#!/usr/bin/python # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 """Clamp Onboard service class.""" from yaml import load, SafeLoader from onapsdk.sdc.service import Service from onapsdk.sdc.vf import Vf from onapsdk.configuration import settings from ..base import BaseStep, YamlTemplateBaseStep from .service import YamlTemplateVfOnboardStep class OnboardClampStep(YamlTemplateBaseStep): """Onboard class to create CLAMP templates.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize Clamp Onboard object.""" super().__init__(cleanup=BaseStep.HAS_NO_CLEANUP) self._yaml_template: dict = None self.add_step(YamlTemplateVfOnboardStep()) # if "service_name" in kwargs: # self.service_name = kwargs['service_name'] # else: # raise ValueError("Service Name to define") # self.vf_list = [] # self.vsp_list = [] # self.set_logger() @property def description(self) -> str: """Step description.""" return "Onboard service in SDC including a TCA blueprint for CLAMP." @property def component(self) -> str: """Component name.""" return "SDC" @property def yaml_template(self) -> dict: """Step YAML template. Load from file if it's a root step, get from parent otherwise. Returns: dict: Step YAML template """ if self.is_root: if not self._yaml_template: with open(settings.SERVICE_YAML_TEMPLATE, "r") as yaml_template: self._yaml_template: dict = load(yaml_template, SafeLoader) return self._yaml_template return self.parent.yaml_template @property def model_yaml_template(self) -> dict: return {} @property def service_name(self) -> str: """Service name. Get from YAML template if it's a root step, get from parent otherwise. Returns: str: Service name """ if self.is_root: return next(iter(self.yaml_template.keys())) else: return self.parent.service_name @YamlTemplateBaseStep.store_state def execute(self): """Onboard service.""" super().execute() # retrieve the Vf vf = None for sdc_vf in Vf.get_all(): if sdc_vf.name == settings.VF_NAME: vf = sdc_vf self._logger.debug("Vf retrieved %s", vf) service: Service = Service(name=self.service_name, resources=[vf]) service.create() self._logger.info(" Service %s created", service) if not service.distributed: service.add_resource(vf) # we add the artifact to the first VNF self._logger.info("Try to add blueprint to %s", vf.name) payload_file = open(settings.CONFIGURATION_PATH + 'tca-microservice.yaml', 'rb') data = payload_file.read() self._logger.info("DCAE INVENTORY BLUEPRINT file retrieved") service.add_artifact_to_vf(vnf_name=vf.name, artifact_type="DCAE_INVENTORY_BLUEPRINT", artifact_name="tca-microservice.yaml", artifact=data) payload_file.close() service.checkin() service.onboard() self._logger.info("DCAE INVENTORY BLUEPRINT ADDED")