"""Resources module.""" class K8sResource(): """K8sResource class.""" def __init__(self, k8s=None): """Init the k8s resource.""" self.k8s = k8s self.name = "" self.events = [] self.labels = None self.annotations = None if self.k8s: self.name = self.k8s.metadata.name self.labels = self.k8s.metadata.labels self.annotations = self.k8s.metadata.annotations self.specific_k8s_init() if not self.labels: self.labels = {} if not self.annotations: self.annotations = {} def specific_k8s_init(self): """Do the specific part for k8s resource when k8s object is present.""" def __repr__(self): return self.name def __str__(self): return self.name def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, K8sResource): return self.name == other.name return False class K8sPodParentResource(K8sResource): """K8sPodParentResource class.""" def __init__(self, k8s=None): """Init the k8s pod parent resource.""" self.pods = [] self.failed_pods = 0 super().__init__(k8s=k8s) class Pod(K8sResource): """Pod class.""" def __init__(self, k8s=None): """Init the pod.""" self.containers = [] self.init_containers = [] self.running_containers = 0 self.runned_init_containers = 0 self.volumes = {} self.restart_count = 0 self.init_restart_count = 0 self.init_done = True super().__init__(k8s=k8s) def specific_k8s_init(self): """Specific k8s init.""" self.set_volumes(self.k8s.spec.volumes) def set_volumes(self, volumes): """Generate the volume list.""" if volumes is None: return for volume in volumes: volume_name = volume.name self.volumes[volume_name] = {} for volume_type in volume.attribute_map: if volume_type != "name" and getattr(volume, volume_type): self._parse_volume_type(volume, volume_name, volume_type) def _parse_volume_type(self, volume, name, volume_type): """Parse volume type informations.""" self.volumes[name][volume_type] = {} infos = getattr(volume, volume_type) for details in infos.attribute_map: self.volumes[name][volume_type][details] = getattr(infos, details) def ready(self): """Calculate if Pod is ready.""" if self.init_done and self.running_containers == len(self.containers): return True return False class Container(): """Container class.""" def __init__(self, name=""): """Init the container.""" self.name = name self.status = "" self.ready = False self.restart_count = 0 self.image = "" def set_status(self, status): """Generate status for container.""" if status.running: self.status = "Running" else: if status.terminated: self.status = "Terminated ({})".format( status.terminated.reason) else: if status.waiting: self.status = "Waiting ({})".format( status.waiting.reason) else: self.status = "Unknown" class Service(K8sPodParentResource): """Service class.""" def __init__(self, k8s=None): """Init the service.""" self.type = "" super().__init__(k8s=k8s) def specific_k8s_init(self): """Do the specific part for service when k8s object is present.""" self.type = self.k8s.spec.type class Job(K8sPodParentResource): """Job class.""" class Deployment(K8sPodParentResource): """Deployment class.""" class ReplicaSet(K8sPodParentResource): """ReplicaSet class.""" class StatefulSet(K8sPodParentResource): """StatefulSet class.""" class DaemonSet(K8sPodParentResource): """DaemonSet class.""" class Pvc(K8sResource): """Pvc class.""" class ConfigMap(K8sResource): """ConfigMap class.""" class Secret(K8sResource): """Secret class.""" class Ingress(K8sResource): """Ingress class."""