import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { NzMessageService } from "ng-zorro-antd"; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { MaasService } from '@src/app/core/services/maas.service'; import { Application } from './application.type'; @Component({ selector: 'app-application-management', templateUrl: './application-management.component.html', styleUrls: ['./application-management.component.less'] }) export class ApplicationManagementComponent implements OnInit { data: Application[] = []; createModalShow = false; applicationShow = false; applicationDetail: Object = {}; constructor( private myhttp: MaasService, private message: NzMessageService, private router: Router ) { } ngOnInit() { this.getAllApplicationData() } getAllApplicationData(): void { this.myhttp.getAllApplication() .subscribe( (data) => { = data.result_body }, () => { this.message.error('Failed to obtain application data'); } ) } create(): void { this.createModalShow = true; } createModalClose($event: any): void { this.createModalShow = false; if ($event.cancel) { return; } this.getAllApplicationData() } delete(data): void { this.myhttp.deleteApplicationById(data.applicationId).subscribe((data) => { this.getAllApplicationData() if (data.result_header.result_code === 200) { this.message.success('Deleted successfully'); } else { this.message.error(data.result_header.result_message); } }, () => { this.message.error('Deletion failed'); }); } navigateToDetail(data): void { this.router.navigate(['maas/use'], { queryParams: { id: data.applicationId, name: data.applicationName } }); } applicationDetailClose(): void { this.applicationShow = false; } displayApplicationDetails(data): void { this.applicationShow = true; this.myhttp.getApplicationById(data.applicationId) .subscribe( (data) => { this.applicationDetail = data.result_body; }, () => { this.message.error('Failed to obtain knowledge base data'); } ) } }