appDS2.controller('clientPopupCtrl', function($scope, $log, $modalInstance, modalService, message, MRClientService) { 'use strict'; // this object holds all app data and functions $scope.dbcapp = {}; // Set the label variable for the template if (message.client == null || message.client.mrClientId == null) $scope.dbcapp.label = 'Add Client'; else $scope.dbcapp.label = 'Edit Client'; // client object brings fqtn $scope.dbcapp.editClient = message.client; $scope.dbcapp.dcaeList = message.dcaeList; // Models for checkboxes var PUB = 0; var SUB = 1; var VIEW = 2; $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox = []; $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox[PUB] = false; $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox[SUB] = false; $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox[VIEW] = false; // Morph the list of action strings into checks in boxes for (var aidx in $scope.dbcapp.editClient.action) { var action = $scope.dbcapp.editClient.action[aidx]; // $log.debug('clientPopupCtrl: action idx ' + aidx + ', action ' + action); if ("pub" == action) $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox[PUB] = true; else if ("sub" == action) $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox[SUB] = true; else if ("view" == action) $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox[VIEW] = true; } /** * Validates content of user-editable fields. * Returns null if all is well, * a descriptive error message otherwise. */ $scope.dbcapp.validateClient = function(client) { if (client == null) return "No data found.\nPlease enter some values."; if (client.dcaeLocationName == null) return "DCAE Location is required.\nPlease select a value."; if (client.clientRole == null || client.clientRole.trim() == '') return "Client role is required.\nPlease enter a value."; if (client.action.length == 0) return "An action is required.\nPlease select one or more actions."; return null; } $scope.dbcapp.saveClient = function(client) { // Store list of action strings (if any) var action_list = []; for (var aidx in $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox) { if (aidx == PUB && $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox[aidx]) action_list.push('pub'); else if (aidx == SUB && $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox[aidx]) action_list.push('sub'); else if (aidx == VIEW && $scope.dbcapp.clientactionbox[aidx]) action_list.push('view'); } $scope.dbcapp.editClient.action = action_list; var validateMsg = $scope.dbcapp.validateClient(client); if (validateMsg != null) { alert('Invalid Content:\n' + validateMsg); return; } if (client.mrClientId == null) { // No id, so create a new one MRClientService.addClient(client) .then(function(response) { $modalInstance.close(response); }, function (error) { $log.error('clientPopupCtrl.saveClient: error while adding: ' + error); } ); } else { // Has ID, so update an existing one MRClientService.updateClient(client) .then(function(response) { $modalInstance.close(response); }, function (error) { $log.error('clientPopupCtrl.saveClient: error while updating: ' + error); } ); } }; // saveClient $scope.dbcapp.close = function() { $modalInstance.close(); }; });