.. contents:: :depth: 3 .. **1. Confirm Usecase-UI MicroService** ====================================== Confirm that the Usecase-UI microservice has been successfully registered in MSB with OOM. **2. Register Usecase-UI MicroService** ======================================= If Usecase-UI microservice does not exist in MSB, please register them manually. :: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"serviceName": "usecaseui-server", "version": "v1", "url": "/api/usecaseui-server/v1","protocol": "REST", "nodes": [{"ip": "${UUI_SERVER_IP}","port": "8082"}]}' "http://${MSB_IP}:30280/api/microservices/v1/services" curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"serviceName": "usecaseui-ui", "version": "v1", "url": "/usecase-ui","path": "/iui/usecaseui","protocol": "UI", "nodes": [{"ip": "${UUI_IP}","port": "8080"}]}' "http://${MSB_IP}:30280/api/microservices/v1/services" **3. Open Usecase-UI Home** =========================== Please open Usecase-UI dashboard page through your browser. :: http://${MSB_IP}:30280/iui/usecaseui/ **4. Specific Pages Function** ============================== Usecase-UI project consists of 5 modules which are *Home*, *Cusomer*, *Monitor*, *Services* and *Network Topology*. *4.1. Home Module* |homepage| .. |homepage| image:: ../../images/usecaseui-architecture-homepage.png :width: 5.97047in :height: 3.63208in *Home* module is the entrance of the whole project. In this module, users can have a glimpse of the general infomation of specific modules. e.g. the **SERVICES** block shows the general statistic data of *Lifecycle management* module and the **PACKAGE** block shows the total numbers of NS, VNF and PNF which are shown in *Package Management* module. Also, the **ALARM** and **VM PERFORMANCE** block show the infomation of system alarm. If users need more, the ``View Details`` button will help. *4.2. Cusomer Module* |customer| .. |customer| image:: ../../images/usecaseui-architecture-customer.png :width: 7.97047in :height: 3.63208in *4.3. Monitor Module* *4.4. Services Module* This module consists of two parts. One is Lifecycle Management, the other is Package Management. * Lifecycle Management |lifecycle| .. |lifecycle| image:: ../../images/lifecycle-manage.png :width: 7.97047in :height: 3.63208in * Package Management |package| .. |package| image:: ../../images/package-manage.png :width: 7.97047in :height: 3.63208in *4.5. Network Topology Module*