{% extends "base.html.j2" %} {% block title %}Summary{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{{ summary('Results', "", [ { 'title': 'Jobs', 'failing': (ns.failing_jobs | length), 'total': (ns.jobs | length)}, { 'title': 'Deployments', 'failing': (ns.failing_deployments | length), 'total': (ns.deployments | length)}, { 'title': 'Replicasets', 'failing': (ns.failing_replicasets | length), 'total': (ns.replicasets | length)}, { 'title': 'StatefulSets', 'failing': (ns.failing_statefulsets | length), 'total': (ns.statefulsets | length)}, { 'title': 'DaemonSets', 'failing': (ns.failing_daemonsets | length), 'total': (ns.daemonsets | length)}, { 'title': 'Persistent Volume Claims', 'failing': (ns.failing_pvcs | length), 'total': (ns.pvcs | length)}]) }}


By type

  • Pods
  • Services
  • {% if (ns.jobs | length) > 0 %}
  • Jobs
  • {% endif %} {% if (ns.deployments | length) > 0 %}
  • Deployments
  • {% endif %} {% if (ns.replicasets | length) > 0 %}
  • Replicasets
  • {% endif %} {% if (ns.statefulsets | length) > 0 %}
  • StatefulSets
  • {% endif %} {% if (ns.daemonsets | length) > 0 %}
  • DaemonSets
  • {% endif %} {% if (ns.pvcs | length) > 0 %}
  • Persistent Volume Claims
  • {% endif %} {% if (ns.configmaps | length) > 0 %}
  • Config Maps
  • {% endif %} {% if (ns.secrets | length) > 0 %}
  • Secrets
  • {% endif %} {% if (ns.ingresses | length) > 0 %}
  • Ingresses
  • {% endif %}
{{ pods_container(ns.pods, "Namespace", has_title=False) | indent(width=6) }}
{% for service in ns.services %} {% endfor %}
Name Type Ports Pods selected
{{ service.name }} {{ service.type }} {% if service.k8s.spec.ports %} {% for port in service.k8s.spec.ports %} {{ port.port }}{% if port.node_port %}:{{ port.node_port }}{% endif %}/{{ port.protocol }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} No Ports! {% endif %} {% if (service.pods | length) > 0 %}{{ service.pods | length }}{% else %}0{% endif %}
{% if (ns.jobs | length) > 0 %}
{% for job in ns.jobs %} {% endfor %}
Name Completions Duration
{{ job.name }} {% if job.k8s.status.succeeded %}{{ job.k8s.status.succeeded }}{% else %}0{% endif %}/{{ job.k8s.spec.completions }} {% if job.k8s.status.completion_time %}{{ delta(job.k8s.status.completion_time, job.k8s.status.start_time)[0] }}{% else %}N/A{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if (ns.deployments | length) > 0 %}
{% for deployment in ns.deployments %} {% endfor %}
Name Ready Up to Date Available
{{ deployment.name }} {% if deployment.k8s.status.ready_replicas %}{{ deployment.k8s.status.ready_replicas }}{% else %}0{% endif %}/{{ deployment.k8s.spec.replicas }} {{ number_ok(deployment.k8s.status.updated_replicas, '0', total=deployment.k8s.spec.replicas) }} {{ number_ok(deployment.k8s.status.available_replicas, '0', total=deployment.k8s.spec.replicas) }}
{% endif %} {% if (ns.replicasets | length) > 0 %}
{% for rs in ns.replicasets %} {% endfor %}
Name Ready Available
{{ rs.name }} {% if rs.k8s.status.ready_replicas %}{{ rs.k8s.status.ready_replicas }}{% else %}0{% endif %}/{{ rs.k8s.spec.replicas }} {{ number_ok(rs.k8s.status.available_replicas, '0', total=rs.k8s.spec.replicas) }}
{% endif %} {% if (ns.statefulsets | length) > 0 %}
{% for sts in ns.statefulsets %} {% endfor %}
Name Ready Up to Date
{{ sts.name }} {% if sts.k8s.status.ready_replicas %}{{ sts.k8s.status.ready_replicas }}{% else %}0{% endif %}/{{ sts.k8s.spec.replicas }} {{ number_ok(sts.k8s.status.updated_replicas, '0', total=sts.k8s.spec.replicas) }}
{% endif %} {% if (ns.daemonsets | length) > 0 %}
{% for ds in ns.daemonsets %} {% endfor %}
Name Desired Current Ready Up to Date Available
{{ ds.name }} {{ sts.k8s.status.desired_number_scheduled }} {{ number_ok(sts.k8s.status.current_number_scheduled, '0', total=sts.k8s.spec.desired_number_scheduled) }} {{ number_ok(sts.k8s.status.number_ready, '0', total=sts.k8s.spec.desired_number_scheduled) }} {{ number_ok(sts.k8s.status.updated_number_scheduled, '0', total=sts.k8s.spec.desired_number_scheduled) }} {{ number_ok(sts.k8s.status.number_available, '0', total=sts.k8s.spec.desired_number_scheduled) }}
{% endif %} {% if (ns.pvcs | length) > 0 %}
{% for pvc in ns.pvcs %} {% endfor %}
Name Status Volume Capacity Access Modes Storage Class
{{ pvc.name }} {% if (pvc.k8s.status.phase | lower) == "bound" %}{{ pvc.k8s.status.phase }}{% else %}{{ pvc.k8s.status.phase }}{% endif %} {% if pvc.k8s.spec.volume_name %}{{ pvc.k8s.spec.volume_name }}{% endif %} {% if pvc.k8s.status.capacity %}{{ pvc.k8s.status.capacity.storage }}{% endif %} {% if pvc.k8s.status.access_modes %}{{ pvc.k8s.status.capacity.access_modes | join(', ') }}{% endif %} {% if pvc.k8s.spec.storage_class_name %}{{ pvc.k8s.spec.storage_class_name }}{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if (ns.configmaps | length) > 0 %}
{% for cm in ns.configmaps %} {% endfor %}
{{ cm.name }}
{% endif %} {% if (ns.secrets | length) > 0 %}
{% for secret in ns.secrets %} {% endfor %}
{{ secret.name }}
{% endif %} {% if (ns.ingresses | length) > 0 %}
{% for ingress in ns.ingresses %} {% endfor %}
{{ ingress.name }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block more_head %} {% endblock %}