/* Copyright (C) 2019 CMCC, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {Component, EventEmitter, OnInit, Output} from '@angular/core'; import * as d3 from 'd3'; import * as $ from 'jquery'; import {networkHttpservice} from '../networkHttpservice.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-ccvpn-network', templateUrl: './ccvpn-network.component.html', styleUrls: ['./ccvpn-network.component.css'] }) export class CcvpnNetworkComponent implements OnInit { constructor(private myhttp: networkHttpservice) { } ngOnInit() { var thisNg = this; thisNg.getD3Data(); //Local cloud TP port connection, click on the right to expand the details $('#tpContainer').on('click', '.line-port', function () { thisNg.isVisible = false; thisNg.delBoxisVisible = true; thisNg.delcloud = false; thisNg.delTp1 = $(this).attr('data-tp1'); thisNg.delTp2 = $(this).attr('data-tp2'); thisNg.delNode1 = $(this).attr('data-node1'); thisNg.delNode2 = $(this).attr('data-node2'); thisNg.delVersion = $(this).attr('data-version'); thisNg.delLinkname = $(this).attr('data-link'); thisNg.delcloudUrl = null; thisNg.delLinkIndex = $(this); let dataD3 = thisNg.d3Data; for (let p = 0; p < dataD3.length; p++) {//Determine which Domain network the two tp ports belong to if (dataD3[p]['name'] == thisNg.delTp1) { thisNg.network.push(dataD3[p]['source']['name']); } if (dataD3[p]['name'] == thisNg.delTp2) { thisNg.network.push(dataD3[p]['source']['name']); } } thisNg.delNetwork1 = thisNg.network[0]; thisNg.delNetwork2 = thisNg.network[1]; }); //External cloud connection, click on the right to expand the details $('#tpContainer').on('click', '.cloudline', function () { thisNg.isVisible = false; thisNg.delBoxisVisible = true; thisNg.delcloud = true; thisNg.delTp1 = $(this).attr('data-tp1'); thisNg.delTp2 = $(this).attr('data-tp2'); thisNg.delNode1 = $(this).attr('data-node1'); thisNg.delNode2 = $(this).attr('data-node2'); thisNg.delVersion = $(this).attr('data-version'); thisNg.delNetwork1 = $(this).attr('data-network'); thisNg.delNetwork2 = $(this).attr('data-cloudnetwork'); thisNg.delcloudUrl = $(this).attr('data-url'); thisNg.delLinkname = $(this).attr('data-link'); thisNg.aaiId = $(this).attr('data-aaiid'); thisNg.getCloudUrl(thisNg.aaiId); }); } addLinkDisabled = true; isVisible = false; outCloudShow = false; inputshow = false; delBoxisVisible = false; d3Data = [];//D3Render the required data logicalLinks = [];//logicalLinks Existing connection data returned by the interface linkName = null;//Linked name link-name networkOption = [];//Form network drop-down box filled data nodeOption1 = {};//Node drop-down box filled data tpOption1 = [];//Node drop-down box filled data tpOption2 = [];//Node drop-down box filled data networkVal1 = null;//network1 Drop-down box default data networkVal2 = null;//network2 Drop-down box default data selectedNode1 = null;//node1 Drop-down box default data selectedNode2 = null;//node2 Drop-down box default data selecteTpName1 = null;//TP1 Drop-down box default data selecteTpName2 = null;//TP2 Drop-down box default data cloudUrl = null;//External cloud URL address cloudNetwork = null;//External cloud network name cloudNode = null;//External cloud Node name cloudTp = null;//External cloud Tp name dataCloud = [];//External cloud information dataCloudLink = []; aaiId = ''; //When the connection is deleted, the data displayed in the right frame delLinkname = null; delNetwork1 = null; delNode1 = null; delTp1 = null; delcloudUrl = null; delNetwork2 = null; delNode2 = null; delTp2 = null; delVersion = null; delLinkIndex = null; network = []; delcloud = false; winWidth = $('#tpContainer').width(); winHeight = $('#tpContainer').height(); charge = -300; imgmap = { '1': './assets/images/cloud-county1.png', '2': './assets/images/cloud-city1.png', '3': './assets/images/cloud-out.png', }; tpoption = { container: '#tpContainer', data: '', width: 1000, height: this.winHeight }; showForm(): void { if (this.addLinkDisabled == false) { this.isVisible = true; this.delBoxisVisible = false; } } hideForm(): void { this.isVisible = false; this.delBoxisVisible = false; this.linkName = null; this.networkVal1 = null;//Initialize the default data of the network1 drop-down box this.networkVal2 = null;//Initialize the network2 drop-down box default data this.selectedNode1 = null;//Initialize the default data of the node1 drop-down box this.selectedNode2 = null;//Initialize the default data of the node2 drop-down box this.selecteTpName1 = null;//Initialize the default data of the TP1 drop-down box this.selecteTpName2 = null;//Initialize the default data of the TP2 drop-down box this.cloudUrl = null;//External cloud URL address this.cloudNetwork = null;//External cloud network name this.cloudNode = null;//External cloud Node name this.cloudTp = null;//External cloud Tp name } //Get cloud image data getD3Data() { this.myhttp.getNetworkD3Data() .subscribe((data) => { if (data.length == 0) { this.addLinkDisabled = false; return; } for (let ii = 0; ii < data.length; ii++) {//Determine if there is external cloud information in the data, and kick it out. if (data[ii]['aaiId'] != null) { this.dataCloud = data.splice(ii, 1); } } for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let name1 = {}, name2 = {}; let nodess = []; name1['name'] = name2['network'] = data[i]['networkId']; name1['type'] = '1'; name1['source'] = i; this.d3Data.push(name1); for (let c = 0; c < data[i]["pnfs"].length; c++) { nodess.push(data[i]['pnfs'][c]['pnfName']); this.nodeOption1[name2['network']] = nodess; } this.networkOption.push(name2); } console.log(this.networkOption); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let tp_length = data[i]['tps'].length; for (var h = 0; h < tp_length; h++) { let name2 = {}; let interface_name = data[i]['tps'][h]['interface-name']; name2['name'] = interface_name; name2['type'] = '2'; name2['source'] = i; this.d3Data.push(name2); } } for (let b = 0; b < this.d3Data.length; b++) { this.d3Data[b]['target'] = b; } this.initPosition(this.d3Data); setTimeout(this.render(this.d3Data, this.imgmap, this.dataCloud, this.charge, data), 0); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } //Get the initial connection status of the cloud image getlogicalLinksData getLinksData() { this.myhttp.getLogicalLinksData() .subscribe((data) => { if (data["status"]=="FAILED") { return; } for (let i = 0; i < data["logical-link"].length; i++) {//Determine whether there is an external cloud connection in the obtained connection, and kick it out. if (data['logical-link'][i]['relationship-list']['relationship'].length > 2) { this.dataCloudLink = data['logical-link'].splice(i, 1); } } for (let i = 0; i < data["logical-link"].length; i++) { let textval = []; textval[0] = data['logical-link'][i]['relationship-list']['relationship'][0]['relationship-data'][1]['relationship-value'];//tp1 textval[1] = data['logical-link'][i]['relationship-list']['relationship'][1]['relationship-data'][1]['relationship-value'];//tp2 textval[2] = data['logical-link'][i]['resource-version'];//version textval[3] = data['logical-link'][i]['relationship-list']['relationship'][0]['relationship-data'][0]['relationship-value'];//node1 textval[4] = data['logical-link'][i]['relationship-list']['relationship'][1]['relationship-data'][0]['relationship-value'];//node2 textval[5] = data['logical-link'][i]['operational-status']; textval[6] = data['logical-link'][i]['link-name']; this.logicalLinks.push(textval); this.chose(textval); } console.log(this.logicalLinks); if (this.dataCloudLink.length > 0) { this.getcloudLine(this.dataCloudLink); } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } //D3Cloud rendering render(nodes, imgmap, dataCloud, charge, dataD3) { var thiss = this; var _this = this.tpoption, width = null, height = _this.height; console.log("查询svg高度"); console.log(height); if (_this.width > 800) { width = _this.width; } else { width = 800; } if (dataD3.length <= 4) { charge = -300; } else if (dataD3.length > 4 && dataD3.length <= 6) { charge = -160; } else if (dataD3.length > 6 && dataD3.length <= 10) { charge = -110; } else { charge = -100; } console.log(charge); var svg = d3.select(_this.container).append('svg') .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height) .attr('id', 'content-svg') .style('pointer-events', 'all') .style('position','absolute') .style('top','1%') .style('right','2%'), graph = svg.append('g').attr('class', 'graph').attr('id', 'graph'), _g_nodes = graph.selectAll('g.node') .data(nodes) .enter() .append('g') .style('display', function (d) { var display = 'block'; switch (d.type) { case '1': display = 'none'; break; case '2': display = 'none'; break; default: break; } return display; }) .style('cursor', 'pointer') .attr('class', 'node'), _g_lines = graph.selectAll('line.line') .data(nodes) .enter() .append('g') .style('display', 'none') .attr('class', 'line'); _g_lines.append('line') .style('stroke', '#93c62d' ) .style('stroke-width', 2); _g_nodes.append('image') .attr('width', function (d) { var width = 40; switch (d.type) { case '1': width = 4.4 * width; break; case '2': width = 0.12 * width; break; default: break; } return width; }) .attr('height', function (d) { var height = 20; switch (d.type) { case '1': height = 3.5 * height; break; case '2': height = 0.2 * height; break; default: break; } return height; }) .attr('xlink:href', function (d) { return imgmap[d.type]; }); _g_nodes.append('text') .text(function (d) { return d.name; }) .style('transform', function (d) { var x = null; var y = null; switch (d.type) { case '1': x = 7; y = -7; break; case '2': x = 1; y = -2; break; default: break; } return 'translate(' + x + '%,' + y + '%)'; }) .style('font-size', function (d) { var size = 14; switch (d.type) { case '1': size = 14; break; case '2': size = 12; break; default: break; } return size; }) .style('fill', function (d) { var color = '#666'; switch (d.type) { case '1': color = '#666'; break; case '2': color = '#666'; break; default: break; } return color; }) .style('font-weight', '500'); //Add custom attributes online _g_lines.each(function (d, i) { var _this = d3.select(this); if (d.name) { _this.attr('data-text', d.name); } }); var force = d3.layout.force() .size([1000, this.winHeight]) .linkDistance(5) // .theta(0.6) .charge(charge) .nodes(nodes) .links(nodes) .start(); //Add drag and drop behavior // _g_nodes.call(this.getDragBehavior(force)); force.on('tick', function () { if (force.alpha() <= 0.04) { _g_nodes.style('display', function (d) { var display = 'block'; switch (d.type) { case '1': display = 'block'; break; case '2': display = 'none'; break; default: break; } return display; }); nodes.forEach(function (d, i) { d.x = d.x - 25 < 0 ? 25 : d.x; d.x = d.x + 25 > width ? width - 25 : d.x; d.y = d.y - 15 < 0 ? 15 : d.y; d.y = d.y + 15 > height ? height - 15 : d.y; }); _g_nodes.attr('transform', function (d) { let image = d3.select(this).select('image')[0][0], halfWidth = parseFloat(image.attributes[0]['value']) / 2, halfHeight = parseFloat(image.attributes[1]['value']) / 2; let xx = d.x - halfWidth, yy = d.y - halfHeight; // if (xx < 0) { // xx = -xx; // } // if (yy < 0) { // yy = -yy; // } return 'translate(' + xx + ',' + yy + ')'; }); _g_lines.select('line') .attr('x1', function (d) { return d.source.x; }) .attr('y1', function (d) { return d.source.y; }) .attr('x2', function (d) { return d.target.x; }) .attr('y2', function (d) { return d.target.y; }); _g_nodes.select('text').attr('dy', function (d) { var image = this.previousSibling, height = parseFloat(image.attributes[1]['value']), fontSize = 12; return height + 1.5 * fontSize; }); } }); force.on('end', function () { force.stop(); if (dataCloud.length > 0) { thiss.getoutCloud(dataCloud, imgmap); } thiss.getLinksData(); thiss.addLinkDisabled = false; }); }; //Topology drag and drop effect getDragBehavior(force) { return d3.behavior.drag() .origin(function (d) { return d; }) .on('dragstart', dragstart) .on('drag', dragging) .on('dragend', dragend); function dragstart(d) { d3.event.sourceEvent.stopPropagation(); d3.select(this).classed('dragging', true); force.start(); } function dragging(d) { d.x = d3.event.x; d.y = d3.event.y; } function dragend(d) { d3.select(this).classed('dragging', false); } } //Initialize node location initPosition(datas) { let origin = [this.tpoption.width / 2, this.tpoption.height / 2]; let points = this.getVertices(origin, Math.min(this.tpoption.width / 2, this.tpoption.height / 2), datas.length); datas.forEach((item, i) => { item.x = points[i].x; item.y = points[i].y; }); } //Get anchor points based on polygons getVertices(origin, r, n) { if (typeof n !== 'number') return; var ox = origin[0]; var oy = origin[1]; var angle = 30 * n / n; var i = 0; var points = []; var tempAngle = 0; while (i < n) { tempAngle = (i * angle * Math.PI) / 180; points.push({ x: ox - r * Math.sin(tempAngle), y: oy - r * Math.cos(tempAngle), }); i++; } return points; } //Rendering an external cloud getoutCloud(dataCloud, imgmap) { var _this = this, width; let networkId = dataCloud[0]['networkId']; if (_this.tpoption.width > 800) { width = _this.tpoption.width; } else { width = 800; } var svg = d3.select('#content-svg'); svg.append('g').attr('class', 'out').attr('id', 'out').style({'display': 'block'}).attr('transform', 'translate(' + (width - 200) + ',0)'); var out = d3.select('#out'); out.append('image').style('width', '200').style('height', '118').attr('xlink:href', imgmap['3']); out.append('text').text(networkId) .style('transform', 'translate(0,0)') .style('font-size', '16') .style('font-weight', '400') .attr('dx', '40') .attr('dy', '70') .style('fill', '#666'); } //External cloud connection getcloudLine(dataCloudLink) { let textval = []; textval[0] = dataCloudLink[0]['relationship-list']['relationship'][0]['relationship-data'][1]['relationship-value'];//tp1 textval[1] = dataCloudLink[0]['relationship-list']['relationship'][1]['relationship-data'][1]['relationship-value'];//tp2 textval[2] = dataCloudLink[0]['resource-version'];//version textval[3] = dataCloudLink[0]['relationship-list']['relationship'][0]['relationship-data'][0]['relationship-value'];//node1 textval[4] = dataCloudLink[0]['relationship-list']['relationship'][1]['relationship-data'][0]['relationship-value'];//node2 textval[5] = dataCloudLink[0]['operational-status'];//status textval[6] = dataCloudLink[0]['relationship-list']['relationship'][2]['relationship-data'][0]['relationship-value'];//aaiId textval[7] = this.dataCloud[0]['networkId']; console.log(this.dataCloud); let dataD3 = this.d3Data; let arr=[ textval[0], textval[1] ]; for (let p = 0; p < dataD3.length; p++) {//Determine which Domain network the two tp ports belong to for (let pp= 0; pp < arr.length; pp++) {//Determine which Domain network the two tp ports belong to if (dataD3[p]['name'] == arr[pp]) { textval[8] = dataD3[p]['source']['name'];//network1 } } } textval[9] = dataCloudLink[0]['link-name']; let lines_json = {}; var _this = this, width; if (_this.tpoption.width > 800) { width = _this.tpoption.width; } else { width = 800; } console.log("shuchu01dataCloudLink"+dataCloudLink[0]); console.log("shuchutextval"+textval); for (let i = 0; i < $(".node").length; i++) { if ($('.node').eq(i).find('text').html() == textval[8]) { //Get the x, y coordinates of the second level var translates = $('.node').eq(i).css('transform'); lines_json['x1'] = parseFloat(translates.substring(7).split(',')[4]); lines_json['y1'] = parseFloat(translates.substring(7).split(',')[5]); lines_json['x2'] = width - 100; lines_json['y2'] = 100; } } var x1 = lines_json['x1']; var y1 = lines_json['y1']; var x2 = lines_json['x2']; var y2 = lines_json['y2']; var color = '#14bb58'; if (textval[5] == 'up') { color = '#14bb58'; } else { color = 'red'; } var line = ''; var svg = d3.select('#graph'); $('.cloudline').remove(); $('#graph').prepend(line); $('.cloudline').attr({ x1: x1 + 100, y1: y1 + 10, x2: x2, y2: y2, 'data-tp1': textval[0], 'data-tp2': textval[1], 'data-version': textval[2], 'data-node1': textval[3], 'data-node2': textval[4], 'data-network': textval[8], 'data-cloudnetwork': textval[7], 'data-url': '', 'data-aaiid': textval[6], 'data-link': textval[9], }); svg.html(svg.html()); this.getCloudUrl(textval[6]); this.getExtAAIIdVersion(textval[6]); } //Query external cloud host url address getCloudUrl(aaiId) { this.myhttp.queryCloudUrl(aaiId) .subscribe((data) => { this.delcloudUrl = data['service-url']; $('.cloudline').attr({ 'data-url': data['service-url'] }); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } //Query external cloud ext-aai-id resource-version getExtAAIIdVersion(aaiId){ this.myhttp.queryExtAAIIdVersion(aaiId) .subscribe((data) => { this.delVersion = data["resource-version"]; $('.cloudline').attr({ 'data-version':data["resource-version"], }); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } //The right form drop-down box data is filled with three levels of linkage //Left Port network1Change(value: string): void { this.selectedNode1 = this.nodeOption1[value][0]; this.getPInterfaces1(); } node1Change(): void { this.getPInterfaces1(); } //Get the TP data under the specified node getPInterfaces1() { let params = { pnfName: this.selectedNode1, }; this.myhttp.getPInterfacesData1(params) .subscribe((data) => { this.tpOption1 = []; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let tpName = data[i]['interface-name']; this.tpOption1.push(tpName); } this.selecteTpName1 = this.tpOption1[0]; }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } //Right Port network2Change(value: string): void { this.selectedNode2 = this.nodeOption1[value][0]; this.getPInterfaces2(); } node2Change(): void { this.getPInterfaces2(); } //Get the TP data under the specified node getPInterfaces2() { let params = { pnfName: this.selectedNode2, }; this.myhttp.getPInterfacesData2(params) .subscribe((data) => { this.tpOption2 = []; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let tpName = data[i]['interface-name']; this.tpOption2.push(tpName); } this.selecteTpName2 = this.tpOption2[0]; }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } //Submit form, connect submitForm(): void { //When the page ONAP is not selected, the local cloud TP connection var _thiss = this; if (this.inputshow == false) { if (this.linkName == null || this.networkVal1 == null || this.selectedNode1 == null || this.selecteTpName1 == null || this.networkVal2 == null || this.selectedNode2 == null || this.selecteTpName2 == null) { alert('The service port cannot be empty. Please select the port information.'); return; } else if (this.networkVal1 == this.networkVal2) { alert('The TP port under the same cloud service cannot be connected!'); return; } let tp_links = [], tp1 = this.selecteTpName1, tp2 = this.selecteTpName2; for (let i = 0; i < $(".line-port").length; i++) { let data_text1 = $('.line-port').eq(i).attr('data-tp1'); let data_text2 = $('.line-port').eq(i).attr('data-tp2'); tp_links.push(data_text1); tp_links.push(data_text2); } if (tp_links.indexOf(tp1) != -1 || tp_links.indexOf(tp2) != -1) { alert('This port number connection already exists!'); return; } this.createTpLinks(); } else { //When the page ONAP is selected, the external cloud is created, and the connection is made. if (this.linkName == null || this.networkVal1 == null || this.selectedNode1 == null || this.selecteTpName1 == null || this.cloudUrl == null || this.cloudNetwork == null || this.cloudNode == null || this.cloudTp == null) { alert('The service port cannot be empty. Please fill in the complete port information.'); return; } let tp_links = [], tp1 = this.selecteTpName1; for (let i = 0; i < $(".line-port").length; i++) { let data_text1 = $('.line-port').eq(i).attr('data-tp1'); tp_links.push(data_text1); } if (tp_links.indexOf(tp1) != -1) { alert('This port number connection already exists!'); return; } let time = this.cloudNetwork + new Date().getTime();//Create aaiid for the external cloud, this identifier is unique and cannot be repeated this.createCloudUrls(time) } } //Create tp connection call interface createLink createTpLinks() { let params = { 'link-name': this.linkName, 'link-type': 'cross-link', 'operational-status': 'up', 'relationship-list': { 'relationship': [ { 'related-to': 'p-interface', 'related-link': '/aai/v14/network/pnfs/pnf/' + this.selectedNode1 + '/p-interfaces/p-interface/' + this.selecteTpName1, 'relationship-data': [ { 'relationship-key': 'pnf.pnf-id', 'relationship-value': this.selectedNode1 }, { 'relationship-key': 'p-interface.p-interface-id', 'relationship-value': this.selecteTpName1, } ] }, { 'related-to': 'p-interface', 'related-link': '/aai/v14/network/pnfs/pnf/' + this.selectedNode2 + '/p-interfaces/p-interface/' + this.selecteTpName2, 'relationship-data': [ { 'relationship-key': 'pnf.pnf-id', 'relationship-value': this.selectedNode2 }, { 'relationship-key': 'p-interface.p-interface-id', 'relationship-value': this.selecteTpName2 } ] } ] } }; this.myhttp.createLink(params) .subscribe((data) => { if (data['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { this.queryAddLink(); } }, (err) => { console.log(err); console.log('Create connection interface call failed'); }); } //Query the newly added connection immediately after creating the tp cable queryAddLink() { let linkName = this.linkName, selecteTpName1 = this.selecteTpName1, selecteTpName2 = this.selecteTpName2, selectedNode1 = this.selectedNode1, selectedNode2 = this.selectedNode2; let params = { 'link-name': linkName, }; this.myhttp.querySpecificLinkInfo(params) .subscribe((data) => { let version = data['resource-version'], operational_status = data['operational-status'], linkname = data['link-name']; let textval = [selecteTpName1, selecteTpName2, version, selectedNode1, selectedNode2, operational_status, linkname]; console.log(textval); this.hideForm(); this.chose(textval); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } //Connection between two TP coordinates chose(textval) { var lines_json = {}; lines_json['tp1'] = textval[0]; lines_json['tp2'] = textval[1]; lines_json['version'] = textval[2]; lines_json['node1'] = textval[3]; lines_json['node2'] = textval[4]; lines_json['status'] = textval[5]; lines_json['linkname'] = textval[6]; for (let i = 0; i < $(".node").length; i++) { if ($('.node').eq(i).find('text').html() == textval[0]) { $('.node').eq(i).show(); //Get the x, y coordinates of the second level var translates = $('.node').eq(i).css('transform'); lines_json['x1'] = parseFloat(translates.substring(7).split(',')[4]); lines_json['y1'] = parseFloat(translates.substring(7).split(',')[5]); } if ($('.node').eq(i).find('text').html() == textval[1]) { $('.node').eq(i).show(); var translates = $('.node').eq(i).css('transform'); lines_json['x2'] = parseFloat(translates.substring(7).split(',')[4]); lines_json['y2'] = parseFloat(translates.substring(7).split(',')[5]); } } console.log(lines_json); this.addLine(lines_json); } //Connection between two TPs addLine(lines) { let tp1 = lines.tp1; let tp2 = lines.tp2; let version = lines.version; let node1 = lines.node1; let node2 = lines.node2; let status = lines.status; let linkname = lines.linkname; let x1 = lines.x1; let y1 = lines.y1; let x2 = lines.x2; let y2 = lines.y2; let color = '#14bb58'; if (status == 'up') { color = '#14bb58'; } else { color = 'red'; } let line = ''; let svg = d3.select('#graph'); $('#graph').prepend(line); $('.line').first().attr({ x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2, 'data-tp1': tp1, 'data-tp2': tp2, 'data-version': version, 'data-node1': node1, 'data-node2': node2, 'data-link': linkname }); svg.html(svg.html()); } //After creating an external cloud connection, query the connection immediately queryOutCloudLink(time) { let networkVal1 = this.networkVal1, selectedNode1 = this.selectedNode1, selecteTpName1 = this.selecteTpName1, cloudUrl = this.cloudUrl, cloudNetWork = this.cloudNetwork, cloudNode = this.cloudNode, cloudTp = this.cloudTp, linkname = this.linkName; let params = { 'link-name': linkname, }; this.myhttp.querySpecificLinkInfo(params) .subscribe((data) => { let status = data['operational-status']; let link_name = data['link-name']; this.outCloudShow = true; this.hideForm(); this.outCloud(this.imgmap); setTimeout(this.cloudLine(networkVal1, selectedNode1, selecteTpName1, cloudUrl, cloudNetWork, cloudNode, cloudTp, status, link_name,time), 0); }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } //Add external cloud outCloud(imgmap) { var _this = this, width; if (_this.tpoption.width > 800) { width = _this.tpoption.width; } else { width = 800; } var svg = d3.select('#content-svg'); svg.append('g').attr('class', 'out').attr('id', 'out').style({'display': 'block'}).attr('transform', 'translate(' + (width - 200) + ',0)'); var out = d3.select('#out'); out.append('image').style('width', '200').style('height', '118').attr('xlink:href', imgmap['3']); out.append('text').text('Partner Network') .style('transform', 'translate(0,0)') .style('font-size', '16') .style('font-weight', 'bold') .attr('dx', '40') .attr('dy', '70') .style('fill', '#fff'); } //Add external cloud connection cloudLine(networkVal1, selectedNode1, selecteTpName1, cloudUrl, cloudNetWork, cloudNode, cloudTp, status, link_name,time) { let lines_json = {}; var _this = this, width; if (_this.tpoption.width > 800) { width = _this.tpoption.width; } else { width = 800; } console.log("shuchuNetworkVal1:"+networkVal1); for (let i = 0; i < $(".node").length; i++) { if ($('.node').eq(i).find('text').html() == networkVal1) { //Get the x, y coordinates of the second level var translates = $('.node').eq(i).css('transform'); console.log("shuchuTranslates:"+translates); lines_json['x1'] = parseFloat(translates.substring(7).split(',')[4]); lines_json['y1'] = parseFloat(translates.substring(7).split(',')[5]); lines_json['x2'] = width - 100; lines_json['y2'] = 100; } } var x1 = lines_json['x1']; var y1 = lines_json['y1']; var x2 = lines_json['x2']; var y2 = lines_json['y2']; var color = '#14bb58'; if (status == 'up') { color = '#14bb58'; } else { color = 'red'; } var line = ''; var svg = d3.select('#graph'); $('.cloudline').remove(); $('#graph').prepend(line); $('.cloudline').attr({ x1: x1 + 100, y1: y1 + 10, x2: x2, y2: y2, 'data-tp1': selecteTpName1, 'data-tp2': cloudTp, 'data-node1': selectedNode1, 'data-node2': cloudNode, 'data-network': networkVal1, 'data-cloudnetwork': cloudNetWork, 'data-url': cloudUrl, 'data-aaiid':time, 'data-link': link_name }); svg.html(svg.html()); this.getExtAAIIdVersion(time); } //Create an external cloud, call the following 5 interfaces when connecting:createCloudNetwork,createPnfs,createCloudTp,createCloudLinks,createCloudUrls createCloudNetwork(time) { let _thiss = this; console.log("shuchuCloudNetwork:"+time); let params= { '-xmlns': 'http://org.onap.aai.inventory/v14', 'in-maint': 'false', "network-id":this.cloudNetwork, "provider-id": "", "client-id": "", "te-topo-id": "", "relationship-list": { "relationship": [{ "related-to": "ext-aai-network", 'related-link': '/aai/v14/network/ext-aai-networks/ext-aai-network/' + time }] } }; //Do some asynchronous operations _thiss.myhttp.createNetwrok(params) .subscribe((data) => { if(data["status"]=="SUCCESS"){ _thiss.createPnfs(time) } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); } createPnfs(time) { console.log("shuchupnf:"+time); let _thiss = this; let params= { "-xmlns": "http://org.onap.aai.inventory/v14", "pnf-name": this.cloudNode, "pnf-id": this.cloudNode, "in-maint": "true", "relationship-list": { "relationship": [ { "related-to": "ext-aai-network", "relationship-label": "org.onap.relationships.inventory.BelongsTo", "related-link": "/aai/v14/network/ext-aai-networks/ext-aai-network/" + time, "relationship-data": { "relationship-key": "ext-aai-network.aai-id", "relationship-value":time } }, { "related-to": "network-resource", "relationship-label": "tosca.relationships.network.LinksTo", "related-link": "/aai/v14/network/network-resources/network-resource/" + this.cloudNetwork } ] } } // var pro = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { //Do some asynchronous operations _thiss.myhttp.createPnf(params) .subscribe((data) => { if(data["status"]=="SUCCESS"){ _thiss.createCloudTp(time) } }, (err) => { console.log(err); }); // }); // return pro; } createCloudTp(time) { console.log("shuchuTp:"+time); let _thiss = this; let params= { "-xmlns": "http://org.onap.aai.inventory/v14", "interface-name": this.cloudTp, "speed-value": "1000000", "in-maint": "true", "network-ref": "", "transparent": "true", "operational-status": "up" }; let cloudNodeName = this.cloudNode; // var pro = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { //Do some asynchronous operations _thiss.myhttp.createTp(params, cloudNodeName) .subscribe((data) => { if(data["status"]=="SUCCESS"){ _thiss.createCloudLinks(time) } }, (err) => { // reject(err); console.log(err); // }); }); // return pro; } createCloudLinks(time) { let _thiss = this; console.log('shuchuCloudLinks:' + time); let params = { "-xmlns": "http://org.onap.aai.inventory/v14", "link-name": this.linkName, "in-maint": "false", "link-type": "cross-link", "speed-value": "", "operational-status": "up", "relationship-list": { "relationship": [ { "related-to": "p-interface", "relationship-label": "tosca.relationships.network.LinksTo", "related-link": "/aai/v14/network/pnfs/pnf/" + this.selectedNode1 + "/p-interfaces/p-interface/" + this.selecteTpName1, "relationship-data": [ { "relationship-key": "pnf.pnf-name", "relationship-value": this.selectedNode1 }, { "relationship-key": "p-interface.interface-name", "relationship-value": this.selecteTpName1 } ], "related-to-property": [{ "property-key": "p-interface.prov-status" }] }, { "related-to": "p-interface", "relationship-label": "tosca.relationships.network.LinksTo", "related-link": "/aai/v14/network/pnfs/pnf/" + this.cloudNode + "/p-interfaces/p-interface/" + this.cloudTp, "relationship-data": [ { "relationship-key": "pnf.pnf-name", "relationship-value": this.cloudNode }, { "relationship-key": "p-interface.interface-name", "relationship-value": this.cloudTp } ], "related-to-property": [{ "property-key": "p-interface.prov-status" }] }, { "related-to": "ext-aai-network", "relationship-label": "org.onap.relationships.inventory.BelongsTo", "related-link": "/aai/v14/network/ext-aai-networks/ext-aai-network/" + time, "relationship-data": [ { "relationship-key": "ext-aai-network.aai-id", "relationship-value": time } ] } ] } }; // var pro = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { //Do some asynchronous operations _thiss.myhttp.createCloudLink(params) .subscribe((data) => { // resolve(data['status']); if(data["status"]=="SUCCESS"){ _thiss.queryOutCloudLink(time); } }, (err) => { // reject(err); console.log(err); }); // }); // return pro; } createCloudUrls(time) { let _thiss = this; console.log(this.cloudNetwork); console.log('shuchuUrls:' + time); let params = { '-xmlns': 'http://org.onap.aai.inventory/v14', 'aai-id': time, 'esr-system-info': { 'esr-system-info-id': 'example-esr-system-info-id-val-0', 'service-url': this.cloudUrl, 'user-name': 'demo', 'password': 'demo123456!', 'system-type': 'ONAP' } }; console.log(time); console.log(params['aai-id']); // var pro = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { //Do some asynchronous operations _thiss.myhttp.createCloudUrl(params) .subscribe((data) => { if (data['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { console.log(true); _thiss.createCloudNetwork(time); } // resolve(data['status']); }, (err) => { // reject(err); console.log(err); }); // }); // return pro; } //Local cloud TP port Delete connection Call interface deleteLink delLink(): void { let deltp1 = this.delTp1, deltp2 = this.delTp2, version = this.delVersion, dellinkname = this.delLinkname, delLinkIndex = this.delLinkIndex; let params = { 'logical-link': dellinkname, 'resource-version': version, }; this.myhttp.deleteLink(params) .subscribe((data) => { if (data['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { this.delLine(deltp1, deltp2); delLinkIndex.remove(); } }, (err) => { console.log(err); console.log('Deleting a connection interface call failed'); }); } delLine(val1, val2) { this.delBoxisVisible = false; for (let i = 0; i < $(".node").length; i++) { if ($('.node').eq(i).find('text').html() == val1) { $('.node').eq(i).hide(); } if ($('.node').eq(i).find('text').html() == val2) { $('.node').eq(i).hide(); } } } //External cloud Delete connection Call interface deleteCloudLink delCloudLink(): void { let deltp1 = this.delTp1, deltp2 = this.delTp2, version = this.delVersion, aaiId=this.aaiId; let params = { "aaiId": aaiId, "version": version, }; this.myhttp.deleteCloudLink(params) .subscribe((data) => { console.log(data); if (data['status'] == 'SUCCESS') { console.log('delete'); this.delLine(deltp1, deltp2); $('.cloudline').remove(); $('#out').remove(); } }, (err) => { console.log(err); console.log('Deleting a connection interface call failed'); }); } }