/*- * ================================================================================ * DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Web Application * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ================================================================================ */ /*! * jquery.resize.js 0.0.1 - https://github.com/yckart/jquery.resize.js * Resize-event for DOM-Nodes * * @see http://workingdraft.de/113/ * @see http://www.backalleycoder.com/2013/03/18/cross-browser-event-based-element-resize-detection/ * * Copyright (c) 2013 Yannick Albert (http://yckart.com) * Licensed under the MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php). * 2013/04/01 */ (function(factory) { if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if(typeof exports === 'object') { // Node/CommonJS style for Browserify module.exports = factory; } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function($) { function addFlowListener(element, type, fn) { var flow = type == 'over'; element.addEventListener('OverflowEvent' in window ? 'overflowchanged' : type + 'flow', function(e) { if(e.type == (type + 'flow') || ((e.orient == 0 && e.horizontalOverflow == flow) || (e.orient == 1 && e.verticalOverflow == flow) || (e.orient == 2 && e.horizontalOverflow == flow && e.verticalOverflow == flow))) { e.flow = type; return fn.call(this, e); } }, false); }; function fireEvent(element, type, data, options) { var options = options || {}, event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent(type, 'bubbles' in options ? options.bubbles : true, 'cancelable' in options ? options.cancelable : true); for(var z in data) event[z] = data[z]; element.dispatchEvent(event); }; $.event.special.resize = { setup: function() { var element = this; var resize = 'onresize' in element; if(!resize && !element._resizeSensor) { var sensor = element._resizeSensor = document.createElement('div'); sensor.className = 'resize-sensor'; sensor.innerHTML = '
'; var x = 0, y = 0, first = sensor.firstElementChild.firstChild, last = sensor.lastElementChild.firstChild, matchFlow = function(event) { var change = false, width = element.offsetWidth; if(x != width) { first.style.width = width - 1 + 'px'; last.style.width = width + 1 + 'px'; change = true; x = width; } var height = element.offsetHeight; if(y != height) { first.style.height = height - 1 + 'px'; last.style.height = height + 1 + 'px'; change = true; y = height; } if(change && event.currentTarget != element) fireEvent(element, 'resize'); }; if(getComputedStyle(element).position == 'static') { element.style.position = 'relative'; element._resizeSensor._resetPosition = true; } addFlowListener(sensor, 'over', matchFlow); addFlowListener(sensor, 'under', matchFlow); addFlowListener(sensor.firstElementChild, 'over', matchFlow); addFlowListener(sensor.lastElementChild, 'under', matchFlow); element.appendChild(sensor); matchFlow({}); } var events = element._flowEvents || (element._flowEvents = []); if(events.indexOf(handler) == -1) events.push(handler); if(!resize) element.addEventListener('resize', handler, false); element.onresize = function(e) { events.forEach(function(fn) { fn.call(element, e); }); }; }, teardown: function() { var element = this; var index = element._flowEvents.indexOf(handler); if(index > -1) element._flowEvents.splice(index, 1); if(!element._flowEvents.length) { var sensor = element._resizeSensor; if(sensor) { element.removeChild(sensor); if(sensor._resetPosition) element.style.position = 'static'; delete element._resizeSensor; } if('onresize' in element) element.onresize = null; delete element._flowEvents; } element.removeEventListener('resize', handler); } }; $.fn.extend({ resize: function(fn) { return fn ? this.bind("resize", fn) : this.trigger("resize"); }, unresize: function(fn) { return this.unbind("resize", fn); } }); function handler(event) { var orgEvent = event || window.event, args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); event = $.event.fix(orgEvent); event.type = "resize"; // Add event to the front of the arguments args.unshift(event); return($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, args); } }));