"""Utility functions that invoke operations of simulator script.""" import os import sys import time import yaml from ipaddress import ip_address from typing import Dict, Optional from decorator import decorator import docker from onaptests.masspnfsimulator.MassPnfSim import ( MassPnfSim, get_parser ) def get_config() -> Dict: """Read a config YAML file.""" config = None dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) with open(f"{dir_path}/pnf_config.yaml", "r") as ymlfile: config = yaml.load(ymlfile) return config def get_default_args() -> None: """Prepare default arguments for required operations. Returns: args (argparse.Namespace): default arguments. """ parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args('') return args def switch_workdir(back_pwd: str = None) -> Optional[str]: """Switch work directory temporarily for PNF simulator operations. When `back_pwd` path is provided, it means go back tp the repository you came from. Arguments: back_pwd: path to go back to. Returns: old_pwd (str): previous path. """ sim_file_path = sys.modules[MassPnfSim.__module__].__file__ sim_dir_path = os.path.dirname(sim_file_path) old_pwd = os.getcwd() if not back_pwd: curr_pwd = sim_dir_path else: curr_pwd = back_pwd os.chdir(curr_pwd) return old_pwd @decorator def chdir(func, *args, **kwargs): """Switches to and from the simulator workspace.""" old_pwd = switch_workdir() ret = func(*args, **kwargs) switch_workdir(old_pwd) return ret @chdir def build_image() -> None: """Build simulator image.""" build = getattr(MassPnfSim(), "build") args = get_default_args() build(args) @chdir def remove_image() -> None: """Remove simulator image(s).""" client = docker.from_env() sim_image_name = "nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/masspnf-simulator" images = client.images.list(sim_image_name) for obj in images: client.images.remove(obj.id, force=True) @chdir def bootstrap_simulator() -> None: """Setup simulator(s) repo, data and configs.""" args = get_default_args() config = get_config() # collect settings that will be placed in the simulator directory vesprotocol = config["setup"].get('vesprotocol', "http") vesip = config["setup"].get('vesip', "") vesport = config["setup"].get('vesport', "") vesresource = config["setup"].get('vesresource', "") vesversion = config["setup"].get('vesversion', "") urlves = f"{vesprotocol}://{vesip}:{vesport}/{vesresource}/{vesversion}" # assign to simulator's arguments args.count = config["setup"].get('count', 1) args.urlves = urlves args.ipstart = ip_address(config["setup"].get('ipstart', '')) args.ipfileserver = config["setup"].get('ipfileserver', '') args.typefileserver = config["setup"].get('typefileserver', '') args.user = config["setup"].get('user', '') args.password = config["setup"].get('password', '') # bootstrap with assigned arguments bootstrap = getattr(MassPnfSim(), "bootstrap") bootstrap(args) @chdir def run_container() -> None: """Run simulator container(s).""" start = getattr(MassPnfSim(), "start") args = get_default_args() start(args) @chdir def register() -> None: """Send an event to VES. Use time.sleep(seconds) if registering with VES right after run_container(). Containers take a few seconds to run properly. Normally 5 seconds should be enough. """ time.sleep(5) config = get_config() trigger = getattr(MassPnfSim(), "trigger") args = get_default_args() args.user = config['setup'].get('user', '') args.password = config['setup'].get('password', '') custom_data = config['data'] if custom_data: args.data = custom_data trigger(args) @chdir def stop_container() -> None: """Stop simulator container(s).""" stop = getattr(MassPnfSim(), "stop") args = get_default_args() stop(args) @chdir def remove_simulator() -> None: """Remove simulator container(s).""" clean = getattr(MassPnfSim(), "clean") args = get_default_args() clean(args)