.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Usecase-UI Architecture ----------------------- Usecase-UI comprises two modules: the Usecase-UI UI module and the Usecase-UI Server module. - Usecase-UI UI Module - Usecase-UI Server Module Usecase-UI itself is an independent component in ONAP, which means it could be deployed as an ONAP-level component. .. image:: images/overall-architecture-in-onap.png Take a deep dive into Usecase-UI, we could see it mainly consists of two modules, which are the UI module and Server module respectively. The UI module provides Graphical User Interface (GUI) for operators and end-users (e.g. LCM, Monitor). The Server module is the logic part of Usecase-UI. This part analyzes NS files for LCM function and subscribes vnf alarm and performance data for monitor function. .. image:: images/usecaseui-architecture.png