//window.filename = ""; //window.name = "My_Flow_1"; window.description = "My Sequence Diagram"; window.arrowTip = 12; window.resized = false; window.arrowConnections = true; window.negativeWidth = false; window.gridPitchx = 160; window.gridPitchy = 42; window.clipboard = []; window.selection = []; //var networkMap(); var step = 1; var sessiontoken = ''; var uid= 'XX0000'; var username= ''; var toscaDetails = { 'toscaID':'', 'name':'', 'domain':'' }; var ase = { 'elementsFileName' : '', 'description' : 'My Sequence Diagram', 'name' : 'My_Flow_1', 'filename' : '', 'elementsFile' : '../mocks/networkElements.yml' }; $(function() { newProject(null,null,initialRows); //buildTable(); //buildDomain(); var loadSample = false; var showBpmn = false; $('#sampleEx').click(function(){ if (! loadSample ) { loadSample = loadSampleData(); } }); $('#bpmnEx').click(function(){ convertToBPMN(makeJSON(),window.description,'show'); }); $('#popupEx').click(function(){ showPopup(); }); // if ( getParameterByName("bpmn") === "1" ) { // // } else if ( getParameterByName("sample") === "1" ) { // $('#sampleDiv').show(); // } else if ( getParameterByName("interact") === "1" ) { // // // } //Allows nodes to scroll with the page and adjusts transparencies $(window).scroll(function(event) { scroll(); }); toggleDoubleLine(document.getElementById('row1'),null,"Step 1:",""); //buildDomain(); //addStep(document.getElementById('row1'),'row1',step,''); buildNetworkMap(); $("#backHome").click(function(){ document.location = "../welcome.htm?showASE=true";}); }); function getParameterByName( name ){ var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var results = regex.exec( window.location.search ); if( results == null ){ return ""; } else { return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } } function loadSampleData() { try { //loadFile(0,null,preloadedJSON); loadFile(0,null,trinity_3g_json); } catch(err){ return false; } finally { } return true; } function showPopup(){ bootbox.dialog({ backdrop:true, animate:false, onEscape: function() {}, title: '
Sample Dialog
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Sample Dialog using Bootstraps bootbox.dialog components.

'+ '

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