/* ============================================================================================= The MIT License (MIT) Copyright 2015 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ //Contains functions to save/export information, load/import from files, and update the titlebar var m; var doc; var linePosition; var lineSpacing; var doubleLineNumbers = []; var doubleLineText=[] var doubleLineType=[] //Creates a JSON data structure function makeJSON () { if (nodeArr.length>1){ for (var k = nodeArr.length-1; k>=0; k--){ for (var j = 1; j<=k; j++){ if (parseInt(document.getElementById(nodeArr[j-1][1]).getAttribute("data_x"))>parseInt(document.getElementById(nodeArr[j][1]).getAttribute("data_x"))) { var swap = nodeArr[j-1]; nodeArr[j-1] = nodeArr[j]; nodeArr[j] = swap; } } } } if (arrowArr.length>1){ for (var k = arrowArr.length-1; k>=0; k--){ for (var j = 1; j<=k; j++){ if (parseInt(document.getElementById(arrowArr[j-1][1]).getAttribute("data_y"))>parseInt(document.getElementById(arrowArr[j][1]).getAttribute("data_y"))) { var swap = arrowArr[j-1]; arrowArr[j-1] = arrowArr[j]; arrowArr[j] = swap; } } } } var now = new Date; var utc_timestamp = Date.UTC(now.getUTCFullYear(),now.getUTCMonth(), now.getUTCDate() , now.getUTCHours(), now.getUTCMinutes(), now.getUTCSeconds(), now.getUTCMilliseconds()); var canvasWidth = $("#grid").width() - $("#sideBar").width(); doubleLineNumbers.length=0; doubleLineText.length=0; doubleLineType.length=0; var doubleElements = document.getElementsByClassName("doubleLine"); $.each(doubleElements,function(index, value){ doubleLineNumbers.push(($(value).attr('id')).substring(3)); doubleLineText.push(value.children[0].innerHTML); doubleLineType.push($(value).attr('messageType')) }); m = ""; m += '{ "diagram": \n'; m += '{ "created": "' + utc_timestamp + '",\n'; m += '"rows": "' + rows + '",\n'; m += '"cols": "' + cols + '",\n'; m += '"gridPitchy": "' + gridPitchy + '",\n'; m += '"canvasHeight": "' + $("#grid").height() + '",\n'; m += '"canvasWidth": "' + canvasWidth + '",\n'; m += '"encoding": "base64",\n'; m += '"elements": {"nodes": [\n'; nodeArr.forEach(saveNodeArrayElements); m += '],\n "arrows": [\n'; arrowArr.forEach(saveArrowArrayElements); m += '],\n "notes": [\n'; noteArr.forEach(saveNoteArrayElements); m += '],\n "separators": [\n'; doubleLineNumbers.forEach(saveSeparatorArrayElements); m += ']}}}'; var n = JSON.parse(m); return m } function saveNodeArrayElements(element, index, array) { var myElement = document.getElementById(element[1]); var roleName = ''; var infobox = "{\n"; infobox += '"id":"' + myElement.id + '",\n'; infobox += '"data_x": "' + myElement.getAttribute('data_x') + '",\n'; infobox += '"data_y": "' + myElement.getAttribute('data_y') + '",\n'; infobox += '"width": "' + $(myElement).width() + '",\n'; infobox += '"innerText": "' + Base64.encode(myElement.getAttribute('sname')) + '",\n'; infobox += '"bpmn": "' + Base64.encode($.trim(nodeArr[index][10])) + '",\n'; if (myElement.getAttribute('taska_id')==null) myElement.setAttribute('taska_id',""); infobox += '"taska_id": "' + Base64.encode(myElement.getAttribute('taska_id')) + '",\n'; if (nodeArr[index][0].hasAttribute('role_id')) { roleName = myElement.getAttribute('role_id'); } infobox += '"role": "' + Base64.encode(roleName) + '"\n'; infobox += "}"; if(index'){ databaseHTML = 'Sorry, you are not authenticated to any database at this time.

Log In

' } else{ databaseHTML = '


' } */ bootbox.dialog({ backdrop:true, animate:false, onEscape: function() {}, title: '
', size: 'small', message: '

Save locally to hard drive :

'+ // message: '
'+ '

Call Flow Name

'+ ''+ '

' + '' + ' ' + '

' }); /* * Let enter (13) submit the text * Key "Enter" has the key code 13 */ /* $("#saveLocalFileName").keyup( function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13){ description = $("#saveLocalDescription").val(); // replace space with underscore name = ase.description.trim().replace(/ /g,"_"); saveLocalFile(description); } }); */ $("#saveLocalDescription").keyup( function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13){ description = $("#saveLocalDescription").val(); // replace space with underscore saveLocalFile(description); } }); /* $("#saveDBDescription").keyup( function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13){ description = $("#saveDBDescription").val(); saveDBFile(description); } }); */ /* * Selects all text in text box on focus * Local File Name Box is removed */ /* $("#saveLocalFileName").click(function(){ var currentInput = $("#saveLocalFileName").val(); $("#saveLocalFileName"e).selectRange(0,currentInput.length); }); */ $("#saveLocalDescription").click(function(){ var currentInput = $("#saveLocalDescription").val(); $("#saveLocalDescription").selectRange(0,currentInput.length); }); $("#saveDBDescription").click(function(){ var currentInput = $("#saveDBDescription").val(); $("#saveDBDescription").selectRange(0,currentInput.length); }); $("input[name=fileType]:radio").change(function () { if (document.getElementById('json').checked) { document.getElementById("saveWarning").innerHTML=''; } else { document.getElementById("saveWarning").innerHTML='*This file type is not reloadable. Please export a json as well as your desired filetype to enable yourself to edit this document in the future'; } }) } function viewSource() { if (document.getElementById('yaml').checked) { //YAML sourceCode = convertToYaml(m) if (sourceCode==false){ alert("Node(s) missing tosca ID") } else { alert(sourceCode); } } if (document.getElementById('json').checked) { decodeJSON(m,'show') }; } function saveLocalFile(description) { var data = JSON.parse(m); var name = description.trim().replace(/ /g,"_"); $.extend(data.diagram,{"description":description}); m=JSON.stringify(data,null,' '); var textToWrite = m; /* if (document.getElementById('yaml').checked) { //YAML m = convertToYaml(textToWrite) if (m==false){ bootbox.hideAll(); bootbox.alert({ size:'small', message:"***Node(s) missing taska_id***", callback: function(result){ } }); return; } var blob = new Blob([m], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); ase.name = name name = name + ".yml"; } else if (document.getElementById('bpmnio').checked) { //YAML convertToBPMN(m,name,'save') bootbox.hideAll(); ase.name = name return; } if (document.getElementById('json').checked) { //JSON var blob = new Blob([m], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); ase.name = name name = name + ".txt"; } */ var JSON_blob = new Blob([m], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); ase.name = name JSON_name = name + ".txt"; YAMLString = convertToYaml(textToWrite) if (YAMLString==false){ bootbox.hideAll(); bootbox.alert({ size:'small', message:"***Node(s) missing taska_id***", callback: function(result){ } }); return; } var YAML_blob = new Blob([YAMLString], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); ase.name = name YAML_name = name + ".yml"; if (navigator.appVersion.toString().indexOf('.NET') > 0) { window.navigator.msSaveBlob(JSON_blob, JSON_name); window.navigator.msSaveBlob(YAML_blob, YAML_name); } else { var downloadLink = document.createElement("a"); //window.description=description; ase.description = description; downloadLink.download = JSON_name; downloadLink.innerHTML="Download File"; downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(JSON_blob)||window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(JSON_blob); document.body.appendChild(downloadLink); downloadLink.click(); document.body.removeChild(downloadLink); var downloadLink = document.createElement("a"); downloadLink.download = YAML_name; downloadLink.innerHTML="Download File"; downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(YAML_blob)||window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(YAML_blob); document.body.appendChild(downloadLink); downloadLink.click(); document.body.removeChild(downloadLink); } resetTitleBar(); bootbox.hideAll(); } //Creates blob and exports to database function saveDBFile(description) { bootbox.hideAll(); var data = JSON.parse(m); $.extend(data.diagram,{"description":description}); m=JSON.stringify(data,null,' '); //file name from description //fileName=description.trim().replace(/ /g,"_"); // JSON var textToWrite = m; // YAML var ymlTextToWrite = convertToYaml(m); //window.description=description; ase.description=description; $.post("ase.htm?action=save",{ jsonString:textToWrite, ymlString:ymlTextToWrite, callFlowName:description, uid:uid}) .success(function(data){ console.log("success"); bootbox.alert({ size:'small', message:' Successfully stored!
The call flow is accessible in the Network Simulator', callback: function(result){ } }); }) .error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ //console.log(textToWrite); bootbox.alert({ size:'small', message:"***Failed to save to Server***", callback: function(result){ } }); }); /* $.post("postjaml.htm",{ jamlData:textToWrite, filename:description, uid:uid}) .success(function(data){ console.log("success"); }) .error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ //console.log(textToWrite); bootbox.alert({ size:'small', message:"***Failed to save to database***", callback: function(result){ } }); }); */ resetTitleBar(); } //LOADING/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Prompts user to select file then loads function loadDialog(){ //load table into var var message = null; //$.get('loadableList.htm?sessiontoken=' + sessiontoken) // .success(function(data){ //var message = data; bootbox.dialog({ backdrop:true, animate:false, onEscape: function() {}, title: 'Load File', size: 'small', message: '

Load locally from hard drive :

' + '', //''+ //'

'+ //'

Load from database :

'+message }); /* },"text") .error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ //If server not reached //console.log(jqXHR+' ' +textStatus+' ' +errorThrown); var message = 'Error: Database not detected or configured'; bootbox.dialog({ backdrop:true, animate:false, onEscape: function() {}, title: 'Load File', size: 'small', message: '

Load locally from hard drive :

' + '
', //''+ //'

'+ //'

Load from database :

'+message }); }); */ } function loadFile(typeOfLoad,preloadedFile,preloadedJSON) { //Case of load locally if(preloadedFile==null && preloadedJSON==null){ var file = document.getElementById("fileToLoad").files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = recievedText; reader.readAsText(file); } //Not used, but can be useful if you load the page with a parameter of "preloadedJSON" else if (preloadedFile==null && preloadedJSON!=null){ recievedText(preloadedJSON); } //Case of load from server else if (preloadedFile!=null && preloadedJSON==null){ $.get(preloadedFile,function(data){ recievedText(data); }); } function recievedText (importedText) { //Called when fully loaded var textFromFileLoaded =""; if (preloadedFile === null && preloadedJSON === null) { var textFromFileLoaded = reader.result; //var path = document.getElementById("fileToLoad").value; //var loadedFilename = path.replace(/^.*\\/,""); } else { textFromFileLoaded = importedText; } m = decodeJSON(textFromFileLoaded,null); console.log("m=" + m); var n = JSON.parse(m); var elementList = n.diagram.elements; //stores all elements var allNodes = n.diagram.elements.nodes; var allArrows = n.diagram.elements.arrows; var allNotes = n.diagram.elements.notes; var loadedRows = n.diagram.rows; var loadedCols = n.diagram.cols; var description = n.diagram.description //Promotes backwards compatibility to before descriptions were added try { var path = document.getElementById("fileToLoad").value; var loadedFilename = path.replace(/^.*\\/,""); } catch (err){ var loadedFilename = description; } //Replace if (typeOfLoad == 0){ bootbox.hideAll(); //window.description = n.diagram.description; ase.description = n.diagram.description; $('#description').text(ase.description); linesToMakeDouble = [] doubleLineText = [] doubleLineType = [] var separators = n.diagram.elements.separators; if (separators == null) separators = [] //Backwards compatibility $.each(separators,function(index, value){ linesToMakeDouble.push(value.lineNumber); doubleLineText.push(value.text); // Added on Sept 24, 2015 // double line separator should not store message type doubleLineType.push(value.messageType); }); rows=loadedRows; cols=loadedCols; newProject(linesToMakeDouble,doubleLineText,loadedRows,doubleLineType); document.getElementById('grid').style.height = 91.5 + (rows-initialRows)*6 + '%'; //Increases height by 6% for (var j = 0; jrows){ var deltaRow = loadedRows-rows for (var i = 0; imaxX){ maxX = nodeArr[i][3]; } } while (maxX>$("#grid").width() - $("#sideBar").width()){ addWidth(); } } function resetTitleBar () { //if (uid==null || uid=="" || uid==''){ // document.getElementById("titleBar").innerHTML = '

' + description + '

Log In
'; //} //else{ //document.getElementById("titleBar").innerHTML = '

' + description + '

Hello, '+username+'
'; $("h3 .titleBar").html(ase.description); /* $('.loggedIn').tooltipster({ minWidth:200, theme: 'tooltipster-shadow', interactive:true, trigger:'hover', contentAsHTML:true, content: 'Hello '+username+' how are you'+ '

Your diagram has'+ '

  • '+nodeArr.length+' nodes
  • '+ '
  • '+arrowArr.length+' arrows

  • '+ 'Log out' }); */ //} } function logIn () { open("login.htm"); resetTitleBar(); } function showInfo () { //Called when user clicks on their name after they are logged in } //Allows editing title by double clicking on the top bar $("#titleBar").dblclick(function(event) { var presetSelectMenu='' presetSelectMenu+='
    ' bootbox.confirm({ size:'small', backdrop:true, onEscape: function() {}, title: "Change file attributes", message:'Filename:
    '+ '

    '+ '
    ', callback: function(result){ if (result == true){ name = $("#saveFileName").val(); description = $("#saveDescription").val(); window.selectedPreset = document.getElementById('presetSelect-button').textContent; resetTitleBar(); } } }); $( "#presetSelect" ).selectmenu(); $('#presetSelect-button').css('width','inherit'); $('#presetSelect-button').css('top',10); $('#presetSelect-button').css('font-size','14px') $('#presetSelect-button').css('margin-left',10) $("#saveFileName").click(function(){ currentInput = $("#saveFileName").val(); $("#saveFileName").selectRange(0,currentInput.length); }); $("#saveDescription").click(function(){ currentInput = $("#saveDescription").val(); $("#saveDescription").selectRange(0,currentInput.length); }); }); //SELECT TEXT RANGE $.fn.selectRange = function(start, end) { return this.each(function() { if (this.setSelectionRange) { this.focus(); this.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else if (this.createTextRange) { var range = this.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', end); range.moveStart('character', start); range.select(); } }); };