/* Navicat Premium Data Transfer Source Server : 1 Source Server Type : PostgreSQL Source Server Version : 100011 Source Host : localhost:5432 Source Catalog : exampledb Source Schema : mec Target Server Type : PostgreSQL Target Server Version : 100011 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 26/07/2022 10:12:23 */ -- ---------------------------- -- Records of intent -- ---------------------------- MERGE INTO intent (intent_id, intent_name) KEY (intent_id) values ('intentId1', 'CLL Business intent'); MERGE INTO intent (intent_id, intent_name) KEY (intent_id) values ('intentId2', 'CLL Business intent'); MERGE INTO intent (intent_id, intent_name) KEY (intent_id) values ('intent without affiliate', 'CLL Business intent'); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of expectation -- ---------------------------- MERGE INTO expectation (expectation_id, expectation_name, expectation_type, intent_id) KEY (expectation_id) values ('expectationId1', 'CLL Service Expectation', 'DELIVERY', 'intentId1'); MERGE INTO expectation (expectation_id, expectation_name, expectation_type, intent_id) KEY (expectation_id) values ('expectationId2', 'CLL Assurance Expectation', 'ASSURANCE', 'intentId1'); MERGE INTO expectation (expectation_id, expectation_name, expectation_type, intent_id) KEY (expectation_id) values ('expectationId3', 'CLL Service Expectation', 'DELIVERY', 'intentId2'); MERGE INTO expectation (expectation_id, expectation_name, expectation_type, intent_id) KEY (expectation_id) values ('expectationId4', 'CLL Service Expectation', 'DELIVERY', 'intentId2'); MERGE INTO expectation (expectation_id, expectation_name, expectation_type, intent_id) KEY (expectation_id) values ('expectation without affiliate', 'CLL Assurance Expectation', 'DELIVERY', 'intentId2'); MERGE INTO expectation (expectation_id, expectation_name, expectation_type, intent_id) KEY (expectation_id) values ('expectation without affiliate 2', 'CLL Assurance Expectation', 'ASSURANCE', 'intentId2'); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of expectation_object -- ---------------------------- MERGE INTO expectation_object (object_id, object_type, object_instance, expectation_id) KEY (object_id) values ('b1bc45a6-f396-4b65-857d-6d2312bfb352', 'OBJECT1', '', 'expectationId1'); MERGE INTO expectation_object (object_id, object_type, object_instance, expectation_id) KEY (object_id) values ('931a8690-fa61-4c2b-a387-9e0fa6152136', 'OBJECT2', '', 'expectationId2'); MERGE INTO expectation_object (object_id, object_type, object_instance, expectation_id) KEY (object_id) values ('3f36bf22-3416-4150-8005-cdc406a43310', 'OBJECT2', '', 'expectationId3'); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of expectation_target -- ---------------------------- MERGE INTO expectation_target (target_id, target_name, expectation_id) KEY (target_id) values ('target1-1', 'source', 'expectationId1'); MERGE INTO expectation_target (target_id, target_name, expectation_id) KEY (target_id) values ('target1-2', 'destination', 'expectationId1'); MERGE INTO expectation_target (target_id, target_name, expectation_id) KEY (target_id) values ('target1-3', 'bandwidth', 'expectationId1'); MERGE INTO expectation_target (target_id, target_name, expectation_id) KEY (target_id) values ('target2-1', 'bandwidthAssurance', 'expectationId2'); MERGE INTO expectation_target (target_id, target_name, expectation_id) KEY (target_id) values ('target2-2', 'bandwidthAssurance', 'expectationId2'); MERGE INTO expectation_target (target_id, target_name, expectation_id) KEY (target_id) values ('target2-3', 'bandwidthAssurance', 'expectationId2'); MERGE INTO expectation_target (target_id, target_name, expectation_id) KEY (target_id) values ('target3-1', 'source', 'expectationId3'); MERGE INTO expectation_target (target_id, target_name, expectation_id) KEY (target_id) values ('target4-1', 'source', 'expectationId4'); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of condition -- ---------------------------- MERGE INTO condition (condition_id, condition_name, operator_type, condition_value, parent_id) KEY (condition_id) values ('condition1-1', 'condition of the cll service source', 'EQUALTO', 'Company A', 'target1-1'); MERGE INTO condition (condition_id, condition_name, operator_type, condition_value, parent_id) KEY (condition_id) values ('condition1-2', 'condition of the cll service destination', 'EQUALTO', 'Cloud 1', 'target1-2'); MERGE INTO condition (condition_id, condition_name, operator_type, condition_value, parent_id) KEY (condition_id) values ('condition1-3', 'condition of the cll service bandwidth', 'EQUALTO', '1000', 'target1-3'); MERGE INTO condition (condition_id, condition_name, operator_type, condition_value, parent_id) KEY (condition_id) values ('condition2-1', 'condition of the cll service bandwidth', 'EQUALTO', 'true', 'target2-1'); MERGE INTO condition (condition_id, condition_name, operator_type, condition_value, parent_id) KEY (condition_id) values ('condition3-1', 'condition of the cll service source', 'EQUALTO', 'Company A', 'target3-1'); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of context -- ---------------------------- MERGE INTO context (context_id, context_name, parent_id) KEY (context_id) values ('d64f3a5f-b091-40a6-bca0-1bc6b1ce8f43', 'intentContextName', 'intentId1'); MERGE INTO context (context_id, context_name, parent_id) KEY (context_id) values ('72f6c546-f234-4be5-a2fe-5740139e20cb', 'intentContextName', 'intentId2'); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of fulfilment_info -- ---------------------------- MERGE INTO fulfilment_info (fulfilment_info_id, fulfilment_info_status, not_fulfilled_state, not_fulfilled_reason) KEY (fulfilment_info_id) values ('intentId1', 'NOT_FULFILLED', 'COMPLIANT', 'NotFulfilledReason'); MERGE INTO fulfilment_info (fulfilment_info_id, fulfilment_info_status, not_fulfilled_state, not_fulfilled_reason) KEY (fulfilment_info_id) values ('intentId2', 'NOT_FULFILLED', 'COMPLIANT', 'NotFulfilledReason');