from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum import json from pathlib import Path from typing import List from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape from onapsdk.configuration import settings from onapsdk.exceptions import SettingsError from onaptests.utils.resources import get_resource_location class ReportStepStatus(Enum): """Enum which stores steps execution statuses.""" PASS = "PASS" FAIL = "FAIL" NOT_EXECUTED = "NOT EXECUTED" @dataclass class Report: """Step execution report.""" step_description: str step_execution_status: ReportStepStatus step_execution_duration: float step_component: str class ReportsCollection: """Collection to store steps execution statuses.""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize collection.""" self._collection: list = [] def put(self, item: Report) -> None: """Put execution status dictionary. Args: item (Report): Step report """ self._collection.insert(0, item) @property def report(self) -> List[Report]: """Get report. Build a dictionary with execution statuses. Returns: List[str, str]: Steps name with status dictionary """ return self._collection @property def failed_steps_num(self) -> int: """Number of failed steps in report. Returns: int: How many steps failed """ return sum((1 for step_report in if step_report.step_execution_status == ReportStepStatus.FAIL)) def generate_report(self) -> None: usecase = settings.SERVICE_NAME try: details = settings.SERVICE_DETAILS except (KeyError, AttributeError, SettingsError): details = "" try: components = settings.SERVICE_COMPONENTS except (KeyError, AttributeError, SettingsError): components = "" jinja_env = Environment( autoescape=select_autoescape(['html']), loader=FileSystemLoader(get_resource_location('templates/reporting'))) jinja_env.get_template('reporting.html.j2').stream( report=self, usecase=usecase, details=details, components=components, log_path="./pythonsdk.debug.log").dump( str(Path(settings.REPORTING_FILE_DIRECTORY).joinpath( settings.HTML_REPORTING_FILE_NAME))) report_dict = { 'usecase': usecase, 'details': details, 'components': components, 'steps': [ { 'description': step_report.step_description, 'status': step_report.step_execution_status.value, 'duration': step_report.step_execution_duration, 'component': step_report.step_component } for step_report in reversed( ] } with (Path(settings.REPORTING_FILE_DIRECTORY).joinpath( settings.JSON_REPORTING_FILE_NAME)).open('w') as file: json.dump(report_dict, file, indent=4)