import { Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { NzMessageService, UploadFile } from 'ng-zorro-antd'; import { FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { MaasApi } from '@src/app/api/maas.api'; import { MaaSPlatform, Operators } from '../knowledge-base.type'; import { MaasService } from '../../maas-service.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-create-knowledge-base', templateUrl: './create-knowledge-base.component.html', styleUrls: ['./create-knowledge-base.component.less'] }) export class CreateKnowledgeBaseComponent implements OnInit { title = 'Add Knowledge Base'; @Input() showModal: boolean; @Input() existedNames: string[] = []; @Output() modalOpreation = new EventEmitter(); fileList: UploadFile[] = []; operators: Operators[] = []; filteredPlatforms: MaaSPlatform[] = []; validateForm: FormGroup; loading = false; constructor( private myhttp: MaasApi, private message: NzMessageService, private fb: FormBuilder, public maasService: MaasService ) { } nameDuplicateValidator = (control: FormControl): { [s: string]: boolean } => { if (!control.value) { return { required: true }; } else if (this.existedNames.includes(control.value)) { return { duplicated: true, error: true }; } } ngOnInit() { this.fetchOperators(); this.validateForm ={ name: [null, [Validators.required, this.nameDuplicateValidator]], description: [null], selectedOperator: [null, [Validators.required]], selectedPlatform: [null, [Validators.required]], fileList: [null, [Validators.required]] }); } fetchOperators(): void { this.myhttp.getOperators().subscribe( (response) => { this.operators = response.result_body; }, () => { this.message.error('Failed to fetch operators'); } ); } submitForm(): void { for (const i in this.validateForm.controls) { this.validateForm.controls[i].markAsDirty(); this.validateForm.controls[i].updateValueAndValidity(); } } handleOperatorChange(value: Operators): void { if (value) { this.filteredPlatforms = value.maaSPlatformList; } else { this.filteredPlatforms = []; } this.validateForm.get('selectedPlatform').setValue(null); } beforeUpload = (file: UploadFile): boolean => { if(this.fileList.some(item => === { this.message.error("You can't upload a file with the same name."); } else { this.fileList.push(file); this.validateForm.get('fileList').setValue(this.fileList); } return false; } handleRemove = (file: UploadFile): boolean => { this.fileList = this.fileList.filter((item) => item.uid !== file.uid); this.validateForm.get('fileList').setValue(this.fileList); return true; } handleCancel(): void { this.showModal = false; this.modalOpreation.emit({ "cancel": true }); } constructBody() { const formData = new FormData(); const metaData = { knowledgeBaseName:, knowledgeBaseDescription: this.validateForm.value.description, operatorId: this.validateForm.value.selectedOperator.operatorId, operatorName: this.validateForm.value.selectedOperator.operatorName, maaSPlatformId: this.validateForm.value.selectedPlatform.maaSPlatformId, maaSPlatformName: this.validateForm.value.selectedPlatform.maaSPlatformName }; const metaDataJson = JSON.stringify(metaData); formData.append('metaData', metaDataJson); this.validateForm.value.fileList.forEach((file: File) => { formData.append('files', file); }); return formData } handleOk(): void { this.submitForm(); if (this.validateForm.invalid) { this.showModal = true; return; } this.loading = true; this.myhttp.createKnowledgeBase(this.constructBody()).subscribe( (response) => { if (response.result_header.result_code === 200) { this.message.success('Created successfully'); } else { this.message.error(response.result_header.result_message); } this.loading = false; this.modalOpreation.emit({ "cancel": false }); }, () => { this.loading = false; console.log('Upload failed'); } ); } }