import { HttpClient, HttpRequest, HttpResponse } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Component, OnInit, HostBinding } from '@angular/core'; // import { MyhttpService } from '../../myhttp.service'; import { onboardService } from '../../onboard.service'; import { slideToRight } from '../../animates'; import { NzMessageService, UploadFile, NzModalRef, NzModalService } from 'ng-zorro-antd'; import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import * as $ from 'jquery'; @Component({ selector: 'app-onboard-vnf-vm', templateUrl: './onboard-vnf-vm.component.html', styleUrls: ['./onboard-vnf-vm.component.less'], animations: [ slideToRight ] }) export class OnboardVnfVmComponent implements OnInit { @HostBinding('@routerAnimate') routerAnimateState; // delete Modal confirmModal: NzModalRef; nsdInfoId = ''; vnfPkgId =''; pnfdInfoId = ''; tabTitle = "NS"; nsuploading = false; vnfuploading = false; pnfloading = false; fileList: UploadFile[] = []; fileListNS: UploadFile[] = []; fileListVNF: UploadFile[] = []; fileListPNF: UploadFile[] = []; // onboard initial value status = "Onboard Available"; jobId = ''; //url url = { // line up //ns: '/api/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/'+this.nsdInfoId +'/nsd_content', //vnf: '/api/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/'+this.vnfPkgId+'/package_content', //pnf: '/api/nsd/v1/pnf_descriptors/'+this.pnfdInfoId+'/pnfd_content' // 本地 ns: '', vnf: '', pnf: '', }; constructor(private myhttp: onboardService, private http: HttpClient, private msg: NzMessageService,private titleService: Title,private modal: NzModalService, private modalService: NzModalService) { } //default 默认调用ns数据 ngOnInit() { this.getTableData(); } //表格数据 nstableData:any; vnftableData:any; pnftableData:any; nssdcData:any; nsvfcData:any; vnfsdcData:any; vnfvfcData:any; nspageIndex = 1; nspageSize = 10; vnfpageIndex = 1; vnfpageSize = 10; pnfpageIndex = 1; pnfpageSize = 10; total; nsloading = false; sortName = null; sortValue = null; tabs = ['NS', 'VNF', 'PNF']; isSpinning = false; // 处理tab切换 请求数据 handleTabChange(tab) { this.tabTitle = tab; console.log(tab); console.log('nsdInfoId--->'+ this.nsdInfoId); console.log('vnfPkgId--->'+ this.vnfPkgId); console.log('pnfdInfoId--->'+ this.pnfdInfoId); console.log(this.url); switch (tab) { case 'NS': this.nstableData = []; this.getTableData(); this.fileList = []; //切换时清空上传的文件 break case 'VNF': this.vnftableData = []; this.getTableVnfData() this.fileList = []; break case 'PNF': this.pnftableData = []; this.getTablePnfData() this.fileList = []; break } } //before put create--Drag and drop files to the page before uploading requestBody = { "userDefinedData": { "additionalProp1": "", "additionalProp2": "", "additionalProp3": "" } } //NS/VNF列表添加文件 beforeUpload = (file: UploadFile): boolean => { this.fileList.push(file); console.log('fileList' + this.fileList) return false; } // ns beforeUpload beforeUploadNS = (file: UploadFile): boolean => { this.fileListNS.push(file); console.log('beforeUpload'); console.log('fileListNS' + this.fileListNS); console.log('fileListNS' + JSON.stringify(this.fileListNS)); this.myhttp.getCreatensData("createNetworkServiceData",this.requestBody)//on-line // this.myhttp.getCreatensData("creatensDataNS") //local .subscribe((data) => { console.log("Data returned after dragging a file NS-->", data); this.nsdInfoId = data["id"]; console.log("Data returned after dragging a file id-->",this.nsdInfoId); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) return false; } //vnf beforeUpload beforeUploadVNF = (file: UploadFile): boolean => { this.fileListVNF.push(file); console.log('beforeUpload'); console.log('fileListVNF--->' + this.fileListVNF); console.log('fileListVNF--->' + JSON.stringify(this.fileListVNF)); this.myhttp.getCreatensData("createVnfData",this.requestBody)//on-line // this.myhttp.getCreatensData("creatensDataVNF") //local .subscribe((data) => { console.log("Data returned after dragging a file VNF-->", data); this.vnfPkgId = data["id"]; console.log("Data returned after dragging a file id-->",this.vnfPkgId); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) return false; } // //pnf eforeUpload beforeUploadPNF = (file: UploadFile): boolean => { this.fileListPNF.push(file); console.log('beforeUpload'); console.log('fileListPNF--->' + JSON.stringify(this.fileListPNF)); this.myhttp.getCreatensData("createPnfData",this.requestBody) //on-line // this.myhttp.getCreatensData("creatensDataPNF") //local .subscribe((data) => { console.log("Data returned after dragging a file PNF-->", data); this.pnfdInfoId = data["id"]; console.log("Data returned after dragging a file id-->",this.pnfdInfoId); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) return false; } //获取列表单条id onClickId(id,tab){ switch (tab) { case 'NS': this.nsdInfoId = id; console.log(this.nsdInfoId); break case 'VNF': this.vnfPkgId = id; console.log(this.vnfPkgId); break case 'PNF': this.pnfdInfoId = id; console.log(this.pnfdInfoId); break } } //拖拽后点击上传按钮 onClick (tab) { switch (tab) { case 'NS': console.log(this.nsdInfoId); // this.handleUpload('/api/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/'+this.nsdInfoId+'/nsd_content',tab); this.handleUpload(this.url.ns, tab); this.getTableData(); break case 'VNF': console.log(this.vnfPkgId); // this.handleUpload('/api/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/'+this.vnfPkgId+'/package_content',tab); this.handleUpload(this.url.vnf, tab); this.getTableVnfData() break case 'PNF': console.log(this.pnfdInfoId); // this.handleUpload('/api/nsd/v1/pnf_descriptors/'+this.pnfdInfoId+'/pnfd_content',tab); this.handleUpload(this.url.pnf, tab); this.getTablePnfData(); break } } //put Upload 上传 handleUpload(url,tab): void { console.log('startUpload') const formData = new FormData(); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any switch(tab) { case "NS": this.fileListNS.forEach((file: any) => { formData.append('file', file); }); this.nsuploading = true; break case "VNF": this.fileListVNF.forEach((file: any) => { formData.append('file', file); }); this.vnfuploading = true; break case "PNF": this.fileListPNF.forEach((file: any) => { formData.append('file', file); }); this.pnfloading = true; break } // this.nsuploading = true; // You can use any AJAX library you like // const req = new HttpRequest('POST', url, formData, { // reportProgress: true, // withCredentials: true // }); // line PUT const req = new HttpRequest('PUT', url, formData, { reportProgress: true, withCredentials: true }); console.log('req--->'+ JSON.stringify(req)); console.log('formData--->'+ JSON.stringify(formData)); //上传前置空数组 this.fileList = []; this.fileListNS = []; this.fileListVNF = []; this.fileListPNF = []; this.http .request(req) .pipe(filter(e => e instanceof HttpResponse)) .subscribe( (event: {}) => { this.changeUploadingSta(tab) console.log('upload successfully') this.msg.success('upload successfully.'); }, err => { this.changeUploadingSta(tab) console.log('upload failed') this.msg.error('upload failed.'); } ); } // 控制uploading的状态 changeUploadingSta(tab) { switch(tab) { case "NS": this.nsuploading = false; break case "VNF": this.vnfuploading = false; break case "PNF": this.pnfloading = false; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 获取NS列表 getTableData() { this.isSpinning = true; //ns vfc lists this.myhttp.getOnboardTableData() .subscribe((data) => { console.log("NSlist-vfc-->",data); console.log("NSlist-length-vfc-->",data.length); this.nsvfcData = data; this.nstableData = this.nsvfcData; //ns sdc list this.myhttp.getSDC_NSTableData() .subscribe((data) => { this.isSpinning = false; //loading hide console.log('NSlist-sdc-->',data); console.log("NSlist-length-vfc-->",data.length); this.nssdcData = data;>{ nsvfc.sameid = this.nssdcData.find((nssdc)=>{ return == nssdc.uuid }) &&; return nsvfc;}); console.log(this.nsvfcData); let sameData = this.nssdcData.filter((nssdc)=>{ return !this.nsvfcData.find((nsvfc)=>{ return == nssdc.uuid})}); this.nstableData = this.nstableData.concat(sameData); // if (this.nsvfcData.length != 0 && this.nssdcData.length != 0){ // this.nstableData = this.MergeArray(this.nsvfcData, this.nssdcData) //Array deduplication // }else if(this.nsvfcData.length === 0 && this.nssdcData.length != 0){ // this.nstableData = this.nsvfcData.concat(this.nssdcData); //Array concat // }else if(this.nsvfcData.length != 0 && this.nssdcData.length === 0){ // this.nstableData = this.nsvfcData.concat(this.nssdcData); //Array concat // } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) } // 获取vnf列表 getTableVnfData() { this.isSpinning = true; //vnf vfc lists this.myhttp.getOnboardTableVnfData() .subscribe((data) => { console.log("vnfList--vnf>", data); console.log("vnfList--vnf>", data.length); this.vnfvfcData = data; this.vnftableData = this.vnfvfcData; //vnf sdc lists this.myhttp.getSDC_VNFTableData() .subscribe((data) => { this.isSpinning = false; //loading hide console.log('vnfList-sdc-->', data) console.log('vnfList-sdc-->', data.length) this.vnfsdcData = data;>{ vnfvfc.sameid = this.vnfsdcData.find((nssdc)=>{ return == nssdc.uuid }) &&; return vnfvfc;}); console.log(this.nsvfcData); let sameData = this.vnfsdcData.filter((vnfsdc)=>{ return !this.vnfvfcData.find((vnfvfc)=>{ return == vnfsdc.uuid})}); this.vnftableData = this.vnftableData.concat(sameData); // if (this.vnfvfcData.length != 0 && this.vnfsdcData.length != 0){ // this.vnftableData = this.MergeArray(this.vnfvfcData, this.vnfsdcData) //Array deduplication // }else if(this.vnfvfcData.length === 0 && this.vnfsdcData.length != 0){ // this.vnftableData = this.vnfvfcData.concat(this.vnfsdcData); //Array concat // }else if(this.vnfvfcData.length != 0 && this.vnfsdcData.length === 0){ // this.vnftableData = this.vnfvfcData.concat(this.vnfsdcData); //Array concat // console.log(this.vnftableData); // } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) } // 获取pnf列表 getTablePnfData() { this.isSpinning = true; this.myhttp.getOnboardTablePnfData() .subscribe((data) => { console.log("pnfList-->", data); console.log("pnfList-->", data.length); this.pnftableData = data; this.isSpinning = false; //loading hide }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) } //合并并去重 // MergeArray(arr1, arr2) { // var _arr = new Array(); // for (var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) { // if (arr1[i] != "") { // _arr.push(arr1[i]); // } // } // for (var i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) { // var flag = true; // for (var j = 0; j < arr1.length; j++) { // // 根据vfc列表arr1的id和sdc列表arr2的uuid去重 // if (arr2[i].uuid == arr1[j].id) { // flag = false; // break; // } // } // if (flag && arr2[i] != "") { // _arr.push(arr2[i]); // } // } // return _arr; // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* onboard */ //成功弹框 success(tab): void { const modal = this.modalService.success({ nzTitle: 'This is an success message', nzContent: 'Package Onboard Completed.' }); switch(tab) { case "NS": console.log("NS成功弹框") this.getTableData(); break case "VNF": console.log("VNF成功弹框") this.getTableVnfData(); break } // window.setTimeout(() => modal.destroy(), 5000); } //失败弹框 error(): void { this.modalService.error({ nzTitle: 'This is an error message', nzContent: 'Package Onboard Failed!' }); } //onboard status onboardData ={ status:"onboard", progress: 0, } currentIndex = 0; // ns onboard 上传按钮 updataNsService(id,index) { this.currentIndex = index; this.onboardData.status = "onboarding"; //置灰 this.onboardData.progress = 0; console.log("NS-onboard-id-->" + id); let requestBody = { "csarId": id } this.myhttp.getNsonboard(requestBody) .subscribe((data) => { console.log('onboard ns sdc-->', data); if(data.status == "failed"){ console.log("Package Onboard Failed") this.onboardData.status = "Failed"; this.error(); return false }else if(data.status == "success"){ this.success("NS"); this.onboardData.status = "onboarded"; } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) } // vnf onboard 上传按钮 updataVnfService(id,index) { this.currentIndex = index; this.onboardData.status = "onboarding"; //按钮置灰 this.onboardData.progress = 0; console.log("VNF-onboard-id-->" + id) let requestBody = { "csarId": id } this.myhttp.getVnfonboard(requestBody) .subscribe((data) => { console.log('onboard vnf sdc-->', data); this.jobId = data.jobId; console.log('onboard vnf sdc jobId-->'+ data.jobId); this.queryProgress(this.jobId,0); //vnf需要查询进度接口 }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) } // pnf onboard //暂时没有上传功能 // updataPnfService(id) { // console.log('pnf',id); // } //Progress 进度查询 queryProgress(jobId,responseId){ let mypromise = new Promise((res)=>{ this.myhttp.getProgress(jobId,responseId) .subscribe((data)=>{ console.log("progressData-->"); console.log(data); if(data.responseDescriptor == null || data.responseDescriptor == "null" || data.responseDescriptor.progress == undefined || data.responseDescriptor.progress == null){ console.log("progress == undefined"); this.onboardData.status = "onboarding"; setTimeout(()=>{ this.queryProgress(this.jobId,0); },10000) return false } if(data.responseDescriptor.progress > 100){ console.log("progress-->",data.responseDescriptor.progress) console.log("Package Onboard Failed") this.onboardData.status = "Failed"; this.error(); return false } if(data.responseDescriptor.progress < 100){ this.onboardData.status = "onboarding"; console.log("progress < 100") setTimeout(()=>{ this.queryProgress(this.jobId,0); },5000) }else if(data.responseDescriptor.progress == 100){ res(data); console.log("progress == 100"); console.log(data); this.success("VNF"); this.onboardData.status = "onboarded"; } return false }) }) return mypromise; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* delete 删除按钮 */ showConfirm(index,pkgid,tab): void { this.confirmModal = this.modal.confirm({ nzTitle: 'Do you Want to delete these items?', nzContent: 'Do you Want to delete these items?', nzOkText : 'Yes', nzCancelText: 'No', nzOnOk: () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { switch (tab) { case 'NS': this.deleteNsService(index,pkgid); setTimeout(Math.random() > 0.5 ? resolve : reject,2000); break case 'VNF': this.deleteVnfService(index,pkgid); setTimeout(Math.random() > 0.5 ? resolve : reject,2000); break case 'PNF': this.deletePnfService(index,pkgid); setTimeout(Math.random() > 0.5 ? resolve : reject,2000); break } }).catch(() => console.log('Oops errors!')) }); } //delete nsItem deleteNsService(index,pkgid) { console.log(pkgid) console.log("deleteService!"); this.myhttp.deleteNsIdData(pkgid) .subscribe((data) => { console.log("nsdel--->", data); //refresh list after successful deletion this.getTableData(); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) } //delete vnfItem deleteVnfService(index,pkgid) { console.log(pkgid) console.log("deleteVnfService!"); this.myhttp.deleteVnfIdData(pkgid) .subscribe((data) => { console.log('vnfdel--->', data); //refresh list after successful deletion this.getTableVnfData() }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) } //delete PnfItem deletePnfService(index,pkgid) { console.log(pkgid) console.log("deletePnfService!"); this.myhttp.deletePnfIdData(pkgid) .subscribe((data) => { console.log('pnfdel--->', data); //refresh list after successful deletion this.getTablePnfData() }, (err) => { console.log(err); }) } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //下载download // downloadNsService(id) { // console.log('download') // console.log(id) // this.myhttp.downloadNsData(id) // .subscribe((data) => { // console.log(44, data); // }, (err) => { // console.log(err); // }) // } // downloadVnfService() { // console.log('downloadVnf') // this.myhttp.downloadVnfData() // .subscribe((data) => { // console.log('downloadVnf pack', data); // }, (err) => { // console.log(err); // }) // } // downloadPnfService(id) { // console.log('downloadPnf') // console.log(id) // this.myhttp.downloadNsData(id) // .subscribe((data) => { // console.log(44, data); // }, (err) => { // console.log(err); // }) // } }