appDS2.controller('mrTopicListCtrl', function($scope, $log, $modal, modalService, MRTopicService){ // populates the table of Message Router topics 'use strict'; // this object holds all app data and functions $scope.dbcapp = {}; // models for controls on screen $scope.dbcapp.tableData=[]; $scope.dbcapp.currentPageNum=1; $scope.dbcapp.totalPages=1; $scope.dbcapp.viewPerPage = 100; $scope.dbcapp.viewPerPageOptions = [ { index : 0, value : 50 }, { index : 1, value : 100 }, { index : 2, value : 500 }, { index : 3, value : 1000 }, { index : 4, value : 2500 } ]; // other $scope.dbcapp.errMsg=null; $scope.dbcapp.isDataLoading=true; $scope.dbcapp.isRequestFailed=false; /** * Answers an array of the specified size - makes Angular iteration easy. */ $scope.dbcapp.buildArraySizeN = function(num) { // $log.debug("buildArraySizeN: invoked with " + num); return new Array(num); } /** * Loads the table of message router topics. */ $scope.dbcapp.loadTable = function() { $scope.dbcapp.isDataLoading = true; MRTopicService.getTopicsByPage($scope.dbcapp.currentPageNum, $scope.dbcapp.viewPerPage) .then(function(jsonObj){ // must match keys in java controller's method if (jsonObj.error) { $scope.dbcapp.isRequestFailed = true; $scope.dbcapp.errMsg = jsonObj.error; $scope.dbcapp.tableData = []; } else { $scope.dbcapp.isRequestFailed = false; $scope.dbcapp.errMsg = null; $scope.dbcapp.profileName = jsonObj.profileName; $scope.dbcapp.dmaapName = jsonObj.dmaapName; $scope.dbcapp.dcaeLocations = jsonObj.dcaeLocations; $scope.dbcapp.totalPages = jsonObj.totalPages; $scope.dbcapp.tableData =; } $scope.dbcapp.isDataLoading=false; },function(error){ $log.error("mrTopicListCtrl.loadTable failed: " + error); $scope.dbcapp.isRequestFailed = true; $scope.dbcapp.errMsg = error; $scope.dbcapp.tableData = []; $scope.dbcapp.isDataLoading = false; }); }; /** * Shows a modal pop-up to add a topic. Passes data in via an object named * "message". On successful completion, updates the table. */ $scope.dbcapp.addTopicModalPopup = function() { $scope.dbcapp.editTopic = null; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl : 'edit_topic_popup.html', controller : 'topicPopupCtrl', windowClass: 'modal-docked', sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve : { message : function() { var dataForPopup = { topic : $scope.dbcapp.editTopic, topicList : $scope.dbcapp.tableData }; return dataForPopup; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(response) { if (response == null) { // $log.debug('addFeedModalPopup: user closed dialog'); } else { if (response.error != null) alert('Failed to add topic:\n' + response.error); else // success, get the updated list. $scope.dbcapp.loadTable(); } }); }; /** * Shows a modal pop-up with topic details. * Currently topics cannot be edited. */ $scope.dbcapp.showTopicModalPopup = function(topic) { $scope.dbcapp.editTopic = topic; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl : 'show_topic_popup.html', controller : 'topicPopupCtrl', windowClass: 'modal-docked', sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve : { message : function() { var dataForPopup = { topic : $scope.dbcapp.editTopic, topicList : $scope.dbcapp.tableData }; return dataForPopup; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(response) { // Do nothing }); }; /** * Shows a modal pop-up to edit a topic. * Passes data in via an object named "message". * Always updates the table, even on failure, to discard * user-entered changes that were not persisted. * * TOPICS CANNOT BE EDITED YET. * $scope.dbcapp.editTopicModalPopup = function(topic) { $scope.dbcapp.editTopic = topic; var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl : 'edit_topic_popup.html', controller : 'topicPopupCtrl', resolve : { message : function() { var dataForPopup = { topic : $scope.dbcapp.editTopic, topicList : $scope.dbcapp.tableData }; return dataForPopup; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(response) { if (response == null) { // $log.debug('editTopicModalPopup: user closed dialog'); } else { // $log.debug('editTopicModalPopup: response: ' + JSON.stringify(response)); if (response.error != null) alert('Failed to edit topic ' + topic.fqtn + '\n' + response.error); // refresh in all cases $scope.dbcapp.loadTable(); } }); }; */ /** * Shows a modal pop-up to confirm deletion of a topic. On successful * completion, updates the table. */ $scope.dbcapp.deleteTopicModalPopup = function(topic) { modalService.popupConfirmWin("Confirm", "Delete topic " + topic.fqtn, function() { // $log.debug('deleteTopicModalPopup: ' + topic.fqtn); MRTopicService.deleteTopic(topic.fqtn) .then( function(response) { // $log.debug('deleteTopicModalPopup: response: ' + JSON.stringify(response)); if (response.error != null) { $log.error('deleteTopicModalPopup: failed to delete: ' + response.error); alert('Failed to delete topic ' + topic.fqtn + '\n' + response.error); } else { // success, get the updated list. $scope.dbcapp.loadTable() } }, function(error) { alert('Request failed to delete topic ' + topic.fqtn + '\n' + JSON.stringify(error)); } ); }) }; /** * Shows a modal pop-up with all clients of a topic. * Passes data in via an object named "message". */ $scope.dbcapp.showTopicClientsModalPopup = function(topic) { var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl : 'topic_client_list_popup.html', controller : 'topicClientListPopupCtrl', windowClass: 'modal-docked', sizeClass: 'modal-jumbo', resolve : { message : function() { var dataForPopup = { topic : topic }; return dataForPopup; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(response) { // No response expected. }); }; /** * Shows a modal pop-up to add a client to a topic * Passes data in via an object named "message". * On successful completion, updates the table. */ $scope.dbcapp.addTopicClientModalPopup = function(topic) { $scope.dbcapp.editClient = { fqtn : topic.fqtn } var modalInstance = ${ templateUrl : 'edit_client_popup.html', controller : 'clientPopupCtrl', windowClass: 'modal-docked', sizeClass: 'modal-small', resolve : { message : function() { var dataForPopup = { client : $scope.dbcapp.editClient, clientList : [], // empty list dcaeList : $scope.dbcapp.dcaeLocations }; return dataForPopup; } } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(response) { if (response == null) { // $log.debug('addTopicClientModalPopup: user closed dialog'); } else { if (response.error != null) alert('Failed to add client to topic:\n' + response.error); else // success, get the updated list. $scope.dbcapp.loadTable(); } }); }; // Populate the table on load. Note that the b2b selector code // sets the page-number value, and the change event calls load table. // Do not call this here to avoid double load: // $scope.dbcapp.loadTable(); });