package org.onap.dcae.dmaapbc.dbcapp.controller; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.onap.dcae.dmaapbc.client.DmaapBcRestClient; import org.onap.dcae.dmaapbc.dbcapp.domain.DmaapAccess; import org.onap.dcae.dmaapbc.model.Dmaap; import org.onap.dcae.dmaapbc.model.DmaapObject; import org.onap.dcae.dmaapbc.model.ErrorResponse; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.domain.User; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.logging.logic.EELFLoggerDelegate; import org.onap.portalsdk.core.util.SystemProperties; import; import org.slf4j.MDC; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; /** * DMaaP Access controller: serves Ajax requests made by Angular on pages where * the user adds, edits and deletes DMaaP access profiles. This controller must * defend the database against rogue requests including SQL injection attacks. */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/") public class DmaapAccessController extends DbcappRestrictedBaseController { /** * Logger that conforms with ECOMP guidelines */ private static EELFLoggerDelegate logger = EELFLoggerDelegate.getLogger(DmaapAccessController.class); private static final String DMAAP_ACCESS_PATH = "/dmaap_access"; private static final String SELECT_DMAAP_ACCESS_PATH = "/select_dmaap_access"; /** * For general use in these methods */ private final ObjectMapper mapper; /** * Never forget that Spring autowires fields AFTER the constructor is * called. */ public DmaapAccessController() { mapper = new ObjectMapper(); } /** * Gets a list of DMaaP access profiles for this user from the database and * returns them in a JSON array nested within a response object. Traps errors and constructs an appropriate JSON block if an error * happens. * * See {@link #getOrInitDmaapAccessList(String)}. * * @param request * HttpServletRequest * @return JSON with access profiles, or an error JSON if the request fails. */ @RequestMapping(value = { DMAAP_ACCESS_PATH }, method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json") @ResponseBody public String getDmaapAccessList(HttpServletRequest request) { MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date())); logger.setRequestBasedDefaultsIntoGlobalLoggingContext(request, DataBusHomeController.APP_NAME); String outboundJson = null; try { User appUser = UserUtils.getUserSession(request); if (appUser == null || appUser.getLoginId() == null || appUser.getLoginId().length() == 0) throw new Exception("getDmaapAccessList: Failed to get Login ID"); List dbAccessList = getOrInitDmaapAccessList(appUser.getLoginId()); // Wrap the list in the status indicator. Map model = new HashMap(); model.put(STATUS_RESPONSE_KEY, new Integer(200)); model.put(DATA_RESPONSE_KEY, dbAccessList); outboundJson = mapper.writeValueAsString(model); } catch (Exception ex) { outboundJson = buildJsonError(500, "Failed to get DMaaP access profile list", ex); } MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_END_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date()));, request.getMethod() + request.getRequestURI()); return outboundJson; } /** * Adds a DMaaP access profile for the requesting user ID; ignores any * values for row ID and user ID in the body. Traps errors and * constructs an appropriate JSON block if an error happens. * * @param request * HttpServletRequest * @return Trivial JSON object indicating success or failure. */ @RequestMapping(value = { DMAAP_ACCESS_PATH }, method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json") @ResponseBody public String addDmaapAccess(HttpServletRequest request) { MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date())); logger.setRequestBasedDefaultsIntoGlobalLoggingContext(request, DataBusHomeController.APP_NAME); String outboundJson = null; try { User appUser = UserUtils.getUserSession(request); if (appUser == null || appUser.getLoginId() == null || appUser.getLoginId().length() == 0) throw new Exception("addDmaapAccess: Failed to get Login ID"); DmaapAccess dmaapAccess = mapper.readValue(request.getReader(), DmaapAccess.class); logger.debug("addDmaapAccess: received object: {} ", dmaapAccess); // Null out ID to get an auto-generated ID dmaapAccess.setId(null); // Overwrite any submitted user id dmaapAccess.setUserId(appUser.getLoginId()); // Encrypt password if (dmaapAccess.getPassword() != null) dmaapAccess.encryptPassword(dmaapAccess.getPassword()); // Create a new row getDmaapAccessService().saveDmaapAccess(dmaapAccess); // Answer success outboundJson = buildJsonSuccess(200, null); } catch (Exception ex) { outboundJson = buildJsonError(500, "Failed to add DMaaP access profile", ex); } MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_END_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date()));, request.getMethod() + request.getRequestURI()); return outboundJson; } /** * Updates a DMaaP access profile if the row user ID matches the requesting * user ID. Traps errors and * constructs an appropriate JSON block if an error happens. * * @param id * Path parameter with ID of the DMaaP access profile * @param request * HttpServletRequest * @return Trivial JSON object indicating success or failure. */ @RequestMapping(value = { DMAAP_ACCESS_PATH + "/{id}" }, method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = "application/json") @ResponseBody public String updateDmaapAccess(@PathVariable("id") long id, HttpServletRequest request) { MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date())); logger.setRequestBasedDefaultsIntoGlobalLoggingContext(request, DataBusHomeController.APP_NAME); String outboundJson = null; try { User appUser = UserUtils.getUserSession(request); if (appUser == null || appUser.getLoginId() == null || appUser.getLoginId().length() == 0) throw new Exception("updateDmaapAccess: Failed to get Login ID"); DmaapAccess domainObj = getDmaapAccessService().getDmaapAccess(id); if (!appUser.getLoginId().equals(domainObj.getUserId())) throw new Exception("updateDmaapAccess: mismatch of appUser and row user ID"); DmaapAccess dmaapAccess = mapper.readValue(request.getReader(), DmaapAccess.class); logger.debug("updateDmaapAccess: received object: {} ", dmaapAccess); // Use the path-parameter id; don't trust the one in the object dmaapAccess.setId(id); // Encrypt password if present if (dmaapAccess.getPassword() != null) dmaapAccess.encryptPassword(dmaapAccess.getPassword()); // Update the existing row getDmaapAccessService().saveDmaapAccess(dmaapAccess); // Answer "OK" outboundJson = buildJsonSuccess(200, null); } catch (Exception ex) { outboundJson = buildJsonError(500, "Failed to update DMaaP access profile", ex); } MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_END_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date()));, request.getMethod() + request.getRequestURI()); return outboundJson; } /** * Deletes a DMaaP access profile if the row user ID matches the requesting * user ID. Traps errors and * constructs an appropriate JSON block if an error happens. * * @param id * Path parameter with ID of the DMaaP access profile * @param request * HttpServletRequest * @return Trivial JSON object indicating success or failure (altho this is * slightly contrary to conventions for a DELETE method) */ @RequestMapping(value = { DMAAP_ACCESS_PATH + "/{id}" }, method = RequestMethod.DELETE, produces = "application/json") @ResponseBody public String deleteDmaapAccess(@PathVariable("id") long id, HttpServletRequest request) { MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date())); logger.setRequestBasedDefaultsIntoGlobalLoggingContext(request, DataBusHomeController.APP_NAME); String outboundJson = null; try { User appUser = UserUtils.getUserSession(request); if (appUser == null || appUser.getLoginId() == null || appUser.getLoginId().length() == 0) throw new Exception("deleteDmaapAccess: Failed to get Login ID"); // Validate that this user owns the row with the specified ID DmaapAccess domainObj = getDmaapAccessService().getDmaapAccess(id); if (!appUser.getLoginId().equals(domainObj.getUserId())) throw new Exception("deleteDmaapAccess: mismatch of appUser and row user ID"); getDmaapAccessService().deleteDmaapAccess(id); // Answer "OK" outboundJson = buildJsonSuccess(200, null); } catch (Exception ex) { outboundJson = buildJsonError(500, "Failed to delete DMaaP access profile", ex); } MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_END_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date()));, request.getMethod() + request.getRequestURI()); return outboundJson; } /** * Gets the selected DMaaP access row for the requesting user. * * See {@link #getSelectedDmaapAccess(String)} * * @param request * HttpServletRequest * @return JSON object with one DmaapAccessProfile, or an error */ @RequestMapping(value = { SELECT_DMAAP_ACCESS_PATH }, method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json") @ResponseBody public String getSelectedDmaapAccessProfile(HttpServletRequest request) { MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date())); logger.setRequestBasedDefaultsIntoGlobalLoggingContext(request, DataBusHomeController.APP_NAME); String outboundJson = null; try { User appUser = UserUtils.getUserSession(request); if (appUser == null || appUser.getLoginId() == null || appUser.getLoginId().length() == 0) throw new Exception("getSelectedDmaapAccessProfile: Failed to get Login ID"); DmaapAccess selected = super.getSelectedDmaapAccess(appUser.getLoginId()); // clone and decrypt DmaapAccess clear = new DmaapAccess(selected); try { clear.setPassword(clear.decryptPassword()); } catch (Exception ex) { // Should never happen throw new RuntimeException("getSelectedDmaapAccessProfile: Failed to decrypt password", ex); } outboundJson = buildJsonSuccess(200, clear); } catch (Exception ex) { outboundJson = buildJsonError(500, "Failed to get selected DMaaP access profile", ex); } MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_END_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date()));, request.getMethod() + request.getRequestURI()); return outboundJson; } /** * Marks the DMaaP access row as selected (first choice) for the requesting * user if the row user ID matches the requesting user ID. As a side effect, * removes selected marking from all other user rows. Returns status, * additionally an error message on failure. Traps errors and * constructs an appropriate JSON block if an error happens. * * Choice of PUT is fairly arbitrary - there is no body, but GET is for * actions that do not change data. * * @param id * Path parameter with ID of the DMaaP access profile * @param request * HttpServletRequest * @return Trivial JSON object indicating success or failure. */ @RequestMapping(value = { SELECT_DMAAP_ACCESS_PATH + "/{id}" }, method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = "application/json") @ResponseBody public String selectDmaapAccess(@PathVariable("id") long id, HttpServletRequest request) { MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date())); logger.setRequestBasedDefaultsIntoGlobalLoggingContext(request, DataBusHomeController.APP_NAME); String outboundJson = null; try { User appUser = UserUtils.getUserSession(request); if (appUser == null || appUser.getLoginId() == null || appUser.getLoginId().length() == 0) throw new Exception("selectDmaapAccess: Failed to get Login UID"); // A little inefficient in that it requires 3 database accesses; // probably could be done in 1 with some sophisticated SQL. List dmaapAccessList = getDmaapAccessService().getDmaapAccessList(appUser.getLoginId()); for (DmaapAccess dmaap : dmaapAccessList) { // Only write out the changed rows. boolean changed = false; if (id == dmaap.getId()) { changed = !dmaap.getSelected(); dmaap.setSelected(true); } else { changed = dmaap.getSelected(); dmaap.setSelected(false); } if (changed) getDmaapAccessService().saveDmaapAccess(dmaap); } // Answer OK outboundJson = buildJsonSuccess(200, null); } catch (Exception ex) { outboundJson = buildJsonError(500, "Failed to select a DMaaP access profile", ex); } MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_END_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date()));, request.getMethod() + request.getRequestURI()); return outboundJson; } /** * Tests the URL in the DMaaP access profile object. Traps errors and * constructs an appropriate JSON block if an error happens. * * @param request * HttpServletRequest * @return JSON with a Dmaap object (which has name etc.) on success, error * on failure. */ @RequestMapping(value = { "test_dmaap_access" }, method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json") @ResponseBody public String testDmaapAccess(HttpServletRequest request) { MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date())); logger.setRequestBasedDefaultsIntoGlobalLoggingContext(request, DataBusHomeController.APP_NAME); String outboundJson = null; try { DmaapAccess dmaapAccess = mapper.readValue(request.getReader(), DmaapAccess.class); logger.debug("testDmaapAccess: received object: {} ", dmaapAccess); if (dmaapAccess.getDmaapUrl() == null || dmaapAccess.getDmaapUrl().trim().length() == 0) throw new Exception("Null or empty URL"); DmaapBcRestClient restClient = getDmaapBcRestClient(dmaapAccess); // Get the instance so the page can display its name DmaapObject dmaap = restClient.getDmaap(); if (dmaap instanceof Dmaap) { outboundJson = buildJsonSuccess(200, dmaap); } else { // Bad credentials lands here. ErrorResponse err = (ErrorResponse) dmaap; outboundJson = buildJsonError(500, "Test failed: " + err.getMessage(), null); } } catch (Exception ex) { // This is entirely likely; e.e., unknown host exception on typo. outboundJson = buildJsonError(500, "Invalid DMaaP URL", ex); } MDC.put(SystemProperties.AUDITLOG_END_TIMESTAMP, DataBusHomeController.logDateFormat.format(new Date()));, request.getMethod() + request.getRequestURI()); return outboundJson; } }