const jsonServer = require('json-server'); const server = jsonServer.create(); const middlewares = jsonServer.defaults(); // const customersRouters = require('./routes'); // Set default middlewares (logger, static, cors and no-cache) server.use(middlewares); // Get mock data const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); let localJsonDb = {}; //import mock datas const fakeoriginalData = require('./fake/mock.js'); //import datas created in fakedata.js const mockFolder = './src/app/mock/json'; //mock json path folder const filePath = path.resolve(mockFolder); fileDisplay(filePath); function fileDisplay(filePath) { let fileList = []; let originPath = []; let rewriter = {}; // Return filelist on based of filePath const files = fs.readdirSync(filePath); files.forEach((filename) => { // Get filename's absolute path let filedir = path.join(filePath, filename); // Get the file information according to the file path and return an fs.Stats object fs.stat(filedir, (err, stats) => { if (err) { console.warn('Get files failed......'); } else { let isFile = stats.isFile(); // files let isDir = stats.isDirectory(); //files folder if (isFile) { fileList.push(path.basename(filedir, '.json')); fileList.forEach(item => { let paser = item.split("_").join("/"); originPath.push({ route: `/${paser}`, origin: `/${item}` }) => { rewriter[route.route] = route.origin; }) localJsonDb[item] = getjsonContent(item); }) } if (isDir) { console.warn("=====> DO NOT support mock data in folder"); fileDisplay(filedir); } Object.keys(fakeoriginalData).map(item => { localJsonDb[item] = fakeoriginalData[item]; }) } }) }) setTimeout(() => { serverRewrite(rewriter); runServer(localJsonDb); }, 100) } function getjsonContent(path) { let newpath = `./src/app/mock/json/${path}.json`; let result = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(newpath)); return result; } //only multi router data needs jsonServer.rewriter function serverRewrite(routerpath) { let routerpathArr = routerpath; //rewrite mock multiple routers here Object.keys(fakeoriginalData).map(item => { let newPath = item.split("_").join("/") routerpathArr[`/${newPath}`] = `/${item}`; }) //start to rewrite routers server.use(jsonServer.rewriter(routerpathArr)); } function runServer(db) { server.use(jsonServer.router(db)); } server.listen(3004, () => { console.log('Mock Server is successfully running on port 3004 😁') });