// Contains methods to drag, copy, resize arrows var arrowArr = []; //Arrow array stored as [tag, uuid] interact('.arrowDraggable') .on('move',function (event){ var interaction = event.interaction; $ ("nodeDropzone").addClass("drop-target"); // if the pointer was moved while being held down // and an interaction hasn't started yet if (interaction.pointerIsDown && !interaction.interacting() && !$(event.currentTarget).hasClass("child")) { var clone; var original = event.currentTarget; // create a clone of the currentTarget element clone = event.currentTarget.cloneNode(true); window.uuid = guid(); clone.id = uuid; // insert the clone to the page var dropOffLocation = document.getElementById("arrowChildrenDroppedOffHere"); clone = dropOffLocation.insertBefore(clone,dropOffLocation.parentNodes); var d = document.getElementById(uuid); d.className = d.className + " child"; //Adds child class to prevent child cloning // translate the element clone.style.webkitTransform = clone.style.transform = 'translate(' + 0 + $(document).scrollLeft() + 'px, ' + 168 + $(document).scrollTop() + 'px)'; // update the position attributes clone.setAttribute('data_x', 0 + $(document).scrollLeft()); clone.setAttribute('data_y', 168 + $(document).scrollTop()); arrowArr.push([clone,uuid]); // start a drag interaction targeting the clone interaction.start({ name: 'drag' }, event.interactable, clone); } }) .draggable({ autoscroll:true, snap: { targets: [ interact.createSnapGrid({ x: 160, y: 42, offset: {x:11 , y:26} }) ], range: Infinity, relativePoints: [ { x: 0, y: 0 } ] }, // enable inertial throwing inertia: true, // keep the element within the area of it's parent restrict: { //restriction: "parent", endOnly: true, elementRect: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0 } }, // call this function on every dragmove event onmove: dragMoveListenerArrow, // call this function on every dragend event onend: function (event) { } }) .on('dragmove', function (event) { }); interact('.arrowPlaced') .on('doubletap',function (event){ var uuid = event.target.id; if (uuid === ""){ //accounts for double tapping .triangle uuid = event.target.parentNode.id; } if (uuid === ""){ //accounts for double tapping .triangle uuid = event.target.parentNode.parentNode.id; } renameArrow(uuid); }); function renameArrow(uuid){ var index = recallArray(arrowArr, uuid); var sourceTaska,destinationTaska; try{ sourceTaska = document.getElementById(arrowArr[index][8]).getAttribute("taska_id"); } catch (err) { sourceTaska = 'null'; } try{ destinationTaska = document.getElementById(arrowArr[index][9]).getAttribute("taska_id"); } catch (err) { destinationTaska = 'null'; } var linkText = arrowArr[index][2]; var descText = arrowArr[index][10]; var messageType = $(arrowArr[index][0]).attr('message_type'); var options = ""; if ( messageType === 'signal' ) { options = ''; } else { options = ''; } bootbox.confirm({ closeButton:false,backdrop:true,animate:false, size:'small', title: "Modify Link Text", onEscape: function() {}, message: 'Link Message:
' + '
' + '
Message Type:
', callback: function(result){ if (result === true) { var innerText=$("#arrowInnerText").val(); var messageType = $("#arrowMessageType").val(); pushToDict(innerText, "arrow"); storeText(arrowArr,uuid,innerText); makeArrow(uuid); arrowArr[index][10] = $("#arrowDescription").val(); $(arrowArr[index][0]).attr("message_type",messageType); } } }); $("#arrowInnerText").autocomplete({ source: arrowTags, autoFocus: true, delay: 0 }); $("#arrowMessageType").autocomplete({ source: messageTags, autoFocus: true, delay: 0 }); var currentInput = $("#arrowInnerText").val(); $("#arrowInnerText").selectRange(0,currentInput.length); $("#arrowInnerText").click(function(){ var currentInput = $("#arrowInnerText").val(); $("#arrowInnerText").selectRange(0,currentInput.length); }); $("#arrowInnerText").keyup( function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13){ $(document.getElementsByClassName('btn-primary')[0]).click(); } }); $("#arrowDescription").keyup( function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13){ $(document.getElementsByClassName('btn-primary')[0]).click(); } }); } $(document).delegate('.arrowText','mouseover',function(mainEvent){ if(!$(this).hasClass("bound")){ console.log("ENTERING"); var hoverIndex = recallArray(arrowArr,event.target.parentNode.parentNode.id); if (arrowArr[hoverIndex][10] !== null && arrowArr[hoverIndex][10] !== "") { arrowDescript = arrowArr[hoverIndex][10]; } else { arrowDescript = '--no description entered--'; } $('#'+event.target.parentNode.parentNode.id).tooltipster({ maxWidth:200, position:'bottom', theme: 'tooltipster-shadow', interactive:false, delay:300, multiple:false, trigger:'click', contentAsHTML:true, content: arrowDescript }); $(this).hover( function(event){ var hoverIndex = recallArray(arrowArr,event.target.parentNode.parentNode.id); if (arrowArr[hoverIndex][10] !== null && arrowArr[hoverIndex][10] !== "") { arrowDescript = arrowArr[hoverIndex][10]; } else { arrowDescript = '--no description entered--'; } console.log("ENTERING"+event.target.parentNode.parentNode.id); $('#'+event.target.parentNode.parentNode.id).tooltipster({ maxWidth:200, position:'bottom', theme: 'tooltipster-shadow', interactive:false, delay:300, multiple:false, trigger:'click', contentAsHTML:true, content: arrowDescript }); }, function(event) { $(this).addClass("bound"); console.log("LEAVING"+event.target.parentNode.parentNode.id); $('#'+event.target.parentNode.parentNode.id).tooltipster('destroy'); }); } });