){ let arr = pnfNameS.split('.'); let domainId = arr[1]; domainLocal = thisNg.domainMap.get(domainId); } } } let end = { pnfId : pnfNameS, tpId: tpNameS } localLink.push(end); } } this.enniMap.set(linkId, {data: localLink}); } else if (linkType.search("Tsci") >= 0) { // tunnel connection link let srcEpId = this.getJsonValue(ll, "link-name"); let dstEpId = this.getJsonValue(ll, "link-name2"); let svcInstId = this.getValueFromRelationList(ll, "allotted-resource", "service-instance.service-instance-id") .pop(); let conn = { srcEpId: srcEpId, dstEpId: dstEpId, dstEpLtpId: '', srcEpLtpId: '' } for (let nr of this.networkroutes){ if (nr['route-id'] === srcEpId){ conn.srcEpLtpId = nr['next-hop']; } if (nr['route-id'] === dstEpId){ conn.dstEpLtpId = nr['next-hop']; } } let svc = this.servicesMap.get(svcInstId); if (svc){ svc.connections.push(conn); } } else { // local link let localLink: Array = new Array(); let domainLocal:any = null; let linkId = this.getJsonValue(ll, 'link-id'); let rlArr: Array = this.getJsonValue(ll, 'relationship-list.relationship'); for (let rl of rlArr){ if (rl['related-to'] === "p-interface"){ let pnfNameS: String; let tpNameS: String; for (let rld of rl['relationship-data']){ if (rld['relationship-key'] === 'p-interface.interface-name'){ let tpNameL = rld['relationship-value']; let tpNameArr = tpNameL.split('-') tpNameS = tpNameArr[tpNameArr.length - 1]; pnfNameS = tpNameArr[tpNameArr.length - 3]; if (!domainLocal){ let arr = pnfNameS.split('.'); let domainId = arr[1]; domainLocal = thisNg.domainMap.get(domainId); } } } let end = { pnfId : pnfNameS, tpId: tpNameS } localLink.push(end); } } localLink.sort(function(a, b){ return (a.pnfId + '-' + a.tpId).localeCompare(b.pnfId + '-' + b.tpId)}); if (!domainLocal) continue; let srcNodeId = localLink[0].pnfId; let srcTpId = localLink[0].tpId; let srcNode = domainLocal.nodeMap.get(srcNodeId); let dstNodeId = localLink[1].pnfId; let dstTpId = localLink[1].tpId; let dstNode = domainLocal.nodeMap.get(dstNodeId); let inni = domainLocal.inniMap.get(srcNodeId + '-' + srcTpId); if (!inni){ let inni = { data: [linkId, null], srcNode: srcNode, srcTpId: srcTpId, dstNode: dstNode, dstTpId: dstTpId } domainLocal.inniMap.set(srcNodeId + '-' + srcTpId, inni); } else { inni.data[1] = linkId; } } } // Hack: deson't work for more then 2 domain system for (let ll of thisNg.vpnBindings) { let svcInstId = ll["slice-id"]; let svc = this.servicesMap.get(svcInstId); let srcNodeId = ll["src-access-node-id"]; let dstNodeId = ll["dst-access-node-id"]; let domainId = srcNodeId.split(".")[1]; let domain = thisNg.domainMap.get(domainId); if (!svc || !domain){ continue; } for (let [, inni] of domain.inniMap){ if (srcNodeId === inni.srcNode.id){ if (dstNodeId === inni.dstNode.id){ svc.otnEdges.push(inni); } } if (dstNodeId === inni.srcNode.id){ if (srcNodeId === inni.dstNode.id){ svc.otnEdges.push(inni); } } } // For enni link if (!ll["src-access-ltp-id"]){ for (let [key, enni] of this.enniMap) { if (dstNodeId === key.split("-")[0]){ svc.otnEdges.push(enni); }; } } } } // main function that draws the topology view finishSotnView() { this.graph.model.clear() this.graph.model.beginUpdate() this.gLayers = [this.graph.getDefaultParent()] for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { this.gLayers.push(this.graph.model.root.insert(new mxCell())) } // Insert domains for (let [networkId, domain] of this.domainMap) { domain.vertex = this.graph.insertVertex(this.gLayers[0], null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, this.DOMAIN_STYLE) domain.vertex.connectable = false domain.vertex.value = { label: '(DOMAIN: ' + domain.domainId + ')', networkId: networkId } // Insert nodes for (let [nodeId, node] of domain.nodeMap) { node.vertex = this.graph.insertVertex(domain.vertex, null, null, 0, 0, 26, 26) node.vertex.value = { nodeId: nodeId, name: node.name, label: node.name, node: node } } // Insert INNI links for (let [key, inni] of domain.inniMap) { inni.edge = this.graph.insertEdge(this.gLayers[1], null, null, inni.srcNode.vertex, inni.dstNode.vertex, this.LINK_STYLE) inni.edge.value = { linkId: key, inni: inni, domain: domain, label: "" } //inni.srcNniTp.edge = inni.edge //inni.dstNniTp.edge = inni.edge } // Insert client nodes for (let [nodeName, clientNode] of domain.clientNodeMap) { if (clientNode.isCloud) { clientNode.vertex = this.graph.insertVertex(domain.vertex, null, null, 0, 0, 52, 26, this.CLOUD_STYLE) } else { clientNode.vertex = this.graph.insertVertex(domain.vertex, null, null, 0, 0, 26, 13, this.CPE_STYLE) } let labelName = nodeName.split('-')[1]; clientNode.vertex.value = { name: nodeName, label: labelName, clientNode: clientNode } } // Insert UNI links for (let [key, uni] of domain.uniMap) { let srcNode = domain.nodeMap.get(uni.srcNodeId); uni.edge = this.graph.insertEdge(domain.vertex, null, null, srcNode.vertex, uni.dstNode.vertex, this.UNI_LINK_STYLE) uni.edge.value = { linkId: key, uni: uni, domain: domain, maximum: 1000000 / 1000000 + 'G', unused: 1000000 / 1000000 + 'G' } //uni.srcUniTp.edge = uni.edge } // Insert ENNI links for (let [key, enni] of this.enniMap) { let srcNode = null; let dstNode = null; for (let [, tmpDomain] of this.domainMap){ srcNode = tmpDomain.nodeMap.get(enni.data[0].pnfId); if (srcNode) break; } for (let [, tmpDomain] of this.domainMap){ dstNode = tmpDomain.nodeMap.get(enni.data[1].pnfId); if (dstNode) break; } enni.edge = this.graph.insertEdge(this.gLayers[1], null, { plugId: key, enni: enni }, srcNode.vertex, dstNode.vertex, this.LINK_STYLE) //enni.data[0].nniTp.edge = enni.edge //enni.data[1].nniTp.edge = enni.edge } } // Insert tunnel edges for (let [id, svc] of this.servicesMap){ let localTunnelMap = new Map(); for (let conn of svc.connections){ let srcArr = conn.srcEpLtpId.split('-'); let srcNodeId = srcArr[srcArr.length-3]; let dstArr = conn.dstEpLtpId.split('-'); let dstNodeId = dstArr[dstArr.length-3]; if (!localTunnelMap.get(srcNodeId + '-' + dstNodeId)) { let srcNode = getNode(srcNodeId, this.domainMap); let dstNode = getNode(dstNodeId, this.domainMap); if(!srcNode.vertex || !dstNode.vertex) { continue; }; let e2eTunnel = { name: id + '/' + srcNodeId + '-' + dstNodeId, srcNode: srcNode, dstNode: dstNode, e2eEdge: null, serviceId: id, srcVertex: srcNode.vertex, dstVertex: dstNode.vertex } e2eTunnel.e2eEdge = this.graph.insertEdge(this.gLayers[2], null, { tunnel: e2eTunnel, tunnelName: e2eTunnel.name }, e2eTunnel.srcNode.vertex, e2eTunnel.dstNode.vertex, this.TUNNEL_STYLE) localTunnelMap.set(srcNodeId + '-' + dstNodeId, e2eTunnel) this.e2eTunnels.push(e2eTunnel); } } } this.graph.model.endUpdate(); this.graph.zoomTo(this.graphScale); this.autoLayout(1); this.changeLayer({ value:1, name: 'Link Layer'}); if (this.serviceSelected){ this.chooseService(this.serviceSelected); } function getNode(nodeId, domainMap){ let arr = nodeId.split('.'); return domainMap.get(arr[1]).nodeMap.get(nodeId); } } changeLayer(layer){ this.layerSelected = layer; for (let i = 1; i < this.gLayers.length; i++) { this.gLayers[i].setVisible(i == this.layerSelected.value) } this.graph.refresh() } chooseService(svcInstId) { this.serviceSelected = svcInstId; //clear the label and color of all UNI links for (let [, domain] of this.domainMap) { for (let [, uni] of domain.uniMap) { this.graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, CE_COLOR, [uni.edge]) this.graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, CE_COLOR, [uni.dstNode.vertex]) this.graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_DASHED, '1', [uni.edge]) uni.edge.value.label = '' uni.edge.value.endpoints = null } } // Update the label and color of UNI links of current service let service = this.servicesMap.get(this.serviceSelected); if (service){ let bw = service.bw; for (let conn of service.connections){ let srcUniLinkId = getShortName(conn.srcEpLtpId); let dstUniLinkId = getShortName(conn.dstEpLtpId); // left side uni link let arr = srcUniLinkId.split('.'); let uni = this.domainMap.get(arr[1]).uniMap.get(srcUniLinkId); colorUni(uni, this.graph, bw); // right side uni arr = dstUniLinkId.split('.'); uni = this.domainMap.get(arr[1]).uniMap.get(dstUniLinkId); colorUni(uni, this.graph, bw); } } // Update tunnel edges for (let e2eTunnel of this.e2eTunnels) { e2eTunnel.e2eEdge.setVisible(e2eTunnel.serviceId === svcInstId) } // clear the label of all inni links for (let [, svc] of this.servicesMap) { for (let ed of service.otnEdges){ this.graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, DEFAULT_COLOR, [ed.edge]) ed.edge.value.label = ''; ed.edge.value.endpoints = null } } // Update the label of inni links of current service console.log(service); if (service){ let bw = service.bw; for (let con of service.connections){ for (let ed of service.otnEdges){ colorOtnEdge(ed, this.graph, bw); } } } this.graph.refresh(); // Utility func function getShortName(ltpId){ let arr = ltpId.split('-'); let nodeId = arr[arr.length-3]; let ltp = arr[arr.length-1]; return nodeId + '-' + ltp; } function colorUni(uni, graph, bw){ let bandwidth = parseInt(bw); let newColor = EP_COLOR_MAP.get("update") graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, newColor, [uni.edge]) graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_FONTCOLOR, newColor, [uni.edge]) graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_DASHED, '0', [uni.edge]) graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR, newColor, [uni.dstNode.vertex]) if (!uni.edge.value.endpoints) { uni.edge.value.endpoints = []; } uni.edge.value.endpoints.push(bandwidth); let sum = uni.edge.value.endpoints.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); uni.edge.value.label = sum + 'G' ; } function colorOtnEdge(ed, graph, bw){ let bandwidth = parseInt(bw); graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR, EP_COLOR_MAP.get("update"), [ed.edge]); if (!ed.edge.value.endpoints) { ed.edge.value.endpoints = []; } ed.edge.value.endpoints.push(bandwidth); let sum = ed.edge.value.endpoints.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); ed.edge.value.label = sum + 'G'; } } getValueFromRelationList(rl, relatedTo, relatedKey){ let rlArr: Array = this.getJsonValue(rl, 'relationship-list.relationship'); let valList : Array = []; for (let rl of rlArr){ if (rl['related-to'] === relatedTo){ let pnfNameS: String; let tpNameS: String; for (let rld of rl['relationship-data']){ if (rld['relationship-key'] === relatedKey){ let val = rld['relationship-value']; if (val) valList.push(val); } } } } return valList; } // get the key of an Endpoint getEndPointKey(endPoint) { return endPoint.networkId + '-' + endPoint.nodeId + '-' + endPoint.portId } // Get color from slice Id getSliceColor(sliceId) { // let colorId = sliceMap.get(sliceId) // if (!sliceId || colorId >= SLICE_COLORS.length) colorId = 1 return 'black' } // Function to create a table from js array data createJsonTable(data) { let table = document.createElement('table') table.className = 'display compact' this.tableContainer.nativeElement.appendChild(table) if (!data.length) return let columns = [] for (let key of Object.keys(data[0])) { if (this.isBasicType(data[0][key]) && key[0] != '$') { columns.push({ data: key, name: key, title: key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1), defaultContent: '' }) } } let dataTable = $(table).DataTable({ autoWidth: false, dom: 'ti', order: [], select: {toggleable: false}, columnDefs: [{className: 'dt-center', targets: '_all'}], columns: columns, data: data }) dataTable.on('user-select', function (e, dt, type, cell, originalEvent) { if (dt.row('.selected').index() != cell.index().row) this.selectTableRow(cell.index().row, true) return false }) return dataTable } // disable mouse for application disableAppMouse(disabled) { //header.style.pointerEvents = disabled ? 'none' : 'auto' //container.style.pointerEvents = disabled ? 'none' : 'auto' this.graph.setEnabled(!disabled) document.body.style.cursor = disabled ? 'wait' : 'default' } choseConnectivity(item) { if (this.connectivitySelected !== item) this.connectivitySelected = item; //this.drawService(this.getSvcTree()); } _debounce(func: Function, delay: number) { let inDebounce; return function () { const context = this; const args = arguments; clearTimeout(inDebounce) inDebounce = setTimeout(() => func.apply(context, args), delay); } } // Layout the label of client nodes clientNodeLabelLayout() { for (let [,sotnDomain] of this.domainMap) { for (let [, clientNode] of sotnDomain.clientNodeMap) { let vertex = clientNode.vertex let remote = clientNode.networkNode.vertex let isAbove = (vertex.geometry.y + vertex.geometry.height / 2) < (remote.geometry.y + remote.geometry.height / 2) this.graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION, isAbove ? 'top' : 'bottom', [vertex]) this.graph.setCellStyles(mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN, isAbove ? 'bottom' : 'top', [vertex]) } } } // Center the graph in the container centerGraph() { let domains = this.graph.model.getChildVertices(this.gLayers[0]) if (!domains) return let bounds = this.graph.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(domains, false) if (!bounds) return this.graphScale = this.graph.view.scale let dx = (this.graph.container.clientWidth / this.graphScale - bounds.width) / 2 let dy = (this.graph.container.clientHeight / this.graphScale - bounds.height) / 2 this.graph.view.setTranslate(dx < 0 ? 0 : dx, dy < 0 ? 0 : dy) this.graph.refresh() } // Functions ..0. // Create popup menu for graph createPopupMenu(menu, cell, evt) { } // A utility function for setting the values of part of an Object's properties setObjValues(obj, newValues, keyObj = null): void { for (let key of Object.keys(newValues)) { if (!keyObj) obj[key] = newValues[key] else obj[keyObj[key]] = newValues[key] } } // Save changed services to local storage saveServices() { let storedServices = [] for (let e2eService of this.e2eServices) { let storedService = this.cloneWithSimpleProperties(e2eService) storedService["endPoints"] = [] for (let endPointMap of [e2eService.rootEndPointMap, e2eService.leafEndPointMap]) { for (let [, endPoint] of endPointMap) { if (endPoint.status == 'retrieve') continue storedService["endPoints"].push(this.cloneWithSimpleProperties(endPoint)) } } storedServices.push(storedService) } (this.storage)['actn-viewer-service'] = JSON.stringify(storedServices) } // Hold for next release // Read stored services from local storage. readServices() { /* let storedServices = JSON.parse((this.storage)['actn-viewer-service'] || '[]') for (let storedService of storedServices) { let e2eService = this.e2eServiceMap.get(storedService.name) if (!e2eService) { //not exist then add new one e2eService = storedService e2eService.leafEndPointMap = new Map() e2eService.rootEndPointMap = new Map() e2eService.active = false for (let endPoint of e2eService.endPoints) { if (!endPoint.newBand) endPoint.newBand = endPoint.bandwidth this.addNewEndPointToService(e2eService, endPoint, 'create') } this.updateOneE2eService(e2eService) } else { //otherwise update the status of endpoint for (let storedEndPoint of storedService.endPoints) { let endPoint = e2eService.leafEndPointMap.get(storedEndPoint.id) || e2eService.rootEndPointMap.get(storedEndPoint.id) if (endPoint) { switch (storedEndPoint.status) { case 'create': break case 'delete': endPoint.status = 'delete'; endPoint.newBand = 0; break case 'update': if (endPoint.bandwidth != storedEndPoint.newBand) { endPoint.newBand = storedEndPoint.newBand endPoint.status = 'update' } } } else { this.addNewEndPointToService(e2eService, storedEndPoint, 'create') } } this.updateRootBandwidth(e2eService) } } */ } // add a new endpoint to e2e service addNewEndPointToService(e2eService, endPoint, status) { endPoint.edge = this.getUniEdgeFromEp(endPoint) if (!endPoint.edge) return endPoint.status = status let endPointMap = endPoint.role == 'leaf-access' ? e2eService.leafEndPointMap : e2eService.rootEndPointMap endPoint.id = endPoint.id || this.getEndPointKey(endPoint) endPointMap.set(endPoint.id, endPoint) } // add a new uni to e2e service addNewUni(e2eService, uni, isLeaf) { let newEndPoint = { networkId: uni.networkId, nodeId: uni.srcNode.nodeId, portId: uni.srcUniTp.tpId, role: isLeaf ? 'leaf-access' : 'root-primary', newBand: this.defBandwidth, } this.addNewEndPointToService(e2eService, newEndPoint, 'create') this.updateCurrentCloud(e2eService) } deleteNewUni(e2eService, endPoint, isLeaf, doUpdate = true) { let endPointMap = isLeaf ? e2eService.leafEndPointMap : e2eService.rootEndPointMap endPointMap.delete(endPoint.id) if (doUpdate) this.updateCurrentCloud(e2eService) } deleteOldUni(e2eService, endPoint) { endPoint.status = 'delete' endPoint.newBand = 0 this.updateCurrentCloud(e2eService) } cancelUniDeletion(e2eService, endPoint, doUpdate = true) { endPoint.status = 'retrieve' endPoint.newBand = endPoint.bandwidth if (doUpdate) this.updateCurrentCloud(e2eService) } cancelUniModification(e2eService, endPoint, doUpdate = true) { endPoint.status = 'retrieve' endPoint.newBand = endPoint.bandwidth if (doUpdate) this.updateCurrentCloud(e2eService) } updateCurrentCloud(e2eService) { this.updateRootBandwidth(e2eService) this.saveServices() //this.showSotnCloud(this.currentCloud) } // Calculate and update the bandwidth of roots updateRootBandwidth(e2eService) { let newRootBand = 0 for (let [, endPoint] of e2eService.leafEndPointMap) { newRootBand += endPoint.newBand } for (let [, endPoint] of e2eService.rootEndPointMap) { if (endPoint.status == 'delete') continue endPoint.newBand = newRootBand if (endPoint.status == 'create') continue endPoint.status = (endPoint.newBand != endPoint.bandwidth) ? 'update' : 'retrieve' } e2eService.changed = false for (let endPointMap of [e2eService.leafEndPointMap, e2eService.rootEndPointMap]) { for (let [, endPoint] of endPointMap) { if (endPoint.status != 'retrieve') { e2eService.changed = true; break } } if (e2eService.changed) break } this.serviceTable.row(e2eService.$index).data(e2eService) } // cancel all service changes cancelAllCloudChanges(currentService) { for (let endPointMap of [currentService.leafEndPointMap, currentService.rootEndPointMap]) { for (let [, endPoint] of endPointMap) { switch (endPoint.status) { case 'create': this.deleteNewUni(currentService, endPoint, endPoint.role == 'leaf-access', false) break case 'delete': this.cancelUniDeletion(currentService, endPoint, false) break case 'update': if (endPoint.role == 'leaf-access') { this.cancelUniModification(currentService, endPoint, false) } break } } } currentService.changed = false this.updateCurrentCloud(currentService) } // function for interact with ONAP SO onapApplyCloudChanges(currentService) { alert('Future feature.') // let newSliceServices = e2eServices.filter(service => // service.sliceId == currentSlice && !service.active) // if (newSliceServices.length == 0) return // let connections = [] // newSliceServices.forEach((s, i) => { // connections.push({ // epa: s.srcVertex.value.node.uniTpMap.get(s.srcPort).name.split(':')[0], // epb: s.dstVertex.value.node.uniTpMap.get(s.dstPort).name.split(':')[0], // bandwidth: s.bandwidth, // name: s.name, // }) // }) // let jsonData = jsonRender('ONAP_TS_ALLOCATE_TMPL', // { sliceId: currentSlice, connections: connections }) // setRestJsonData('POST', onap, 'allocate', jsonData, null, false) // let jsonData = jsonRender('ONAP_TS_OTHERS_TMPL', // { sliceId: currentSlice }) // setRestJsonData(method, onap, action, jsonData, null, false) } // Reset the database of controllers /* resetControllerData() { let result = confirm('The data of all controllers will be reset to initial state.') if (!result) return let reqNumber = 0 for (let controller of controllers) { setRestJsonData('POST', {controller: controller}, RPC_RESET_DATA_URL, null) } }*/ // Filter table by cloud Id filterTable(table, cloudId) { if (table) table.column('cloudId:name').search(cloudId, true).draw() } // Hide or show table hideTable(table, hide) { let index; if (table && !hide) { $(table.table().container()).show() index = table.row({selected: true, search: 'applied'}).index() if (index == null) { this.tableContainer.nativeElement.scrollTo(0, 0) } else { table.row(index).node().scrollIntoView(false) } } else if (table && hide) { $(table.table().container()).hide() } } // Select table row selectTableRow(index = null, click = false) { this.graph.clearSelection() if ((this.currentLayer == 1 || this.currentLayer == 2) && this.tunnelTable) { let indexes if (index == null) { indexes = this.tunnelTable.rows({selected: true, search: 'applied'}).indexes() if (indexes.length == 0) return this.tunnelTable.rows('.selected').deselect() indexes = indexes.toArray() } else { this.tunnelTable.rows('.selected').deselect() let node = this.tunnelTable.row(index).select().node() if (!click) node.scrollIntoView(false) this.serviceTable.rows('.selected').deselect() indexes = [index] } for (let i in indexes) { mxConstants.EDGE_SELECTION_COLOR = parseInt(i) % 2 ? '#0000FF' : '#00FF00' this.graph.addSelectionCells((this.currentLayer == 1) ? this.e2eTunnels[indexes[i]].edges : [this.e2eTunnels[indexes[i]].e2eEdge]) this.showJsonData(this.tunnelsMap.get(this.e2eTunnels[indexes[i]].name), false) } mxConstants.EDGE_SELECTION_COLOR = '#00FF00' } else if (this.currentLayer == 3 && this.serviceTable) { if (index == null) { index = this.serviceTable.row({selected: true, search: 'applied'}).index() if (index == null) return this.serviceTable.rows('.selected').deselect() } else { this.serviceTable.rows('.selected').deselect() let node = this.serviceTable.row(index).select().node() if (!click) node.scrollIntoView(false) } this.graph.addSelectionCell(this.e2eServices[index].e2eEdge) let currentService = this.e2eServices[index].name this.showJsonData(this.servicesMap.get(this.e2eServices[index].name), false) if (this.tunnelTable) this.tunnelTable.rows('.selected').deselect() } } // Function to show the data of js object in JSON format showJsonData(data, show = true) { /* $(jsonViewer).jsonViewer(data, { withLinks: false }) if (show) { popupWnd.show(); popupWnd.fit() }*/ } // A utility function for getting value from nested JSON data getJsonValue(obj, path) { if (!obj) return let arr = path.split('.'); let tempObj = obj; for (let e of arr) { if (!e) continue if (!(tempObj = tempObj[e])) return; } return tempObj; } // A utility function for getting the last part of a string split by : getLastColonPart(longStr) { if (!longStr) return '' let strArray = longStr.split(':') if (strArray.length > 1) return strArray[strArray.length - 1] else return '' } // A utility function for cloning a new object with simple properties of the source ojbect cloneWithSimpleProperties(source) { let target = {} for (let key of Object.keys(source)) { if (this.isBasicType(source[key])) { target[key] = source[key] } } return target } // A utility function for copying same properties from the source to the target copySameProperties(source, target) { for (let key of Object.keys(source)) { if (key in target) target[key] = source[key] } } // A utility function for getting a JSON Array getJsonArray(obj, path) { let tmpObj = this.getJsonValue(obj, path) if (Array.isArray(tmpObj)) return tmpObj else return } // basic type of js object isBasicType(obj) { return /^(string|number|boolean)$/.test(typeof obj) } // Get uni edge from endpoint getUniEdgeFromEp(ep) { let node = this.getNodeFromId(ep.networkId, ep.nodeId) if (!node || !ep.portId) return null let uniTp = node.uniTpMap.get(ep.portId.toString()) if (uniTp) return uniTp.edge } // Get node from Ids getNodeFromId(networkId, nodeId) { if (!networkId || !nodeId) return let domain = this.domainMap.get(networkId) if (!domain) return return domain.nodeMap.get(nodeId) } // Lay out the multi-domain topology automatically autoLayout(layer = null) { switch (layer || this.currentLayer) { case 1: this.vertexLayout(); case 2: this.edgeLayout.execute((this.gLayers)[2]); break case 3: this.edgeLayout.execute((this.gLayers)[3]); break } } // Lay out domains and nodes automatically vertexLayout() { // Move nodes out of domain for layout for (let [, sotnDomain] of this.domainMap) { for (let [, node] of sotnDomain.nodeMap) { this.graph.model.add((this.gLayers)[1], node.vertex) } for (let [, clientNode] of sotnDomain.clientNodeMap) { this.graph.model.add((this.gLayers)[1], clientNode.vertex) } } // Disconnect tunnel edge from source and target for (let item of this.e2eTunnels) { item.srcVertex.removeEdge(item.e2eEdge, true) item.dstVertex.removeEdge(item.e2eEdge, false) } // Lay out the muti-domain topology including all nodes this.graph.zoomTo(1); this.organicLayout.execute(this.gLayers[1]) // get the center point of each domain let centerPoints = [] for (let [, sotnDomain] of this.domainMap) { let x = 0, y = 0 if (sotnDomain.nodeMap.size == 0) continue for (let [, node] of sotnDomain.nodeMap) { x += node.vertex.geometry.x y += node.vertex.geometry.y } centerPoints.push({ x: x / sotnDomain.nodeMap.size, y: y / sotnDomain.nodeMap.size }) } // calculate the rotation angel of topology in order to rotote it to horizontal direction if (centerPoints.length >= 2) { let theta = Math.atan2(centerPoints[centerPoints.length - 1].y - centerPoints[0].y, centerPoints[centerPoints.length - 1].x - centerPoints[0].x) * 180 / Math.PI let i = 0 for (let [, sotnDomain] of this.domainMap) { for (let [, node] of sotnDomain.nodeMap) { rotateVertex(node.vertex, centerPoints[i], -theta) } for (let [, clientNode] of sotnDomain.clientNodeMap) { let vertex = clientNode.vertex rotateVertex(vertex, centerPoints[i], -theta) // shorten the length of uni link by 1/3 let remote = clientNode.networkNode.vertex vertex.geometry.x = (vertex.geometry.x * 2 + remote.geometry.x) / 3 vertex.geometry.y = (vertex.geometry.y * 2 + remote.geometry.y) / 3 } i++ } } // resize the domains to just contain the nodes in each domain for (let [, sotnDomain] of this.domainMap) { let vertexes = [] for (let [, node] of sotnDomain.nodeMap) { vertexes.push(node.vertex) } for (let [, clientNode] of sotnDomain.clientNodeMap) { vertexes.push(clientNode.vertex) } let bounds = this.graph.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(vertexes, false) sotnDomain.vertex.geometry.setRect(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height) } // Move nodes back to their orginal domain for (let [, sotnDomain] of this.domainMap) { for (let [, node] of sotnDomain.nodeMap) { this.graph.model.add(sotnDomain.vertex, node.vertex) } for (let [, clientNode] of sotnDomain.clientNodeMap) { this.graph.model.add(sotnDomain.vertex, clientNode.vertex) } } // Reconnect tunnel edge to source and target for (let item of this.e2eTunnels) { item.srcVertex.insertEdge(item.e2eEdge, true) item.dstVertex.insertEdge(item.e2eEdge, false) } this.clientNodeLabelLayout() this.domainLayout(50, 50, 50) this.centerGraph() function rotateVertex(vertex, centerPoint, theta) { let newPoint = mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.rotatePoint( vertex.geometry.x, vertex.geometry.y, theta, centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y) vertex.geometry.x = newPoint.x vertex.geometry.y = newPoint.y } } // Layout domains automatically with the same domain size domainLayout(marginWidth, marginHeight, marginBetween) { let domains = this.graph.model.getChildVertices(this.gLayers[0]) this.graph.cellsFolded(domains, false, false) let maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0 for (let domain of domains) { if (maxWidth < domain.geometry.width) maxWidth = domain.geometry.width if (maxHeight < domain.geometry.height) maxHeight = domain.geometry.height } maxWidth += marginWidth; maxHeight += marginHeight // Center the nodes in the domain for (let domain of domains) { domain.geometry.width = maxWidth + marginBetween domain.geometry.height = maxHeight let nodes = this.graph.model.getChildVertices(domain) let bounds = this.graph.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(nodes, false) let xOffset = (maxWidth / 2 - bounds.x - bounds.width / 2) let yOffset = (maxHeight / 2 - bounds.y - bounds.height / 2) for (let node of nodes) { node.geometry.x += xOffset node.geometry.y += yOffset } } this.stackLayout.execute(this.gLayers[0]) for (let domain of domains) { domain.geometry.width -= marginBetween } } getKeys(map){ return Array.from(map.keys()); } getValues(map){ return Array.from(map.values()); } }